Showing posts with label Documents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Documents. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Shannon Beador: INSANE Spending Exposed in Divorce Documents!

The Beador divorce is still ongoing, and Shannon and David had a hearing this week over David paying spousal support.

David wants to pay less, but the judge said that the court needs to review their financial information.

Here’s a look at what the two of them are allegedly making — and the eye-popping expenses that they both have every month.

RadarOnline has the details that might give fans a better understanding of why Shannon and David are squabbling in court over money.

To hear David tell it, he’s scraping by on a middle class income while Shannon is living like a queen while making three times as much..

Apparently David claims that he makes $ 20,000 a month.

That amounts to a six-figure salary, but it’s not pocket change.

David claims that Shannon is raking in $ 65,000 per month.

Shannon tells a very different story, and she may have the paperwork to prove it.

Shannon says that David makes about $ 108,168 per month.

(So, from what she claims, he makes more in three months than he says that he makes in a year)

Shannon’s 2017 tax returns show that she made $ 423,206 for the whole year.

That points to a monthly income of about half of what he suggests.

Shannon’s monthly expenses allegedly amount to $ 30,235, and here’s the breakdown:

$ 10,191 go to what she refers to as “film preparation.”

$ 12,000 go to rent. Yes, per month. She’s rich and she’s renting a house.

$ 1,625 on eating out (which, especially if she’s eating at nice places and leaving even a minimally decent tip, looks totally reasonable)

$ 5,000 goes to “entertainment,” which … is a lot of money in a very broad and vague category.

$ 2,250 is then spent each month on clothing.

David’s monthly expenses are apparently only $ 12,250.

$ 7,500 goes to rent. Again, these are rich people paying rich people prices for rich people homes.

$ 2,000 then go to groceries and household supplies. That doesn’t really sound unreasonable.

$ 1,000 on eating out on top of those groceries is a bit more, but sure.

$ 1,000 go to entertainment, gifts, and vacation combined.

These budgets sound like they’re self-described, so let’s take everything involved with a grain of salt.

The reason that all of this is coming up is because Shannon and David are fighting in court again.

David wants to amend the $ 22,500 per month that he is currently paying in support.

Specifically, he wants to tweak — or do away with entirely — the $ 10,500 that he is paying in spousal support.

(Nobody seems to be fighting directly over the rest, which is child support for their three daughters)

The result of David’s attempt to change the arrangement ws a three hour hearing, which apparently got on Shannon’s last nerve.

She was spotted holding back tears afterwards and heard telling him: “You are such a nickel and dimer! It’s disgusting!”

This sort of itemization of a person’s life is pretty common during a divorce if there’s any kind of support payment involved.

People explain their budget, and hand it off to a judge to evaluate.

Generally speaking, the “breadwinner” is going to present themselves as the sort of person who doesn’t spend much and keeps to a tighter budget.

The person who relies upon spousal support is more likely to list as many expenses as possible to show that they need the money.

It’s not that people lie, necessarily, just that they stretch the truth as far as it will go in the most convenient direction.

The court figures out the rest.


Monday, April 16, 2018

Stormy Daniels Attends Michael Cohen"s NY Court Hearing on Seized Documents

Stormy Daniels ripped a page right out of “The Godfather: Part II” as she showed up in court to stare down President Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen. Cohen has a hearing Monday in New York to discuss how he feels federal prosecutors…


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Kylie Jenner Files Trademark Documents 18 Days After Giving Birth to Stormi

Kylie Jenner’s got another mouth to feed … which might explain why she was in work mode just days after giving birth. Kylie’s company filed legal docs to trademark “Glitter Eyes,” and it appears she wants to use the mark on eye shadow for her…


Saturday, October 21, 2017

Trump to Release Secret JFK Documents that Could Prove Conspiracy

Next week could prove to be a seismic event in our nation’s history, because Donald Trump just announced he will release document our intelligence agencies have fought fiercely to keep secret relating to the assassination of President John F.…


Friday, July 28, 2017

The Biggest Loser: Legal Documents Confirm Show"s Cancellation!

