Showing posts with label Amal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amal. Show all posts

Monday, July 23, 2018

Angelina Jolie: Amal Clooney Is Just a Hater Who Wants to Be Me!

It’s been almost two years since Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt finalized their divorce, but despite rumors that they’ve both moved on, it seems the wound remains as fresh as ever.

In fact, sources say the mere mention of Brad is enough to make Angie’s blood boil — and she’s kept a mental revenge list of the celebs who she feels betrayed her during her divorce.

Amal and Angelina

At the top of that list are George and Amal Clooney, who made no secret of the fact that they sided with Brad during the breakup.

Sources tell London tabloid The Sun that Angelina expected George to be loyal to his buddy Brad, but she was surprised to learn that Amal had been trash-talking her to mutual acquaintances.

Angie apparently suspects that Amal’s unkind words have little to do with her affection for Brad, and everything to do with old-fashioned jealousy.

Sources use the word “rivalry” and “hatred” when describing the relationship between Angie and Amal.

And it seems that at the center of the conflict is the humanitarian work that both women are known for.

Yes, even before she and Pitt divorced, Angelina reportedly viewed Amal as competition.

After all, Jolie has devoted much of her adult life to political causes, but she’ll always be viewed as an actress first and activist second.

Amal, on the other hand, is a human rights attorney who has never known any other life.

It’s difficult to imagine Angelina Jolie feeling threatened, but if anyone could undermine the actress’ confidence, it would be Amal.

Angelina has always made it clear that she considers philanthropy to be far more important than celebrity, and in that department, Amal has her beat.

The tension between the two women has been simmering for years, and The Sun claims it boiled over recently when Angie caught wind of some comments Amal had made.

One insider says Amal described Angie’s behavior during her divorce as “crazy.”
It seems that was all it took to push Jolie over the edge.

Now, the cold war is being fought openly, with the ladies forcing their mutual friends to choose sides.

According to The Sun, Jolie and Clooney have even been competing over decorators, hairdressers, and makeup artists.

The rivalry shows no signs of letting up, as both women feel they deserve to be the queen of the London humanitarian set.

And apparently, Amal isn’t the only one making Angie feel insecure about her contributions.

Currently, Brad is dating Neri Oxman, an architect and MIT professor who’s widely regarded as one of the top minds in her field.

Again, we don’t imagine Angelina is low on self-esteem, but she’s up against some pretty remarkable women these days.


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

George and Amal Clooney Handed Out Noise-Canceling Headphones on Flight

For a couple of first time parents, George and Amal Clooney pulled off a veteran mom-and-pop move when they handed out some pretty exclusive noise-canceling headphones to first class passengers on a flight from Los Angeles to England. The…


Saturday, September 2, 2017

Amal and George Clooney at Venice Film Festival

Amal Clooney had twins 3 months ago, at least that’s the story they’re telling … but judging from this pic we have our doubts.   George and Amal chowed down with Matt Damon and his wife, Luciana Barroso at Ristorante Da Ivo in Venice, Italy.…


Friday, July 28, 2017

TMZ Live: George & Amal Clooney: Outraged Over Illegal Baby Photo

ON TODAY’S SHOW Venus Williams: Police Say ‘At Fault’ For Crash Drake: Burglar Returns! R. Kelly: The Show Must Go On! Conor Mcgregor Mocks Domestic Violence


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Celebrity Babies: By George! And Amal! And Others!

Hooray for the following stars!

All of these men and/or women became parents in 2017 and we"re so very happy for them!

1. George and Amal Clooney

George clooney and amal clooney

They’ve done it! The couple welcomed twins Ella and Alexander in June!

2. Katherine Heigl

Katherine heigl

Heigl and Josh Kelley welcomed a son name Joshua into the world in January, their first natural child out of the three in their family.

3. Kesha Knight Pulliam

Kesha knight pulliam

These are the adorable feet of the former Cosby Show star’s first child, a girl named Ella Grace.

4. Chelsea Houska

Chelsea houska

Chelsea Houska welcomed her second child, a baby boy, with husband Cole DeBoer. He entered the world on January 24. (This is a photo of his hand.)

5. Peta Murgatroyd and Maksim Chmerkovskiy

Peta murgatroyd and maksim chmerkovskiy

It was a boy for Peta Murgatroyd and Maksim Chmerkovskiy! And it was their very first child together!

6. Mel Gibson

Rosalind ross and mel gibson at the oscars

Stupid Mel Gibson became a father for the NINTH time after his young girlfriend gave birth in January.

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George and Amal Clooney Welcome Twins!

