Showing posts with label Hater. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hater. Show all posts

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Monday, July 23, 2018

Angelina Jolie: Amal Clooney Is Just a Hater Who Wants to Be Me!

It’s been almost two years since Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt finalized their divorce, but despite rumors that they’ve both moved on, it seems the wound remains as fresh as ever.

In fact, sources say the mere mention of Brad is enough to make Angie’s blood boil — and she’s kept a mental revenge list of the celebs who she feels betrayed her during her divorce.

Amal and Angelina

At the top of that list are George and Amal Clooney, who made no secret of the fact that they sided with Brad during the breakup.

Sources tell London tabloid The Sun that Angelina expected George to be loyal to his buddy Brad, but she was surprised to learn that Amal had been trash-talking her to mutual acquaintances.

Angie apparently suspects that Amal’s unkind words have little to do with her affection for Brad, and everything to do with old-fashioned jealousy.

Sources use the word “rivalry” and “hatred” when describing the relationship between Angie and Amal.

And it seems that at the center of the conflict is the humanitarian work that both women are known for.

Yes, even before she and Pitt divorced, Angelina reportedly viewed Amal as competition.

After all, Jolie has devoted much of her adult life to political causes, but she’ll always be viewed as an actress first and activist second.

Amal, on the other hand, is a human rights attorney who has never known any other life.

It’s difficult to imagine Angelina Jolie feeling threatened, but if anyone could undermine the actress’ confidence, it would be Amal.

Angelina has always made it clear that she considers philanthropy to be far more important than celebrity, and in that department, Amal has her beat.

The tension between the two women has been simmering for years, and The Sun claims it boiled over recently when Angie caught wind of some comments Amal had made.

One insider says Amal described Angie’s behavior during her divorce as “crazy.”
It seems that was all it took to push Jolie over the edge.

Now, the cold war is being fought openly, with the ladies forcing their mutual friends to choose sides.

According to The Sun, Jolie and Clooney have even been competing over decorators, hairdressers, and makeup artists.

The rivalry shows no signs of letting up, as both women feel they deserve to be the queen of the London humanitarian set.

And apparently, Amal isn’t the only one making Angie feel insecure about her contributions.

Currently, Brad is dating Neri Oxman, an architect and MIT professor who’s widely regarded as one of the top minds in her field.

Again, we don’t imagine Angelina is low on self-esteem, but she’s up against some pretty remarkable women these days.


Saturday, July 1, 2017

Donald Trump Blasts NBC for Firing Gretta Van Susteren for Not Being Trump Hater

Donald Trump’s obsession with cable news knows no bounds … he went on a twitter rampage Saturday claiming Gretta Van Susteren got fired because “she refused to go along w/ ‘Trump hate!"” MSNBC parted ways with Gretta 2 days ago — the network…


Sunday, June 25, 2017

UFC"s Michael Chiesa Ready to Smash Mom Hater Kevin Lee

Michael Chiesa can’t wait to shut up loudmouth Kevin Lee … telling TMZ Sports he’s gonna finish the designer label “dork” in Sunday’s UFC main event. Chiesa and Lee were the stars of a wild media event last month — where Chiesa ran up…


UFC"s Michael Chiesa Ready to Smash Mom Hater Kevin Lee

Michael Chiesa can’t wait to shut up loudmouth Kevin Lee … telling TMZ Sports he’s gonna finish the designer label “dork” in Sunday’s UFC main event. Chiesa and Lee were the stars of a wild media event last month — where Chiesa ran up…


Saturday, June 17, 2017

LeAnn Rimes: Brandi Glanville is Just a Hater!

If you keep up with the feud between Brandi Glanville and LeAnn Rimes, then bless your heart, you sure must have a lot of patience.

You’ve also probably been keeping a close eye on the latest development in that feud: the serious accusations of LeAnn stalking Brandi.

The whole thing started when Brandi’s boyfriend mentioned on Snapchat that he and Brandi would be going to a specific restaurant last month.

They went, and then LeAnn showed up, along with Eddie Cibrian and the two sons Eddie and Brandi share.

Brandi said that LeAnn had viewed her boyfriend’s Snapchat and followed them there, and that it’s just the latest attempt by LeAnn to steal Brandi’s entire life.

Eddie made a few statements denying the story, saying that they’d made reservations for the restaurant days before and Brandi is just lying to make LeAnn look bad.

Brandi insisted that she was telling the truth, and that LeAnn is obsessed with her.

But through all the back-and-forth between Brandi and Eddie this week, LeAnn has been completely silent.

Until now, that is.

There’s a new blog post up on LeAnn’s website called “Hate the Hate, LovE the Hater,” and it’s … well, it sure is something.

“I have been posting the question to myself and to others, ‘How far does your LovE extend?"”, she begins.

We don’t know why she insists on typing out “love” in such a ridiculous way, but she does it throughout the post, so obviously it means something to her.

