Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Bella Thorne: Latest Selfies Spark Boob Job Rumors

If you follow Bella Thorne on Instagram, you know the girl isn’t exactly shy about showing off her figure.

The upsides of that approach to selfie taking are obvious, but the there downsides, too. For example, Bella’s cleavage is the result of frequent (and somewhat pervy) speculation, and her latest selfies have spurred another round of boob job rumors.

On the left is Bella with her boyfriend Gregg Sulkin at a Los Angeles Clippers game earlier this month.

On the right is Bella at the MTV Movie Awards back in April.

We’ll admit – she looks a bit more top heavy at the Clippers game, but that could be for any number of reasons.

Don’t tell that to the Internet, though. Instagram commenters and other trolly types have cited these two photos as evidence of Bella’s alleged breast implants.

Again, we’re not saying that Bella definitely hasn’t had work done, but we’ll take this opportunity to remind everyone that if only folks who’d never gone under the knife were allowed in Hollywood, there would be tumbleweed blowing down Sunset Boulevard.

In any event, the girl’s got enough on her plate without her own fans going all Sherlock on her boobs.

Bella’s being bullied by an unidentified mean girl and she currently appears in Alvin & the Chipmunks: The Road Chip.

We should be taking up a collection for her, not scrutinizing her breasts.