Showing posts with label LeAnn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LeAnn. Show all posts

Monday, April 16, 2018

Brandi Glanville and LeAnn Rimes: Ending Their Feud?!

Check out your window to see if you spot any flying pigs, folks. In fact, check up and see if this is one of your culture’s signs of the end of days.

Because it looks like Brandi Glanville and LeAnn Rimes, after years of intense feuding, have finally made peace.

And they’ve snapped a selfie to prove it. Yes, really.

Brandi Glanville posted this selfie with LeAnn Rimes on her Instagram.

It’s a photo that no one ever expected to see — not unless one or both of them were held hostage and forced to make nice.

Brandi explained the monumental photo in the captions, writing:

“Peace in #calabasturd hanging for Jakes bday.”

Jake Cibrian is Brandi’s son — and LeAnn’s stepson.

He celebrated his 11th birthday in Calabasas. He was born on April 7, 2017, but plenty of people celebrate their birthdays on other days.

The fan reaction was immediate and mostly positive.

“Love this!!! Peace for the kids is the way to go!”

Parents should always put their children first.

“I’m so shook.”

(Shook of course is a fun informal term that means shocked or surprised)

“This is everything. Well done both of you.”

They both look like they’re genuinely getting along.

“Oh I am so happy to hear this!!! Amazing!”

Another fan chimed in who sounded as if they were speaking from firsthand experience.

“she’s hanging with the stepmother of her kids….. so SHE can have more time with her children!!! Splitting holidays & birthdays isn’t easy. You end up missing a lot. This is beautiful”

Not everyone was put in a celebratory mood by the happy, peaceful photo, however.

“Wait wait wait wait what.”

While that person was shocked, another person still sounds bitter.

“Shes still a homewrecker…you are wayyyyy bigger than me.”

It looks like some of Brandi’s fans were Team Brandi because they relate to her story.

Memorably, Brandi Glanville and her ex, Eddie Cibrian, parted ways in 2009.

Because she learned that he had been carrying on an affair with LeAnn Rimes. Yikes.

He then went on to marry LeAnn, who became the stepmother to Brandi’s children, Mason and Jake.

To make matters worse, LeAnn has appeared to stoke the flames of Brandi’s distress multiple times over the years, with social media posts featuring Brandi’s children that seemed designed to rub Brandi’s nose into all that she was missing.

Last year, a clearly exasperated Brandi Glanville just wanted to be left alone instead of being taunted by her ex and his wife.

Since imploring Eddie and LeAnn to back off, Brandi’s life has still had its conflicts.

Like feuding with Amber Portwood on Marriage Boot Camp and facing a court battle over Joanna Krupa’s alleged vaginal odor.

Neither of those were nearly as personal, though, because they did not involve Brandi’s children.

It’s a wonderful sign that Brandi and LeAnn were getting along well enough to pose for a selfie together. Perhaps things have really mellowed out.

We hope that the peace lasts. For the sake of everyone involved.


Thursday, January 4, 2018

LeAnn Rimes" Stepsons Call Ivanka Trump an Idiot Over Presidential Aspirations

LeAnn Rimes took the fifth when our photog asked about Ivanka Trump’s alleged aspirations to become the first female president … while her stepsons unleashed their own brand of fire and fury. We got LeAnn, hubby Eddie…


Saturday, June 17, 2017

LeAnn Rimes: Brandi Glanville is Just a Hater!

If you keep up with the feud between Brandi Glanville and LeAnn Rimes, then bless your heart, you sure must have a lot of patience.

You’ve also probably been keeping a close eye on the latest development in that feud: the serious accusations of LeAnn stalking Brandi.

The whole thing started when Brandi’s boyfriend mentioned on Snapchat that he and Brandi would be going to a specific restaurant last month.

They went, and then LeAnn showed up, along with Eddie Cibrian and the two sons Eddie and Brandi share.

Brandi said that LeAnn had viewed her boyfriend’s Snapchat and followed them there, and that it’s just the latest attempt by LeAnn to steal Brandi’s entire life.

Eddie made a few statements denying the story, saying that they’d made reservations for the restaurant days before and Brandi is just lying to make LeAnn look bad.

Brandi insisted that she was telling the truth, and that LeAnn is obsessed with her.

But through all the back-and-forth between Brandi and Eddie this week, LeAnn has been completely silent.

Until now, that is.

There’s a new blog post up on LeAnn’s website called “Hate the Hate, LovE the Hater,” and it’s … well, it sure is something.

“I have been posting the question to myself and to others, ‘How far does your LovE extend?"”, she begins.

We don’t know why she insists on typing out “love” in such a ridiculous way, but she does it throughout the post, so obviously it means something to her.

“Extending LovE,” LeAnn writes, “to those who have hurt us is what we are called to do. It’s the grace that leads us home. It’s an everyday practice of showing up for LovE and living in LovE.”