“Extending LovE,” LeAnn writes, “to those who have hurt us is what we are called to do. It’s the grace that leads us home. It’s an everyday practice of showing up for LovE and living in LovE.”

“By extending LovE to those who have hurt us, it doesn’t mean we bypass the anger or suppress our feelings. We actually allow ourselves to feel the feelings.”

“Moving through the feelings allows space for forgiveness and empathy,” she preaches.

So yeah, it’s pretty obvious that LeAnn is going the “Brandi is the worst, I am the best” route when it comes to this particular fight, isn’t it?

“I have learned, if the actions of another do not come from a place of LovE, it’s a calling our for LovE,” she goes on.

“Viewing the actions of others from that space really opens up the gates of leniency and seeing the lessons of what we personally internalize and absorb.”

“In choosing LovE, we choose to see past the actions and limitations of our humanness and recognize our oneness as spirit.”

She’s so evolved, you guys. Just entirely past all this pettiness.

LeAnn writes that it’s hard to live this way, but it’s “the right thing” to do. She’s gotten it wrong, of course, but she is “taking responsibility for my own pain in order to not hurt others.”

She says that her “LovE” is “incredibly far reaching, but it’s only because I am continually doing the work on myself day by day, replacing the constricted thought process of fear with that of LovE.”

“Will we be disappointed at the twisting of innocence and the actions of others?” she asks. “Of course we will, but we will remain steadfast in LovE.”

“This world needs LovErs. It’s time to show up for LovE. What better time than now?” she concludes.

If you were hoping that LeAnn might take some responsibility for how this mess has gone down over the past eight years, sorry to disappoint.

But hey, just take that disappointment and turn it into LovE.


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Congress Baseball Shooter Is a Trump Hater, Called to "Destroy" Trump

The man suspected of opening fire at a congressional baseball practice has reportedly been identified as 66-year-old James T. Hodgkinson … and judging by his social media, he REALLY hates Donald Trump.  Hodgkinson’s Facebook page is loaded…


Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Ariana Grande Fires Back at "Whore" Hater

Ariana Grande apparently hates sexism even more than she hates donuts and America.

The artist fired back at a fan on her official Facebook page this week after the user said she looked like a “whore” in her new music video for “Dangerous Woman.”

In a revealing clip released by Grande on March 31, the young singer is seen wearing some seductive black lace lingerie, while the camera lingers on her body for a lengthy period of time.

“When will people stop being offended by women showing skin [and] expressing sexuality?” Grande wrote in response to this sexist loser.

She added:

“men take their shirts off / express their sexuality on stage, in videos, on instagram, anywhere they want to… all. the. time.

“the double standard is so boring and exhausting. with all due respect, i think it’s time you get your head out of your ass. woman can love their bodies too!!”

Grande made these remarks in reply to a so-called fan who dared to write the following:

Ariana all respect, but dangerous woman I loved but the trouble is that in he [sic] video salts like a whore!.. sorry for the rudeness, I only just said the truth…. SORRY Ariana Grande

Just so you know, dude, there’s no “respect” involved when you leave that sort of comment.

It’s only been a few months, but 2016 has already given us many examples of women defending their sexuality.

We all remember Kim Kardashian going fully naked a couple months ago and answering her critics as follows:

“I am empowered by my body. I am empowered by my sexuality. I am empowered by feeling comfortable in my skin.

“I am empowered by showing the world my flaws and not being afraid of what anyone is going to say about me.”

What do you think? Is it empowering of famous women to show off their bodies?

Or just a way to get attention?

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Kim Kardashian to Twitter Hater: Learn How to F--king Spell!

According to rumors, Kim Kardashian is in hiding until she loses the baby weight.  But that certainly doesn’t mean she is in hiding from her social media followers!

On Sunday, December 13, Kim Kardashian’s daughter North West posted her first tweet.  The two-year-old daughter of Kim and Kanye West tweeted “jhjhh’/”  to her mom’s account.

Although the Kardashians deserve most of the criticism they receive, on Twitter user went so far as to make fun of little North’s tweet.

“They learn how to use cellphones now before they can ever wipe there butt,” a critic using the name IsItCrystal tweeted.

It didn’t take long for Kim to defend her daughter.  One day later, on Monday, December 14, Kim responded to the critic by offering a little grammar lesson:

The 35-year-old mom of two wrote, “@isitcystal well at least North will know how to f–king spell you’re and their.”

It’s all fun and games until Kim Kardashian embarrasses you in front of the world.  After Kim responded, IsItCrystal deleted her tweet.

Kim claims this isn’t the first time little North has posted on social media.  Last month, the 2-year-old was playing with her mom’s phone and accidentally shared an old photo on Instagram of Kim in a bikini.

“No one believed me, but I swear North posted this,” Kim later wrote on her website. “She’s always following and unfollowing people on Twitter! I deleted it and then put it back up because why not, haha!!!”

Like mother like daughter.