The #CheerioChallenge is taking over the Internet.
Are you up for it, fathers around the world?
The #CheerioChallenge is as simple as the food at the center of it is delicious: take a sleeping child, take some Cheerios and see how many you can stack on their face at once.
Here"s a look at how various dads have fared so far:
1. Challenge, Extended!
The Twitter user who started this trend opened with a solid showing of five Cheerios.
2. Impressive Stacks
Way to use multiple body parts!
3. None the Wiser
We also love the penguin pacifier.
4. 4?!?
What is this, amateur hour?!?
5. Got Her!
Stay asleep, honey. Nothing to see here.
6. Shhh….
He sure is pretty when he sleeps, isn’t it?