Showing posts with label Illegal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Illegal. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Dane Cook Jokes About Gross, Potentially Illegal Relationship with 19-Year Old

It’s not exactly groundbreaking news to state that Dane Cook isn’t funny.

Typically, however, our response to his terrible jokes is to roll our eyes or shake our heads.

When it comes to Cook making quips about his relationship with Kelsi Taylor, though, we need to be restrained from calling the police.

Cook, you see, if 46 yeas old.

Taylor is 19 years old.

The pair went public with their inappropriate relationship in January, at which time Cook referred to Taylor as a “gift.”

This week, meanwhile, in an Instagram Q&A with fans (We know, right? Who knew that Dane Cook had any fans?!?), the so-called comedian responded to a number of inquiries about his unusual romance.

How did they meet, for example?

“At a game night I host at my place,” Cook replied. “We were friends for a while and soon after fell in like with each (other) and then upgraded to love.”

So… they were friends for awhile?

And they actually started dating when Taylor was 18?

Which means Cook was in his early 40s and isn’t just sleeping with a teenager, but he’s sleeping with a teenager who he knew since she was maybe a sophomore in high school?

That is disgusting, borderline illegal and most definitely not a subject to joke about.

But Dane Cook has never met a bad joke he didn’t tell, so he continued…

What advice can Cook give to others in a relationship that involves a large age difference?

The only thing you have to do is plan that your deaths will be somewhat far apart,” he wrote back.

cook joke

Do their families approve of the relationship?

“I love her family and we are pretty close and go to dinner and hang,” Dane responded, adding:

“My family pretty much all died years ago but @_courtneycook_ my sister likes Kelsi a lot.”

What do they like most about each other?

“Kelsi is smart, kind, creative, loyal & honest. As for me I think Kelsi would say I’m tolerable.”

Back in February, in an Instagram caption, Cook noted that Taylor “is warm hearted, smart, sincere & more than anything else we just click.”

He added at this time:

“I have to say I’m the happiest I’ve been in a long time in both my career & personal life.”

Kelsi is an aspiring singer who just released her new album, “Fear of Yourself.”

She has also performed background vocals for Grammy nominees such as Demi Lovato and Little Big Town.

Cook, meanwhile, has dated such stars as Jessica Simpson, Nicole Scherzinger, Julianne Hough and Raquel Houghton.

If Taylor makes him happy, that’s great we guess.

And it is conceivable that two people at these stages of their lives could find true love with one another. Once again… we guess.

But there’s also something sketchy and flat-out gross about a grown man sleeping with a teenager. There just is.

Anyone out there disagree?


Monday, July 23, 2018

Farrah Abraham: I Wish I Could Change My Kid"s Face, Too Bad It"s Illegal!

Farrah Abraham isn"t going to be winning any Mother of the Year awards soon.

Or ever.

Farrah"s parenting was featured on TV for years on Teen Mom OG, and in all that time, we don"t think we saw one good bit of parenting on her part.

But sometimes, even though she"s so awful all the time, she really goes out of her way to be as terrible as humanly possible.

This is one of those times.

1. Poor Sophia

Farrah abraham and sophia on the red carpet

Farrah’s daughter, Sophia, is nine years old now. And since her father passed away before she was born, that means that Sophia has spent nine solid years solely in the care of Farrah and her parents. And that’s sad.

2. What a Time

Farrah and sophia abraham photo

Over the years, Sophia’s been through a lot. She took many tumbles as an infant, thanks to Farrah’s poor supervision, and who could forget the time that Farrah tried to wax her eyebrows when she was just three years old?

3. … What

Farrah abraham and sophia on valentines day

Oh, and the time that Farrah said that she and Sophia liked to spend time apart because “She has her own life and is doing her own thing, and I’m doing mine.” Sophia was four years old then.

4. Bad Ideas

Farrah abraham sucks at photoshop

Now that Sophia is older, it seems like she only has more to lose, like her education. Yep, Farrah has pulled her out of school so she could homeschool her herself. Because that will go well.

5. Ugh

Farrah abraham blonde for single af

Farrah also allows Sophia to get on social media, to attend events usually reserved for adults, and to sit in on conversations that she’s really too young to hear, as evidenced on every episode of Teen Mom OG.

6. Oh Good

Farrah and sophia with flowers

And because all of that isn’t bad enough, now we have to worry about Farrah involving her kid in her plastic surgery obsession.

View Slideshow

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Farrah Abraham: I"d Totally Mess with My Daughter"s Face, But It"s Illegal!

How is Farrah Abraham so awful?

Serious question.

