Showing posts with label Room. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Room. Show all posts

Friday, January 11, 2019

Auburn Women"s Hoops Causes "Uproar" W/ Locker Room Dance ... Awesome Moves

Breaking News

Need that extra push headin’ into the weekend?? Here’s the Auburn women’s basketball team to get you hyped … with one of the best locker room dance-offs you’ll ever see!!
The Tigers turned their locker room into to a dance party with an incredible...
Auburn Women"s Hoops Causes "Uproar" W/ Locker Room Dance ... Awesome Moves

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Friday, November 30, 2018

Monday, October 1, 2018

Chicago Bears Throw Locker Room Disco Ball Party After Destroying Bucs

Big win means big dance party for the Chicago Bears — who broke out the disco ball in the team locker room after beating the brakes off the Bucs … and TURNED UP!!! It’s become a tradition for the Bears — with head coach Matt Nagy believing his…


Friday, August 10, 2018

Andrew Luck Has Crazy Abs In Colts Locker Room Video

Did you know Andrew Luck was jacked? We didn’t … until now.  The Indianapolis Colts QB was flexin’ a legit 6-pack Thursday night in the locker room after his pre-season game against the Seattle Seahawks … a game where he went 6-9 for 64…


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Jake Paul Pummels Opponent In Living Room Boxing Sesh

Logan Paul ain’t the only Paul whoopin’ ass in the ring … Here’s little bro Jake Paul beating the snot out of one his sparring partners ahead of his huge fight with KSI’s little bro, Deji, on August 25. Paul hits him with a few body shots, then a…


Saturday, June 30, 2018

Wilt Chamberlain"s Famous Sex Room Mansion For Sale For $18.99 mil

The place where Wilt Chamberlain famously banged a large portion of his alleged 20,000 hookups is for sale … and can be yours for a small fee of $ 18.99 MILLION!! You know the story … the NBA legend claimed the number of women he slept with was…


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Kate Spade Had Anxiety Meds in Her Room, No Illegal Drugs

Cops investigating Kate Spade’s suicide found a variety of anxiety meds at her death scene, but no illegal drugs … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell us NYPD officers combing through Kate’s Park Avenue home came across the anxiety meds,…


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Offset"s $150k Chain Stolen from Hotel Room

Offset’s neck is a little lighter today, and he ain’t happy about it — someone jacked a $ 150,000 chain out of his NYC hotel room … TMZ has learned. According to law enforcement sources, the chain was stolen sometime Tuesday evening from Offset’s…


Thursday, April 26, 2018

Twitter to Kanye West & Donald Trump: Get a Room, You Two!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Kanye West has spent the week documenting his latest meltdown on Twitter.

And weirdly, a lot of folks seem less interested in the legitimate causes for concern – such as the revelation that Kanye struggled with an opioid addiction – and more worried about the fact that his political beliefs are different than what they would have assumed.

Is it surprising that Kanye loves Donald Trump?

In a sense, yes, as this is the same man who famously declared “George Bush doesn’t care about black people” during a live telecast.

But in another sense, we can’t imagine anyone who’s well-acquainted with Kanye’s outsized personality actually being surprised that dude identifies with Trump.

Both men are basically sentient egos brought to life in a lab.

You could reverse the names on Kanye and Trump’s tweets, and no one would really notice.

We’ve known that Kanye is a Trump supporter since 2016, but we suppose the fact that Yeezy has stuck by the Donald’s side throughout his disastrous 15 months in office is a bit unexpected.

It’s also surprising to learn that Kanye doesn’t just like Donald Trump … he full-on loooooooves his president.

Naturally, Twitter is having a field day with this outpouring of political affection, and the memes have been flying fast and furious.

“I had this crazy dream my favorite artist who was known for being progressive endorsed Trump. Whew. That was scary,” tweeted @imjsanch.

Donald and Kanye

“Gonna be wild when yeezy season 6 includes distressed MAGA caps,” @NathanZed tweeted in one of those jokes that may well turn out to be an accurate prediction of the future.

