Showing posts with label Practices. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Practices. Show all posts

Friday, August 17, 2018

Kim Kardashian Practices Mortician Makeup on Kris Jenner

Kim Kardashian is apparently in the market for a new career.

Her job as a reality TV star simply must come to an end at some point, as we"re already on Season 15 of her family"s program on E!, whose ratings have been dropping significantly over the past few years.

And she can"t go back to her life as an amateur sex tape actress because he would ruin the reputation she has tried to build up ever since the public got a look at Ray J ramming his erect unit into her private regions.

So what is an Instagram personality to do?

Become a mortician, apparently.

In this unexpected sneak peek at the upcoming episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, the 37-year-old enlists the help of mother Kris Jenner, who she asks to play the role of a corpse because…

… well, we"re not entirely certain why.

Because the script says so, of course, is the unspoken answer.

But Kardashian explains that she has to test her beauty products herself before she can offer them to a professional who prepares the deceased for their funeral.

With that in mind:

“Please lay down,” she tells her mom, who responds in sort of funny fashion by replying:

"I’m not dead, I know I look bad, but I just got out of the shower.”

"What’s your favorite look these days?” Kardashian then asks. “What would you want to go out in? Not like to the store, but … out, out.”

As in dead, in case you aren"t following along here.

Finally, as you"ll see when you hit PLAY on the video here, just when Kim thinks Jenner is “really playing” along, the family matriarch turns the tables and jumps up to frighten her daughter.

“Oh, my God, you really scared me,” Kardashian says wiping tears from her eyes. “I almost peed my pants!”

Elsewhere on an episode that will apparently feature a lot of Kris Jenner, the 62-year old will try to force feed Khloe many donuts.

Click on the above link to see what we mean and tune in to E! on Sunday, August 19 at 9/8c to see Jenner play dead for Kim.

Kim kardashian practices mortician makeup on kris jenner

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Jim Bob Duggar: Under Investigation For Criminal Business Practices?

Jim Bob Duggar has made a name for himself preaching the virtues of humility, modesty, and Christian charity.

However, there are those who believe that the reality star’s lifestyle doesn’t align with his ideals and that Jim Bob has proven chronically unable to practice what he preaches.

It goes without saying that the Duggar patriarch has made millions from his vast media empire.

But what many fans may not realize is that Jim Bob’s business aspirations don’t end there.

Over the years, he’s been involved in everything from politics to real estate, and he shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon.

Jim Bob has sold used cars; he’s launched a towing and repair company; he even bought up a large tract of land near his hometown so that he could lease it to a communications company that hoped to build a transmission tower there.

Basically, if you’re spending money in or around Tontitown, Arkansas, there’s a very good chance Jim Bob is getting a portion of it.

Locals have taken to calling the area “Duggartown,” and not surprisingly, there are many who take issue with a private citizen amassing such an incredible amount of power – and some of those folks share Jim Bob’s last name.

A former Duggar employee informs The Hollywood Gossip that Jim Bob’s second-oldest son, John David Duggar, has clashed with his father repeatedly in recent years.

The issue, it seems is that John David feels Jim Bob has been consumed by greed and reckless spending, and he fears that his father is putting the family at risk, not only by rolling the dice with their savings, but also by constantly butting heads with local authorities.

Just last week, Jim Bob outraged his neighbors with his efforts to have protected land re-zoned for public use so that he could develop it into a “high-end RV park” for the type of Ozark campers who seek to bring their living rooms into the wilderness.

The project has attracted loads of negative publicity, as well as questions about the legality of Jim Bob’s re-zoning efforts.

And now, it appears that this isn’t the first time that Jim Bob’s business initiatives have brought him into murky legal territory in recent years.

The first such incident occurred way back in 1988 when Jim Bob launched a business called Save-N-Go, INC.

Three years later, the Department of the Arkansas Secretary of State revoked Jim Bob’s license upon realizing that he had failed to file an annual report, likely in an effort to conceal his earnings from the IRS.

Jim Bob has run afoul of state and federal governments on several subsequent occasions, with one notable incident occurring just last year:

According to Radar Online, Jim Bob and Michelle launched Duggar Processing, LLC – an umbrella corporation to encompass all of their many business ventures – in May of 2015.

The company was shut down in January of 2017 when once again, Jim Bob’s business license was revoked.

This time authorities claimed that the Duggars had filed to meet tax document requirements in each year that the business had been operational.

Now, many believe that the locals who oppose Jim Bob’s RV park will get their wish, as the project appears to be dead in the water, likely as a result of an investigation into Jim Bob’s long history of shady business ventures.

It’s not always easy to answer the question “what would Jesus do?” but we’re pretty sure the correct response is never “constantly break the law and screw your neighbors in order to line your pockets.”

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, March 29, 2018

Duggar Family Blasted by Fans for Promoting Deadly Parenting Practices

Brace yourselves, folks. This is an upsetting story. Even in the context of the Duggar family.

Jim Bob and Michelle are promoting an ideology even more controversial than their own strict religious beliefs.

And fans are putting the Duggar family on blast.

The Duggars have been plugging an upcoming Marriage Retreat on social media.

“There is still time to register for this amazing marriage retreat! You will not regret it!”

The retreat is to take place as the Forsyth family’s Fort Rock. The problem is that this even will host Michael Pearl and Debi Pearl, authors of the deeply controversial book, To Train Up Your Child.

The book promotes forcing children to eat their least favorite foods until they “like” them, but also depriving your children of food as punishment.