Does she try? She has to try, right?

Maybe she keeps a little diary in which she jots down any ideas she has about terrible things she can do that will get her some attention, that’s a possibility.

Or perhaps she’s smarter than we think she is, and she pretends to be completely incapable of using words as yet another way to get people to talk about her.

Let’s hope that one of those is the case, because if not, if she really is just that bad … well, there’s only so much faith we can lose in humanity, you know?

There are countless examples of Farrah’s revolting ways, but this week alone, she’s really outdone herself.

To start, she was officially charged with battery after that incident last month in which she got violent with a security guard at a hotel in Beverly Hills.

She was also charged with resisting arrest, because apparently you can’t tell police officers to go f-ck themselves without facing some consequences.

After that, she uploaded a video on Facebook in which she was heard trying to convince her poor daughter, Sophia, that it would be a funny prank to tell someone that her dog had died.

And then, just a day later, her dog actually died.

While that’s very sad, of course Farrah had to make it weird by filming a video of herself crying with Sophia over the dog’s body and uploading it to Instagram.

She made it even weirder by taking the dog’s remains to a taxidermist, and calling paparazzi so cameras would be around to catch that bizarre moment.

Like we said, she’s outdone herself this week.

And now, thanks to a new interview, she’s managed to make things even worse.

During the interview, Farrah brought up the topic of altering Sophia’s appearance — Sophia is nine years old, in case you’d forgotten.

“The only thing that Sophia has mentioned that she wanted was cosmetic dentistry, like I have,” she said.

Yep, Sophia, who likely still has some baby teeth, wants veneers, just like her mama!

She was asked about how old Sophia would have to be before she considered getting the veneers, and it really sounds like it it were up to Farrah, she’d already have them.

“It’s not really my eyes,” she explained, “it’s like health codes and what’s legal.”

“The law for that in Texas, where we move back and forth through, is I believe 16 for her to have her cosmetic dentistry done to her teeth.”

It’s interesting, because she could have very easily given an answer along the lines of “she can get them herself as soon as she turns 18.”

You know, a normal answer.

Instead, she admitted that she’s looked up the laws about getting cosmetic procedures done on a child.

And that’s … well, that’s something else.

Sophia was actually there during the interview, and she was asked if she wanted to be just like her mom when she grows up.

“Sophia’s gonna be better than her mom!” Farrah answered.

“Better than my mom,” Sophia echoed.

Thank goodness for that.

It’s just so alarming that Farrah actually seems to have thought about getting her daughter veneers — and possibly other procedures, considering that she said veneers were “the only thing” Sophia’s expressed interest in so far.

Then again, it really shouldn’t be. After all, this is the girl who tried waxing her daughter’s eyebrows when she was three years old

Later in the interview, Farrah was asked about the current state of her relationship with her mother, Debra Danielsen.

“You know what, we have the best relationship,” she answered. “I keep it comfortable with us for our safety and positivity.”

“My mom’s in her own space, and I am in mine, and it’s great.”

She also had one thing to say about her departure from Teen Mom OG — “Thank God.”

However, it sounds like she’s on the lookout for another reality show to take her own.

“I think reality TV loves me,” she said, “I always willl love reality TV.”

Bless her immodest little heart, she added “I’m so well-known and so great in that, but I also know after 10 years of doing something, it’s just natural progression to keep growing — producing, directing, screenwriting, filming.”

“I just want progression.”

If she wants progression in her career, why wouldn’t she want the same in her parenting skills?

Something to think about.


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Kate Spade Had Anxiety Meds in Her Room, No Illegal Drugs

Cops investigating Kate Spade’s suicide found a variety of anxiety meds at her death scene, but no illegal drugs … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell us NYPD officers combing through Kate’s Park Avenue home came across the anxiety meds,…


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Donald Trump: "Disgraceful" That Illegal Killed NFL Player

Donald Trump says it’s “disgraceful” that a former Indianapolis Colts linebacker Edwin Jackson was killed by a man who was in the United States illegally … and is calling for democrats to get tough on the border.  As we previously reported,…


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Justin Bieber Makes an Illegal U-Turn After 18-Second Hug with Pastor

Justin Bieber must’ve felt holier than thou hugging it out with his pastor for 18 seconds … but it didn’t last, ‘cause he became a sinful L.A. driver soon after. We got Bieber leaving a church service at the Saban Theatre in Bev Hills Wednesday,…


Sunday, August 20, 2017

Mayweather vs. McGregor: Cops Cracking Down On Illegal Sex Workers

Huge sporting events mean huge money for sex workers … but cops in Vegas have a message for tourists — if you’re gonna pay for it, KEEP IT LEGAL!


