Showing posts with label Discusses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Discusses. Show all posts

Monday, August 27, 2018

Donald Trump Discusses Baby Tiffany Trump"s Future Breasts in Resurfaced Footage

Last week, the legendary host of The Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, Robin Leach, passed away at 76.

A clip of one of his old interviews, previously just a controversial footnote, has resurfaced in light of his passing because it is now very relevant.

In the clip that you"re about to see, Trump discusses baby Tiffany Trump"s legs and his hopes for her eventual breasts. Gross.

President trump

In the video from more than two decades ago, the late Leach asked Donald Trump which features baby Tiffany had of his and which she had from her mother, Marla Maples.

This is not an uncommon question — many people will point out that a baby has their father"s eyes or their mother"s ears or their grandfather"s chin.

"Well," Trump replies. "I think she"s got a lot of Marla. She"s a really beautiful baby."

Trump then gets specific, saying: "She"s, uh, she"s got, uh, she"s got Marla"s legs."

Marla laughs — some say that she laughs uncomfortably, here, but we have to be careful to not project.

Donald trump discusses baby tiffany

Trump continues, and this is where his comments go from awkward to controversial.

"We don"t know whether she"s got this part yet," he says.

This is when he gestures to his chest, miming a pair of breasts while discussing a literal baby who is also his daughter.

"But," Trump concludes. Time will tell."

That is certainly not the worst thing that Donald Trump has ever said, or even the worst thing that he has ever said on camera. But … that"s not saying much, is it?

Robin leach

As the Trump campaign reared its ugly head, his past comments resurfaced, including that infamous video.

But, in a 2016 interview with Inside Edition, Robin Leach actually defended Trump — or, at least, condemned his critics.

"I think it’s an overreaction to be really honest," Leach said. "And I think that it’s just the piling on of those that dislike Donald."

Some would say that comments like this are part of the reason for which people dislike Trump.

Leach continued: "You’ve triggered a thought that I should send him a note saying, ‘Sorry I asked the question 22 years ago. How ridiculous they dig it up now.’"

That would be a very strange apology. Generally, past controversies are fair game for politicians running for the most important office on the planet.

Trevor noah pic

During the election, Trump"s comments were played and then mocked on a number of late night comedy shows, including The Daily Show With Trevor Noah.

"He could have said anything," Noah pointed out at the time. "And he went with legs and possibly boobs."

Pointing out that there were much better answers, Noah said: "We would have accepted pretty much any other body part."

"We know for sure that there’s no female too small for Trump not to reduce her to her body parts," Noah lamented.

"I don’t even think that Trump was trying to be funny or provocative," Noah assessed. "It just clearly shows that it’s an impulse for him."

That pretty much sums it up.

Tiffany trump swimsuit pic

It does seem that Donald Trump thinks of women as little more than the sum of whichever physical attributes of theirs he can sexualize.

That said, some have jokingly defended Trump"s words — saying that the clip shows him speaking more favorably about Tiffany than he has about her since beginning his campaign.

Unlike Ivanka, whom Trump praises to a degree that many Americans consider "creepy," he has had very little to say about Tiffany.

It has been pointed out that, though he has tweeted plenty about Ivanka, he has tweeted more about that one time Kristen Stewart cheated on Robert Pattinson than he has about Tiffany.

But though it"s unfortunate that Robin Leach"s legacy includes him having defended Trump, he may have a point.

How much of the visceral disgust that people feel for Trump would they feel if someone they"d never heard of made those unnervingly sexual comments about their daughters?

Donald trump discusses baby tiffany trumps future breasts in res

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Stormy Daniels Discusses Her Trump Affair on Jimmy Kimmel

In what would have been a huge scandal for a normal presidency, Donald Trump is accused of having had an affair with a porn star and then paying her hush money out of his own campaign fund.

Stormy Daniels, however, is not at liberty to speak on what may or may not have happened. But that doesn"t prevent her from talking to Jimmy Kimmel.

You might think that an interview with someone under an NDA would be boring. As you"ll see in the video below, this interview is anything but.

Stormy daniels and jimmy kimmel

The alleged affair took place in 2006, just months after the birth of his son, Barron. He had been married to Melania for a little over a year.

Though initial reports described only one sexual encounter, a later report on the details of "generic" sex with Trump revealed a lot — including that their relationship went on for months.

Also, Trump is terrified of sharks. Allegedly.

Stormy Daniels, who was born Stephanie Clifford, allegedly had to sign a non-disclosure agreement in exchange for $ 130,000 which was reportedly paid to her by Trump"s lawyer using funds from his 2016 Presidential campaign.

So, though she reportedly spoke about this years ago, she is not at liberty to confirm or deny … anything.

Despite that, this video below is one hell of an interview.

Stormy daniels smiles

Fans of Trump who believe that this is all some sort of conspiracy to discredit Trump  like to portray Stormy Daniels as some Leftist concoction.

