Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Kim Kardashian to Twitter Hater: Learn How to F--king Spell!

According to rumors, Kim Kardashian is in hiding until she loses the baby weight.  But that certainly doesn’t mean she is in hiding from her social media followers!

On Sunday, December 13, Kim Kardashian’s daughter North West posted her first tweet.  The two-year-old daughter of Kim and Kanye West tweeted “jhjhh’/”  to her mom’s account.

Although the Kardashians deserve most of the criticism they receive, on Twitter user went so far as to make fun of little North’s tweet.

“They learn how to use cellphones now before they can ever wipe there butt,” a critic using the name IsItCrystal tweeted.

It didn’t take long for Kim to defend her daughter.  One day later, on Monday, December 14, Kim responded to the critic by offering a little grammar lesson:

The 35-year-old mom of two wrote, “@isitcystal well at least North will know how to f–king spell you’re and their.”

It’s all fun and games until Kim Kardashian embarrasses you in front of the world.  After Kim responded, IsItCrystal deleted her tweet.

Kim claims this isn’t the first time little North has posted on social media.  Last month, the 2-year-old was playing with her mom’s phone and accidentally shared an old photo on Instagram of Kim in a bikini.

“No one believed me, but I swear North posted this,” Kim later wrote on her website. “She’s always following and unfollowing people on Twitter! I deleted it and then put it back up because why not, haha!!!”

Like mother like daughter.