Monday, February 29, 2016

Dean McDermott: Tori Spelling Is Faking Her Migraines!

Mommy has a headache.

It hasn’t been the easiest start to 2016 for Tori Spelling, who was hospitalized with migraines a few weeks ago.  Sources close to the former Beverly Hills, 90210 star say it was due to the financial stress she and husband Dean McDermott have been under. 

When Spelling came home from the hospital, McDermott wasn’t exactly ready to take care of his wife.  In fact, he was ready to unload their four kids on her after having to play Mr. Mom.

“As soon as Tori got home, she went straight to bed. Dean had been on his own with the kids for days, and was frustrated,” a source told Radar Online.

McDermott wants his wife to sack up and stop being such a ninny.  There are chores to be done and money to be made.

“He doesn’t think the migraines are as bad as Tori says, and doesn’t believe she needs to go to the hospital,” the source added.

Like any mother with four kids and no help (we assume), Spelling allegedly sees the hospital as her refuge and a place for peace and quiet.

“Tori threatened to go back to the hospital because Dean was yelling at her,” the source said of the most brilliant threat in modern familial history.

Also, it sounds like McDermott is being a total dude, because he’s accusing his wife of being a bit of a hypochondriac.

“During the last two years, Tori has gone through ten doctors!” the source said of Spelling’s medical history.