Showing posts with label Spark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spark. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott Spark Engagement Rumors. Here"s Why.

For Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott, first came love… and then came a baby in a baby carriage.

The couple skipped right past the second part of this classic rhyme, but a new report indicates that they may go back and rectify this omission.

Indeed, there may soon be a marriage!

With Kylie and Travis seemingly doing better than ever, E! News says the famous couple was spotted shopping for over an hour at Polacheck’s Jewelers in Calabasas, California following the former’s 21st birthday celebration over the weekend.

Might Scott have been treating his baby mama to a new necklace, pair of earrings or possibly even a broach?


But might the stars also have been looking for an engagement ring?!?

A witness tells E! News that Jenner “was glowing and looked beautiful” during the pair’s visit to this establishment and that the duo made no effort to hide from the other shoppers in the store.

The source adds that Scott and his prettier half purchased “a couple items” before leaving. 

There’s been chatter for several weeks that Scott and Jenner may get engaged.

It would be the next logical step, right?

The rapper and the Instagram model have been together for well over a year and are parents to a daughter nameed Stormi Webster.

However, Kourtney Kardashian has three kids with Scott Disick and those two have never exchanged vows.

Khloe Kardashian has a child with that awful basketball player, Tristan Thompson, and she remains legally single as well.

The Kardashians and Jenners are not known for settling down permanently with the men that sire their kids.

There was plenty of talk about Scott proposing to Kylie right around the time she turned 21, which happened on August 10 of this year.

So far, though… nothing. Silence. The same relationship status as always.

“Kylie and Travis have definitely discussed getting married and she has expressed what type of ring she would want Travis to buy her. It would definitely be over the top,” another source tells E! News, adding:

“They are not engaged right now but have talked about it, and it’s only a matter of time.”

Is it, though?

As we documented above, it’s not as if Kylie’s sisters have set a great marital example for her.

It’s also not as if Kylie is lacking for expensive gifts from her man.

To celebrate Jenner’s milestone birthday over the weekend, Scott showered her with flowers and a special present: a classic Rolls Royce. It cost well into the six figures, sources have said.

“Happy bday wifey I love u mommy u my heart rib toes and all,” Travis wrote in a birthday message to Kylie last Friday, concluding:

“May GOD continue to bless u and ur spirit. This mark in ur life is the start to more greatness.”

How sweet, right?

Still, all this said, we’re gonna go ahead and take a guess and say the following:

Kylie and Travis will never get married.


Friday, June 8, 2018

Anthony Bourdain, Kate Spade Suicides Spark Increased Calls to Suicide Prevention Hotline

The tragic deaths of Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade by suicide have sparked a wave of calls to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline … TMZ has learned. The Mental Health Association of New York tells TMZ … the hotline has experienced a 25%…


Monday, February 5, 2018

Jill Duggar: Latest Photos of Baby Samuel Spark Debate

Jill Duggar’s parenting has become a subject of great interest amongst the Duggar faithful in recent months.

Typically, when Jill posts a new photo of her children, the response from fans goes something like this:

The first comments consist mainly of fawning praise for her skills as a mother and compliments about how cute her kids are.

Then the haters and mom-shamers come out in force.

Whether Jill is putting a tortilla on her son’s head as a hat or seeming to favor one child over another, her follwoers are always quick to let her know they disapprove.

Sometimes, their concerns are legitimate (Derick allowing his infant son to play with a plastic water bottle was a recent parenting low-light.), but more often the goal seems to be to shame Jessa into believing she’s an unfit mother.

Fortunately, Jill’s latest pic attracted a far more inocuous form of crticism:

That’s Samuel with his aunt Johannah Duggar.

The pic attracted hundreds of comments within minutes of going live, and for once the debate had nothing to do with Jill’s parenting skills”

“He is too cute!! He looks a lot like Jessa to me!” wrote one fan.

Believe it or not, this comment sparked a heated debate about which Duggar Samuel most closely resembles.

Not only did fans pick apart Samuel’s appearance in an effort to figure out which of his aunts and uncles the baby most closely resembles, they subjected Johannah to the same treatment.

“Johannah is so grown up, I think she looks like a mix of Joy-Anna and Jessa,”

“Wow she looks just like Joy at that age!”

“She looks just like Josh,”

Interestingly, Johnnah is now the second-oldest Duggar girl who still livesathome with her parents – but it’s by a pretty sizable margin.

(Jana Duggar, 28, is the oldest.)

Of course, it wouldn’t be a Duggar social media post if there wasn’t some harsh criticism and pointed questioning, as well.

