Showing posts with label Learn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Learn. Show all posts

Monday, April 18, 2016

The Real Housewives of Potomac Reunion: What Did We Learn?

Who peed on a couch?

Who may be getting a divorce?

Which wants to have hate sex with a fellow cast member?

The following bombshells were dropped at various times during an intense reunion special on The Real Housewives of Potomac…

1. No Divorce Drama Here!

No divorce drama here

At least not if Charrisse has her way. Even though estranged husband Eddie just lost his job as head coach of Rutgers University basketball, Charrisse said there are no plans for the couple to live together again. Is a divorce still on the horizon? “Maybe, but it will be no choice of mine,” Charrisse said.

2. Is There a Future for Katie and Andrew?

Is there a future for katie and andrew

“I can’t see myself bringing a man around the kids much in the future,” Katie said, confirming the two had been off and on for months but actually split mere hours prior to the reunion taping.

3. Hate Sex Alert!

Hate sex alert

After Andy Cohen brought up Katie’s bisexuality, he then asked which cast members she’d sleep with. “I would have hate-sex with Gizelle!” she replied, only half-kidding as assume.

4. What’s That, Ashley?

Whats that ashley

Ashley Darby then chimed in and admitted she was in a relationship with a woman when she was 18… to which Katie replied: Well, now I know I have a chance!”

5. Man on Man Action?

Man on man action

The cast members were joined at one point by Karen Huger’s husband, Raymond Huger, as well as Ashley’s husband, Michael Darby. And of course that man-on-man butt squeeze between the two came up, with Michael explaining it as follows: Most of you wouldn’t do too well in Australia. Ass-grabbing, having fun, is pretty much what we do all day in Australia.”

6. Urine Trouble Now!

Urine trouble now

Katie and Gizelle Bryant were at odds for most of the special, with Gizelle accusing Katie of being drunk and peeing herself during a promotional shoot. Yes, peeing herself. “I‘ve had three kids, and I laughed and a little came out,” Katie said by way of explanation.

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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Caitlyn Jenner to The Advocate: I"ve Got A Lot to Learn

Caitlyn Jenner opens way up as the cover subject of the February/March issue of The Advocate.

In the magazine’s lead interview, the transgender star says she knew she was doing the “right thing” by coming out as a woman… but that didn’t mean she didn’t have certain worries.

“I’m so happy that the response has been good, I was afraid I would really lose something in my life,” she explains.

“But my main concern was really only my kids. I don’t want to do anything to embarrass them.”

Jenner, of course, revealed herself to be Caitlyn Jenner on the cover of Vanity Fair last spring and she’s been met with mostly universal praise ever since.

But she’s had her occasional misstep, apologizing recently for the implication that her appearance is the most important thing.

“There’s more to being a woman than hair and makeup,” she tells The Advocate.

“I’ve been trying to study up on it. My publicists’ assistant told me to read this book [How to Be a Woman by Caitlin Moran]. It’s actually very good and very funny. What I realized, when going through this book, is how my experience is so different than what a normal woman’s would be growing up – that’s obvious.

“The second chapter was about having your period. OK? I will never deal with that.

“So there is so much in life that I need to learn about who I am and be authentic with myself. But I never want to assume that this whole thing called womanhood, that I could ever experience all of that.

“I will be able to live authentically as female, but I’ve missed so much.”

This doesn’t mean that Jenner ignores her appearance entirely, of course.

The Most Fascinating Person of 2015, according to Barbara Walters, says Kim Kardashian has given her helpful advice in this regard.

“Kimberly says, ‘If you do go out, you’ve got to rock it, baby!’ You cannot let [the paparazzi] get that picture. They’ll take a picture of you with no makeup on, lousy outfit – and they’ll use it forever.

“You’ll never get rid of it. Kim’s very good at that stuff. It does take a little bit more work if you do go out.

‘You’ve got to at least look good, at least the best you can. But there’s more to life and womanhood than just that. And those are things I’m learning; I’m trying to read up on it. I’m trying to understand it because it’s all new to me.”

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Kim Kardashian to Twitter Hater: Learn How to F--king Spell!

According to rumors, Kim Kardashian is in hiding until she loses the baby weight.  But that certainly doesn’t mean she is in hiding from her social media followers!

On Sunday, December 13, Kim Kardashian’s daughter North West posted her first tweet.  The two-year-old daughter of Kim and Kanye West tweeted “jhjhh’/”  to her mom’s account.

