Showing posts with label 'CRACK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 'CRACK. Show all posts

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Rob Ford Crack Video Surfaces; Late Mayor Hits Pipe, Rips P.M.

Five months after his death, a new video of late Toronto mayor Rob Ford smoking crack has just been released to the public.

Not to be confused with the previous Rob Ford crack videos. It"s a sad, but true statement that there have now been multiple.

The newly-surfaced Rob Ford crack video (below) is from 2013.

In it, Ford hits the crack pipe while a friend trashes then-future Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, who was elected in 2015.

The friend says, "I"d like to get that f–king Justin Trudeau and shove my foot as far up his ass because I"m sure it would go real far."

Ford laughs and concurs, adding "He"s a fat dick."

Rob, who admitted smoking crack during his tenure as mayor of Toronto, also says he dislikes the notion that he"s a right wing radical.

Ford doesn"t realize he"s being recorded until the very end of the video, according to TMZ, which posted the shocking footage Thursday.

In March of this year, Rob Ford died in Canada.

As for how this new video clip of the late politician surfaced? It was used as in exhibit in the extortion trial of a Ford friend, Sandro Lisi.

Lisi, bizarrely enough, was charged with trying to extort a gang member to obtain the clip – a charge that was eventually dropped.

Once the case was no longer active, the court lifted a gag order on the latest Ford crack video and it was released to the public.

Ford denied he was an addict despite the rampant drug use that gained him international notoriety during his tenure in office.

Rob ford crack video surfaces late toronto mayor calls f king ju

Rob Ford Crack Video Surfaces; Late Mayor Hits Pipe, Rips P.M.

Five months after his death, a new video of late Toronto mayor Rob Ford smoking crack has just been released to the public.

Not to be confused with the previous Rob Ford crack videos. It"s a sad, but true statement that there have now been multiple.

The newly-surfaced Rob Ford crack video (below) is from 2013.

In it, Ford hits the crack pipe while a friend trashes then-future Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, who was elected in 2015.

The friend says, "I"d like to get that f–king Justin Trudeau and shove my foot as far up his ass because I"m sure it would go real far."

Ford laughs and concurs, adding "He"s a fat dick."

Rob, who admitted smoking crack during his tenure as mayor of Toronto, also says he dislikes the notion that he"s a right wing radical.

Ford doesn"t realize he"s being recorded until the very end of the video, according to TMZ, which posted the shocking footage Thursday.

In March of this year, Rob Ford died in Canada.

As for how this new video clip of the late politician surfaced? It was used as in exhibit in the extortion trial of a Ford friend, Sandro Lisi.

Lisi, bizarrely enough, was charged with trying to extort a gang member to obtain the clip – a charge that was eventually dropped.

Once the case was no longer active, the court lifted a gag order on the latest Ford crack video and it was released to the public.

Ford denied he was an addict despite the rampant drug use that gained him international notoriety during his tenure in office.

Rob ford crack video surfaces late toronto mayor calls f king ju

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Lamar Odom: Not Homeless! Probably Not on Crack!

Lamar Odom has a home.

But does he also have a drug problem?

Over the past few days, a new round of rumors have circulated in regard to the former basketball player and estranged husband of Khloe Kardashian.

As previously reported, for example, a family member allegedly found a crack pipe inside the home Lamar was renting from Khloe.

In response to this disappointing discovery, Khloe gave Odom the boot.

Headlines across the Internet subsequent screamed yesterday that LAMAR ODOM IS HOMELESS AND OFF THE WAGON AND IN SERIOUS TROUBLE AGAIN.

But E! News says we should not believe everything we read online, which is a jarring claim to make.

“Lamar’s not homeless. He has a nice place in California,” an insider close to Odom tells the outlet. “It’s just a lie.”

A second source explains that Odom renting a home near Sherman Oaks, having moved out of the aforementioned Calabasas rental a few weeks ago.

“It was always a temporary agreement that he live there until he gets back on his feet,” this insider says.

What about the assertion that Odom is back on the crack train? That his addiction has once again taken over his life?

