Monday, February 29, 2016

Jenelle Evans: Arrest Video to Land Her Behind Bars?

Back in August, Jenelle Evans was arrested after allegedly assaulting Nathan Griffith’s new girlfriend, Jessica Henry.

Obviously, getting into trouble with the law is nothing new in Jenelle’s world, but this time, the Teen Mom trainwreck may find herself in serious trouble, as a video of her arrest that surfaced this week could convince a jury that she deserves to be behind bars.

According to Radar Online, the footage shows Jenelle being taken into custody after she reportedly threw a glass Mason jar at Henry’s head.

While the violent incident itself wasn’t captured on camera, the aftermath captured by the arresting officers’ dash cam could be enough to put Jenelle away.

Not only is Evans shown being belligerent with officers, she provides a version of events that simply doesn’t add up.

According to the police report:

“[Jenelle] stated that she walked outside and the victim got out of the truck. The arrestee claimed that she was in fear, so she threw water at the victim and the jar slipped from her hand. The arrestee stated that the victim caught the jar and threw it back at the arrestee, striking her back and then broke.”

One of the officers observed that Jenelle’s version of the story didn’t jibe with the physical evidence of the scene, and she did not appear to have been defending herself, as she claimed:

“This would have made the broken glass somewhere farther in the driveway,” wrote the officer. “I looked and did not observe any redness or any other injury to the arrestee’s back.”

Jenelle and Nathan’s breakup has been a tempestuous one, and the law has been involved on more than one occasion.

Griffith was arrested for stealing Jenelle’s car last month after claiming that he hoped to acquire items for the couple’s son, Kaiser, that she was storing in the trunk.