Monday, February 8, 2016

Johnny Manziel: Former Girlfriend Recounts Horrific Tale of Abuse in Court Documents

According to court documents released today, a recent altercation between Cleveland Browns quarterback Johnny Manziel and his former girlfriend Colleen E. Crowley was much more horrifying than initially thought.

Johnny Manziel

Last week, Manziel denied assaulting Crowley and threatening to kill himself in an incident on January 30, during which cops arrived at Manziel’s hotel room after receiving a phone call from a concerned neighbor.

Crowley chose not to press charges, but she did file for an order of protection against Manziel, which required her to describe the events of that night in a sworn affidavit. 

Earlier today, NBC 5 in Dallas posted the contents of the affidavit in their entirety.

In her testimony, Crowley tells of being beaten, restrained and threatened by Manziel over a period of several hours.

The incident began, she says, when she asked Manziel “about things [she] had heard earlier in the week about him being with a girl who had caused [them] problems in the past.”

She says Manziel flew into a rage, threw her on the bed and held her down. It was during this time, Crowley says, that she began to fear for her life.

Still restraining Crowley’s arms, Manziel led her to the lobby of the hotel, where she screamed at a valet, “Please don’t let him take me! I’m scared for my life!”

The valet allegedly replied that he didn’t know what to do, and watched as Manziel “threw” Crowley into the front seat of his car.

Crowley says she attempted to escape from the car, but Manziel caught her and dragged her back to the vehicle by her hair.

He allegedly then struck her so hard on the side of her head that she lost hearing in her left ear for several days.

Manziel announced to Crowley that he intended to drop her off at her car, which was parked at a nearby nightclub, and then kill himself.

When she tried to talk him out of this course of action, Manziel allegedly replied, “Shut up or I’ll kill us both!”

The couple ended up back at Crowley’s residence, where Manziel reportedly smashed Crowley’s phone so that she would be unable to call for help.

She was eventually able to FaceTime with her parents using a computer, and she says she clutched a kitchen knife in order to keep Manziel at bay while she waited for help to arrive.

Crowley’s request for a restraining order was granted, and Dallas police are currently investigating the incident.

Manziel was dropped by his agent last week, and it is expected that the Cleveland Browns will cut ties with the once-promising prospect next month.