“By extending LovE to those who have hurt us, it doesn’t mean we bypass the anger or suppress our feelings. We actually allow ourselves to feel the feelings.”

“Moving through the feelings allows space for forgiveness and empathy,” she preaches.

So yeah, it’s pretty obvious that LeAnn is going the “Brandi is the worst, I am the best” route when it comes to this particular fight, isn’t it?

“I have learned, if the actions of another do not come from a place of LovE, it’s a calling our for LovE,” she goes on.

“Viewing the actions of others from that space really opens up the gates of leniency and seeing the lessons of what we personally internalize and absorb.”

“In choosing LovE, we choose to see past the actions and limitations of our humanness and recognize our oneness as spirit.”

She’s so evolved, you guys. Just entirely past all this pettiness.

LeAnn writes that it’s hard to live this way, but it’s “the right thing” to do. She’s gotten it wrong, of course, but she is “taking responsibility for my own pain in order to not hurt others.”

She says that her “LovE” is “incredibly far reaching, but it’s only because I am continually doing the work on myself day by day, replacing the constricted thought process of fear with that of LovE.”

“Will we be disappointed at the twisting of innocence and the actions of others?” she asks. “Of course we will, but we will remain steadfast in LovE.”

“This world needs LovErs. It’s time to show up for LovE. What better time than now?” she concludes.

If you were hoping that LeAnn might take some responsibility for how this mess has gone down over the past eight years, sorry to disappoint.

But hey, just take that disappointment and turn it into LovE.


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Brandi Glanville: Eddie Cibrian and LeAnn Rimes Need to Leave Me Alone!

In news that will surprise literally no one, the feud between Brandi Glanville and LeAnn Rimes just keeps on getting worse.

And, yet again, Eddie Cibrian is stepping into defend his wacky wife.

The issue is the same as it was last week — Brandi got upset that LeAnn viewed her boyfriend’s Snapchat videos and then coincidentally ended up at the same restaurant as her.

LeAnn brought Brandi’s children and Eddie to celebrate Stepmother’s Day, and Brandi perceived the move to be a calculated attempt to upset her.

(Brandi was also upset because LeAnn has allegedly been trying to copy her whole entire life for nearly a decade now, but they all seem to be focused on the Snapchat incident, so we’ll stick to that.)

Eddie responded to Brandi’s claims — or, as he called it, her “foolishness” — in a statement telling the world that “I will not allow false and reverse accusations to go unanswered about my wife.”

He said that LeAnn is “a fantastic stepmom to the boys,” and that she’s “always gracious to their mother,” which is a laugh.

Then, in another statement, he claimed that when everyone was at that same restaurant, “Brandi was very drunk” and kept trying to come to the Cibrians’ table.

“After witnessing Brandi’s behavior at the restaurant,” he said, “I was concerned about what pictures Brandi might post.”

“We looked at their socials after we got home to make sure there was nothing of concern. That’s exactly how it all went down.”

And, well, if Eddie took the time to specifically say that “that’s exactly how it all went down,” looks like we’ve got no choice but to trust him.

But Brandi’s still not having it.

In a new statement to Us Weekly, Brandi insists that LeAnn viewed her boyfriend’s Snapchats before they went to the restaurant.

“At the moment we saw them at Nobu we questioned the timing and saw they had viewed the Snapchats prior,” she says. “This happened while we were at the restaurant.”

“To justify your wife’s stalking of my boyfriend’s social media as you were ‘concerned’ as to what we might post seems a bit farfetched.”

Well, she’s not wrong.

Brandi adds that “I am not interested in this back-and-forth game. I am asking for them to leave us alone and not monitor our lives through social media and other methods.”

She also tweeted “Why is Eddie speaking out for LeAnn she’s 35 & old enough to defend herself isn’t she? Someone balls have been clipped, her bitch I guess!”

When asked why she was bringing up their personal issues on social media, she wrote “I’d rather not but it’s always been the only way I can curb their behavior at least for a time being.”

“The amount of sh-t I’ve put up with privately is ridiculous. They look like their innocent because they do it to me in private.”

Sadly, she added that “My kids will know how I was treated one day. I’ve never discouraged my boys from loving her. She’s the one wanted to get rid of my title!”

She also advised Eddie to “tell his wife to have some boundaries. 8 years of letting her do crazy sh-t! Enough is enough.”

So it sounds like both Brandi and Eddie have their own version of how things went down, and unless one of them admits they’re lying (or unless Snapchat comes through with some time stamps), we’ll never know the truth.

Can this possibly get any worse?


Sunday, June 11, 2017

Eddie Cibrian: Brandi Glanville is a Liar, LeAnn Rimes is a Saint!

Isn’t it so weird to think about how LeAnn Rimes, Eddie Cibrian, and Brandi Glanville are all grown adults?

Considering all the nonsense drama they consistenly get into with each other, you’d think they were preteens at best.