The Biggest Loser was a show that helped contestants lose weight through various exercises and a healthier diet. 

However, the show has been inundated with scandal allegations over the course of its seventeen season run, but one of those sticks out more than others and has resulted in the series’ cancellation. 

We recently reported that multiple media reports claimed the show is over after it emerged that contestants were apparently urged to take diet pills and Adderall

Various former contestants have come forward to allege that Dr. Huizenga and trainer Bob Harper were the ones orchestrating all of the drama in the hopes of the contestants losing more weight. 

Former contestant, Joelle Gwynn turned to the New York Post last year to reveal that she was told to participate in dangerous exercises and pop pills. 

Adderall is a drug used to treat ADHD, but it’s also a very well known appetite suppressant. So, the contestants were allegedly eating less than they should have been. 

Gwynn told the newspaper last year:

“People chastise Bill Cosby for allegedly offering meds to women, but it’s acceptable to do to fat people to make them lose weight.”

“I feel like we got raped, too.”

When the report emerged, Dr. Huizenga clapped back at Gwynn with a lawsuit he filed against her. He is claiming that Gwynn’s story is “fabricated, fictitious and outright libelous.”

He said that he only promotes “safe and effective weight loss methods.”

“Ms. Gwynn’s outrageous accusations, which resulted in the cancellation of ‘The Biggest Loser’ and Dr. Huizenga losing two other opportunities on television, are particularly egregious given Dr. Huizenga’s strict life-long anti-drug beliefs and strict anti-drug policy on ‘The Biggest Loser,’ where he did not even permit contestants to take legal, over-the-counter caffeine pills or drink more than one cup of coffee, much less illegal drugs,” the court papers state.

It’s not uncommon for reality TV shows to be hit with claims of things being manipulated, and if this is the case, the show will likely never return to the air again. 

Earlier this year, six former contestants took to The Big Fat Truth to discuss the fact that they gained all of their weight back after they left the show. 

Is there a chance they were more disciplined while in front of the cameras, or could the above claims have anything to do with it?

We don’t know for sure, but we do know for sure that the series will not be airing on NBC again. 


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Josh Duggar: Suing Cops For Releasing Molestation Documents!

Back in May of 2015, the world was shocked to learn that beloved Duggar family of TLC’s 19 Kids and Counting had spent the better part of a decade concealing a terrible secret:

On more than one occasion, eldest son Josh Duggar molested five young girls, four of whom were his sisters.

Astonishingly, the bulk of the family’s outrage in the weeks after the revelation was directed not at Josh, but at the law enforcement officials and news media that unearthed his crimes.

Last month, we reported that victims Jill, Jessa, Jinger, and Joy-Anna Duggar are suing police releasing reports detailing Josh’s now-admitted molestation of his four siblings.

The siblings also plan to go after In Touch magazine, which was the first media outlet to publish those reports.

Experts have long predicted that the Duggars would make such a move in an effort to protect their family secrets from further encroachment, and the four women made it official when they filed suit in Springdale, Arkansas on May 18.

What was far less anticipated, however, was perpetrator Josh’s decision to follow his sisters’ lead and file a lawsuit of his own.

Yes, TMZ is reporting today that Josh is suing police and city officials for releasing documents pertaining to his child molestation case.

In a move that would almost be humorous if it weren’t so revolting, Josh is playing the victim and claiming that police traumatized him by allowing news of his sex crimes to go public.

Documents filed by his lawyers argue that Josh has been “victimized and forced to relieve the painful and difficult circumstances of a traumatic experience as a juvenile.”

Like his sisters, Josh is seeking damages from Springdale, Arkansas police, city and county prosecutors and the publishers of In Touch.

Unfortunately for Josh, he might end up dredging the whole hideous case back into the spotlight, only to have the plaintiffs get off on a technicality.