“Where is Israel? Y’all haven’t posted a picture of him in a while….and y’all didn’t take him to Texas with you last week? Hope he’s ok!”  wrote one fan.

Another seized the opportunity to bring up the Josh Duggar sex scandals, writing:

“Were Jill, Jessa, Jinger, and Joy NOT abused by Josh? YES they were. Multiple times. And religious indoctrination IS abuse. So is blanket training. What you see on tv is all scripted and rehearsed.”

Just another day in the life of reality TV’s most controversial family.

Watch Counting On online to join the debate.


Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Kim Zolciak-Biermann Says Renewing Wedding Vows Won"t Spark Romance

Kim Zolciak-Biermann says renewing your wedding vows isn’t the spark for a fizzled out relationship — but if that’s what you’re aiming for … she’s got a suggestion. We got Kim and her hubby, Kroy, at LAX and asked if they recommend…


Friday, July 28, 2017

Britney Spears: Latest Pics Spark Boob Job Rumors

At this point in her career, Britney Spears has demonstrated the sort of resilience and longevity that most pop stars only dream of.

The singer has been dismissed and counted out on a number of occasions, and each time she’s stunned the music world by bouncing back.

Naturally, Brit’s also been the subject of countless rumors over the years, many of them having to do with her youthful good looks.

Yesterday, Spears posted a workout video for the enjoyment of her 17 million Instagram followers, and some fans remarked that the 35-year-old appeared to have had some work done/

Not content to engage in wild speculation Life & Style did one of those pieces where they bring in a plastic surgeon and have him examine photos of Britney so that they can engage in educated speculation.

“First of all, loss of baby fat goes a long way to making the face look different,” Dr. Andrew Miller explained to the tabloid.

“As to procedures she may have done, Britney always had a slight asymmetry between her eyes that appears improved in her later photos. Also, the lips look a bit fuller and the nose is a little thinner.”

Curiously, Miller failed to remark on whether or not Spears has had breast implants, which seemed to be the number one topic of interest for fans commenting on her video.

He did say that if Brit’s working with a plastic surgeon, she clearly shelled out for onw of the best:

“Everything does look natural so whatever she has done, it appears to have been done well.” 

High praise coming from a guy who certainly knows his stuff.

Somewhat disappointingly, the question of whether or not Spears has had plastic surgery will likely remain unanswered until her inevitable late career memoir is uploaded directly to your brain, or however people read books by then.

The important thing is that whether she’s gone under the knife or not, Brit’s taken great pains to ensure both peak physical fitness and continued pop cultural relevance.

Spears’ Vegas residency remains wildly popular, and she continues to turn in remarkably physical performances for packed houses.

The whole thing is damn impressive no matter what sort of work she’s had done.

Here’s hoping this pop queen will continue to slay for many years to come.


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Kylie Jenner: GIANT Boobs and Butt Spark Implant Rumors

The Kardashian women are famous for their Jessica Rabbit-like curves that seem to defy the laws of physics, biology, and pretty much every other scientific discipline.

But Kylie Jenner isn’t a Kardashian.

She has one parent in common with Kourtney, Kim, and Kris, but she doesn’t share the Armenian heritage to which they attribute their iconic T&A.

So when Kylie takes to social media to flaunt Kim-like assets, the world does a double-take – and begins to question what’s really going on here.

Kylie’s latest photo shoot is garnering a LOT of attention, and not just because she’s wearing a shade pf green that’s never before been seen outside fifth grade gym class, circa 1993.

As you can see, Kylie is showing off her curves, but there’s nothing new about that.

What’s new is just how curvy those curves have become.

We’ve seen enough of Kylie’s racy selfies to know when a change has taken place, and we feel confident in saying that this young woman has undergone serious reconstruction in recent months.

For years now, Kylie has been slowly transforming into Kim, but she seems to have ramped up her progress recently.

We imagine it as being like that scene in every mad scientist movie where the guy gets sick of the villagers calling him crazy so he turns every dial up to 11 and waits for the lightning to strike.

The smoke clears and Kylie stumbles out looking like someone who’s new to photoshop tried to graft Kim’s body onto a pic of Kris and Caitlyn’s youngest daughter.

Obviously, the photos have re-ignited the debate over whether or not Kylie has had plastic surgery.

Perhaps we should rephrase that:

At this point, there is not debate about whether or not Kylie has had plastic surgery.

The only question is:

Just how many procedures has she undergone?

Believe it or not, the only cosmetic enhancements Kylie will admit to are “temporary lip fillers.”