But LeAnn is 34 years old, and Brandi and Eddie are both in their 40s — and still, the issues persist.

And as Brandi described in an open letter she shared on Thursday, things are no better than they were when this whole mess began eight long years ago.

In the letter, Brandi wrote that she’s tried her best to “take the higher road with Eddie and LeAnn for the sake of my boys,” but they just make it so difficult.

“During these years,” she claimed, “I’ve dealt with her obsession with me in the form of her copying my life from going to my dentist, dermatologist, plastic surgeon to even attempting to see my trainer of 14 years.”

And while that sounds absurd, there’s been receipts over the years — LeAnn definitely seems to have a Single White Female thing going on.

Brandi said that a couple of things have happened recently to push her over the edge — one being that LeAnn and Eddie had her uninvited from a party they’d also been invited to.

Then, a couple of weeks ago, she says that LeAnn watched her boyfriend’s Snapchats, learned their plans for the day, then “just happened to show up where we said we would be to celebrate step mothers day (a day early).”


Brandi wrote that LeAnn and Eddie sat across the room from her with her children “just to hurt and torment me by using my own children as pawns.”

It was a pretty intense accusation to make, but sadly, it’s not unbelievable.

But still, Eddie Cibrian felt the need to make a statement of his own to defend LeAnn’s honor.

“I normally don’t respond to Brandi’s foolishness,” he told E! News, “but I will not allow false and reverse accusations to go unanswered about my wife.”

“LeAnn is a fantastic stepmom to the boys and is always gracious to their mother. Having to put up with Brandi’s made up drama all the time is extremely frustrating.”

… Eddie does realize that we’ve witnessed LeAnn’s bizarre behavior time and time (and time) again, right? No?

He went on to say that “After eight years we should have one priority, making sure two incredible kids are loved and remain happy and healthy.”

“But every couple of months there is another accusation coming from Brandi in an attempt to drum up drama to stay relevant.”

He said that “LeAnn and I did not nor have we ever ‘shown up’ at places where Brandi will be. Why would we do that? Makes no sense.”

He claimed that he and LeAnn had reservations days before Brandi posted anything about going to that restaurant — he even screenshots as “proof” on Twitter.

The proof is a text between LeAnn and her assistant, but as many of his followers pointed out, texts are easily faked.

Brandi, meanwhile, shared her own screenshots — some from Snapchat that showed LeAnn had viewed her boyfriend’s videos.

The whole thing is a mess, and sure, they may have had reservations and they may have just coincidentally ended up at the same place as Brandi.

But isn’t it weird how Eddie focused on the restaurant issue in his statement and nothing else?

No denials about LeAnn seeking out Brandi’s doctors, nothing about the harassment Brandi claims she’s faced from LeAnn and her people for years?

But Eddie did comment on another statement Brandi recently made — the one in which the predicted that Eddie would leave LeAnn after their ten year anniversary, when he’d get half of everything.

He called Brandi “sad” and “sick” to “openly predict and hope for the end of our marriage,” and said that “this is not healthy behavior. I’m very concerned.”

Can someone tell Eddie that if he wants to be concerned about sad, unhealthy behavior, he should also look to his wife?


Friday, June 9, 2017

Brandi Glanville: LeAnn Rimes is STEALING My LIFE!

We’ve known for ages about Brandi Glanville and LeAnn Rimes’ epic feud.

But now Brandi’s written a whole letter on the subject, and what she’s disclosed sounds like the premise of a horror movie.

These two were honestly never going to have a good relationship. 

You can pretty much guarantee that when people only enter each other’s lives because one cheated with the other’s husband.

Brandi’s complaints go beyond husband-stealing, though.

LeAnn Rimes seemed to flip a switch and immediately began acting as a stepmother to Brandi’s kids.

That sounds sweet enough, right? Like … it’s better than hating them.

Brandi’s issue is that LeAnn loves to post pictures of herself with Brandi’s kids, flaunting her relationship with the kids and with Eddie Cibrian.

That’s especially hurtful, say, when LeAnn and Eddie have the kids over holidays, when Brandi is missing them the most.

Essentially, you know, this is LeAnn bragging that she’s living Brandi’s life.

Now, Brandi’s gone after LeAnn Rimes before. Recently, even.

And LeAnn Rimes has even had some complaints about Brandi.

So there’s no love lost between them.

But this is worse and, honestly, we’re shocked that Brandi didn’t spill the beans way sooner.

“During these years Ive dealt with her obsession with me in the form of her copying my life from going to my dentist, dermatologist, plastic surgeon to even attempting to see my trainer of 14 years,” Brandi writes in a letter first shared on The Dirty.

Sorry, but that’s way beyond feud levels and sounds more like the behavior of a budding serial killer who intends to one day wear your face as their own.

“I let all of this go in hopes that it would soon come to an end.”

Honestly, it sounds like keeping quiet was a mistake.