Josh’s lawyers are clinging to the argument that it was unlawful for police to release the documents because Josh was (just barely) a minor when the crimes were committed.

As city officials have pointed out in the past, however, he was not a minor when Springdale police complied with In Touch’s Freedom of Information Act request.

One would think that Josh would prefer be attempting to move on from all this ugliness rather than taking such a tremendous chance on a cash grab.

But then again, of all the things Josh Duggar has been accused of, being especially bright is not one of them.

Watch Counting On online to marvel at how a family with so much darkness manages to maintain a facade of sweetness and light.


Friday, May 19, 2017

Jill, Jessa, Jinger and Joy-Anna Duggar: Suing Cops For Releasing Josh Molestation Documents!

Four of Josh Duggar’s sisters are filing a lawsuit following the release of documents showing his molestation of the girls over a decade ago.

We’re surprised it took them two years to do so.

Jill, Jessa, Jinger and Joy-Anna Duggar are reportedly suing both city and police officials, along with a tabloid publisher, for damages. 

They’re going after In Touch magazine for releasing investigative reports detailing Josh’s now-admitted molestation of his four siblings.

The quartet of Duggars filed the suit against the city of Springdale, Arkansas over the 2015 police documents with shocked the world.

Court papers state that they spoke to police in 2006 about the molestations, which occurred a few years prior, when they were all minors.

(Jill, 26, Jessa, 24, Jinger, 23, and Joy-Anna, 19, talked to police a decade ago, and were even younger still when they were abused.)

In coming forward to speak on the record, they were assured their statements would only be shared with police and child service officials.

Obviously, that was not the case.

According to court documents, celebrity gossip magazine In Touch filed a Freedom of Information Act request in 2015 to obtain the files.

In succeeding, the magazine published at least eight stories about the Josh Duggar investigation, blowing the lid off a massive scandal.

More significantly as it pertains to this legal case, rocking a family to its core, and victimizing the victims unnecessarily – and illegally.

The Duggar sisters’ lawsuit asserts that under Arkansas state law, the police are explicitly forbidden from disclosing any such information.

If that’s true, the girls could be due for a big time settlement – and again, we’re surprised it took them two years to pursue legal action.

Furthermore, they allege that the intense scrutiny of their family after the scandal blew up inflicted even more lasting damage on them.

That part could be tougher to prove from a legal standpoint, as the Duggars promoted themselves and their pious lifestyle relentlessly.

The carefully-fashioned self-image of a hard-working, old-fashioned, Christian family helped Jim Bob and company rake in millions.

Of course they’re under a microscope now, especially given Josh’s parents role in trying to handle the scandal “in house” for years.

It’s not only Josh’s actions, after all, but Jim Bob and Michelle’s means of addressing them that made the early 2015 story so explosive.

For the girls to say that such scrutiny of their lives is now unfair – or that the scandal is the reason for it – may be a legitimate gripe.

But is it grounds for a lawsuit? We’ll see what the city and state say about that (too bad they can’t list their parents as co-defendants).

In the months after the story, TLC canceled 19 Kids and Counting, and Josh was shipped off to a Christian labor camp sex rehab program.

(The quote-unquote family values lobbyist was also outed as cheater in the Ashley Madison hack, which did not help the family image.)

Somewhat incredibly, the network rebooted the popular reality show in late 2015 as the confusingly-titled Jill & Jessa: Counting On!

Now rebranded as Counting On, the series follows the four adult girls suing over the Josh story. Josh personally is persona non grata.

TLC has gone to hilarious lengths to keep him off TV, even as producers film major family events where he attends (see gallery below).

Reports of Josh Duggar’s return to Counting On this season have raised eyebrows, as he hasn’t been seen with his sisters in years.

Josh and his long-suffering wife who somehow didn’t pack her bags after this, Anna Duggar, are currently expecting their fifth child.

His relationship with anyone in the famous family not named Anna is the subject of great debate these days, though he’s still on the outs.

As you can see in the video above, time may heal all wounds, but we’re talking about serious emotional wounds and a LOT of time.