Of course, she made that confession nearly two years ago, and it looks like she’s received “fillers” just about everywhere else in the meantime.

Will she ever cop to going under the knife.

Probably, but only in a tearful memoir years after her social media fame has died down.

And if she keeps posting pics like these ones, it may be a very long time before that happens.


Friday, January 13, 2017

Gwen Stefani Sued for Jacking "Spark the Fire" from Her Hair Dude (AUDIO)

Gwen Stefani stole one of her hit songs from an L.A. rocker turned hairstylist … according to the hair guy who’s now suing. The song’s called “Spark the Fire” — written by Gwen and her pal, Pharrell Williams, and released in 2014 — but…


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Who Won the Popular Vote? Election Results Continue to Spark Controversy

Donald Trump shocked the country and world when he captured the necessary 270 electoral college votes on Election Day, and then some.

As such, the hard-charging Republican will become the 45th President of the United States when he is inaugurated early next year.

But who won the popular vote last week?

Trump’s vanquished rival, Democrat Hillary Clinton, is winning the popular vote, and handily so, according to the latest 2016 election results.

Her lead, it seems is only growing.

Votes are still being counted, but the AP indicates that Clinton is up by 797,724 votes (0.62 percent of voters) as of Tuesday morning.

She earned 61,324,576 votes (47.85 percent) to Trump’s 60,526,852 votes (47.23 percent), with returns still coming in from some states.

The Cook Political Report suggest her lead may already be over 990,000; CNN, the N.Y. Times and Politico have her up slightly less.

In any case, Clinton leads Trump in the popular vote according to every news source, despite Trump being elected President last week.

How does that work?!

Because each state assigns electors based on its number of representatives in Congress, what we have are 50 winner-take-all elections.

Trump beat Clinton 290-232 (Michigan is still too close to call, with Trump expected to win 16 more electoral votes) to win the presidency.

Just the same, more people voted for Clinton, which has some of her fans crying foul and some scholars debating the merits of the system.

Trump’s take on the controversy?

The billionaire former Celebrity Apprentice host even took to Twitter on Tuesday, November 15, to address the popular vote totals, writing:

“If the election were based on total popular vote I would have campaigned in N.Y. Florida and California and won even bigger and more easily.”

“The Electoral College is actually genius in that it brings all states, including the smaller ones, into play. Campaigning is so much different!”

Trump is undeniably right to some degree.

Both sides know the rules and played by them; Trump won. If the race were a national popular vote, the landscape would be very different.

It’s impossible to know what the margins might be in such a scenario, because they weren’t tabulated under that system to begin with.

Nevertheless, the popular vote victor didn’t win in the electoral college for the second time in 16 years, or five presidential elections.

Al Gore also “won” the 2000 election.

Millions of people have signed a petition to ask their electors to honor the popular vote and declare Clinton the next POTUS.

Don’t bet on it happening.

“We are calling on the Electors to ignore their states’ votes and cast their ballots for Secretary Clinton,” the petition to change the system reads.

“Why? Mr. Trump is unfit to serve.”

The petition cites his “scapegoating of so many Americans, and his impulsivity, bullying, lying, admitted history of sexual assault, and utter lack of experience.”

Maybe that’s all true, or it’s not.

The fact of the matter, though:

Trump won decisively in a system that spreads power across 50 states, many of which typically lean Democratic, but rejected Clinton.

Moreover, citing a Clinton popular vote win rings hollow when you consider that Trump received fewer votes than Mitt Romney in 2012.

Yes, the man who sparked a populist revolt against the establishment won a few hundred thousand fewer votes than the previous Republican.

Romney, of course, lost decisively to President Barack Obama, who garnered millions more votes than his would-be Democratic successor.

Why did Obama’s voters change sides, stay home, write in third parties or otherwise not support Clinton in quite as robust numbers?

A question for the ages, but had they done so, asking who won the popular vote one week after Election Day would be a moot point.


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Lily-Rose Depp: Latest Photos Spark Eating Disorder Rumors

Lily-Rose Depp’s career is taking off in a big way, and the 17-year-old actress and model seems to be on the verge of becoming a household name in her own right.

Sure, like any teen she’s made some mistakes, but fortunately, no one watches Kevin Smith movies, so she should have no trouble bouncing back from the atrocity that was Yoga Hosers.

Of course, with success in Hollywood comes the many pitfalls of fame, including tabloids and social media vultures scrutinizinf your appearance at every turn.

As you can see, Lily-Rose is a bit on the thin side, even by model standards.

