Showing posts with label Letters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Letters. Show all posts

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Tupac Shakur"s Steamy Letters to Teen Crush Hits Market for $15k

Tupac was spitting game back in high school just like everyone else … and now his steamy letters can be yours for a small fortune. The folks over at Moments in Time are selling 2 handwritten letters for a cool $ 15k. They’re from the…


Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Prosecutors in Harvey Weinstein Rape Case Say Love Letters are Irrelevant

Prosecutors in the Harvey Weinstein rape case say they told the grand jury that Weinstein had a relationship with the woman who is accusing him of raping her, but they say there was no need to present emails the woman sent Weinstein…


Thursday, July 12, 2018

Jessa Seewald Shares Super Embarrassing Ben Seewald Love Letters on Instagram

Before marriage, members of the Duggar clan are basically forbidden to even look at a member of the opposite sex.

After they get hitched, however, they’re encouraged to share their love with the entire world.

Anyone who’s seen Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar gush about one another knows that intra-marital PDA is strongly encouraged in Duggar Land.

As far as we can tell, it has to do partially with strengthening the bond between husband and wife, and partially to do with the Duggars’ ongoing efforts to convince the world they’re totally normal humans who experience actual emotions.

Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald got married back in 2014, but it seems their love for one another remains as passionate as ever.

We know this because Jessa has been following in her parents’ footsteps and proclaiming her love from a mountaintop.

And by “a mountaintop,” of course, we mean Instagram.

Ben Seewald Love Letter

“When you smile at me, it takes my breath away, like my heart has been touched by an angel,” Ben opens.

Needless to say, he set the bar pretty high from the start.

But believe it or not, Ben was able to continue stepping up his Casanova game from there.

“Your smile brightens my spirit like the first gleams of sunrise after a crisp autumn night in the Arkansas Ozarks,” he wrote.

Like whoa, Ben, leave some smooth talk for the rest of us, ya know?

Seewald goes on to write that Jessa’s grin “shines forth radiant beams of warmest love and affection” and “is worth a thousand words, even the most eloquent words of affirmation.”

Here’s the kicker:

“Your smile could melt the age-old ice cap of Antarctica.”

If you’re not talking about age-old ice caps are you even in love?

Obviously, Big Ben knocked that one straight out of the park.

Surely, you might be thinking, he must have exhausted his supply of syrupy romance with that letter, right?

Guess again, friend-o:

Jessa Duggar

He went ahead and hit Jess with the pearl-love letter combo.

“What good are such elegant pearls if not to have the grace of being worn by one so elegant and majestic as yourself?” Seewald wrote.

That sound you heard is millions of panties hitting the floor simultaneously.

We’re pretty sure Ben is a reincarnated Civil War soldier, because no one spits poetic game like that in 2018.

Fun fact: This is the single greatest display of non-Razorback related passion in the history of the great state of Arkansas.

Watch Counting On online for more romance tips from the various Duggar dudes.


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Jenelle Evans SLAMMED by Teen Mom Cast Over Cease & Desist Letters!

Jenelle Evans got a whole lot of attention on Monday when she and her husband, David Eason, sent out a series of cease and desist letters to several of her fellow Teen Mom stars.

It was dumb. Really dumb.

Apparently she and David feel like everyone else has been making "defamatory statements" about them, and the situation is bad enough to involve lawyers.

Unfortunately, their letters don"t seem to getting the reaction they"d hoped for — because really all that is happening is that everyone is laughing at them.


1. Jenelle’s Downward Spiral

Jenelle evans with choker

Let’s be real, Jenelle hasn’t been in the best place for a while now. Barbara got permanent custody of Jace, Nathan’s mother is trying to get custody of Kaiser … things are a mess. So it makes sense that she’d be looking to lash out a bit.

2. Oh, Honey …

Jenelle evans promoting lipstick

There have been a lot of awful stories about her recently too. We heard that she did drugs throughout her last pregnancy, so much that poor little Ensley tested positive for marijuana at birth, and that she and David are abusive and neglectful with Kaiser. There was also that great big fight at the Teen Mom 2 reunion last month.

3. This is Not the Way

Jenelle evans boyfriend david eason

After the reunion fight, some other Teen Mom people made remarks about it, which is natural, right? Not for Jenelle.

4. "I Don’t Even Talk About You"

I dont even talk about you

So first, Jenelle and David sent a cease and desist letter to Chelsea Houska, who in turn shared this darling tweet. And it’s true — she really doesn’t talk about her.

5. WTF, Indeed

Wtf indeed

This is also true — over the years, Jenelle has taken issue time and time again with Chelsea. Like remember when she said that Chelsea was copying her by getting a website when she’d gotten her own website a few months before? Like it’s so rare to have a website?

6. Who Knows?

Who knows

Seriously though, aside from a few general remarks about how crazy the reunion show was, Chelsea hasn’t said anything about Jenelle, much less anything that could be considered defamatory.

