Showing posts with label Meds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meds. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Simone Biles Takes Anxiety Meds, Therapy Over Larry Nassar Sexual Abuse

Breaking News

U.S. Olympic superstar Simone Biles says she’s still traumatized from the sexual abuse she suffered at the hands of Larry Nassar … and has sought professional help for treatment. 
Biles appeared on “Good Morning America” on Tuesday where Robin Roberts asked ...
Simone Biles Takes Anxiety Meds, Therapy Over Larry Nassar Sexual Abuse

Simone Biles Takes Anxiety Meds, Therapy ... Over Larry Nassar Sexual Abuse

Breaking News

U.S. Olympic superstar Simone Biles says she’s still traumatized from the sexual abuse she suffered at the hands of Larry Nassar … and has sought professional help for treatment. 
Biles appeared on “Good Morning America” on Tuesday where Robin Roberts asked ...
Simone Biles Takes Anxiety Meds, Therapy ... Over Larry Nassar Sexual Abuse

Simone Biles Takes Anxiety Meds, Therapy ... Over Larry Nassar Sexual Abuse

Breaking News

U.S. Olympic superstar Simone Biles says she’s still traumatized from the sexual abuse she suffered at the hands of Larry Nassar … and has sought professional help for treatment. 
Biles appeared on “Good Morning America” on Tuesday where Robin Roberts asked ...
Simone Biles Takes Anxiety Meds, Therapy ... Over Larry Nassar Sexual Abuse

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Johnny Manziel In Concussion Protocol, Blames Complications from Rx Meds

The Montreal Alouettes have placed Johnny Manziel in the concussion protocol following a massive hit he took on Saturday — though the QB says it’s Rx medication that’s making him feel off. Manziel took a monster shot at the goal line in Saturday’s…


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Kate Spade Had Anxiety Meds in Her Room, No Illegal Drugs

Cops investigating Kate Spade’s suicide found a variety of anxiety meds at her death scene, but no illegal drugs … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell us NYPD officers combing through Kate’s Park Avenue home came across the anxiety meds,…


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Johnny Manziel Hospitalized In Texas Over Rx Meds

Johnny Manziel was hospitalized Monday night in Texas, TMZ Sports has learned.  Sources connected to the QB tell us … he was admitted to a hospital in Humble, TX on Monday. He had been in the area to attend the JMBLYA concert with friends…


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Kanye West Going Off Meds Could Explain Slavery is "a Choice" Comment

Kanye West is not taking his meds, and people close to him believe some of the comments he made on “TMZ Live” were a result of that. Kanye himself said he was shunning doctors who ordered him to take 3 pills a day … he says it seriously messed…


Friday, December 22, 2017

Tyron Woodley: I Challenged Dana White to a Fight While Drugged Up on Meds

Ever challenge your boss to a fist fight while hopped up on painkillers? That’s exactly what Tyron Woodley did earlier this week … when he texted Dana White in a post-surgery haze. No, we’re not kidding. Tyron told us all about it on “The…


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Tamar Braxton Rushed To Hospital After Bad Reaction To Flu Meds

Tamar Braxton is in the hospital fighting the flu and had a bad reaction to her flu meds … TMZ has learned. We’re told Tamar started feeling ill earlier this week while promoting her new album, “Bluebird of Happiness,” in New York. She bowed out…


Friday, March 3, 2017

Chris Brown: Off His Meds, Threatening to Shoot Karrueche"s Friends

R&B superstar Chris Brown has had a long and tumultuous relationship with fame, and according to a new report, he is losing the fight.

A Billboard expose on his life today paints a picture of a deeply troubled, disturbed young man prone to dangerous, often violent tendencies.

Still only 27, Brown rose to fame in 2005 with the release of his self-titled debut album, then fell from grace after beating Rihanna in 2009.

While he rebuilt his career to the point where he still works with (and is one of) the top names in music, he has always lived on the edge.

Brown has spent time in jail for violating probation, and has run afoul of the law often since the infamous assault on his famous ex.

He then kicked off 2017 with a feud with Soulja Boy over another ex, Karrueche Tran, who sought a restraining order against Brown.

Earlier this week, Tran’s friend also reportedly filed a restraining order against Brown after the star allegedly threatened to shoot him.

Accusations of Chris beating up Karrueche have also surfaced in recent weeks. Even for Brown, these bouts of anger are unusual.

One source close to the singer fears that it may end badly, telling Billboard, “I got to say with all my heart, he’s dancing with death.”

Brown reportedly doesn’t take medication for his bipolar II disorder, according to the source, despite being diagnosed with it in 2014.