Radar Online recently published photos of the teen out for lunch in West Hollywood and described her as “scary skinny” and “dangerously thin.”

We wouldn’t go quite that far.

Yes, Lily is a model, and ladies in her profession tend to go light on the calorie intake, but she’s also 17.

That’s significant because teenagers tend to have rapid-fire metabolisms.

Remember subsisting on a diet of fried chicken and malt liquor your freshman year of high school and never gaining a pound.

Okay, maybe that was just us, but the point is, your metabolism slows down with age, so it’s really not that weird for someone Lily-Rose’s age to be a few pounds under what might be considered a healthy weight.

She may have slimmed down a bit lately, but there could be any number of reasons for that, and we doubt it’ll negatively impact her health.

As for her career, Ms. Depp is blowing up lately.

In fact, her dad predicts she’ll be an A-lister in no time.

Of course, he also says Lily-Rose’s sudden success worries him.

We guess that’s not surprising.

Any dad would be concerned in Johnny’s position, and Depp knows more than anyone how cruel Hollywood can be to newcomers and grizzled vets alike.

But we’re sure he’s doing his best to keep an eye on her.

In fact, it looks like he’s employing a wide variety of disguises, following Lily-Rose to her premiere in hats, weird facial hair, and more scarves than any sane man would wear in Southern California.

What do you mean that’s just how he dresses?

We kid, Johnny!


Thursday, August 4, 2016

LeAnn Rimes: Recent Pics Spark Boob Job Rumors

LeAnn Rimes has been making the media rounds in a big way lately.

After several years in which she’s made more headlines for her personal life than for her music, LeAnn is desperate to mount a comeback, and she’s pulling out all the stops in order to make her 11th studio album a surprise success.

First she re-ignited her feud with Brandi Glanville.

Then she justified cheating on her husband (with a married man) with the kind of word salad nonsense that would bring a tear to Sarah Palin’s eye. 

We’ll give her this – LeAnn certainly knows how to drum up publicity.

Unfortunately, she seems to have forgotten that her goal was supposed to be to take the focus off of her personal life and put it back on her music.

But hey, press is press, right?

And the only thing the American tabloid media likes more than a good plastic surgery rumor is boobs.

So naturally, a rumor that LeAnn got breast implants has been everywhere over the past couple weeks.

Is there any truth to it?

Do LeAnn’s boobs look bigger in recent pics, as some outlets have suggested.

Based on what we’ve seen, the answer is, “Nah, not really.”

But maybe the boobs aren’t really what matters.

(We know, boobs always matter, but stay with us here.)

Maybe she made she made a point of stepping out in her most magically boob-enhancing bra a few times so as to get us all talking.

And lo and behold, it worked!

We can’t speak for her new music, but when it comes to PR, LeAnn is a genius rivaled only by Kris Jenner.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Taylor Swift: 4th of July Photos Spark Boob Job Rumors

By now, you’ve likely seen the many, many Taylor Swift 4th of July photos that the singer posted on Instagram earlier this week.

The endless array of carefully posed pics (we can’t even begin to guess how many didn’t make the cut) were a stirring testament to the power of life, liberty, and the pursuit of #SquadGoals.

While Swift clearly wanted us to realize that her chick clique remains unbroken in spite of all the attention she’s been paying to the new man in her life (really feels like we wrote the exact same sentence last year) she also wanted to show her fans that her possibly fake relationship with Tom Hiddleston is still going strong.

What she probably didn’t want, however, is to spark yet another round of plastic surgery rumors.

But that’s just what happened thanks to a very flattering bikini top that Taylor wore to accentuate the Swift twins:

There’s a lot to look at here, but we’d like to focus your attention on Taylor – toward the middle, red top, usual “I’m overcome with joy to be in the presence of my friends who are famous, but way less famous than I am!” look on her face.

Many have pointed out that Taylor looks like a bit more top heavy than usual in these pics.

But the truth may have come to us via Forever 21, which posted this pic of Tay frolicking on the beach…

And also offered an explanation for why she suddenly looks so boob-tastic.

The company says the bikini – now sold out, of course – comes with detachable cups, which Taylor appears to have left in.

Friends say the singer has been outspoken about her fondness for her own boobs and would never do anything to change them.

So there you have it.

Taylor’s breasts are almost certainly real.

Taylor’s butt, on the other hand…

Friday, June 10, 2016

Game of Thrones: Possible Season 6 Spoilers Spark Fan Debate

As we reported earlier this week, HBO recently released a treasure trove of information about the final three episodes of Game of Thrones Season 6.

