Friday, February 17, 2017

George Clooney and Amal Clooney: What Are They Having?

With congratulations continuing to pour in for George Clooney and Amal Clooney on the announcement of their impending twins, the mother of everyone’s favorite actor now has another announcement to make.

And it’s an equally exciting one!

Speaking to Vogue, Nina Clooney spilled the details on just which gender(s) of child George and Amal will be welcoming into their home later this year.

Will the twins be comprised of two girls? Two boys? One of each?

The answer is… the latter!

“It will be one of each! Yes, a boy and a girl. That’s what I’ve been told,” George’s mother told the magazine last weekend, in comments posted on Thursday.

Added the grandmother-to-be:

“How marvelous! My husband and I are extremely excited.”

They aren’t alone. All of Hollywood is pretty darn psyched for Clooney and his lovely wife.

“I was working with him last fall and he pulled me aside on set and I mean, I almost started crying. I was so happy for him,” Matt Damon told Entertainment Tonight Canada of how he learned the baby news.

At the time, Damon says Clooney told him that Amal was eight weeks along.

For miscarriage reasons, this is often a bit earlier than most parents-to-be tell others of their expecting status.

Hence Damon’s reaction.

“‘Are you out of your mind?! Don’t tell anybody else! Don’t tell anybody else! Don’t you know the 12-week rule?’ Like, of course he doesn’t,” Damon laughed about his good friend.

Concluded Damon in this interview, when asked about Amal:

“I’m thrilled for him. She’s amazing. He hit the jackpot. Just on every level. She is a remarkable woman.”

In typically private fashion, neither George nor Amal has actually commented on the pregnancy.

We know it’s happening. Every outlet on the planet, not to mention close friends of the actor himself, have confirmed that two babies are on the way.

The Clooneys are just choosing to remain silent on the matter for now.

Don’t expect Amal to pull a Beyonce and show off her naked baby bump any time soon. Or any time at all.

But Amal is due to give birth in June, George’s mom says, which isn’t all that far from now.

We can’t wait to see what the kids look like! And to learn their names!

Please join us in sending along your best wishes to George, Amal and all the stars expecting babies in 2017.

Scroll around above to see who is pregnant.