Well, it’s official: 

There are more Clooneys in the world than there were yesterday, and that can’t be a bad thing.

Yes, George Clooney’s publicist Stan Rosenfield revealed moments ago that the actor and wife Amal Clooney have welcomed a set of healthy, happy twins – one boy and one girl:

“This morning Amal and George welcomed Ella and Alexander Clooney into their lives. Ella, Alexander and Amal are all healthy, happy and doing fine,” the rep said in a statement.

“George is sedated and should recover in a few days,” Rosenfield joked.

The couple – usually secretive with regard to their personal lives – have been surprisingly open about the process of starting a family together.

Reps revealed that Amal was pregnant with twins back in February. 

Shortly thereafter, Clooney spoke about the prospect of becoming a father for the first time at the age of 55 in a surprisingly candid interview:

“We are really happy and really excited. It’s going to be an adventure,” Clooney said at the time.

“I don’t know how you fully digest [having two], but I’m excited. It will be fun.”

We’ve known for months that George and Amal are expecting a boy and girl, but their names were kept under wraps until today.

“My wife says I can’t name them Casa and Amigos. That’s the one thing I’m not allowed to do,” George previously joked, in reference to the tequila brand he co-owns.

There’s been no information regarding where the births took place (the Clooneys are a famously jet-setting couple), but insiders say mother and children are all resting comfortably.

While the Clooney’s never announced Amal’s due date, the highly-regarded human rights attorney hosted a lavish birthday bash for George last month, and one of her guests spilled the beans:

“Amal is due any day now. They’re just waiting at this point,” the insider told E! News. 

“Technically her due date is [in June], but they expect the twins to come early. It’s just a waiting game now.”

Our heartfelt congrats go out to one of Hollywood’s most enduringly cool couples.

Little Alexander and Ella have certainly hit the parental jackpot.


George & Amal Clooney Welcome Twins!!!

George and Amal Clooney are officially parents after she popped out twins … a girl and a boy! Their rep says the birth went down Tuesday morning … and the lil Clooneys are named Ella and Alexander. The high-profile couple had actually been…


George & Amal Clooney Welcome Twins!!!

George and Amal Clooney are officially parents after she popped out twins … a girl and a boy! Their rep says the birth went down Tuesday morning … and the lil Clooneys are named Ella and Alexander. The high-profile couple had actually been…


Monday, May 8, 2017

George Clooney and Rande Gerber Get Birthday Surprise from Amal (PHOTO)

George Clooney and Rande Gerber kept a tradition going of celebrating their birthdays, thanks to Amal – who surprised the hell outta both of ‘em over the weekend. Sources close to the group tell TMZ … Amal invited Rande and Cindy…


Friday, March 10, 2017

Time Magazine SLAMMED for Sexist Coverage of Amal Clooney

Amal Clooney is expecting twins with George Clooney.

She is also a human rights attorney who gave a speech this week at the UN headquarters, calling on the organization to investigate crimes committed by the Islamic State, including killings, forced conversions and rape.

Not that TIME Magazine cared at all about that latter fact.

As you"re about to learn below, the publication Tweeted only about Amal"s baby bump while she spoke on the floor of the United Nations, rightfully earning the ire of Internet users in the process.

Scroll down for more…

1. Yes, She Showed it Off

Yes she showed it off

While, you know, speaking out on the atrocities committed by ISIS against women.

2. What Speech?!?

What speech

The tweet linked to an article published in Motto – Time Inc.’s website aimed at younger women – which was titled “Amal Clooney Rocks the Baby Bump Ahead of U.N. Speech.” What a great lesson for these young women.

3. Pssst… Time

Pssst time

In case you were wondering about anything outside of her baby bump.

4. Tell Us, TIME!

Tell us time

We need to know!

5. THIS.


Really, just… this, over and over and over again.

6. Remember International Women’s Day?

Remember international womens day

We can’t blame TIME for forgetting. It was a full day before Amal took to the UN stage.

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Thursday, March 9, 2017

Angelina Jolie: So Very Jealous of Amal Clooney!

In her first interview since since filing for divorce from Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie only had very nice things to say about her estranged husband.

Jolie even referred to Pitt as a wonderful father while speaking last month to the BBC.

But a new report suggests that Jolie isn’t about to gush in a similar manner over Amal Clooney, not based on how Angelina truly feels about George’s better half.

According to Life & Style insiders, Pitt and Clooney may be long-time, close friends who have worked on multiple movies together…

… but they were scarcely on speaking terms just a few months ago as a result of Jolie’s beef with the successful human rights attorney.

“Angie couldn’t stand being around Amal,” an insider explains, looking back on the days of when the two couples would hang out.