In fact, just the titles of the final two installments were enough to have some fans whining about spoilers on social media.

In case you missed it [Spoilers lie ahead, obviously.] the penultimate episode is entitled “Battlle of the Bastards,” which seems to be a pretty clear indication that Jon Snow and Ramsay Bolton (bastards, both) will clash over Winterfell – and that Ramsay will probably be killed in battle.

(Someone’s gotta die, and they ain’t gonna kill Jon again, ya know?)

The season finale is titled “The Winds of Winter,” which is not only the title of George R.R. Martin’s forthcoming novel in the A Song of Ice and Fire series, it’s also a pretty clear indication that after six seasons of constant memes, winter will finally arrive in Westeros.

Some believe it’ll bring with a cold front of angry White Walkers, but that’s a discussion for another time.

Today, we’ll focus on a pair of potential new spoilers that were not released by the network, but rather ferreted out by eager internet sleuths.

First, as you may recall in last week’s episode, Arya was left in a sorry state after being attacked and stabbed by the Waif.

However, this screenshot has raised some doubts about what really happened:

Arya, Game of Thrones Screenshot

As book-readers can testify, in GRRM’s world, the Waif is very much a real person.

In the Seven Kingdoms created by David Weiss and D.B. Benioff, however, it’s possible she’s some kind of murderous Tyler Durden.

She’s in Arya’s imagination, or she’s the physical embodiment of Arya’s desire to “kill herself” and become “no one.”

We’re not really sure, but it’s hard to believe that with the attention to detail on display in every scene, Weiss and Benioff would have Arya walk by a girl who looks just like her moments before she’s violently attacked by a shape-shifter.

Of course, they could just be messing with us.

Speaking of messing with us, many fans eagerly anticipated the return of Catelynn Stark as Lady Stoneheart after she was murdered at the Red Wedding in Season 3.

Three years later they’re still waiting.

However, a recent reveal from a bit player on the show has given Stoneheart lovers hope.

The friendly-looking fella in the middle is an actor named Johannes Haukur, who confirmed on Twitter last week that his character’s name is Lem Lemoncloak.

Without getting too deep in the weeds, we can tell you that in the books Lem is a member of the Brotherhood Without Banners, who eventually collaborate with Lady Stoneheart in her quest for revenge.

We’ve seen the Brotherhood on the show before, but they weren’t this murderous, which has led many to believe that they’re on a mission to hunt down the Hound for the former Lady Stark.

Further fueling the speculation, Haukur recently tweeted:

“Dawning on me that some of you guys might hunt me down if that bitch doesn’t show up. I can’t say either way!!! #LadyStoneheart #GoT”

Both of these possible spoilers have sparked lively debates amongst GoT’s most fervent fans.

Some say the writers wouldn’t go against GRRM canon (though they’ve done so many times in the past) in order to get so abstract and … well, just plain weird with the Waif.

Others say the show abandoned the Lady Stoneheart storyline seasons ago, and there’s no goping back now.

Frankly, with the number of curveballs we’ve been thrown this season, we don’t feel comfortable making any predictions.

Well, except for the fact that Ramsay is gonna die and winter is coming.

We’ve been waiting on those two events for so long that we may riot if the show doesn’t deliver.

Watch Game of Thrones online in order to get caught up in time for what promises to be thrilling run of episodes.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Bella Thorne: Latest Selfies Spark Boob Job Rumors

If you follow Bella Thorne on Instagram, you know the girl isn’t exactly shy about showing off her figure.

The upsides of that approach to selfie taking are obvious, but the there downsides, too. For example, Bella’s cleavage is the result of frequent (and somewhat pervy) speculation, and her latest selfies have spurred another round of boob job rumors.

On the left is Bella with her boyfriend Gregg Sulkin at a Los Angeles Clippers game earlier this month.

On the right is Bella at the MTV Movie Awards back in April.

We’ll admit – she looks a bit more top heavy at the Clippers game, but that could be for any number of reasons.

Don’t tell that to the Internet, though. Instagram commenters and other trolly types have cited these two photos as evidence of Bella’s alleged breast implants.

Again, we’re not saying that Bella definitely hasn’t had work done, but we’ll take this opportunity to remind everyone that if only folks who’d never gone under the knife were allowed in Hollywood, there would be tumbleweed blowing down Sunset Boulevard.

In any event, the girl’s got enough on her plate without her own fans going all Sherlock on her boobs.

Bella’s being bullied by an unidentified mean girl and she currently appears in Alvin & the Chipmunks: The Road Chip.

We should be taking up a collection for her, not scrutinizing her breasts.