Friday, September 25, 2015

Kim Zolciak -- Practices DWTS Dance Moves In Hospital Room



0925-kim-zolciak-instagramKim Zolciak is so determined to continue on “Dancing with the Stars,” her partner is teaching her moves for next week in her ATL hospital room.

As we reported, Kim said she had a TIA, a mini-stroke, which left her temporarily paralyzed and unable to speak.  She has since regained her movement and speech, but the doctors want to monitor her in the hospital.

We’re told Zolciak’s partner, Tony Dovolani, has been with Kim in her room, teaching her the moves for Monday night’s show.

We’re told Kim has not gotten clearance from her doctors to come back to L.A. for the show, but she’s proceeding as if that will happen.

Sources connected with the show tell us they’ve been informed there’s a good chance she’ll be back.