Showing posts with label Election. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Election. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Billionaire Tom Steyer Happy with Election After Spending $120 Million on Democrats

Tom Steyer is reveling in the midterm election results after dumping $ 120 million into Democratic campaigns … and he’s not afraid to rub it in President Trump’s face. We got the billionaire philanthropist Wednesday in Washington…


Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Dennis Hof Wins Election For Nevada State Assembly Seat Weeks After Death

People in Nevada just elected a dead pimp to the State Assembly … voting in Dennis Hof only 3 weeks after the famous brothel owner died at one his whorehouses.  Dennis was still on the ballot as a Republican candidate for the Nevada…


Laura Ingraham Mocks Taylor Swift Over Tennessee Democrat Losing Midterm Election

Laura Ingraham is rubbing it in Taylor Swift’s face after the candidate the singer backed for the United States Senate lost his race in Tennessee.  Laura shaded Taylor on Twitter, telling her to #shakeitoff after Rep.…


Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Beyonce Comes Out in Support of Beto O"Rourke on Election Day

Beyonce’s a little late to the Beto O’Rourke party, but she just gave him a huge plug on Election Day … rocking his signature hat and encouraging America to vote. Queen Bey just posted a photo montage on IG that shows herself wearing a “Beto for…


Dan Crenshaw Says Pete Davidson"s "SNL" Joke May Help in Midterm Election

The war vet Pete Davidson disrespected on ‘SNL’ concedes there may be a silver lining … he’s now a stand-out in Tuesday’s midterm election. Texas congressional candidate Dan Crenshaw told us on “TMZ Live” … this could turn into…


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

WWE"s Kane Wins Mayoral Primary Election In Tennessee

Kane is 1 step closer to running Knox County, Tennessee … ‘cause the WWE legend won the primary Mayoral election today … and is now expected to be elected mayor this summer. Glenn Jacobs aka Kane first announced he was running for the gig last…


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

WWE"s Kane Stumping Hard On Election Day, Vote for Me!!

Moment of truth for WWE legend Kane – it’s election day in Knox County, Tennessee where he’s running for mayor … and the 51-year-old is still campaigning his unmasked face off!  It’s only the primaries … but whoever wins the…


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Roy Moore Loses Alabama Senate Election Against Doug Jones

The contentious and highly publicized race for Alabama’s vacant Senate seat is finally over … and the victor is Doug Jones. Roy Moore lost the special election for the seat left open by Jeff Sessions Tuesday night, to his Democratic…


Saturday, November 11, 2017

Donna Brazile Dodges Question, Why Didn"t You Complain About Hilary During Election?

Donna Brazile was in no mood Saturday morning to explain why she didn’t blow the whistle on the Hillary Clinton campaign for allegedly rigging the democratic nomination against Bernie Sanders. … blow the whistle when she knew what was up. Brazile…


Thursday, November 9, 2017

Donald Trump Celebrates Election Anniversary With Smiling White People

Well, it’s been one full year since Donald Trump shocked the world by defeating Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election.

Depending on where you fall on the political spectrum, you either look back on the victory as a tragedy from which the nation may never fully recover, or as the night you reveled at the sight of all those cucks melting into weeping snowflake puddles.

Either way, it signaled the start of what was inarguably an eventful year:

Construction began on the 1,900-mile border wall between the US and Mexico; Obamacare was repealed and replaced with a more equitable alternative; ISIS was defeated in a mere 30 days; the opioid crisis was resolved; coal mines popped up all over the country; and, of course, Hillary Clinton was condemned to a life sentence in a hard labor camp where all shades of pantsuit are strictly prohibited.

No, we haven’t been bought out by the Kremlin–that was merely an attempt at humor.

(Feel free to scroll down to the comments section to tell us how painfully unfunny it was!)

But despite all the campaign promises left unfulfilled and the ever-tightening noose of special counsel Robert Mueller’s criminal investigation, there is one achievement of which Trump and his supporters remain unabashedly proud:

We’re talking, of course, about losing the popular vote.

Or, as the #MAGA set might phrase it: seizing a bigly victory despite historic opposition from the Soros-funded Deep State and the #FakeNews lame-stream media.

(And hey, if you belong to that crowd, congrats on making it this deep into the article without being triggered into a seizure state!)