“Not because Amal was unkind or rude, but solely because Angie was filled with envy.”

Jolie, who doesn’t have the best reputation on the planet, made no secret of her jealousy either, this same source claims.

Angelina reportedly refused to see the Clooneys, while making negative comments about Amal to mutual friends.

“Angelina would even knock Amal’s looks and fashion sense,” the tabloid writes. “Amal seemed to ignore it, but George didn’t want to sit by and watch his wife get cut down.”

The relationship (or lackthereof) between their wives affected the actors.

“Brad wouldn’t stand up to Angie,” the magazine claims, which led to the stars simply not spending a lot of time together.

Way back in 2011, Jolie spoke to Marie Claire about her lack of true pals. Especially those of the same gender.

“I have few girlfriends, I just… I stay at home a lot,” she told the publication. “I’m just not very social.”

This doesn’t exactly come as earth-shattering news.

Jolie, of course, stunned the universe when she filed to divorce Pitt in September.

She cited “irreconcilable differences” at the time, but it didn’t take long for the Internet to speculate over the actual basis for the split.

Many reports claimed that Jolie thought Pitt was a bad father, specifically referencing an incident on board a private airplane in which he got into an argument with 15-year old son Maddox.

The FBI investigated this confrontation and did not find any evidence of physical abuse on Pitt’s part.

Since then, the sides have traded barbs through their lawyers, but have said very little about each other in public.

“I don’t want to say very much about that, except to say it was a very difficult time,” Jolie said in the BBC interview from last month.

She added at the time:

“We are a family and we will always be a family, and we will get through this time and hopefully be a stronger family for it.”

We hope that ends up being true.

We just doubt George and Amal will be spending any future holidays with Brad and Angelina.


Friday, February 24, 2017

George & Amal Clooney Stun in Paris, Baby Bump Included (PHOTO)

George and Amal Clooney make pregnancy look good. The duo schooled power couples on looking glamorous while expecting when they headed to the Cesar Awards ceremony in Paris … with Amal’s baby bump already making an appearance. Soak up…


Friday, February 17, 2017

George Clooney and Amal Clooney: What Are They Having?

With congratulations continuing to pour in for George Clooney and Amal Clooney on the announcement of their impending twins, the mother of everyone’s favorite actor now has another announcement to make.

And it’s an equally exciting one!

Speaking to Vogue, Nina Clooney spilled the details on just which gender(s) of child George and Amal will be welcoming into their home later this year.

Will the twins be comprised of two girls? Two boys? One of each?

The answer is… the latter!

“It will be one of each! Yes, a boy and a girl. That’s what I’ve been told,” George’s mother told the magazine last weekend, in comments posted on Thursday.

Added the grandmother-to-be:

“How marvelous! My husband and I are extremely excited.”

They aren’t alone. All of Hollywood is pretty darn psyched for Clooney and his lovely wife.

“I was working with him last fall and he pulled me aside on set and I mean, I almost started crying. I was so happy for him,” Matt Damon told Entertainment Tonight Canada of how he learned the baby news.

At the time, Damon says Clooney told him that Amal was eight weeks along.

For miscarriage reasons, this is often a bit earlier than most parents-to-be tell others of their expecting status.

Hence Damon’s reaction.

“‘Are you out of your mind?! Don’t tell anybody else! Don’t tell anybody else! Don’t you know the 12-week rule?’ Like, of course he doesn’t,” Damon laughed about his good friend.

Concluded Damon in this interview, when asked about Amal:

“I’m thrilled for him. She’s amazing. He hit the jackpot. Just on every level. She is a remarkable woman.”

In typically private fashion, neither George nor Amal has actually commented on the pregnancy.

We know it’s happening. Every outlet on the planet, not to mention close friends of the actor himself, have confirmed that two babies are on the way.

The Clooneys are just choosing to remain silent on the matter for now.

Don’t expect Amal to pull a Beyonce and show off her naked baby bump any time soon. Or any time at all.

But Amal is due to give birth in June, George’s mom says, which isn’t all that far from now.

We can’t wait to see what the kids look like! And to learn their names!

Please join us in sending along your best wishes to George, Amal and all the stars expecting babies in 2017.

Scroll around above to see who is pregnant.


Friday, February 10, 2017

Amal Clooney Gets Maternity Protection in Her Law Office

Amal Clooney doesn’t have to worry about someone booting her from her law office while she’s on maternity leave, because she’s fully protected. Turns out, barristers in jolly ‘ol England who take time off work after giving birth are protected…


Thursday, February 9, 2017

George & Amal Clooney: Expecting Twins!