“Kanye is basically Trump if his wife liked him,” @JesseMclaren aptly observed.

Of course, ‘Ye has also received support from some of his famous friends, including the uber-progressive Chance the Rapper, who tweeted:

“Black people don’t have to be Democrats.”

Yeezy & Sleazy

Naturally, Chance received a fair amount of backlash for that observation, but it’s important to remember that it’s not necessary to box in large segments of the population, or to disavow everything that Kanye has accomplished and the aspects of his character that you might still be able to appreciate simply because you don’t agree with his political beliefs.

At this point, folks are furiously rewriting the man’s history and distancing themselves from their own past opinions, and it’s a little strange to observe.

There’s also this weird phenomenon happening where people want prescience points simply because they don’t appreciate the fact that Ye’s been dropping classics since “Through the Wire.”

That’s how you end up with white people who are only vaguely aware of the concept of hip-hop boasting that they were never Kanye fans to begin with, goshdarnit!

Get Out, Kanye

They might be from opposite ends of the political spectrum, but these people share a lot in common with the Angry Karens who have never watched a down of football but were quick to inform their 43 Facebook friends that they never liked that Colin Kaepernick to begin with!

Of course it’s upsetting to learn that a progressive voice in the black community has aligned himself with a president who’s emboldened white supremacists and who still hopes to decorate our country’s southern border with a multi-billion dollar monument to racism.

But when we bust out the torches and pitchforks simply because we don’t like Kanye West has to say, we sacrifice something significant.

The comparisons between the folks trying to shush Kanye and the Laura Ingraham “shut up and dribble” crowd aren’t entirely accurate, but it’s occasions like this that test our commitment to freedom of expression and that old Patrick Henry chestnut about defending one’s right to say things you don’t agree with.

So by all means, keep the memes coming, but maybe stop calling for Yeezy to be banned or questioning his mental health

And definitely stop bragging that you never liked the guy or threatening to boycott his next album.

That just makes it sound like you don’t appreciate good music, which is very nearly as bad as expressing dumb political opinions on social media.


Thursday, April 12, 2018

Khloe Kardashian Will Let Tristan Thompson Into Delivery Room

Khloe Kardashian won’t let Tristan Thompson’s cheating ways deny him of the opportunity to witness the birth of his daughter … TMZ has learned. Sources familiar with the situation tell us Khloe’s devastated by the recent revelations, but…


Friday, March 23, 2018

Jonah Hill"s Brother Had Traces of Cocaine, Nitrous Canisters in Room at Time of Death

Music manager Jordan Feldstein — Jonah Hill’s older brother — had Whip-It! canisters all over the room where he was found dead … according to the Coroner’s Office. In the docs, the Coroner says Jordan had multiple canisters of nitrous strewn…


Jonah Hill"s Brother Had Traces of Cocaine, Nitrous Canisters in Room at Time of Death

Music manager Jordan Feldstein — Jonah Hill’s older brother — had Whip-It! canisters all over the room where he was found dead … according to the Coroner’s Office. In the docs, the Coroner says Jordan had multiple canisters of nitrous strewn…


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Ellen DeGeneres Gifts Jimmy Kimmel a Hospital Room Named in His Son"s Honor

There"s more to Jimmy Kimmel than interviews with Stormy Daniels or with The Bachelor favorite Bekah Martinez. He"s a husband and a father.

He"s opened up on his show about his son Billy"s serious congenital heart problems that require multiple surgeries.

As you"ll see in the sweet video below, Ellen DeGeneres has found a beautiful and meaningful way to honor his son"s health battle.

Jimmy kimmel and ellen 02

Jimmy Kimmel and Ellen DeGeneres affirm their friendship.

The two then discuss Jimmy Kimmel"s young son"s ongoing health battle. He was born with genetic heart disease.

Congenital heart problems can often be serious or even fatal, but Billy has undergone surgeries in an attempt to save his lie.

It"s hard on Jimmy Kimmel and his wife. It"s harder still on Billy.

When Ellen shares that she"s about to spring one of her famous surprises on Jimmy Kimmel, he looks genuinely surprised.