Trump tweeted the above photo last night to celebrate the first anniversary of his election to the White House.

At first, we thought the pic was taken moments after the president learned of a new method for turning poor people into fossil fuels, but Trump explained otherwise in his caption:

“Congratulations to all of the ‘DEPLORABLES’ and the millions of people who gave us a MASSIVE (304-227) Electoral College landslide victory!” 

To be fair, winning a national election is a pretty damn big accomplishment.

But when you’ve been President of the United States of America for the past ten months, running a successful campaign shouldn’t still be your biggest achievement.

Obviously, everyone in the photo got roasted to a crisp on Twitter, but we won’t indulge in that sort of pettiness here.

We won’t point out the uncanny resemblance between Stephen Miller and the dude that had Voldemort living in the back of his head in the first Harry Potter.

Nor will we point out that there’s a 100 percent chance Hope Hicks burned that sweater and enjoyed a nice Clorox and Brillo pad bath after being forced to stand so close to Miller’s sweaty hover hand.

And we certainly won’t point out that Little Lord Jared should probably get used to standing in line-ups and spending time in close proximity with sex offenders.

No, we’ll take the high road and simply wish Mr. Trump a happy anniversary.

We hope you’re not tired of winning yet, sir. 

After all, you most likely have a criminal trial ahead of you, and you’re gonna want to bring your A-game for that.


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 1 Recap: Election Night

American Horror Story is back, but was the Presidential Election-infused opener a worthy hook for the iconic drama series?

When American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 1 kicked off, it was election night, and things were not going well for some of the initial characters we got to meet. 

Ally was freaking the hell out because Donald Trump was set to become President of the United States. Her wife, Ivy, seemed more concerned about Ally’s reaction to the result as opposed to what actually transpired. 

While everyone seemed to be going out of their mind at the result, the patriarch of the Chang family was not impressed that his wife did not vote. 

He blamed her for making things difficult for Ally and Ivy, and the poor woman looked like she was going to burst into tears. FYI: The post-election paranoia and satire are what makes this season so great. 

While all of those characters were genuinely scared for what would become of America, Kai was happy. He sat watching the TV and started humping it when the results were announced. 

“The revolution has begun,” he yelled, but what, exactly, was he up to?

He made a break for the blender with a bag of Cheetos and smeared the paste all over his face. He was obviously going for the Donald Trump look. 

He made his way into Winter’s (Billie Lourd) bedroom and sat on her bed as she bickered with someone on the phone about wanting someone else to win the election. 

The person on the other side made it clear that Winter was NOT to hurt herself. But Kai offered up a pinky, so it seemed like they were gearing up to work together. 

We then got to see Twisty the Clown kill his first victims of American Horror Story Season 7, and it was such a throwback to American Horror Story Season 4

Remember he preyed on the people having sex in the woods? Well, he’s doing the same thing this time around, and we’re totally okay with it.

But was that scene REALLY happening? Oz was reading a comic book about the clown, so are we to assume that Twisty is actually someone who was created?

Or was he real, and the legend has lived on for all of those years? We have no idea, but Oz sure is creepy if he’s that young and reading comic books about people getting butchered by a clown. 

Ally finds the book and goes bat$ hit crazy, so Ivy confiscates the book, and we’re actually happy. There’s something seriously wrong with that kid, and we don’t think it’s anything to do with his mother being a nervous wreck. 

Ally took herself to her therapist to get some clarity on what was going on with her. Her main issue seemed to be that her fears were elevated since the big election. 

She was given drugs and sent on her sweet, merry way, but she knew there was something seriously going on and she wanted to get to the cause of it. 

We then got to see Mr. Chang at a local council meeting, and Kai is there to veto the plans for security at a local Jewish center. He wanted to use fear to control people. 

Like, is this dude seriously related to Trump? It sure seemed that way. 

Anyway, Mr. Chang and the board are not impressed and opt against Kai’s idea of using violence to cause a world of trouble for the Jewish center. 

As if that could not be bad enough, Kai is then seen filling up a condom with urine, before lunging it at a group of Hispanic men. Yes, they got him back by kicking the crap out of him. 

But who was recording the whole scene? Is Kai trying to make it look like the Hispanic men attacked him first? 

