Showing posts with label Naming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Naming. Show all posts

Thursday, July 26, 2018

LeBron James Regrets Naming Kid After Himself

LeBron James says he regrets naming his 14-year-old son LeBron James Jr. — because he’s concerned about all of the pressure that comes with it. The NBA superstar was opening up about his family to Jon Stewart, Snoop Dogg, Odell Beckham Jr. and…


Lil Wayne Thanks Kyle Shanahan For Naming Son After Him With Cool Gifts!!

Lil Wayne just showed 49ers head coach Kyle Shanahan that flattery will get you everywhere … lacing the 49ers coach and his son with gifts after finding out the kid was named after him. Ex-NFL QB Phil Simms revealed a couple months ago that…


Thursday, April 19, 2018

John Travolta Shocks Us by Naming His Favorite Director, and It Ain"t Tarantino

John Travolta just had his best experience ever on a movie set — after 40-plus years in the biz — and he says it’s all thanks to his amazing director, whose name will probably shock you. We got John and his wife, Kelly Preston, at producer…


Saturday, January 20, 2018

Kanye West Smiles Big After Naming Daughter Chicago

Kanye West is basking in the glow of naming his daughter. Kanye was all smiles Friday in Calabasas as he arrived at his design studio. As we reported, Kanye and Kim named their newborn Chicago, although they immediately decided she’d be known as…


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Blue Ivy: Responsible for Naming Beyonce"s Twins?!

Oh, what a glorious time to be alive!

Sure, there’s a whole lot of horrible stuff happening all around the world, and it seems like we’re turning the earth one great big dumpster fire, but Beyonce had babies!

Two babies, in fact — but you already know that.

There’s a solid chance you’ve been able to think about nothing else since the news broke over the weekend.

Beyonce gave birth to twins early last week, and according to several reports, one baby is a girl and the other is a boy.

As far as we know, those precious little angels are still in the hospital because of a “minor” health issue — most likely jaundice.

We’ve heard that they’re “under the lights,” which everyone is assuming means they’re spending time in those little incubators until their liver functions sort themselves out.

It sounds scary, but it’s normal.

And just in case, Beyonce is reportedly keeping them company by staying in the hospital with them.

It all just sounds so sweet and lovely and magical, doesn’t it?

If you agree, then it’s your lucky day — a new report from Hollywood Life is just amping up the magic!

A Beyonce insider is saying that the first Carter kid, five-year-old Blue Ivy, is really, really loving these new babies.

“Blue Ivy is relishing the role as new big sister,” the source says.

“She has been keeping mommy company in the hospital and has even helped in the naming process of her new siblings.”

Adorable, right?

It’s actually so sweet it’ll rot your face off.

You know, because sweet stuff rots your teeth? But it’s extra sweet, so it rots your whole entire face?

Oh, who has time for science?! BEYONCE JUST HAD TWO BABIES.

The source adds that “Blue is happy and can’t wait to take the new babies home to play with.”

Did you hear that sound?

That was the sound of millions of ovaries exploding all across the world … followed by the sound of millions of people growing ovaries just so they could explode at this cuteness.

Beyonce just has that power, you know?

When we first heard the news that Beyonce was pregnant with twins, a lot of jokes were made about Blue Ivy and how upset she may be about the idea of no longer being an only child.

You know, now her inheritance will be split three ways instead of it all just going to her, the Bey magic that was given to her in birth will now be in two others.

But thankfully, it looks like that’s not the case.

Blue Ivy is just a kid who’s super pumped that her parents gave her two more kids to play with.

What could be sweeter?


Sunday, May 28, 2017

Post Malone Disses Kobe While Naming NBA Stars Who Could Rap on "White Iverson" Remix (VIDEO)

Post Malone has an idea of which NBA stars could hop on a “White Iverson” remix … but Kobe Bryant ain’t one of ‘em. We got Post Saturday night outside of Catch, and asked how hanging out with the inspiration behind his hit record went…


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

April the Giraffe Seeking New Sponsors for Baby Naming and Live Stream

April the Giraffe is coming back online post-birth … but she needs some serious cash flow for the sake of the animals. The indoor camera feed that captured the birth of April’s baby will be re-launched next week. This one won’t run…


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Donald Trump Naming NY Jets Owner Ambassador to U.K.

