Bill Maher thinks Stan Lee is partly to blame for the dumbing down of America. Bill wrote an essay on his blog, saying he has nothing against comic books, but they’re for kids … and when you grow up you should “move on to big-boy books without…
Saturday, November 17, 2018
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Rep. Sean Duffy Says Donald Trump Isn"t Responsible for Bombs Sent to Political Foes
Congressman Sean Duffy thinks it’s grossly unfair to lay blame on President Trump for the bombs sent to political foes of the Prez — and he had a heated debate with us over it on TMZ Live. The Republican rep from Wisconsin — and…
Thursday, April 5, 2018
Ryan Edwards: Is Mackenzie Standifer Responsible for His Drug Use and Violent Behavior?
It"s been a good long while since the Teen Mom franchise had a villain as universally hated as Mackenzie Standifer.
Which is really something when you consider the kind of literal trash MTV has shown us over the years.
Seriously, this is a show that"s featured the likes of Adam Lind, Nathan Griffith, David Eason, Matt Baier, Catelynn Lowell"s mom … the list of horrible people goes on and on.
But nope, Mackenzie is the real monster here.
Believe it or not, many people actually think that, and with all of Ryan Edwards" recent issues, people are hating on her more than ever.
Let"s discuss.
1. Mr. and Mrs. Edwards