Ally entered a dimly lit, and genuinely terrifying grocery store. Gary (Chaz Bono) puts on his “Make America Great Again” hat and Ally immediately pooped her pants. 

She encountered clowns having sex in the fresh food area, and some crazy clowns following her. It resulted in a huge meltdown in her car as Ivy worried what the heck was going on. 

After the police checked the footage, it emerged that no clown had been in the store and Ivy was at the end of her tether with her wife. Things took a turn when Winter was hired to be the new nanny. 

Winter noticed Oz drawing a scene out of the Twisty comic and showed him videos of people being murdered. Before long, an ice cream van appears, and clowns emerge. 

They were the same as the as the group Ally found in the store, so it sure seems like Ally is telling the truth and everything is being covered up. 

When Ally and Ivy returned home, they found out the Changs had been murdered, and Oz gave a colorful story of how Winter let him watch the murders taking place. 

But instead, Winter lied and said he was talking crap and that Ally’s drama was clearly having an effect on his well-being. Well played, Winter. 

“Election Night” was a solid return for the FX drama. It was the best premiere since American Horror Story Season 2

What did you think of it? 

Sound off below!


Friday, May 26, 2017

Greg Gianforte Wins Montana Special Election, Apologizes For Body Slam

Greg Gianforte won Montana’s special election Thursday night and apologized for allegedly body slamming a reporter. Gianforte, who received 50.4% of the state’s votes, took the stage after his victory, saying, “When you make a mistake, you have to…


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

James Comey "Mildly Nauseous" Over Clinton Email Investigation and Election, But Defends His Decision (VIDEO)

James Comey went to bat for his decision to publicly announce reopening an investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails days before the election … and got very worked up while doing it. The FBI Director spoke at a Senate Judiciary Committee…


Friday, April 7, 2017

Hillary Clinton, Here"s Why I Lost Presidential Election to Donald Trump (VIDEO)

Hillary Clinton says there are 4 reasons that substantiate why she lost her bid for the White House to Donald Trump. Clinton, who called the loss devastating, was interviewed at the Women in the World summit in NYC. Her reasons for the defeat: –…


Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Britney Spears Concert Delays Israeli Election

Britney Spears did it again … her concert has delayed an election in Israel. The Israeli Labor Party has reportedly postponed its primary election from July 3 to July 4 since Brit’s rolling into Tel Aviv the same day. In a statement, the election…


Thursday, January 26, 2017

Google to Crack Down on Fake News Following Trump Election

If you’ve been anywhere news an Internet-enabled device in the past two months, you’ve no doubt heard the phrase “fake news.”

Coined by the Left as a means of identifying factually-inaccurate propaganda designed to advance right wing political agendas, the phrase has been co-opted by Donald Trump and his followers as an easy two-word refutation to news reports that don’t suit their aims.

But no matter what side of the aisle is shaking their fists about it at the moment, the fact remains fake news is a serious problem that undoubtedly influenced the outcome of the 2016 presidential election.

After initially denying that the spread of misinformation of Facebook had had any impact on the outcome of the race, Mark Zuckerberg has finally vowed to take action against fake news, but many believe the steps he’s taking out insifficient and that the young CEO fails to recognize the severity of the problem.

Now, with the biggest net’s largest social media sites struggling with how to curb propaganda without trampling on their users right to free expression, the world’s main driver of web-traffic is taking decisive action to ensure that future elections won’t be manipulated by widespread falsehoods or “alternative facts,” as they’re now known to some.

On Wednesday, Google announced that it would increase regulation of advertising and linked-to websites that are designed to mislead the user or facilitate the propagation of false information.

The move is seen by many as a result of Google’s belief that the Trump administration will do little to make the Interten a safer place and a more reliable source of facts, which puts the onus on private behemoths to take immediate action.

Interestingly, the announcement comes after a year in which Google made massive leaps forward in its effort to suppress the spread of misinformation.

The company removed more than 1.7 billion false ads in 2016, up from 718 million in 2016.

Google has earned praise for not only taking swift action, but for being so transparent in its efforts.

The company’s latest move has led to increased demands on Facebook to follow suit by outlining exactly what steps it plans to take to ensure that erroneous, misleading posts such as the one that led to last year’s “pizzagate” shooting will not find a home on the world’s most popular social media platform.