E! News goes on to write that Lamar is spending a great deal of time with his kids.

Moreover, he is taking part in an outpatient program that is comprised counseling and professional assistiance to help him remain on the right track. 

He’s clean. He’s sober. And he’s focused on remaining that way.

“He is doing well,” E! reports.

“He is determined to stay on the straight and narrow and wants to be the best father he can possibly be and he is doing the work required to achieve that.

“It is not easy, but he is focused and determined.”

We very much hope that’s the case.

Last week, Odom responded to Kardashian’s divorce filing in which he cited “irreconcilable differences” as the basis behind the couple’s split.

They had been married for nearly four years when Lamar’s demons caught back up to him, forcing Khloe to separate from the love of her life due to his drug habit and admitted cheating back in 2014.

In his legal response a few days ago, Lamar also requested that the judge deny the court’s ability to award Khloe with spousal support.

E! concludes that Odom is no longer trying to win Khloe back.

Nor is he looking for a new girlfriend or anything like that.

Considering Lamar nearly died in October when he fell unconscious in Nevada after a drug overdose, there are only two issues on the star’s mind these days.

“His priorities are his children and his health,” the website’s source says.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Khloe Kardashian Kicks Lamar Odom Out of Rental Home After Crack Pipe Found

Lamar Odom has been kicked to the curb by Khloe Kardashian.

In the literal sense. He was asked to leave her rental property.

They were once ride-or-die. Now Khloe wants to ride off into the sunset alone, since she fears Lamar will abuse drugs until he actually dies.

It’s sad, but this is where we’ve come to at this point:

Former NBA All-Star Lamar Odom is a vagabond drifter without a home, following Khloe’s expulsion of him from her Calabasas rental.

After Lamar overdosed and almost died last fall, Khloe leased the house for $ 25,000 A MONTH so he’d have a nice place to recover.

Just blocks away from her own crib, no less.

She wanted to be near her estranged husband to help in his recovery, and called off their divorce in hopes of prioritizing that and reconciling.

Obviously, that didn’t end up happening, as the two are now back on track to divorce amid rumors that Odom is back on crack once again.

Speaking of which … the last straw with the rental came just last month when a family member discovered a crack pipe on the property.

Amazing. As such, she booted his ass out.

The lease was set to expire at the end of last month anyway, so all she had to do was stop paying, but still. That’s what she did, and abruptly.

As for what Lamar is doing now? Get this:

TMZ sources report that he’s gone back to his nomadic ways, going from house to house, staying with pals in the San Fernando Valley. 

Sounds incredibly healthy as always.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Father Take #CheerioChallenge, Crack Up the Internet

The #CheerioChallenge is taking over the Internet.

Are you up for it, fathers around the world?

The #CheerioChallenge is as simple as the food at the center of it is delicious: take a sleeping child, take some Cheerios and see how many you can stack on their face at once.

Here"s a look at how various dads have fared so far:

1. Challenge, Extended!

Challenge extended

The Twitter user who started this trend opened with a solid showing of five Cheerios.

2. Impressive Stacks


Way to use multiple body parts!

3. None the Wiser

None the wiser

We also love the penguin pacifier.

4. 4?!?


What is this, amateur hour?!?

5. Got Her!

Got her

Stay asleep, honey. Nothing to see here.

6. Shhh….


He sure is pretty when he sleeps, isn’t it?

View Slideshow

Friday, June 3, 2016

Lamar Odom: Back on Crack?!?

It has been a rough couple weeks for Lamar Odom.

But a new report details exactly how rough it has been for Lamar Odom… and the answer is scarier than we had previously imagined.

According to TMZ insiders, multiple people close to Odom say the former basketball star has been acting very strange of late.

Curious and concerned about his behavior, they went to his home in Calabasas some time in the past couple weeks and were stunned by what they found:

There was drug paraphernalia everywhere. And it included crack pipes, baggies and roaches.

Afraid for their friend’s life, these individuals tried to convince Odom that he needs to check into rehab.

But he wasn’t hearing it.