But why a lawsuit against the cops and the tabloid, and why now, if the family would like nothing more than for this to go away forever?

In a statement, the Duggar girls said that they’re only suing to protect all children who are victims of abuse from experiencing this fate.

Interestingly, his eldest sister Jana Duggar, 27, is not a part of this lawsuit; Josh molested five people, four sisters and a family babysitter.


Friday, April 21, 2017

Mel B Sued By Nanny Lorraine Gilles for Defamation (DOCUMENTS)

Mel B’s former nanny is filing a lawsuit against the singer, claiming she told lies about her in the divorce case against Stephen Belafonte. TMZ has learned the lawsuit centers on declarations Mel B filed in which she claims Belafonte and Lorraine…


Monday, April 17, 2017

Prince Death Documents: New Drug Details REVEALED!

Just days away from the one-year anniversary of Prince’s shocking death, new details surrounding the demise of this legendary singer have been made public.

First, there’s the matter of newly unsealed court documents, which reveal that a doctor confessed to prescribing the artist opioids under a false name.

The artist tragically passed away on April 21, 2016 due to what officials have ruled was an opioid overdose.

Now, we’ve learned that Dr. Michael Schulenberg has said he prescribed Prince Oxycodone under his bodyguard Kirk Johnson’s name in order to preserve his privacy, based on numerous search warrants executed last year.

The search warrants also made known the following:

At the singer’s famous Minnesota compound (known as Paisley Park), there was a suitcase labeled with the name “Peter Bravestrong,” which sources have said is an alias Prince often used while traveling.

It was discovered with an endless array of pill bottles in Johnson’s name.

These prescription bottles contained pills other than those listed.

Johnson served as one of Prince’s closet confidants for decades.

He started working for the singer in the 1980s and said in these legal documents that he was unaware the singer was addicted to pain medication.

Other insiders, however, told authorities that Prince had recently been going through withdrawals from pain pills.

It seems very hard to believe that Johnson could admit to both knowing Prince well and not knowing of his medication addiction.

Johnson, meanwhile, was the individual who went to a Walgreens pharmacy the day preceding the singer’s death to fill prescriptions, including Percocet.

These documents reveal that Schulenberg admitted to a detective he had prescribed Prince Oxycodone the same day Prince overdosed on a jet, six days before he died.

The physician put the Rx in Prince’s bodyguard’s name.

In addition to the medication found in the suitcase, investigators also found opioids in various parts of Paisley Park; and also stored in containers other than pill vials, including vitamin bottles.

Simply put, there were drugs strews ALL around the residence and property.

The warrants also reveal more in-depth details surrounding Prince’s romance with protegé Judith Glory Hill, which she explained to authorities began in the fall of 2014.

Hill said that she communicated with Prince over landline phone or an email under the name of the star’s former manager.

Prince apparently once had his cellphone hacked and stopping using one after that.

He only used landlines and email to have contact with those in his life.

In the end, Prince died a self-administered, accidental overdose of the powerful painkiller Fentanyl.

May he rest in peace.


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Jared Fogle Attacker Hailed As Great American Hero, Read the Letters (DOCUMENTS)

Jared Fogle’s turned a guy doing hard time for gun charges into a true blue American hero, and we have the letters that show the kinda love he’s been getting. We broke the story … Steve Nigg is the inmate who handed Fogle his ass during a brutal…


Jared Fogle Attacker Hailed As Great American Hero, Read the Letters (DOCUMENTS)

Jared Fogle’s turned a guy doing hard time for gun charges into a true blue American hero, and we have the letters that show the kinda love he’s been getting. We broke the story … Steve Nigg is the inmate who handed Fogle his ass during a brutal…


Saturday, December 24, 2016

"Breaking Bad" Star Responds to Lawsuit Over Election He Won (PHOTO + DOCUMENTS)