Most significantly, the book encourages parents to hit their children with various objects, including plastic lengths of pipe. This abusive “training” is supposed to begin in infancy.

The methods described are a recipe for breaking a child and doing psychological damage that will last for a person’s entire life.

Except for those victims who die before they even reach adulthood.

As you can imagine, fans were horrified that the Duggars would condone such egregious child-abuse.

Fans on Facebook who are aware of the Pearls and the infamous “methods” that they promote felt crushed and heartbroken when they saw the announcement.

“This makes me so sad,” one wrote. “The Pearls literally promote hitting babies, actual babies.”

That is true. Among other things, the Pearls recommend the cruel “blanket training” that the Duggars practiced with some of their babies.

“They are child abusers. Why you would promote their evil and cruel practices is mind-boggling.”

Another disappointed Duggar fan commented, writing:

“Ahh yes, Fort Rock. Host and supporters of blatant child abusers.”

It’s difficult to argue with these commenters, even if you wanted to.

The “training” that the Pearls espouse to their followers involves using violence and fear to force children into submission.

And yes, it does begin when children are still babies.

The older that the child becomes, the harsher the physical punishments they recommend. Their pernicious book even suggests that parents might wear an object on their person as a constant reminder of the implied threat.

In recent years, police have linked three separate deaths of children to the Pearls, their book, and their ideology.

In each case, the abusive parents were convicted.

And that, of course, barely scratches the surface on the lifelong psychological damage that years of child abuse can inflict.

This isn’t the only time that the Duggars have been linked to abuse, and we don’t just mean hitting their own children or covering things up after Josh molested his sisters.

Member of the Duggar family’s church have shared shocking tales of abuse.

One survivor from the Duggar family church recently revealed that her father molested her as a child, and that the sexual abuse only stopped when he died.

That should have been the end of her suffering, but it was only part of her story.

Naturally, she suffered PTSD symptoms such as depression. Worse, in the eyes of her church and of her religiously devoted mother, she questioned her family’s beliefs.

She says that the church sent her to a “camp” where she was threatened, terrorized, and tortured for months in an effort to force her to fall into line with the church’s beliefs.

Unfortunately, it isn’t a surprise that the Duggars are promoting extreme ideology. Even though the Pearls recommend violence against children, that’s not a foreign concept to the Duggars.

Michelle has used a ruler to punish her very young children. Both producers and at least one of the Duggar children have mentioned that Jim Bob and Michelle keep a rod with which to hit their children.

There are heartbreaking, evil stories behind so many people’s broken childhoods.

The saddest thing of all of this might be that some people who come from these horrible backgrounds go on to repeat this cycle of violence with their own children.


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

"Santa Claus Is Coming to Town" Songwriter"s Family Sues Over Grinch-Like Practices

The family of the guy who wrote “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town” says they’ve been getting nothing but lumps of coal, when they should’ve been cashing in big on the holiday classic. The tune was written by Haven Gillespie way back in the 1930s.…


Saturday, June 24, 2017

Allen Iverson Practices for Debut of Ice Cube"s BIG3 League

Allen Iverson’s got a huge game coming up … and here we are talkin’ ‘bout practice!!! ‘The Answer’ hit the courts at Chelsea Piers in NYC Friday to shoot around with other former NBA stars — like Kenyon Martin — and get ready for the tip-off of…


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Woman Practices Yoga While Free-Bleeding to Raise Awareness: Watch!

Most women of a certain age have a period. It"s totally normal and natural, nothing to be ashamed of.

But still, even though it"s just a regular old bodily function, some shame persists.

To combat that monthly stigma, a yoga instructor named Steph Gongora has shared a video of herself in which she"s wearing white pants and doing a routine on her period — but without wearing anything to stop the bleeding.

"I am a woman, therefore, I bleed," she explains in the caption of the video. "It"s messy, it"s painful, it"s terrible, & it"s beautiful."

She writes that while it"s normal, it"s still something that women try to hide. But unfortunately, many women don"t have the privilege to hide it as well as others.

"Over 100 million young women around the globe miss school or work for lack of adequate menstrual supplies, & fear of what might hapen if the world witnesses A NATURAL BODILY FUNCTION," she says.

She urged women to "stop pretending," to stop using cutesy names for a period "because you"re too afraid to say "I"m bleeding" or "vagina.""

"Educate your daughters," she goes on. "Make them understand that it can be both an inconvenience and a gift, but NEVER something to be ashamed about."

"Educate your sons so they don"t recoil from the word tampon. So when a girl bleeds through her khaki shorts in third period (pun intended), the don"t perpetuate the cycle of shame and intolerance."

Watch Steph in action in the video below:

Woman practices yoga while free bleeding to raise awareness watc

Friday, September 25, 2015

Kim Zolciak -- Practices DWTS Dance Moves In Hospital Room



0925-kim-zolciak-instagramKim Zolciak is so determined to continue on “Dancing with the Stars,” her partner is teaching her moves for next week in her ATL hospital room.

As we reported, Kim said she had a TIA, a mini-stroke, which left her temporarily paralyzed and unable to speak.  She has since regained her movement and speech, but the doctors want to monitor her in the hospital.

We’re told Zolciak’s partner, Tony Dovolani, has been with Kim in her room, teaching her the moves for Monday night’s show.

We’re told Kim has not gotten clearance from her doctors to come back to L.A. for the show, but she’s proceeding as if that will happen.

Sources connected with the show tell us they’ve been informed there’s a good chance she’ll be back.