Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Duggar Family Marriage Tips: Read, Learn, Get Sick Now!

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar share their tips for a successful marriage … some of which may seem a bit peculiar in light of recent events.

We"re not blaming Josh Duggar"s antics on his mom and dad, per se, but his behavior does make you question the family"s values a touch.

Ditto Michelle Duggar"s marriage advice in October 2015 which seemingly put the blame for Josh"s cheating on his long suffering wife Anna.

What do we mean? Read on and prepare to throw up in your mouth.

1. Say yes to sex, even when you’re tired!

Michelle and jim bob duggar

Anyone can fix him lunch, but only one person can meet that physical need of love that he has, and you always need to be available when…

2. Be Available and I Mean JOYFULLY Available 24/7/365

Michelle jim bob josh and anna duggar

And so be available, and not just available, but be joyfully available for him. Smile and be willing to say, ‘Yes, sweetie I am here for…

3. But give it a rest sometimes.

Jim bob and michelle duggar image

When you’ve missed [sex] for seven days, you look forward to it even more! – Michelle Duggar

4. Treat her like a queen!

Duggar family picture

That’s key in a relationship, the husband needs to cherish his wife and always treat his wife like a queen. – Jim Bob Duggar

5. Date night!

Jim bob and michelle duggar then and now

It’s a really special time to go out, just the two of us, every Saturday night … sure, we often end up talking about the kids, but it’s…

6. Counseling FTW

Jim bob duggar and michelle duggar picture

There are going to be those times in your marriage where you might not always agree; you might not see things eye to eye and sometimes…

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