(Which is silly. Discredit Trump? Anyone still giving credit to Trump is fine with everything he"s said and done since day one of his campaign, and probably cannot be reached by anything or anyone. He could eat a live puppy on television and they"d go "And YOU thought he didn"t like dogs!")

The reality, however, is that Stormy Daniels is someone who promoted Trump businesses (attending the launch of Trump Vodka, for example; one of his many failed enterprises).

She"s also — unbelievably — a big fan of Sarah Palin"s. Remember when Sarah Palin almost being Vice President was the worst thing that we could imagine? It turns out that she was just foreshadowing.

So she doesn"t quite fit the mold for a left-wing hero.

That said … she appears to have a great sense of humor.

Stormy daniels laughs

We suppose that you have to know how to laugh if you"re one of the humans cursed with the knowledge of what Trump"s penis looks like.

And Stormy Daniels really shows off her sense of humor and wit in her interview with Jimmy Kimmel.

(Some may say that Jimmy Kimmel or someone else coached her with funny, non-disclosing replies to his questions ahead of time. Even if that"s the case, keeping her cool like she does is still impressive)

We can see why she says that her favorite show is Saturday Night Live. She"d be pretty good on an improv show.

And before you say that she"s not an actress, remember that she was a porn star, that she"s also a porn director, and that she was apparently able spend time with Trump without him being clued in to disgust.

And, in this video below, Stormy expresses some definite disgust.

Stormy daniels and jimmy kimmel state of the union

One of the cutest moments is when Jimmy Kimmel holds up a Trump doll that looks like it belongs in a Chucky film, asking her to show him what she and Trump did together.

Rather than complying, she holds up a Stormy Daniels doll with tape over its mouth. Very cute.

Another funny moment is when Jimmy lays out three carrots of different sizes and tries to get Stormy to choose one (by which he means that he"s trying to get her divulge details about Trump"s penis).

Stormy abstains, replying: "Who wants a carrot?!" That"s a big mood.

On a sad note, she mentions the lies that have been concocted about her on the internet. She doesn"t single out the stuff about Trump as lies, just conspiracy theory stuff about her that people make up. That"s not cool.

Stormy daniels pic

It"s no exaggeration to say that Stormy Daniels made us laugh or at least chuckle with almost everything that she said.

Part of that is Jimmy being a good host, but a lot of it is just Stormy being charismatic and likable.

Even if we don"t see eye-to-eye with her politics, we can agree that she"s a charming person.

Also, she doesn"t deserve the lies that people concoct about her. Especially because she"s a mom.

Perhaps, one day, she"ll be free to tell all about Trump. That will be quite an experience.

Stormy daniels discusses her trump affair with jimmy kimmel

Friday, June 9, 2017

Bill Cosby Discusses Women Like Serial Killers Talk About Dolls

If you have a weak stomach, Bill Cosby’s decade-old testimony that was read in court today might not be for you.

His 2005 description of the his “encounter” with Andrea Constand is nothing short of sickening.

Remember: we’re talking about his descriptions, in his own words.

You expect an accuser’s description of her sexual assault to be horrifying, because rape is one of the worst things in existence.

But usually people defending themselves from sexual assault charges have a version of events that sounds much better.

Though she was expected to stand by his side, Cosby’s wife hasn’t actually shown up in court.

Since she presumably still supports him, perhaps she just didn’t want to hear the facts of the case.

Or maybe her husband warned her that she didn’t need to hear them.

Especially today’s haunting testimony.

Bill Cosby describes the event, in which he claims that he gave Andrea Constand one and a half tablets of over-the-counter Benadryl before their encounter turned sexual.

“We began to pet. Touching and kissing with clothes on.”

That, were it not for the fact that we’ve already heard that Andrea felt paralyzed, unable to move or resist, would sound pretty innocuous.

There was breast-grabbing and, you know, what you’d expect to hear in a molestation trial like this.

In that same transcript, Cosby claims that Andrea never objected, and that he only ever wanted to take things as far as they went.

“I never intended to have full intercourse, like naked bodies, with Andrea.”

That’s … something, we guess. Though not exactly noble of him.

“I don’t like it. I like the petting, the touching.”

That is the creepiest possible phrasing for that.

It sounds less like real world testimony and more like dialogue from a hair-raising scene on Criminal Minds.

Or like something from Law & Order: SVU.

Which, we guess, makes sense in its own gross way.

Something about how life imitates art, right?

We have no idea how Cosby’s supporters continue to stand by him.

It’s not just the volume of accusations, though surely even “just” 5 accusers should be enough to get people to cut ties with an otherwise well-loved celebrity.

But more than 50? 

At this point, we wonder if there’s anything that could persuade the people who still believe him.

A recording of an assault? An admission?

Something tells us that if they’re in this far, they’re not going to back out for anything. Even if he’s convicted.

Which means that even this creepy, creepy testimony won’t sway them.

What matters, though, is what the jury thinks.

As Keshia Knight Pulliam said: “This is where the truth happens.”

It’s just that her idea of what the “truth” is might not reflect reality at all.