“Just recently I was invited to attend a party for a magazine and just 3 hours prior to the event was called and told that Leann & Eddie asked that I be uninvited or they would not attend. Honestly, who does that? We are all adults here.”

Well, not everyone’s acting like adults.

That kind of maturity level would be disappointing if we saw it on a Gossip Girl rerun, let alone in real life from actual grown-ups.

“I’ve had to deal with harassment online by her employees for years and these are people she pays — her music producer, hairstylist, and former road manager to be specific. I did not react to these recent things; I tried to turn a blind eye.”

When we first heard, before reading this letter, that Brandi was accusing LeAnn of paying people to harass her online, we sort of assumed that this was like the “paid protesters” nonsense that we’ve heard in politics lately.

You know, we figured that maybe Brandi was being a little paranoid, and attributing random social media trolls to her archenemy.

But no, she seems to know exactly who they are, and lists them specifically.

This is all so alarming. And there’s more.

“My last straw was a couple of weeks ago when her and her assistant watched my boyfriends snap chats several times over the course of a few hours and just happened to show up where we said we would be to celebrate step mothers day (a day early).”

So, remember how LeAnn likes to dangle pictures of her “perfect life” with Brandi’s ex and children in frotn of Brandi?

It’s apparently not restricted to social media.

“They sat across the room from us just to hurt and torment me by using my own children as pawns. I’ve done my best to keep quiet over all of her antics but bringing my boys into this was my breaking point. I just want the truth out there and for all of her nonsense to stop.”

Holy crap.

That is sickening.

Now, this is just one side of the story, but we’ve all seen LeAnn’s viciously cheery posts of the kids for years.

It sounds like LeAnn Rimes needs to get her own life. And some therapy.

And it sounds like Brandi needs to try to get what might be a first-of-its-kind restraining order.


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Brandi Glanville: Of COURSE Eddie Cibrian is Going to Leave LeAnn Rimes!

This may be hard to believe, but it seems like the relationship between Brandi Glanville and LeAnn Rimes isn’t going so well.

Just kidding, literally nothing in the world is easier to believe.

After all, Brandi and LeAnn really got to know one another after Brandi discovered that LeAnn had been sleeping with her husband, Eddie Cibrian.

After that, Eddie left Brandi, married LeAnn, and then LeAnn immediately began treating herself like (step)mother of the year to the two sons Brandi and Eddie share.

LeAnn shared picture after picture of the boys on social media, even when Brandi begged her not to, and after all that a feud for the ages was inevitable.

Can you really blame Brandi?

Sure, there have been times over the years that Brandi and LeAnn have managed to put aside their differences for the sake of the kids, but those times are few and far between.

And, judging by this new interview Brandi just did, we’d say that right now, we’re pretty darn far between the good times.

In the interview, Brandi confirmed that the relationship she has with the Cibrians is “a little rocky right now.”

“It’s been eight years and you would think that people would mature and be different, but there’s still some craziness happening,” she explained.

“It ebbs and flows. Sometimes it’s great, and right now it’s not.”

However, Brandi does see some good things for the future.

“I think when the 10-year mark comes and he leaves her and takes half her stuff, we’ll all be good together because they won’t even be related,” she theorizes.

She’s talking about their tenth marriage anniversary, which will come up in 2021.

“If she doesn’t have a kid with him,” she added, “then we don’t ever have to see her again.”

To confirm, Brandi predicts that Eddie and LeAnn’s marriage will last about “three more years,” but “Then he hits 10 years, half of everything is his and then he’s gone.”

Way to look at the bright side, huh?

And she may have a point — for pretty much the entirety of Eddie’s relationship with LeAnn, people have theorized that he was just in it for the fame and the money.

After all, way back in 2009 when they first hooked up, LeAnn was still somewhat successful with her country music career, and Brandi was just an aging model who’d birthed his two children.

He had no way of knowing that she’d join Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, or that she’d end up being more famous than LeAnn in just a few short years.

It must be a tough pill to swallow, even for a giant gross douchebag like Eddie Cibrian.

So, according to Brandi, we have just a few more years before a single LeAnn Rimes is unleashed on the world.

Is that enough time to prepare?


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Brandi Glanville: Drunk on the Red Carpet, Taking Shots at LeAnn Rimes?

Brandi Glanville has a new reality show starting tonight, and the early buzz isn’t exactly breaking the Internet, which means the thirst for last-minute free publicity is very, very real.

You may have seen the promos:

Brandi and Leann Rimes’ ex-husband, Dean Sheremet, compete in a cooking competition with Ray J and Andre Dice Clay, apparently for no other reason than that 2016 wants to prove right out of the gate that it’s capable of being just as awful as its predecessor.

We first heard about My Kitchen Rules (Yes, that apparently that struck someone as a gangbusters title.) way back in May, when rumors that Brandi and Dean were dating began to circulate online.

