Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Kylie Jenner: GIANT Boobs and Butt Spark Implant Rumors

The Kardashian women are famous for their Jessica Rabbit-like curves that seem to defy the laws of physics, biology, and pretty much every other scientific discipline.

But Kylie Jenner isn’t a Kardashian.

She has one parent in common with Kourtney, Kim, and Kris, but she doesn’t share the Armenian heritage to which they attribute their iconic T&A.

So when Kylie takes to social media to flaunt Kim-like assets, the world does a double-take – and begins to question what’s really going on here.

Kylie’s latest photo shoot is garnering a LOT of attention, and not just because she’s wearing a shade pf green that’s never before been seen outside fifth grade gym class, circa 1993.

As you can see, Kylie is showing off her curves, but there’s nothing new about that.

What’s new is just how curvy those curves have become.

We’ve seen enough of Kylie’s racy selfies to know when a change has taken place, and we feel confident in saying that this young woman has undergone serious reconstruction in recent months.

For years now, Kylie has been slowly transforming into Kim, but she seems to have ramped up her progress recently.

We imagine it as being like that scene in every mad scientist movie where the guy gets sick of the villagers calling him crazy so he turns every dial up to 11 and waits for the lightning to strike.

The smoke clears and Kylie stumbles out looking like someone who’s new to photoshop tried to graft Kim’s body onto a pic of Kris and Caitlyn’s youngest daughter.

Obviously, the photos have re-ignited the debate over whether or not Kylie has had plastic surgery.

Perhaps we should rephrase that:

At this point, there is not debate about whether or not Kylie has had plastic surgery.

The only question is:

Just how many procedures has she undergone?

Believe it or not, the only cosmetic enhancements Kylie will admit to are “temporary lip fillers.”

Of course, she made that confession nearly two years ago, and it looks like she’s received “fillers” just about everywhere else in the meantime.

Will she ever cop to going under the knife.

Probably, but only in a tearful memoir years after her social media fame has died down.

And if she keeps posting pics like these ones, it may be a very long time before that happens.