Monday, March 27, 2017

Jenelle Evans Discusses Building a Blended Family With David Eason

It’s only been two months since Jenelle Evans welcomed her third child, but the Teen Mom 2 star is already planning her next move on the family front.

Jenelle is engaged to David Eason these days, and she’s happily addressed questions about her upcoming wedding and the unique joys and challenges of raising a blended family in a number of new interviews.

Asked about her upcoming nuptials by MTV, Jenelle revealed that there’s some disagreement as to exactly when she and David should tie the knot:

“We haven’t set a date, but we want to get married either this summer or next summer depending on how quickly we plan it,” Jenelle said last month.

“I’m saying next summer, but he’s saying this summer.”

As for the theme and decor, Evans had this to say:

“We know we want a rustic-themed wedding, nothing too fancy. Something simple, maybe backyard and outdoorsy. We want just close friends and family, not anything crazy.”

Of course the really interesting questions surrounding Jenelle and David’s forthcoming marriage have nothing to do with mason jars and Edison light bulbs.

Jenelle has three kids by three different men, and David has two children from previous relationships.

On top of that, Jenelle’s mother has custody of her eldest son, Jace.

All of this means there will be a lot of external input from third (and fourth, and fifth …) parties, on basically every family decision that David and Jenelle make.

So how does Jenelle picture the future for her blended family?

Well, despite the ongoing difficulty of custody issues, she says sees everyone living under one roof without any issue.

“Jace recently asked me: ‘When can I live with you again?’” Jenelle tells People magazine.

“I said: ‘Well, hopefully by the summer you’ll be living here.’ But that’s all I told him – I don’t want him to know too much right now ’cause it’s really detrimental.”

Asked by a fan on Twitter if Eason’s daughter will ever live with her full-time, Jenelle replied, “She already does.” 

She added, however, that for legal reasons, she’s not allowed to discuss custody of Eason’s son, Kaden.

But far from seeing their baby mamas and daddies and as a challenge, Jenelle says Eason’s relationship with his kids is one of the things that attracted her to him:

“I want to marry David because he’s a great father, he’s a great best friend, he’s faithful, he’s loyal to me,” she recently told MTV, adding:

“It’s the best relationship I’ve ever had.” 


Friday, April 22, 2016

Prince: Autopsy Complete, Coroner Discusses Results

The autopsy of Prince Rogers Nelson, known to the world as simply “Prince,” has been completed, the coroner’s office announced today.

The procedure lasted four hours and was finished by 1 p.m. central time, and the body will be released to the family later today.

While fans eagerly await the official cause of death, results will likely not be available for several weeks.

“Midwest Medical Examiner’s Office will not release information until the exam is complete and all results are obtained,” read a statement released by the coroner. 

“Gathering the results will take several days and the results of a full toxicology scan could likely take weeks,” the statement continued.

The office also stated that Prince’s medical and family history will be analyzed as part of a complete exam.

“Anything which could be relevant to the investigation will be taken into consideration,” the coroner continued.

Yesterday, Prince was found unresponsive in an elevator in his Minnesota home at age 57.

He was pronounced dead after EMTs failed to resuscitate him with CPR.

As the world mourns the artist who Justin Timberlake called “our greatest living musician,” fans are trying to make sense of Prince’s untimely death.

Yesterday, TMZ reported that the Purple One had been treated for a drug overdose just six days before he died.

Today, sources revealed that Prince had been taking Percoset to relieve pain in his hips, and that he had OD’d on the opiate.

At the time, reps for the artist said he had been suffering from the flu, but given that his plane made an emergency landing to treat him, many suspected there was more to the story.

Matt Fink, a former keyboardist for Prince’s band The Revolution, was one of the skeptics.

“I can’t believe it was flu related,” Fink said.

We will keep you posted with further news related to Prince and his cause of death.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Jessa Duggar Discusses Decision to Hold Off on Naming Baby

It’s been almost a week since Jessa Duggar gave birth to her first child, but she and husband Ben Seewald still have yet to reveal the baby boy’s name.

Of course, there’s a simple reason for that – Jessa and Ben still haven’t chosen a name!

“We want to give him a strong name, with a lot of meaning,” Jessa told People magazine recently.

While she wouldn’t give any specifics as to what monikers she and Ben are considering, Jessa did say that the list is comprised mainly of names of “heroes from the Christian faith.”

She added that she and Ben will not be going with a “letter theme” like Jessa’s theme.

“It’s been really cool to meet him, look at his face and match a name to who he is,” Jessa said. “It is going to be very special. A lot of thought has gone into it.”

“He is going to have this name for the rest of his life,” Ben added.

But while Jessa and Ben may be uncertain of what to name the little guy, there’s no doubt that they’re head over heels for the new addition to their family.

After what’s been described as a “very intense” labor, Jessa immediately began posting pics and gushing about her bundle of joy on social media. 

Now he just needs a name so that Jessa’s equally excited fans can give #BabySeewald a new hashtag.