Hillary’s emails got nothing on a political scandal rocking the state of New Mexico … and it’s fitting a “Breaking Bad” star’s at the center of it. Steven Michael Quezada, who played Agent Gomez on the hit show set in N.M., got sued by Patricia…


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

"Jinx" Star Robert Durst"s Lawyers Go to War Over Seized Documents (LIVE STREAM)

Robert Durst’s lawyers will fight to keep stacks of confiscated documents from being used in his murder trial when they march into court Wednesday morning … and we’re live streaming. Durst’s lawyers claim police illegally seized the personal docs…


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Brad Pitt -- Angelina Jolie"s Hurting Our Kids ... Moves to Seal Custody Documents

Brad Pitt is going to court to keep his custody war with Angelina Jolie private, and sources connected with Brad say his motivation is to thwart her from further damaging their children by airing their dirty laundry in public. Sources connected…


Thursday, October 20, 2016

NFL on Josh Brown -- Cops Wouldn"t Release Documents to Us ... "It"s Unfortunate"

The NFL just issued a statement on the new Josh Brown documents from his domestic violence case — saying the league repeatedly tried to get the info, but cops refused to hand over the information.  “NFL investigators made repeated…


Friday, July 15, 2016

Plus-Size Woman Documents First-Ever Bikini Experience

Not every woman out there is Kim Kardashian.

Not every woman out there is comfortable in a bikini.

Take an Instagram user known as "Jazzmyne," for example.

BuzzFeed documented her journey via a video that starts with her picking out a bikini … and ends wearing a two-piece on the beach for the first time. Ever.

Prior to the shopping excursion, Jazzmyne explained the motivation behind filming this experience, describing how she struggled to embrace her body between her junior year of high school and junior year of college.   

Chronicle her story below and then join us in applauding how she has overcome her fears…

1. The Journey Begins

The journey begins

2. How the Troubles Began

How the troubles began

She says she grew up in a town without many women who looked like her. She would always encourage plus-sized women to wear a bikini, but could not do so herself.

3. You Go, Girl!

You go girl

Right? What else is there to say to these words?

4. She Bought To Bathing Suits to Start Her Journey

She bought to bathing suits to start her journey

And she didn’t totally despise the first.



She didn’t love how it looked from the back.

6. But the Second Swimsuit?

But the second swimsuit

HA! We love this reaction.

View Slideshow

Friday, May 20, 2016

Heroic Twitter User Documents Near-Death Experience

The following may be the greatest Internet story ever told.

Yes, it was cool to read about that guy who ordered a pizza to a moving train.

And we"re still not over that other guy"s McDonald"s drive-through experience.

But the man featured below was hooking up with a girl when her boyfriend suddenly came home. He subsequently got shoved into a closet… and live-Tweeted all that happened next.

1. How It All Began…

How it all began

This sucks, but whatever. He’s coolin.

2. She’s a Keeper!

Shes a keeper

She also may be 12. Why does she have Capri Sub at home?!?

3. Time to Eat!

Time to eat

Gotta wash that Capri Sun taste out of your mouth, man.



Like we said before, she’s a total keeper.

5. This is Bigger Than Popeye’s

This is bigger than popeyes

Dammit, Miles! Do as I say!

6. Stay Cool, Miles

Stay cool miles

Just keep going the speed limit. Don’t test your luck.

View Slideshow

Friday, April 8, 2016

Jenelle Evans Suicide Attempt Revealed in Legal Documents

Jenelle Evans is in the midst of an increasingly ugly custody battle with Nathan Griffith, the father of her 1-year-old son, Kaiser.

Both parties are attempting to prove that the other parent is unfit, which has led to some shocking allegations.

Last month, Evans claimed that Griffith uses steroids in an effort to convince the court that her ex is unstable.

Now, Griffith’s legal team has fired back with a stunning claim about Jenelle.

In court papers obtained by Radar Online, Griffith’s lawyers claim that Evans attempted suicide last year.