Odom, tragically, has a long history of hard drug use.

Back in September of 2013, Polina Polonsky said that Odom would fashion crack pipes at her residence while the two carried on an affair.

There was also that video Odom recorded with a friend (who has since died of a drug overdose) in which Lamar rapped about cheating on Khloe and which prompted many to speculate that the star was doing crack.

Lamar, of course, overdosed on other substances this past October.

He fell unconscious inside a Nevada brothel and doctors believed at one point that he only had a 50 percent chance of survival.

But Kardashian helped nurse Odom back to health and friends were hoping he had turned his life around.

However, he has since been seen drinking and acting as if he is invincible.

In recent weeks, Khloe has filed for divorce from Odom and also been spotted getting close to New York Giants wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr.

Sources have said Odom is upset over the rumored relationship because he knows he can’t compete with Beckham for Khloe’s affections.

So we can’t say for certain whether or not Odom is back on crack.

But the circumstances in his life these days make it more likely for us to believe the chatter.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Charlie Sheen: Back on Crack, Neglecting HIV Meds, Ex-Girlfriend Claims

It’s been almost three weeks since Charlie Sheen revealed that he’s HIV positive during an interview with Matt Lauer, and the wild and bizarre stories about the bad boy actor’s personal life haven’t stopped since.

Sheen’s been accused of hiding his condition from sex partners, thus putting their health in serious peril.

Some have gone so far as to call Sheen a “criminal” and claim that he slept with scores of men and women without revealing his diagnosis. 

Now, a woman who knows Sheen very well – his former fiance Brett Rossi (aka Scottine Sheen) – claims that Charlie eventually told her about her diagnosis, but only after putting her at risk on hundreds of occasions.

According to court papers obtained by Radar Online, Rossi is suing Sheen, claiming that even after he revealed his diagnosis, Sheen would regularly put both of their lives at risk by using hard drugs and neglecting to take his HIV treatment medication.

“Between July and September 2014, Sheen became increasingly less responsible in taking his HIV medication as a result of his illegal drug use,” Rossi’s lawyers claim

They go on to state that during that time “he had relapsed on crack cocaine…he had used crack cocaine at least three times that month.”

Rossi says that she would ask “if he was taking the medication, and he would convince her he was, but then she would determine later that, in fact, he was not taking it at certain times.”

According to her lawyers (and anyone with common sense), “This was very concerning…as he put her at substantial risk of contracting HIV by not taking his medication.”

Attorneys for the former adult film star say this behavior continued throughout the relationship and was a contributing factor to Sheen and Rossi’s breakup back in November of 2014.

Sadly, Rossi says she believes that Sheen is still taking potentially deadly risks with his health.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Country Music Stars Read Mean Tweets, Crack Us Up

Jimmy Kimmel got involved with some cross-promotion on ABC last night.

Soon after the 2015 Country Music Awards aired on that network, the talk show host treated viewers to another edition of celebrities reading mean Tweets about themselves.

This time, however, only country music stars were invited to read really cruel stuff aloud to the studio audience and millions watching at home.

There was Carrie Underwood, for example, laughing over @thainfamous 365 writing about her:

“Didn’t really like da carrie underwood concert seem do dull it had no excitement bring bcd da soccer team.”

Ouch! We guess! Good luck making sense of that message.

Darius Rucker also proved to be a good sport, sharing a Twitter user’s criticism that read: “Some of my best friends are black but Darrius rucker sucks ass.”

According to a Tim McGraw critic, meanwhile, the artist’s new song was more embarrassing than one’s mother finding one’s penis pump, to which McGraw shot back to the user:

“Reggie, you need to move out, man!”

Even Willie Nelson got in on the Mean Tweets act, going over out a message that suggested marijuana clearly works wonders because Nelson is still alive and he simply won"t die.

"You got it!" he replied, with a big, knowing grin on his face.

As for what made Rascal Flatts laugh uncontrollably? As for who else was the target of pointed, misspelled criticism?

Watch and prepare to LOL many times over now:

Country music stars read mean tweets about themselves