Friday, July 28, 2017

TMZ Live: George & Amal Clooney: Outraged Over Illegal Baby Photo

ON TODAY’S SHOW Venus Williams: Police Say ‘At Fault’ For Crash Drake: Burglar Returns! R. Kelly: The Show Must Go On! Conor Mcgregor Mocks Domestic Violence


Friday, July 7, 2017

MMA"s Gabi Garcia Bashes Tiny Old Lady"s Skull with Illegal Head-Kicks

Here’s what happens when you fight a chick that outweighs you by almost 100 pounds … and said giant lady doesn’t speak the same language as the ref. Brazilian jiu-jitsu star Gabi Garcia – who’s listed at 6’2”, 239 pounds –…


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Kim Kardashian"s Robbery Suspects Tied To Belgium"s Illegal Diamond Trade

Kim Kardashian’s robbers have strong ties to the illegal diamond trade in Belgium and now the country’s federal police force is on what is probably a futile hunt to track the bling down. Sources with knowledge of Belgium’s “black market” for…


Monday, December 19, 2016

Alice Eve"s Neighbors Fuming Over Illegal Fence (PHOTOS)

‘Star Trek’ actress Alice Eve is now getting the wrath of a furious neighbor who claims she illegally built a fence on city property. The Hollywood Hills dispute is all over a 6 foot fence installed back in April at the edge of her…


Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Eric Trump Tweets Illegal Photo of Ballot


Early on Tuesday, little known Donald Trump son Eric went into a voting booth and cast a vote for his father as President of the United States.

No matter what you may think of the candidate, you can understand why his offspring would be proud to take this step.

But Eric Trump then took another step, snapping a photo of his ballot and sharing it on Twitter.

“It is an incredible honor to vote for my father!” he captioned the social media photo, adding:

“He will do such a great job for the U.S.A! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain.”

Again, folks can debate whether or not they believe this to be true and we’ll know in a few hours on which side a majority of the country falls…

… but one thing cannot be debated: What Eric Trump did was illegal.

A federal judge recently upheld New York’s ban on ballot selfies.

As NY1 reported on Friday, voters who are caught taking selfies inside of the voting booth can face a fine of up to $ 1,000 and one year in jail.

Likely made aware that he had violated the law, Eric deleted the above Tweet after just a short while.

But this is the Internet. It will live forever.

“A last-minute, judicially-imposed change in the protocol at 5,300 polling places would be a recipe for delays and a disorderly election, as well-intentioned voters either took the perfectly posed selfie or struggled with their rarely-used smartphone camera,” the judge’s decision read.

It concluded:

“This would not be in the public interest, a hurdle that all preliminary injunctions must cross.”

Justin Timberlake committed the same offense last week when he voted early in Tennessee and snapped a selfie of himself doing so.

So perhaps Eric Trump just wanted to be compared to Justin Timberlake for the first time in his life.

“I recently voted,” the singer joked to Jimmy Fallon after this incident went viral.

“Super quiet, under the radar. Went home to Tennessee and voted. Super quiet, in and out. No one even knew.”

We doubt Eric Trump will go to jail, but it’s ironic, isn’t it?

His dad has spent months trying to make the case that Hillary Clinton is corrupt… and then here comes his very own son, committing an illegal action on the very say Donald hopes to be voted into office.

So very ironic.

At least we know who Eric Trump voted for.

But who will YOU be voting for? Let us know below:

And the Winner is?

Donald, Hillary or… Gary? Who has your vote to be the next President of the United States? View Poll »


Sunday, October 30, 2016

Sofia Richie -- Rough and Tumble ... and Illegal Night Out (VIDEO)

Sofia Richie made a scene at Catch Saturday night, with a little scuffle and a little scofflaw-ing. Sofia’s showed up with a dude, who got handsy with a photog.   On their way out, Sofia and crew poured into a waiting SUV … problem is, there…


Monday, August 22, 2016

Kardashians: Deceiving Fans With Illegal Instagrams?

The Kardashians are famous for being paid oodles of cash to promote a product, but are they playing by the rules (or rather, the law) when it comes to sponsored posts?

According to Page Six, a letter from watchdog group Truth In Advertising reportedly sent a letter to momager Kris Jenner’s legal team, warning her that they “have found that members of the Kardashian/Jenner family are engaged in deceptive marketing campaigns.”

The group has been meticulously following the Instagram accounts of Kim, Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian, as well as their younger sisters, Kendall and Kylie Jenner, and gathered 27 companies – incluing Puma, Calvin Klein, JetSmarter, Fit Tea, Estée Lauder and Karl Lagerfeld – they were working with.