Turns out, they were just filming this show together.

Obviously, the revenge boning story made for a far more interesting narrative, which is probably why it went un-challenged for so long.

Sadly, the reality of the situation is that Brandi and Dean won’t be doing any boning unless they decide to serve trout.

But that doesn’t mean Brandi won’t be using her status as a tabloid staple to promote this act of midseason desperation by the Fox network.

There’s already been talk of Brandi drunk on the red carpet at a premiere event, because getting drunk in public is on the short list of things that still make her mildly interesting.

The only other item on that list is her feud with LeAnn Rimes, and it seems she intends to milk that for everything it’s worth, as well.

Those who have seen the show say Brandi and Dean start taking jabs at their exes right out of the gate.

“Her ex-husband had sex with my ex-wife,” Dean reportedly tells the camera by way of introduction.

“And then we went through the divorce part of it very publicly together,” Glanville adds, for the sake of those who are still confused about why the hell these two are on a team together.

“Everyone assumes that we’re hooking up,” Sheremet says at one point, clarifying:

“We’re really good friends.”

Apparently, co-star Naomi Judd even gets in on the awkwardness, joking about LeAnn:

“Not very good taste in men, but she has a beautiful voice.”

So yeah, that’s the kind of scripted “humor” you can expect on My Kitchen Rules.

We doubt that LeAnn and Eddie Cibrian will be watching – or anyone else, for that matter.


Thursday, August 4, 2016

LeAnn Rimes: Recent Pics Spark Boob Job Rumors

LeAnn Rimes has been making the media rounds in a big way lately.

After several years in which she’s made more headlines for her personal life than for her music, LeAnn is desperate to mount a comeback, and she’s pulling out all the stops in order to make her 11th studio album a surprise success.

First she re-ignited her feud with Brandi Glanville.

Then she justified cheating on her husband (with a married man) with the kind of word salad nonsense that would bring a tear to Sarah Palin’s eye. 

We’ll give her this – LeAnn certainly knows how to drum up publicity.

Unfortunately, she seems to have forgotten that her goal was supposed to be to take the focus off of her personal life and put it back on her music.

But hey, press is press, right?

And the only thing the American tabloid media likes more than a good plastic surgery rumor is boobs.

So naturally, a rumor that LeAnn got breast implants has been everywhere over the past couple weeks.

Is there any truth to it?

Do LeAnn’s boobs look bigger in recent pics, as some outlets have suggested.

Based on what we’ve seen, the answer is, “Nah, not really.”

But maybe the boobs aren’t really what matters.

(We know, boobs always matter, but stay with us here.)

Maybe she made she made a point of stepping out in her most magically boob-enhancing bra a few times so as to get us all talking.

And lo and behold, it worked!

We can’t speak for her new music, but when it comes to PR, LeAnn is a genius rivaled only by Kris Jenner.

Friday, July 29, 2016

LeAnn Rimes: Brandi Glanville Destroyed My Confidence!

For a while there, it looked like LeAnn Rimes and Brandi Glanville had ended their feud.

Both parties made the truce official on social media, and Brandi even wished LeAnn a happy wedding anniversary, which couldn’t have been easy, what with LeAnn being married to Brandi’s ex-husband and all.

Anyway, it looks like those days are officially done.

Maybe it’s because LeAnn has an album to promote.

Maybe she’s pissed off about reports that Brandi is dating Dean Sheremet, who happens to be LeAnn’s first husband.

Whatever the case, LeAnn is back to throwing subtle shade at Brandi in interviews.

(And, we’re guessing, hoping that Brandi gives it right back to her, so as to drum up some good press.)

In a new interview with a UK newspaper, LeAnn was asked point-blank if she gets along with Brandi.

She responded in the affirmative – before immediately throwing shade:

“Um, yeah, at the moment! It’s been a rough road. I do not recommend it or wish it on anyone. My confidence got knocked down a lot and I had to find my way back.”

Is she really throwing herself a pity party over how tough it was to sleep with a married man while she was also married?!

We’re guessing Brandi is having a good laugh over that one.

And tonight, once the wine starts flowing, we wouldn’t be surprised if she fires off a tweet or two in response.

We’ll be waiting with out fingers crossed.

LeAnn Rimes: Brandi Glanville Destroyed My Confidence!

For a while there, it looked like LeAnn Rimes and Brandi Glanville had ended their feud.

Both parties made the truce official on social media, and Brandi even wished LeAnn a happy wedding anniversary, which couldn’t have been easy, what with LeAnn being married to Brandi’s ex-husband and all.

Anyway, it looks like those days are officially done.

Maybe it’s because LeAnn has an album to promote.

Maybe she’s pissed off about reports that Brandi is dating Dean Sheremet, who happens to be LeAnn’s first husband.

Whatever the case, LeAnn is back to throwing subtle shade at Brandi in interviews.