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Tuesday, November 7, 2017

"Veronica Mars" Actor Brad Bufanda"s Family Received Letters in Mail Day After Suicide

The family of Brad Bufanda — known for his role on “Veronica Mars” — received individual letters from Brad the day after he died … meaning the suicide was well-planned. Sources close to the family tell TMZ … Brad wrote letters to family and…


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Kendall Jenner Gets Restraining Order Against Man Proposing Marriage, Sending Bizarre Letters

Kendall Jenner’s being flooded with letters from a fan who claimed to love her at first, but then turned bitter, angry, and she thinks … dangerous. According to new docs … a California man named Thomas Hummel has been incessantly professing his…


Kendall Jenner Gets Restraining Order Against Man Proposing Marriage, Sending Bizarre Letters

Kendall Jenner’s being flooded with letters from a fan who claimed to love her at first, but then turned bitter, angry, and she thinks … dangerous. According to new docs … a California man named Thomas Hummel has been incessantly professing his…


Friday, May 26, 2017

22 Love Letters So Cute You May Just Die

Kids don"t just say the darndest things.

They also write the darndest things.

Especially when they"re in love.

We"ve collected a number of adorable/precious/hilarious notes below, all of which were passed from young student to another and all of which express true feelings of adolescent affection.

Good luck trying to determine the one you like best!

1. The Sweet Science

The sweet science

This is smarter than any letter we’ve ever written to anyone in our entire lives.

2. Going After an Older Woman

Going after an older woman

We wonder what he said to his first Valentine…

3. This is a Photo of a Butt

This is a photo of a butt

But for a very romantic reason.

4. This May Seem Random…

This may seem random

… but this kid REALLY loves dairy.

5. But This, Too, Shall Pass

But this too shall pass

Yet my feelings never will!

6. Is There a Third Box?

Is there a third box

Because I’m under too much stress to answer this question right now.

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Monday, May 15, 2017

Donald Trump Tweets Two Letters, Starts Unexpected Movement

The Donald Trump Twitter account is typically filled with vitriol, lies and vitriolic lies.

But something unusual happened on Saturday, May 13.

Something strange, something unexpected, something confusing and exciting and prime fodder for a witty and creative social media universe:

The President simply Tweeted the word "We." That was it.

The unfinished message was then sent to his millions of Twitter followers before being deleted.

But nothing is ever really deleted on the Internet, meaning an endless number of people either saw it originally or saw screen captures of it later on … and then had the chance to put their own spin on whatever Trump was trying to see.

As you"ll see below, they did not disappoint…

1. One Word. So Many Possibilities.

One word so many possibilities

It’s true. This series of tubes is pretty amazing this way.

2. But… Why "We?"

But why we

That’s the question Twitter was more than happy to answer.

3. Was It Ever!

Was it ever

Take it away, Twitter!

4. What Else is There to Say?

What else is there to say

The President has a way with words.

5. Is This What He Meant?

Is this what he meant

It’s true, even if it wasn’t Trump’s goal.

6. We’re Very Sorry, Queen

Were very sorry queen

Freddie Mercury just turned over in his grave.

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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Jared Fogle Attacker Hailed As Great American Hero, Read the Letters (DOCUMENTS)

Jared Fogle’s turned a guy doing hard time for gun charges into a true blue American hero, and we have the letters that show the kinda love he’s been getting. We broke the story … Steve Nigg is the inmate who handed Fogle his ass during a brutal…


Jared Fogle Attacker Hailed As Great American Hero, Read the Letters (DOCUMENTS)

Jared Fogle’s turned a guy doing hard time for gun charges into a true blue American hero, and we have the letters that show the kinda love he’s been getting. We broke the story … Steve Nigg is the inmate who handed Fogle his ass during a brutal…


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Jim Carrey Responsible for Ex"s Suicide? Brand New Letters Are HEARTBREAKING

Jim Carrey is heartless.

The 2016 lawsuit that alleges he’s partially – if not completely – responsible for the death of his ex-girlfriend, Cathriona White, just took a turn for the worse, as it’s been revealed that White wrote Carrey multiple suicide notes in the past … 

… But Carrey apparently ignored their implications.  

TMZ released two new letters supporting White’s ex-husband’s, Mark Burton’s, lawsuit for wrongful death, and be warned: they’re hard to read. 

The outlet reported that White had written several notes throughout the duration of her relationship with Carrey, before she actually went and made good on the suicide threat (if one can actually make “good” on a suicide threat). 

The first came shortly after her father’s 2012 death. 

The second, after she discovered that he’d purportedly given her multiple STDs

The last, and final, was the night that she killed herself, overdosing on pills that were prescribed to an alias belonging to Carrey. 

White’s first letter detailed her disdain for the world around her, and for herself, saying that she was “too messed up” for anyone to love. 

The second letter – perhaps the most damning of all – read to the effect that Carrey was responsible for her decision to end her life, and said “you pulled the trigger on me,” and “your blood is on my hands.” 

However, White didn’t choose to kill herself at the time of that letter, which was a year after her first letter.  

The final suicide letter(s) read, “Jim, I thought we had chosen each other, family.” 

“I believed it meant something,” she continued, “and allowed myself to relax in your arms in the safety of being sure of one thing … us.” 

“If everything went sideways,” she wrote, “we had each other.” 

“I can go on broken-hearted and put the pieces back, I could.” 

“I just don’t have the will this time,” she said. 

In another letter, White wrote that she had a houseful of belongings, and asked that Jim’s “people” sell her belongings and give the proceeds to her family. 

“Peace and love,” she concluded the final letter, “to all your hearts.” 

We’d say “sure,” on that last bit, and what a “nice” way to end a suicide note. 

But as we said … we’re pretty sure Carrey doesn’t have a heart, let alone multiple ones. 