Kylie Jenner Puma Instagram

What the group found was “a plethora of posts that do not clearly or conspicuously disclose their relationships with the companies being promoted in the posts as is required by federal law.”

The group has informed Jenner that if the issues aren’t “fully corrected” by Wednesday, the family will be reported to the Federal Trade Commission.

It’s no secret that the Kardashians have been hawking products since Keeping Up With The Kardashians became wildly popular in 2007, but federal law requires that a company and its participants clearly state that the post is sponsored. 

“The law is clear and people are not following it, and it’s not being enforced very often,” TINA spokeswoman Bonnie Patten told Page Six.

Social media is becoming the new medium for advertising, and this law is making it even more difficult for a celebrity or person of influence to share a product with followers without being asked, “is this sponsored? Are you being paid to promote this?”

The Fashion Law website broke it down for readers, clarifying what constitutes a sponsored post.

“Is posting a photo an endorsement? The FTC says yes!” The Fashion Law explains.

“A photo is enough to trigger the need to disclose: Simply posting a picture of a product on social media, such as on Pinterest or Instagram, or a video of you using it, could convey that you like and approve of the product. If it does, it’s an endorsement and must be disclosed.”

Monday, May 16, 2016

Sister Wives Request Denied: Judge Rules Polygamy Is Still Illegal!

Sometimes, you just can’t have it all.

Such is the case for Kody Brown and his four wives, who all star on TLC’s Sister Wives.

Janelle, Christine, Robyn and Meri learned on Friday that a federal appeals court had “denied a request to reconsider its earlier dismissal of a decision that decriminalized polygamy in Utah, according to The Salt Lake Tribute.

Last month, three judges on the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver, Co ruled that the Browns could not sue the state for banning polygamy.

The Browns had requested a rehearing, but on May 13th the judges were like “nope.  No thumbs up on plural marriages.”

What to do when the justice system tries to get in the way of a good time?

Take it national.

The family’s attorney, Jonathan Turley stated that the reality stars would take their case to the U.S. Supreme Court.

“While disappointed, the Brown family remains committed to this case and the struggle for equal rights for all families in Utah,” Turley said.

The Browns sued the state of Utah in 2011, “alleging the state’s bigamy law violated their constitutional right to privacy by prohibiting them from living together and that the law criminalized their sexual relationships.”

A Police investigation forced the family to move from Lehi, Utah to Nevada in order to avoid prosecution.

In 2013. a judge gave the Browns a break by striking down the cohabitation portion of the bigamy law, stating that it forced the family  “to leave Utah and violated their rights to privacy and religious freedom.”

“The 10th Circuit panel ruled that a prosecutor can publicly declare a family to be felons, keep them under criminal investigation, and denounce them for their religious beliefs without fear of being held accountable in a court of law,” Turley said.

Utah law, according to the Tribute states that “people are guilty of third-degree felony bigamy if they hold multiple marriage licenses or if, when already married, they cohabit with another consenting adult in a marriage-like relationship.”

tl;dr – polygamy is still illegal.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Steven Avery Files Appeal; Cites Illegal Search, Biased Jury

Steven Avery – the subject of the recent Netflix documentary series Making a Murderer – has filed an appeal asking a judge to throw out his 2005 conviction for the murder of Theresa Halbach.

Steven Avery

In legal documents obtained by TMZ, Avery claims that he has sufficient evidence to prove that one juror was openly biased against him from the start of the trial, repeatedly describing Avery as “f–king guilty” in the presence of other jurors.

Additionally, the 53-year-old inmate claims that key pieces of incriminating evidence – including traces of blood and the key to Halbach’s vehicle – that were discovered inside his home were found by way of an illegal search that violated the terms of the warrant obtained by investigators.

Obviously, Avery is likely hoping that the attention brought to this case by the documentary will help his cause, but several key pieces of evidence that may help to overturn his conviction were actually not featured in the ten-part Netflix series.

The pro-Avery movement online has unearthed several key facts that were not brought up in his trial, including the shocking revelation that a member of the jury worked closely with the Manitowoc sheriffs who arrested Avery.

In the time since Making a Murderer aired Avery’s own theory about who committed the murders has been revealed to the public, but his attorneys will likely choose not to make any allegations in the courtroom.

It’s now up to the Wisconsin Court of Appeals to decide if Avery will get another day in court.

Several legal experts who have already weighed in on the matter believe that his odds are good,due to the level of controversy surrounding his conviction.