(And, we’re guessing, hoping that Brandi gives it right back to her, so as to drum up some good press.)

In a new interview with a UK newspaper, LeAnn was asked point-blank if she gets along with Brandi.

She responded in the affirmative – before immediately throwing shade:

“Um, yeah, at the moment! It’s been a rough road. I do not recommend it or wish it on anyone. My confidence got knocked down a lot and I had to find my way back.”

Is she really throwing herself a pity party over how tough it was to sleep with a married man while she was also married?!

We’re guessing Brandi is having a good laugh over that one.

And tonight, once the wine starts flowing, we wouldn’t be surprised if she fires off a tweet or two in response.

We’ll be waiting with out fingers crossed.

Monday, July 25, 2016

LeAnn Rimes: How Come Men Are Allowed to Cheat And I"m Not?

At this point, LeAnn Rimes has been living the life of a semi-employed tabloid staple for so long that it’s easy to forget that she was once one of the biggest names in music.

Currently, Rimes is attempting to re-launch her career (We’d say stealing someone else’s song and implicitly passing it off as your own isn’t the best way to announce your comeback, but what do we know?), and it’s … not going so great.

Amazingly, she still has enough clout to land an interview with, and the piece on LeAnn the site posted today. is every bit as hot messy as we’ve come to expect from Mrs. Rimes-Cibrian.

After congratulating herself for still being alive (“Anyone who started as young as I did, well, we don’t really make it very far in our lives.”), Rimes moves on to the topic she says she hates, yet never stops talking about.

Yes, for approximately the 47,000th time, LeAnn is “opening up” about having an affair with Eddie Cibrian while both of them were still married.

You really have to give her credit for continuously finding new angles from which to discuss this thing, especially since each and every one makes her out to be the victim.

Last week, LeAnn wanted sympathy because it turns out cheating on your husband with a dude who’s also married takes a bit of an emotional toll. 

This time, she’s claiming that this whole thing would’ve been forgotten by now if she had a penis:

“It has always boggled my mind,” she says when asked about the fallout from her infidelity.

“We live in a man’s world when it comes to that kind of thing. All is not fair in love and war. And affairs. “

We can’t say for sure if the press and the public would’ve gone easier on a man, but we do know LeAnn’s not doing herself any favors by bringing her relationship drama up in every damn interview.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

LeAnn Rimes: It"s Not Easy Being a Homewrecker!

Just when we were really beginning to believe that Leann Rimes and Brandi Glanville were ready to make peace, Mrs. Rimes-Cibrian goes out of her way to throw seven kinds of shade across multiple media platforms.

First there were the competing butt selfies, which felt like something from a remake of Single White Female where the villain is just as obsessed with herself as she is with the hero.

Now, after a few weeks of keeping relatively quiet (by her standards) LeAnn has an album to promote, which means she’s back to drumming up drama by telling her sob story and letting the world know how hard it is to be LeAnn.

In a recent interview with the Chicago Tribune, LeAnn was asked about life as a stepmom and her mildly controversial decision to sing about her stepkids in her new songs.

LeAnn whiffed at the softball question and babbled on about how much she likes to “rile people up.”

“I think I’m realizing I’ve always been able to move people, just getting people to talk. I’m talking about a subject that doesn’t get written about,” she said.

“I know society these days, I know people are wanting to find everything they can to pick things apart, but I have to write from my heart and my experiences, and I fully own them. Those are mine to share.”

The theme of the piece (chosen by LeAnn’s PR team, no doubt) was that LeAnn is no longer a “magnet for scandals,” so naturally she decided to talk about her affair with Eddie Cibrian … aka the most scandalous part of her “career.”

“I’m not the only one who’s ever been through that situation,” Rimes said, as though she’s some sort of war hero.

“I don’t know if a lot of people in that situation have the guts to even talk about it. I don’t know if I would’ve had the guts to fully embrace all of that if I hadn’t gone through it as publicly as I did.

“Sometimes you’ve gotta say, ‘Screw it.’ You’ve gotta own it.”

We were almost with her, until she started giving herself props for “owning” her extramarital affair.

In any event, it sounds like a really personal album – ya know, despite the fact that LeAnn stole the title track from another artist and has yet to acknowledge it.

We’re sure on her next record she’ll have a song about how hard it is to be a plagiarist.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

LeAnn Rimes, Brandi Glanville Post Competing Butt Selfies

The Kardashians might be the reality stars most closely associated with the butt selfie or “belfie,” but some celebs have been showing off their asses since the days when Kim was just Paris Hilton’s Z-list friend/closet organizer.

Take Brandi Glanville for example.

The former Housewife posted the above pic over the weekend along with a caption reading:

“Drunken post! French cut is back! #ibizasuit ready to re-start my life! happy 4th”

We’d say that’s dramatic stuff for a bikini selfie, but Brandi admitted that she was drunk, and we all know that removing clothing and making overblown declarations always seem like good ideas when you’re hammered.