Well, it looks like twins are the hot celebrity trend for 2017.

Just days after the world learned that Beyonce is pregnant with not one but two future music icons, People magazine is confirming that George and Amal Clooney are expecting some special deliveries of their own.

The magazine is reporting today that “multiple sources” have confirmed Amal is expecting twins.

The couple has yet to comment themselves, but People isn’t Star magazine, and they wouldn’t put something like this out there without sufficient confirmation.

Apparently, insiders revealed that George and Amal have both shared the news with their families, and preparing a public announcement for sometime in the days to come.

“They’re all very happy,” says one source.

George and Amal married in 2014 after what we believe was just over a year of dating.

The couple’s engagement came as a shock to fans, due to George’s reputation as the archetypal Hollywood bachelor.

(In fact, he’s been married once before, so that image was never entirely accurate.)

Despite the fact that she remained committed to her challenging and time-consuming career as a human rights attorney, rumors that Amal was pregnant began circulating pretty much from the time the Clooneys got hitched.

Now, it looks as though both George and Amal will be getting a crash course in parenting.

George has addressed the possibility of fatherhood in the past but always seemed to remain guarded on the topic: 

“All I know is that it sort of changed everything in terms of what I thought my future – my future personal future – was going to be,” he told People shortly after his wedding.

“I’ve always been an optimist about the world. I wasn’t always completely optimistic about how it was going to work out personally for me. But now I am.”

Speaking more specifically about the idea of fatherhood after receiving the magazine’s Sexiest Man Alive title for the second time, Clooney said:

“I think it’s the most responsible thing you can do, to have kids. It’s not something to be taken lightly.”

He added:

“I don’t have that gene that people have to replicate. But everything in my life has changed over time.”

Congrats to the happy couple.

We’re sure they’ll excel at parenting the same way they’ve excelled at … well, just about everything else in life.


George Clooney and Amal Expecting Twins!!!

George Clooney and his wife, Amal, are expecting twins. Julie Chen from “The Talk” is connected in Hollywood, and she just confirmed what we’ve been hearing … they’re pregnant with a boy and a girl, although George and Amal have yet to comment on…


George Clooney and Amal Expecting Twins!!!

George Clooney and his wife, Amal, are expecting twins. Julie Chen from “The Talk” is connected in Hollywood, and she just confirmed what we’ve been hearing … they’re pregnant with a boy and a girl, although George and Amal have yet to comment on…


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

George and Amal Clooney and More: Star Sightings 2.2.16

Will Ferrell put on his best "Blue Steel" face for the fan screening of Zoolander No. 2 in Madrid, while Amal Clooney won the red carpet at the premiere of Hail, Caeser! in Los Angeles.

Kate Upton signed autographs for fans after landing at LAX, and another Kate (Winslet) headed into Jimmy Kimmel Live! to tape an appearance.

See what else your favorite stars were up to in today"s star sightings.

1. George & Amal Clooney: ‘Hail, Caeser!’ Premiere

George and amal clooney hail caeser premiere

George Clooney and wife Amal Clooney (in Giambattista Valli Haute Couture) at the premiere of ‘Hail, Caesar!’ at Regency Village Theatre on February 1, 2016 in Westwood, California.

2. Kate Upton Lands at LAX

Kate upton lands at lax

Kate Upton smiles as she arrives at LAX on February 1st, 2016.

3. Will Ferrell: Madrid Fan Screening of ‘Zoolander No. 2’

Will ferrell madrid fan screening of zoolander no 2

Will Ferrell attends the Madrid Fan Screening of ‘Zoolander No. 2’ at the Capitol Theater on February 1, 2016 in Madrid, Spain.

4. Ginnifer Goodwin and Josh Dallas Land at LAX With Their Son

Ginnifer goodwin and josh dallas land at lax with their son

‘Once Upon a Time’ co-stars Ginnifer Goodwin and Josh Dallas land at LAX with their son, Oliver on February 1st, 2016.

5. Channing Tatum & Jenna Dewan-Tatum: ‘Hail, Caeser!’ Premiere

Channing tatum and jenna dewan tatum hail caeser premiere

Channing Tatum and wife, Jenna Dewan-Tatum attend the premiere of ‘Hail, Caesar!’ at the Regency Village Theatre on February 1, 2015 in Westwood, California.

6. Karlie Kloss: Madrid Fan Screening of ‘Zoolander No.2’

Karlie kloss madrid fan screening of zoolander no2

Karlie Kloss attends the Madrid Fan Screening of ‘Zoolander No. 2’ at the Capitol Theater on February 1, 2016 in Madrid, Spain.

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