Monday, July 23, 2018

Farrah Abraham: I Wish I Could Change My Kid"s Face, Too Bad It"s Illegal!

Farrah Abraham isn"t going to be winning any Mother of the Year awards soon.

Or ever.

Farrah"s parenting was featured on TV for years on Teen Mom OG, and in all that time, we don"t think we saw one good bit of parenting on her part.

But sometimes, even though she"s so awful all the time, she really goes out of her way to be as terrible as humanly possible.

This is one of those times.

1. Poor Sophia

Farrah abraham and sophia on the red carpet

Farrah’s daughter, Sophia, is nine years old now. And since her father passed away before she was born, that means that Sophia has spent nine solid years solely in the care of Farrah and her parents. And that’s sad.

2. What a Time

Farrah and sophia abraham photo

Over the years, Sophia’s been through a lot. She took many tumbles as an infant, thanks to Farrah’s poor supervision, and who could forget the time that Farrah tried to wax her eyebrows when she was just three years old?

3. … What

Farrah abraham and sophia on valentines day

Oh, and the time that Farrah said that she and Sophia liked to spend time apart because “She has her own life and is doing her own thing, and I’m doing mine.” Sophia was four years old then.

4. Bad Ideas

Farrah abraham sucks at photoshop

Now that Sophia is older, it seems like she only has more to lose, like her education. Yep, Farrah has pulled her out of school so she could homeschool her herself. Because that will go well.

5. Ugh

Farrah abraham blonde for single af

Farrah also allows Sophia to get on social media, to attend events usually reserved for adults, and to sit in on conversations that she’s really too young to hear, as evidenced on every episode of Teen Mom OG.

6. Oh Good

Farrah and sophia with flowers

And because all of that isn’t bad enough, now we have to worry about Farrah involving her kid in her plastic surgery obsession.

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