The guy who signed off on paying Ryan Fitzpatrick $ 12 MILLION to throw 17 interceptions will be named official U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom.  Officials say Donald Trump will announce NY Jets owner Woody Johnson will take the…


Monday, July 11, 2016

Mackenzie McKee: Teen Mom 3 Star Naming Her Third Child WHAT???

Is it a family name?

Teen Mom 3‘s Mackenzie McKee will give birth to her third and last child next month, and the child’s first name has been revealed.

According to The Ashley, McKee and her husband Josh are naming the baby boy “Broncs.”

Josh rides bulls, so that is the best guess as to why Broncs was chosen (or maybe they’re big Denver Broncos fans?).

McKee, who suffers from Type 1 Diabetes, updated followers on her pregnancy, as well as confirming that once little Broncs is out, she’s getting her tubes tied.

“I am scheduled the second week of August for a c-section (and tubal tie surgery 🙌🏼). It will be a month earlier than my due date but Most type 1 diabetics go early and still have 10 pound babies,” she wrote on Instagram.

“Enjoying my last month at home building my business along with a lot of amazing relationships.

“I have been asked many times in the past how I go from baby to six pack within months so I will be documenting my last month of pregnancy along with my whole journey to get the body I had before and sharing my whole life style with you, all while juggling a business, 3 kids, and just everyday life.”

McKee and her husband appear to be back together, after their latest fight ended in him moving out, according to TMZ (she confirmed the pregnancy in April).

Per McKee’s Instagram, things are back on track.  On Mother’s Day, she captioned a family photo with this message:

“Happy Mother’s Day to every single beautiful momma bear out there… Extremely thankful for this family of mine. Thank you @joshmckee28 for going through this crazy life with us and thank you Gannon and Jaxie for making being a mommy so special.”

The couple have two children together, son Gannon, 4, and daughter Jaxie, 2.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Jessa Duggar Discusses Decision to Hold Off on Naming Baby

It’s been almost a week since Jessa Duggar gave birth to her first child, but she and husband Ben Seewald still have yet to reveal the baby boy’s name.

Of course, there’s a simple reason for that – Jessa and Ben still haven’t chosen a name!

“We want to give him a strong name, with a lot of meaning,” Jessa told People magazine recently.

While she wouldn’t give any specifics as to what monikers she and Ben are considering, Jessa did say that the list is comprised mainly of names of “heroes from the Christian faith.”

She added that she and Ben will not be going with a “letter theme” like Jessa’s theme.

“It’s been really cool to meet him, look at his face and match a name to who he is,” Jessa said. “It is going to be very special. A lot of thought has gone into it.”

“He is going to have this name for the rest of his life,” Ben added.

But while Jessa and Ben may be uncertain of what to name the little guy, there’s no doubt that they’re head over heels for the new addition to their family.

After what’s been described as a “very intense” labor, Jessa immediately began posting pics and gushing about her bundle of joy on social media. 

Now he just needs a name so that Jessa’s equally excited fans can give #BabySeewald a new hashtag.

Monday, September 21, 2015

EXCLUSIVE! Game Of Thrones Star Sophie Turner Dances Around Naming The CRAZIEST Fan Theory She"s Ever Heard — Is She Hiding Something?!

How many months until the season six premiere of Game of Thrones?!

Well, if you’re like us then you’re constantly itching for any and all insight into the world created by author George R.R. Martin.

Luckily, we caught an EXCLUSIVE moment with GoT star Sophie Turner at the 2015 Emmy Awards and asked her about the craziest fan theory she’s read online. Like any good cast member of the HBO show, she cryptically danced around answering the q as not to upset any loyal fans.

Video: YouTube Stars Tyler Oakley, Hannah Hart, & Cameron Dallas Dish About Their Squad!

Well played Miz Turner. But we can’t really blame her as she can’t give anything away — cuz that’s how they stay an Emmy-winning show.

Nonetheless, we’re just happy she didn’t say “Jon Snow lives.” LOLz!

Ch-ch-check out our whole encounter with the red headed maven for yourself (above)!