Not to be outdone, Brandi’s on-again, off-again rival posted her own bikini selfie, but while Brandi was prattling on about Ibiza and French cut swimwear, LeAnn Rimes was all about ‘Merica:

“Happy 4th! Happy Birthday America! #happyfourth #happyfourthofjuly #fourthofjuly #america,” she captioned the above pic.

Now, if any other stars posted butt photos on the same day, we’d chalk it up to coincidence.

But LeAnn’s obsession with Brandi is well-documented, so there’s a good chance this was no accident.

Then again, LeAnn posts butt selfies on a regular basis, so it’s possible she was inspired not by Brandi’s post, but by her own desire for more attention.

Tough to say for sure.

Last time we checked in on them, it looked as though Brandi and LeAnn had buried the hatchet, so maybe this isn’t a declaration of butt war.

Then again, LeAnn seems like the type who never fully gets over a grudge.

Hey, as long as the bikini selfies keep coming, we’re cool with her pettiness.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Brandi Glanville: I "Acted Like A Child" With LeAnn Rimes

She could be forgiven for not wanting anything to do with her ex-husband’s wife.

Instead, Brandi Glanville has decided to take the high road and co-parent her two sons amicably with Eddie Cibrian and LeAnn Rimes.

“I think that I’ve acted like a child enough during the seven years,” the Famously Single star admitted on SiriusXM’s Conversations With Maria.

“We have to be a unit, the three of us.”

What prompted the move was an incident with one of Glanville’s sons that she chooses to keep private.

“We’ve definitely had our moments of not putting the kids first and not being proper adults, and as the kids are getting older, something did happen with one of them, and I don’t really want to go into it, but it made the three of us — Eddie, LeAnn and myself — realize we have to be together on this.” 

That’s so…grown up.  

“We are a modern family, and we have to stick together in order to keep these little boys in line and to keep them from not manipulating us against each other, and we need to be together for them.”


“So that’s what happened really, something with the kids, and we just came together.  And it’s all fine,” Glanville conceded before pointing out that she thinks/hopes “LeAnn finally realizes that” Glanville” doesn’t want to steal her man.

“That’s all done, but we can all still get along and be friends, and so we are.”

Glanville’s 2011 divorce from Cibrian (he and Rimes began an affair on the 2009 set of Lifetime’s Northern Lights), left her in pieces.

“I had a couple years of depression,” Glanville recently admitted on an episode of Famously Single.

“I started drinking too much. I had to up my antidepressants. I cried all day, every day.

“I lost too much weight, but I had to take care of my two kids, and it wasn’t about me anymore.  I knew it had to be done.”

Glanville is reportedly set to co-host My Kitchen Rules, a cooking competition with Rimes’ ex-husband, Dean Sheremet.  And yes, sharp knives will be used.

Friday, June 17, 2016

LeAnn Rimes: Accused of STEALING Song For Her Comeback Album!

The news hasn’t made the sort of waves she was likely hoping for, but you may have heard that LeAnn Rimes is plotting a career comeback.

Unfortunately, thus far, it’s going about as well as LeAnn’s efforts to make everyone forget she stole Brandi Glanville’s husband.

Earlier this week, LeAnn was slammed for using the Orlando nightclub shooting to promote her new album.

Now, she’s grappling with a much less severe controversy that could nonetheless seriously damage her sales and what’s left of her reputation.

The first single from the LeAnn’s 11th studio release is entitled “The Story,” which is also the name of the album itself.

Needless to say, it’s an important song for LeAnn, and she’s passing it off as sort of the signature number of her adult years.

So it’s very strange that she’s made no mention of the artist who originally recorded it.

As several media outlets have pointed out, “The Story” was first released by Brandi Carlile in 2007.

In her constant promotion of the song, LeAnn seems to have not mentioned Brandi by name once.

In fact, the only mention of Ms. Carlile from anyone in LeAnn’s camp came when her frequent co-writer and producer Darrell Brown was pressed for details by a fan.

“‘The Story’ is a song written by #PhilHanesworth and originally recorded by the fantastic #BrandiCarlile,” Brown tweeted when asked about the song’s origins.

“Remember every great singer has to own the song to make it their own. Make sense?”

Uh, yeah … but you can “own” a song and still give credit to the non-famous artist who “owned” it first.

Otherwise, you just look shady AF.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

LeAnn Rimes: SLAMMED For Using Orlando Tragedy to Promote Album!

As you’ve no doubt heard, a mass shooting at an Orlando nightclub over the weekend has been declared the deadliest in U.S. history, with 49 dead and another 53 wounded. 

Most famous figures who spoke out on the tragedy have reacted in shock and anger, sharing their grief on social media and encouraging their fans to donate blood to help save those who are still fighting for their lives in area hospitals.