2. Red Flags, Girl

3. Noooooo

4. 525,600 Minutes

5. Just Stop, Mack

6. There’s a Line

Wednesday, March 14, 2018
United Airlines May Be Held Responsible for Big Damages Over Dead Dog
United Airlines apparently thinks a ticket refund will make its latest scandal go away, but we’ve learned it may be on the hook for a lot more. As you know, a flight attendant shockingly ordered a passenger to put her dog, Kokito, in the overhead…
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Anderson Cooper"s Assistant Partially Responsible for Trump-Bashing Tweet
CNN says it’s gotten to the bottom of Anderson Cooper’s Trump-bashing tweet … and all signs point to a forgetful assistant. The mystery was cleared up Wednesday when the network said the message was sent from Cooper’s assistant in NYC, while…
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Harvey Weinstein Says Brother Bob Responsible for His Demise
Harvey Weinstein believes his own brother was responsible for his demise, and he has the proof in the form of a receipt … but Bob Weinstein says Harvey’s a “very sick man” who’s slinging fake stories to deflect from his own misdeeds. Sources…
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Blue Ivy: Responsible for Naming Beyonce"s Twins?!
Oh, what a glorious time to be alive!
Sure, there’s a whole lot of horrible stuff happening all around the world, and it seems like we’re turning the earth one great big dumpster fire, but Beyonce had babies!
Two babies, in fact — but you already know that.
There’s a solid chance you’ve been able to think about nothing else since the news broke over the weekend.
Beyonce gave birth to twins early last week, and according to several reports, one baby is a girl and the other is a boy.
As far as we know, those precious little angels are still in the hospital because of a “minor” health issue — most likely jaundice.
We’ve heard that they’re “under the lights,” which everyone is assuming means they’re spending time in those little incubators until their liver functions sort themselves out.
It sounds scary, but it’s normal.
And just in case, Beyonce is reportedly keeping them company by staying in the hospital with them.
It all just sounds so sweet and lovely and magical, doesn’t it?
If you agree, then it’s your lucky day — a new report from Hollywood Life is just amping up the magic!
A Beyonce insider is saying that the first Carter kid, five-year-old Blue Ivy, is really, really loving these new babies.
“Blue Ivy is relishing the role as new big sister,” the source says.
“She has been keeping mommy company in the hospital and has even helped in the naming process of her new siblings.”
Adorable, right?
It’s actually so sweet it’ll rot your face off.
You know, because sweet stuff rots your teeth? But it’s extra sweet, so it rots your whole entire face?
Oh, who has time for science?! BEYONCE JUST HAD TWO BABIES.
The source adds that “Blue is happy and can’t wait to take the new babies home to play with.”
Did you hear that sound?
That was the sound of millions of ovaries exploding all across the world … followed by the sound of millions of people growing ovaries just so they could explode at this cuteness.
Beyonce just has that power, you know?
When we first heard the news that Beyonce was pregnant with twins, a lot of jokes were made about Blue Ivy and how upset she may be about the idea of no longer being an only child.
You know, now her inheritance will be split three ways instead of it all just going to her, the Bey magic that was given to her in birth will now be in two others.
But thankfully, it looks like that’s not the case.
Blue Ivy is just a kid who’s super pumped that her parents gave her two more kids to play with.
What could be sweeter?
Thursday, June 15, 2017
"Bachelor in Paradise" Contract Says Producers Not Responsible for Corinne Olympios, DeMario Jackson"s Sexual Encounter
Now that Corinne Olympios appears headed for a legal showdown with producers of “Bachelor in Paradise” … the contract she signed becomes extrememly relevant, and problematic. The contract contestants sign, obtained by TMZ, says in part all…
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
NBA"s Jordan Clarkson -- Fiscally Responsible Stuntin" ... "My Lambo Is Rented" (VIDEO)
Lakers sharpshooter Jordan Clarkson is about to teach you how to stunt … the non-MC Hammer Antoine Walker way … tearing up the streets of L.A. in a ridiculous Lambo … someone rented for him. We got Jordan out in L.A. getting into an…
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Jim Carrey Responsible for Ex"s Suicide? Brand New Letters Are HEARTBREAKING
Jim Carrey is heartless.
The 2016 lawsuit that alleges he’s partially – if not completely – responsible for the death of his ex-girlfriend, Cathriona White, just took a turn for the worse, as it’s been revealed that White wrote Carrey multiple suicide notes in the past …
… But Carrey apparently ignored their implications.
TMZ released two new letters supporting White’s ex-husband’s, Mark Burton’s, lawsuit for wrongful death, and be warned: they’re hard to read.
The outlet reported that White had written several notes throughout the duration of her relationship with Carrey, before she actually went and made good on the suicide threat (if one can actually make “good” on a suicide threat).
The first came shortly after her father’s 2012 death.
The second, after she discovered that he’d purportedly given her multiple STDs.
The last, and final, was the night that she killed herself, overdosing on pills that were prescribed to an alias belonging to Carrey.
White’s first letter detailed her disdain for the world around her, and for herself, saying that she was “too messed up” for anyone to love.
The second letter – perhaps the most damning of all – read to the effect that Carrey was responsible for her decision to end her life, and said “you pulled the trigger on me,” and “your blood is on my hands.”
However, White didn’t choose to kill herself at the time of that letter, which was a year after her first letter.
The final suicide letter(s) read, “Jim, I thought we had chosen each other, family.”
“I believed it meant something,” she continued, “and allowed myself to relax in your arms in the safety of being sure of one thing … us.”
“If everything went sideways,” she wrote, “we had each other.”
“I can go on broken-hearted and put the pieces back, I could.”
“I just don’t have the will this time,” she said.
In another letter, White wrote that she had a houseful of belongings, and asked that Jim’s “people” sell her belongings and give the proceeds to her family.
“Peace and love,” she concluded the final letter, “to all your hearts.”
We’d say “sure,” on that last bit, and what a “nice” way to end a suicide note.
But as we said … we’re pretty sure Carrey doesn’t have a heart, let alone multiple ones.
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Michael & Dina Lohan: We Are Responsible For Lindsay"s Drug Problem!
Well, it"s about time.
Michael and Dina Lohan, the horrible stage parents of hottest mess in town Lindsay Lohan, finally admitted that they may have played a role in their daughter"s downward spiral.
While appearing on The Steve Harvey Show, the talk show host brings up their daughter"s much-publicized drug abuse.
"Lindsay"s substance abuse struggles have been well-documented," Harvey started. "She"s been to rehab at least six times."
Then, he posed the question we already knew the answer to, but never heard the Lohans actually admit.
"You guys, as her parents, do you feel any responsibility for that?" he asked, point blank.
Dina went first.
“You know I think when she was little she saw most of the abuse,” she responded.
“And so Lindsay did witness a lot and I absolutely think it takes its toll on the children as well.”
Not exactly an admission of guilt, but she kinda sorta hinted that they may have had an influence.
Michael was more direct.
"Inevitably, we are responsible for the path that Lindsay took," he confessed.
“Our divorce – because of our relationship – affected Lindsay to the point where she drowned her sorrows and numbed her pain.”
In the middle of his revelation, Michael gets choked up and appears to hold back tears when he talks about his daughter.
“It breaks my heart to think that she suffered because of the way I acted,” he tells Harvey.
Cue Cher"s "If I Could Turn Back Time."
As for Lindsay, she just announced some happy news last month.
The former child star recently became engaged to Russian real estate agent Egor Tarabasov, who is also the sole heir to a wealthy retail magnate in Moscow.
The pair reportedly dated for five months before announcing their plans to wed.
Friday, April 22, 2016
Kim Kardashian: Responsible for Kylie Jenner-Blac Chyna Truce??
For fans who are still scratching their heads over Kylie Jenner and Blac Chyna’s newfound BFF status, we’ve got the skinny on how it all went down.
If you recall, yesterday, Kylie and Blac shocked fans when they posed for selfies together and shared them on Snapchat.
“When we’ve been best friends the whole time..” Kylie wrote.
Yeah, right.
The entire freaking world knows (whether they actively seek out that info or not) that Kylie and Blac have been feuding for more than a year.
But that all ended when world diplomat Kim Kardashian intervened and called for a truce, a source told TMZ.
According to the site, Kim organized a sit-down with Blac to talk about making nice with her baby sister.
After all, when Blac marries her brother Rob Kardashian, she’ll be Kylie’s big sister-in-law and have to sit through many a torturous family dinner together listening to Kris Jenner drunkenly ramble.
And when that happens, you need all the sisterly support you can get.
Kim and Blac agreed that the important thing here was Rob’s happiness, so the eyelash designer reportedly sucked it up.
Does this mean she’ll stop with the Instagram posts mocking Kylie and her lip kits?
This makes us sad. They were kinda funny.
However, Kim’s plan worked, because Blac and Kylie had a phone conversation a few days later (does Kylie even know her phone can do that?).
Yada yada yada, now they’re face-swapping BFFs and there’s peace in Kardashian world.
At least, in front of the cameras.