The condition, defined by depressive and hypomanic episodes, is often set off by periods of extreme stress or drug and alcohol use.

According to people close to him (not just Soulja Boy, who spoke of this often during their feud), the singer allegedly uses a litany of drugs.

Chris is known to smoke pot, sip on lean (a mixture of promethazine, codeine syrup and a soft drink), and go on cocaine or Molly binges.

Brown’s former manager, Mike G, accused the star of pummeling him in a “drug-fueled rage” last year. (Mike G. quit that very day.)

Brown used to meditate to combat his aggression after he was jailed in October 2013 for violating probation by punching a man in D.C.

When he finally got out in June 2014, friends and family felt they saw a changed man at a surprise party then-GF Tran threw for him.

Chris’ longtime choreographer, Flii Stylz, said he would “sit down and meditate. I liked that Chris meditated when he was frustrated.”

It’s not clear if he still does this, but the singer’s troubled childhood (he lost his virginity at age eight) is clearly at the root of his issues.

He remains occasional contact with his father, Clinton Brown, who split with his mother, Joyce Hawkins, when Chris was just 6 years old.

Hawkins “keeps a distance from Chris,” according to insiders, though “when the baby [Royalty] came into play, they became much cooler.”

Just as friends thought a stint in jail might mellow him out, Royalty’s arrival seemed to signal a shift in his lifestyle, only to be short lived.

Chris has admitted being an Internet stalker and reportedly punishes crew members, not just his exes, on tour if he’s in a foul mood.

After he beat up his manager who quit, Chris allegedly went without one during his One Hell of a Nite tour, which kicked off in May 2016.

Increasingly reckless, his temper would flare.

We had no manager telling us what to do or where we were going,” one former security team member said of the harrowing tour.

“He would make people sleep on the bus [instead of hotels] when he was mad at them. He was threatening people and cops.”

“He was calling himself the devil.”

Think he can turn this around anytime soon?

We can only hope, for the sake of his daughter and those around him who still care about him, that he gets professional help, fast.

It’s incredible that his talent has carried him this far and sustains such an erratic lifestyle, but this is not going to end well otherwise.


Saturday, December 3, 2016

Kanye West -- Meds Are the Issue

Kanye West is out of the hospital but not out of the woods, and it all stems from the rapper’s erratic pattern of taking his meds … sources connected with the family tell TMZ. Our sources say Kanye has long suffered from psychological issues…


Sunday, May 22, 2016

Amber Riley TELLS OFF Fat-Shamers While High on Meds: WATCH!

Whatever Amber Riley"s on, we want some.

After undergoing oral surgery, Riley took to Instagram and totally went off on anyone who might think to body-shame her, and she does NOT hold back.

"You know, there are just some things which my sober mind keeps me from sharing," she starts.

"That ends tonight. I"ve got some things I need to get off my chest."


"Why does me being fat offend so many people?" she continued. "Is it because I"m confident and I"m fly and I"m sexy?" 

"Do my thighs offend? Does my stomach offend? Does my big, juicy ass offend? Why?! Why?!"

Good question.


The Glee actress goes on to say she doesn"t discriminate, so why should you?

"Let my big ass live. I let you all live. I love all colors, shapes and sizes," she reasoned. "So, just so you know, when you come on here and you call me fat, it"s not an insult, dummy."

"My ass is fat, and the fellas love it. And so do I. So eat it."

Oh, hell yeah! Eat it, indeed, dummies.

The actress shared several more funny videos of herself, capping it off with a good night message saying she was having some fun.

"I wasn"t joking about the meds, though. I really am high," she admitted.

Riley"s not the only celeb to lay into body shamers in the past couple weeks. 

Model Tess Holliday shared a nude pregnancy pic and told haters to STFU about her physique.

"What I"ve had to be learn to be okay with (WHICH IS NOT COOL) is the fact that people still think it"s okay to comment on my body," she wrote.

Riley and Holliday join a number of fed-up celebs who have spoken out against body shaming, including Demi Lovato, Ashley Graham, Melissa McCarthy and Blac Chyna.

Amber riley tells off fat shamers while high on meds

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Charlie Sheen Stops Taking HIV Meds; Actor"s Condition Worsens

As you’ve probably heard, Charlie Sheen revealed that he’s HIV positive in an interview with NBC’s Matt Lauer back in November.

In the weeks that followed, Sheen claimed to have sworn off booze and drugs, and insisted that he was following every order given to him by his doctor.

Unfortunately, it seems that Sheen’s doctor is a controversial quack who claims to be able to cure any disease, and who instructed Sheen to stop taking the life-saving medications that had previously been prescribed to him.