Although the Kardashians deserve most of the criticism they receive, on Twitter user went so far as to make fun of little North’s tweet.

“They learn how to use cellphones now before they can ever wipe there butt,” a critic using the name IsItCrystal tweeted.

It didn’t take long for Kim to defend her daughter.  One day later, on Monday, December 14, Kim responded to the critic by offering a little grammar lesson:

The 35-year-old mom of two wrote, “@isitcystal well at least North will know how to f–king spell you’re and their.”

It’s all fun and games until Kim Kardashian embarrasses you in front of the world.  After Kim responded, IsItCrystal deleted her tweet.

Kim claims this isn’t the first time little North has posted on social media.  Last month, the 2-year-old was playing with her mom’s phone and accidentally shared an old photo on Instagram of Kim in a bikini.

“No one believed me, but I swear North posted this,” Kim later wrote on her website. “She’s always following and unfollowing people on Twitter! I deleted it and then put it back up because why not, haha!!!”

Like mother like daughter.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Duggar Family Marriage Tips: Read, Learn, Get Sick Now!

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar share their tips for a successful marriage … some of which may seem a bit peculiar in light of recent events.

We"re not blaming Josh Duggar"s antics on his mom and dad, per se, but his behavior does make you question the family"s values a touch.

Ditto Michelle Duggar"s marriage advice in October 2015 which seemingly put the blame for Josh"s cheating on his long suffering wife Anna.

What do we mean? Read on and prepare to throw up in your mouth.

1. Say yes to sex, even when you’re tired!

Michelle and jim bob duggar

Anyone can fix him lunch, but only one person can meet that physical need of love that he has, and you always need to be available when…

2. Be Available and I Mean JOYFULLY Available 24/7/365

Michelle jim bob josh and anna duggar

And so be available, and not just available, but be joyfully available for him. Smile and be willing to say, ‘Yes, sweetie I am here for…

3. But give it a rest sometimes.

Jim bob and michelle duggar image

When you’ve missed [sex] for seven days, you look forward to it even more! – Michelle Duggar

4. Treat her like a queen!

Duggar family picture

That’s key in a relationship, the husband needs to cherish his wife and always treat his wife like a queen. – Jim Bob Duggar

5. Date night!

Jim bob and michelle duggar then and now

It’s a really special time to go out, just the two of us, every Saturday night … sure, we often end up talking about the kids, but it’s…

6. Counseling FTW

Jim bob duggar and michelle duggar picture

There are going to be those times in your marriage where you might not always agree; you might not see things eye to eye and sometimes…

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Friday, September 18, 2015

2-Year Old is Devastated to Learn She Doesn"t Have a Boyfriend

The father featured in the following video might as well go ahead and tell his daughter there"s no Santa Claus.

Just go ahead and crush all of her dreams at once, why doesn"t he?

This hilarious footage depicts a two-year old named Kennedy. She"s telling her parents about her boyfriend (some older dude named Jared, who is her uncle"s roommate, according to the YouTube description)… only to be crushed when her father reveals the truth:

She doesn"t have a boyfriend.

Upon being informed of this fact, Kennedy bursts into the cutest tears you"ll ever see.

Although we"re not quite sure why she"s so sad. Dad tells his child that she can date when she"s 50 years old. That"s not even five decades from now!

It will all be okay, Kennedy.

2 year old is devastated when told doesnt have a boyfriend

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Ryan Reynolds Tries To Learn About Teenage Girls In THIS Adorable New Deadpool Pic!

Superheroes can save the world, but even they are no match for the complex minds of teenage girls!

It seems that Deadpool is definitely struggling in that department, because Ryan Reynolds is turning to one author for advice — adolescent expert Judy Blume!

The actor posted a precious pic to Twitter on Thursday of himself and Brianna Hildebrand, who plays Negasonic Teenage Warhead in the upcoming film, in full costume while he peruses the pages of the writer’s novel Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret.

He captioned the silly shot:


Ch-ch-check it out (below)!

So clearly, Ryan knows that if he needs to kick butt alongside NTW, he’s definitely going to need to understand what’s going on in her head.

That must be complicated enough, considering she’s a mutant. But throw in a generational gap and that in itself is going to take serious superpowers.

Luckily for him, Judy just gets it, you know?

[Image via Josiah True/WENN.]