Sadly, whenever a large numbers celebrities are speaking out on the same subject, it’s a safe bet that at least one of them won’t be able to suppress their ego long enough to let something not be about them for a change.

In this case, the D-lister du jour is none other than LeAnn Rimes, who recently decided to plot a career comeback after years of being best known for stealing Brandi Glanville’s husband..

Oh, and posting a lot of bikini selfies. She does that, too,

Anyway, LeAnn shared a tribute to the victims on Instagram, but for some reason that defies logic, she also thought it would be an ideal time to plug her forthcoming album:

“These are lyrics from a song that I wrote w/ @darrellbrownmusic @tobygadmusic @lindyrobbins123 a few months ago. I felt moved to share these words in support of the #lgbt community and LOVE itself.

“This was written straight out of my heart and my beliefs. LOVE IS LOVE! Everyone deserves to love who they wish and receive love in return, free of judgement.

“I hope you join me in spreading this message. I can’t wait to share more of the song with you all soon enough.”

Okay, at least she stopped just short of posting a link to buy the song on iTunes (though that might be just because it hasn’t been released yet) but, really, LeAnn – “I can’t wait to share more of the song”?

It’s a little weird to get all giddy about the next stage in your career while you’re paying tribute to 49 people who were tragically gunned down. Just sayin’.

Friday, June 10, 2016

LeAnn Rimes Plots Career Comeback, Shares Sad Selfie From Her A-List Days

These days, LeAnn Rimes is best known as the failed reality star who stole Brandi Glanville’s husband.

There was a time, however, when LeAnn was one of the biggest names in country music.

In fact, when she was just 14, LeAnn had a massive hit with her cover of Bill Mack’s 1958 single “Blue.”

It looked like the beginning of a legendary career.

Instead, it was the beginning of … a semi-decent Instagram following? A lifetime of going all Single White Female on your husband’s ex? Copping a “Kardashian attitude” with the few people still willing to pay to see you perform?

We’re not really sure how you would describe whatever the hell it is LeAnn does now, but we know she wants us to focus on her music … and her career comeback. (Ed. note: LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!)

Last week marked the 20th anniversary of LeAnn’s version of “Blue” and she marked the occasion in a couple of sad ways on social media.

First, she posted this photo:

“Today is the first day of my next 20 years! I am declaring now that this next 20 will be even better than the first. I feel it, I believe it. I am so beyond grateful for music and for having the ability and opportunities to to still create it 20 years later.

“There is so much goodness coming and I can’t wait to share it all with you soon. I am grateful, I am grateful, I am grateful. Here’s to EPIC MUSIC. Here’s to EPIC LOVE. Here’s to an EPIC JOURNEY!”

Yeah, we’re sure EPIC things lie ahead. Sorry, did that sound sarcastic?

As though that wasn’t pitiable enough LeAnn posted this photo of herself with Britney Spears back when they both had bright futures ahead of them:

Yes, it’s safe to say these two careers went in different directions.

These days Britney has a lucrative Vegas residency, and LeAnn can’t keep a reality show on VH1.

Oh, well. Here’s to the next 20 years, right? Um…right, guys?!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Brandi Glanville Breaks Silence on LeAnn Rimes Truce!

If you haven"t heard, Brandi Glanville and LeAnn Rimes ended their feud, putting the kibosh on one of the most longstanding and reliable wars in celebrity history.

As you may know, Glanville"s former husband Eddie Cibrian cheated on her with Rimes and later married her, so you get where tensions originated.

Glanville was often peeved that Rimes was pretending to be the "new mom" to her sons and called the country singer out on numerous occasions.

The two women – and sometimes Cibrian – traded jabs on Twitter all the time, and it was ridiculously immature and solidly entertaining for onlookers.

And then one day, suddenly, everything changed. The two tweeted kind words to each other, and the universe went, HUH???

It was kind of unreal. Brandi actually wished LeAnn a happy fifth wedding anniversary to Cibrian.

"@leannrimes Happy anniversary Happy 2 watch my boys 4 mybaby daddy so that y"all can celebrate! Get a tan for me #feeling pasty (mean it)," Brandi tweeted.

"@BrandiGlanville Thank you! Happy that we always pick up where the other leaves off. Xoxo," LeAnn replied.

This all happened seemingly out of the blue and confused everyone.

Now, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star has broken her silence on why the two decided to bury the hatchet.

"Something happened with my children and it brought Eddie and LeAnn and I together and we just had to be on the same page and we realized that we"re the adults here and we have to act like adults," Glanville said during an interview with toofab.

We don"t know what the "something" is that "happened," but it sounds pretty intense.

"I"ve been ready for this for so long," she continued.

"The kids are the happiest they"ve ever been when we"re united," she added. "I will do anything for those children of mine."

Oddly enough, Glanville signed on to star in a cooking show called My Kitchen Rules with LeAnn"s ex-husband, Dean Sheremet.


Brandi glanville breaks silence on leann rimes truce