Jimmy kimmel hand pinch

(Here, we see Jimmy Kimmel pinching his hand in an attempt to use acupressure to prevent himself for crying. Ellen tells him that the pressure point is for headaches. He"s so goofy)

As it turns out, the wonderful surprise that Ellen has for Jimmy and his family is that she"s had a hospital room named after Billy.

It is named in honor of him, not in memory — Billy is alive, folks.

It"s a sweet move. Cynical critics might describe it as an "empty gesture," but it"s not like Ellen can just magically heal Jimmy"s son. This is a sweet thing to do.

And Ellen had another surprise for Jimmy Kimmel — she had some of his son"s nurses from the hospital in the audience.

Jimmy kimmel and ellen 01

Jimmy Kimmel has brought his son onto the stage with him as he continues to share Billy"s health battle with audiences.

His candid sharing of that part of his life has made him one of the most vocal supporters of health care reform.

Many point to his moving, tearful monologues when they talk about the need for universal health care — that no one and especially no child should be condemned to die because they aren"t rich.

Jimmy Kimmel of course, is rich enough to afford his son"s treatments.

Any other family would have to try crowdsourcing or bankruptcy in an effort to save their baby"s life.

Jimmy kimmel fights back tears

During his interview with Ellen, Jimmy Kimmel opens up about how emotional he gets.

As we mention, he shares that he sometimes pinches an acupressure point on his hand as an effort to hold back tears.

Ellen corrects him — acupressure points can sometimes have multiple purposes, but the point that he pinches to no avail is supposed to help with headache relief.

So, you know, no wonder that doesn"t work for him.

Also, his teary eyes are a refreshing dose of emotional honesty in a society that tries to tell men that they"re not supposed to cry.

Jimmy kimmel and ellen degeneres

As you can see in the video below, both Jimmy and Ellen are delights.

But you probably already knew that.

(Of course, people who think that Ellen DeGeneres is part of the "deep state" that the US doesn"t have in the first place probably think that Jimmy"s part of the same nonexistent organization)

Watch this sweet video — and hear Jimmy Kimmel"s anecdote of crying at someone else"s wedding when he worked as a DJ.

Ellen degeneres gifts jimmy kimmel a hospital room in his sons h

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Dana White Drops $69k On Samurai Swords "For My Weapons Room"

Dana White is building a personal weapons room in his Vegas mansion (for real) — and he hit up the guys from “Pawn Stars” to buy a REAL combat-used samurai sword.  The UFC boss had a hard bargaining sesh with Chumlee and Big Hoss over the…


Monday, February 5, 2018

Viper Room Bartender Sues Transgender Manager for Sexual Harassment

An ex-bartender at the world famous Viper Room claims his transgender manager got too touchy, feely, and way too revealing about her transition … while on the job. The manager’s name is Maci Wilson, but she used to go by Mike Wilson before…


Super Bowl Champs Rip Hennessy Shots for Locker Room Turn Up

 The Eagles locker room was turnt to the max after winning the Super Bowl last night … bustin’ out a bottle of Hennessy and blasting the Meek Mill bangers to cap off the big win!! Check out the players lettin’ loose with “big shots”…


Monday, January 22, 2018

Eagles Locker Room Turnt Up After They Punished The Vikings

Here’s video of the Philadelphia Eagles dancing their damn faces off after destroying the Minnesota Vikings … and we gotta say, the guys look like they could’ve gone another two quarters. Moments after the game was over, WR Alshon Jeffery…


Thursday, January 18, 2018

Jermaine O"Neal Says Locker Room Fights Were Real When He Played in NBA

It ain’t too often you see off-court action like Rockets vs. Clippers … but Jermaine O’Neal says when he balled, some players would make it a point to meet in the locker room. “We’ve had a couple guys in the past that will make it…


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Mark in "The Room" "Memba Him?!

Greg Sestero is best known for playing the promiscuous friend, Mark — opposite Tommy Wiseau as Johnny — in the 2003 cult classic, “The Room.” Guess what he looks like now!