The allegation is based on testimony from Griffith who says that the 24-year-old mother of two slashed her wrists in front of him after he broke up with her:

“That because of the separation of Plaintiff [Evans] and Defendant [Griffith], Plaintiff threatened self-harm and/or suicide and did, in fact, slice her wrists with a knife,” the papers read.

“That when Plaintiff sliced her wrists…Plaintiff was taken to a hospital in Horry County where her self-inflicted knife wounds were sutured to stop the profuse bleeding,”

Lawyers for Evans have not had a chance to respond in court, but a source close to the troubled Teen Mom 2 star has told Radar that there is no truth to the story.

Jenelle Evans Suicide Attempt Revealed in Legal Documents

Jenelle Evans is in the midst of an increasingly ugly custody battle with Nathan Griffith, the father of her 1-year-old son, Kaiser.

Both parties are attempting to prove that the other parent is unfit, which has led to some shocking allegations.

Last month, Evans claimed that Griffith uses steroids in an effort to convince the court that her ex is unstable.

Now, Griffith’s legal team has fired back with a stunning claim about Jenelle.

In court papers obtained by Radar Online, Griffith’s lawyers claim that Evans attempted suicide last year.

The allegation is based on testimony from Griffith who says that the 24-year-old mother of two slashed her wrists in front of him after he broke up with her:

“That because of the separation of Plaintiff [Evans] and Defendant [Griffith], Plaintiff threatened self-harm and/or suicide and did, in fact, slice her wrists with a knife,” the papers read.

“That when Plaintiff sliced her wrists…Plaintiff was taken to a hospital in Horry County where her self-inflicted knife wounds were sutured to stop the profuse bleeding,”

Lawyers for Evans have not had a chance to respond in court, but a source close to the troubled Teen Mom 2 star has told Radar that there is no truth to the story.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Johnny Manziel: Former Girlfriend Recounts Horrific Tale of Abuse in Court Documents

According to court documents released today, a recent altercation between Cleveland Browns quarterback Johnny Manziel and his former girlfriend Colleen E. Crowley was much more horrifying than initially thought.

Johnny Manziel

Last week, Manziel denied assaulting Crowley and threatening to kill himself in an incident on January 30, during which cops arrived at Manziel’s hotel room after receiving a phone call from a concerned neighbor.

Crowley chose not to press charges, but she did file for an order of protection against Manziel, which required her to describe the events of that night in a sworn affidavit. 

Earlier today, NBC 5 in Dallas posted the contents of the affidavit in their entirety.

In her testimony, Crowley tells of being beaten, restrained and threatened by Manziel over a period of several hours.

The incident began, she says, when she asked Manziel “about things [she] had heard earlier in the week about him being with a girl who had caused [them] problems in the past.”

She says Manziel flew into a rage, threw her on the bed and held her down. It was during this time, Crowley says, that she began to fear for her life.

Still restraining Crowley’s arms, Manziel led her to the lobby of the hotel, where she screamed at a valet, “Please don’t let him take me! I’m scared for my life!”

The valet allegedly replied that he didn’t know what to do, and watched as Manziel “threw” Crowley into the front seat of his car.

Crowley says she attempted to escape from the car, but Manziel caught her and dragged her back to the vehicle by her hair.

He allegedly then struck her so hard on the side of her head that she lost hearing in her left ear for several days.

Manziel announced to Crowley that he intended to drop her off at her car, which was parked at a nearby nightclub, and then kill himself.

When she tried to talk him out of this course of action, Manziel allegedly replied, “Shut up or I’ll kill us both!”

The couple ended up back at Crowley’s residence, where Manziel reportedly smashed Crowley’s phone so that she would be unable to call for help.

She was eventually able to FaceTime with her parents using a computer, and she says she clutched a kitchen knife in order to keep Manziel at bay while she waited for help to arrive.

Crowley’s request for a restraining order was granted, and Dallas police are currently investigating the incident.

Manziel was dropped by his agent last week, and it is expected that the Cleveland Browns will cut ties with the once-promising prospect next month.