It may take time, but it’s looking more and more like the same Internet that helped create the groundswell that led to the election of Donald Trump will soon be the greatest enemy of his “alt-right” followers and their ongoing propaganda campaign.


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Donald Trump Signed His Presidential Oath Before Election Day (PHOTO)

Donald Trump will be repeating himself when he takes his presidential oath this week, because he already did it … long ago. Trump slapped his autograph on a faux Presidential Oath of Office doc — with the full text — back in November of 2015…


Saturday, December 24, 2016

"Breaking Bad" Star Responds to Lawsuit Over Election He Won (PHOTO + DOCUMENTS)

Hillary’s emails got nothing on a political scandal rocking the state of New Mexico … and it’s fitting a “Breaking Bad” star’s at the center of it. Steven Michael Quezada, who played Agent Gomez on the hit show set in N.M., got sued by Patricia…


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Who Won the Popular Vote? Election Results Continue to Spark Controversy

Donald Trump shocked the country and world when he captured the necessary 270 electoral college votes on Election Day, and then some.

As such, the hard-charging Republican will become the 45th President of the United States when he is inaugurated early next year.

But who won the popular vote last week?

Trump’s vanquished rival, Democrat Hillary Clinton, is winning the popular vote, and handily so, according to the latest 2016 election results.

Her lead, it seems is only growing.

Votes are still being counted, but the AP indicates that Clinton is up by 797,724 votes (0.62 percent of voters) as of Tuesday morning.

She earned 61,324,576 votes (47.85 percent) to Trump’s 60,526,852 votes (47.23 percent), with returns still coming in from some states.

The Cook Political Report suggest her lead may already be over 990,000; CNN, the N.Y. Times and Politico have her up slightly less.

In any case, Clinton leads Trump in the popular vote according to every news source, despite Trump being elected President last week.

How does that work?!

Because each state assigns electors based on its number of representatives in Congress, what we have are 50 winner-take-all elections.

Trump beat Clinton 290-232 (Michigan is still too close to call, with Trump expected to win 16 more electoral votes) to win the presidency.

Just the same, more people voted for Clinton, which has some of her fans crying foul and some scholars debating the merits of the system.

Trump’s take on the controversy?

The billionaire former Celebrity Apprentice host even took to Twitter on Tuesday, November 15, to address the popular vote totals, writing:

“If the election were based on total popular vote I would have campaigned in N.Y. Florida and California and won even bigger and more easily.”

“The Electoral College is actually genius in that it brings all states, including the smaller ones, into play. Campaigning is so much different!”

Trump is undeniably right to some degree.

Both sides know the rules and played by them; Trump won. If the race were a national popular vote, the landscape would be very different.

It’s impossible to know what the margins might be in such a scenario, because they weren’t tabulated under that system to begin with.

Nevertheless, the popular vote victor didn’t win in the electoral college for the second time in 16 years, or five presidential elections.

Al Gore also “won” the 2000 election.

Millions of people have signed a petition to ask their electors to honor the popular vote and declare Clinton the next POTUS.

Don’t bet on it happening.

“We are calling on the Electors to ignore their states’ votes and cast their ballots for Secretary Clinton,” the petition to change the system reads.

“Why? Mr. Trump is unfit to serve.”

The petition cites his “scapegoating of so many Americans, and his impulsivity, bullying, lying, admitted history of sexual assault, and utter lack of experience.”

Maybe that’s all true, or it’s not.

The fact of the matter, though:

Trump won decisively in a system that spreads power across 50 states, many of which typically lean Democratic, but rejected Clinton.

Moreover, citing a Clinton popular vote win rings hollow when you consider that Trump received fewer votes than Mitt Romney in 2012.

Yes, the man who sparked a populist revolt against the establishment won a few hundred thousand fewer votes than the previous Republican.

Romney, of course, lost decisively to President Barack Obama, who garnered millions more votes than his would-be Democratic successor.

Why did Obama’s voters change sides, stay home, write in third parties or otherwise not support Clinton in quite as robust numbers?

A question for the ages, but had they done so, asking who won the popular vote one week after Election Day would be a moot point.