Sheen recently sat for an interview with Dr. Oz, during which he revealed – much to the Oz’s dismay – that he had recently traveled to Mexico in order to seek medical advice from a doctor named Sam Chachoua.

“I’m been off my meds for about a week now,” he said in a pre-taped segment for The Dr. Oz Show Tuesday. “Am I risking my life? Sure. So what? I was born dead. That part of it doesn’t phase me at all.” 

Oz spoke to Chachoua who described Sheen as “the first adult in history to go HIV negative.”

“I drew some blood from him and I injected myself with it,” Chachoua continued. “I said, ‘Charlie, if I don’t know what I’m doing, then we’re both in trouble now aren’t we?"” 

Unfortunately, it seems that if Chachoua is telling the truth about injecting himself with Sheen’s blood, he’s in a good deal of trouble, indeed.

“I’m a little off my game because right before I walked out here, I got some results I was disappointed about,” Sheen told Oz during their interview.

“I had been non-detectable, non-detectable and checking the blood every week and then found out the numbers are back up.”

When Oz informed Sheen that the reason the HIV in his blood had returned to detectable levels for the first time in several years was because he’d stopped taking his meds, the actor became defensive.

“I didn’t see it as Russian roulette,” Sheen said. “I didn’t see it as a complete dismissal of the conventional course we’ve been on. I’m not recommending that anyone – I’m presenting myself as a type of guinea pig.” 

Sadly, it seems that Sheen is sticking with the reckless lifestyle that helped to make him one of Hollywood’s most notorious stars.

Unfortunately, this time, he may be putting himself in more immediate danger than ever before.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Charlie Sheen: Back on Crack, Neglecting HIV Meds, Ex-Girlfriend Claims

It’s been almost three weeks since Charlie Sheen revealed that he’s HIV positive during an interview with Matt Lauer, and the wild and bizarre stories about the bad boy actor’s personal life haven’t stopped since.

Sheen’s been accused of hiding his condition from sex partners, thus putting their health in serious peril.

Some have gone so far as to call Sheen a “criminal” and claim that he slept with scores of men and women without revealing his diagnosis. 

Now, a woman who knows Sheen very well – his former fiance Brett Rossi (aka Scottine Sheen) – claims that Charlie eventually told her about her diagnosis, but only after putting her at risk on hundreds of occasions.

According to court papers obtained by Radar Online, Rossi is suing Sheen, claiming that even after he revealed his diagnosis, Sheen would regularly put both of their lives at risk by using hard drugs and neglecting to take his HIV treatment medication.

“Between July and September 2014, Sheen became increasingly less responsible in taking his HIV medication as a result of his illegal drug use,” Rossi’s lawyers claim

They go on to state that during that time “he had relapsed on crack cocaine…he had used crack cocaine at least three times that month.”

Rossi says that she would ask “if he was taking the medication, and he would convince her he was, but then she would determine later that, in fact, he was not taking it at certain times.”

According to her lawyers (and anyone with common sense), “This was very concerning…as he put her at substantial risk of contracting HIV by not taking his medication.”

Attorneys for the former adult film star say this behavior continued throughout the relationship and was a contributing factor to Sheen and Rossi’s breakup back in November of 2014.

Sadly, Rossi says she believes that Sheen is still taking potentially deadly risks with his health.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Jenelle Evans: Refusing Meds for Head Injury, Worried She"ll Get Addicted, Source Claims

Last week, we reported that Jenelle Evans suffered a head injury when she fell in her driveway after returning home from a night out.

Given Jenelle’s history of drug addiction, many fans were concerned that the Teen Mom star’s fall was the result of a relapse.

Fortunately, it seems that Jenelle is still committed to staying sober. In fact, Radar Online is reporting that Jenelle has refused any prescription pain medications for fear that she’ll get hooked.

“Jenelle is in pain and taking Tylenol for it,” says one insider. “She didn’t get any medicines and didn’t want any.”

“She still can’t open her jaw all the way to eat,” the source says. “Jenelle feels like she broke her jaw and she also still has stitches in. It’s all scabbed up now.”

The source adds that Jenelle fell to her knees before her face hit the pavement.

“The bruise on her knee is horrible,” the insider says. “It covers her entire knee.” The source adds that Jenelle is in rough shape, but she’s healing on schedule.

Apparently, one bright spot throughout the ordeal has been Jenelle’s new boyfriend, David Eason.

“He’s a huge help,” the source says of Eason. “He cleans and cooks — even after working all day.”

Yes, Jenelle Evans is in a stable relationship and turning down drugs. We guess people can change!