Showing posts with label Resurfaced. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Resurfaced. Show all posts

Monday, August 27, 2018

Donald Trump Discusses Baby Tiffany Trump"s Future Breasts in Resurfaced Footage

Last week, the legendary host of The Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, Robin Leach, passed away at 76.

A clip of one of his old interviews, previously just a controversial footnote, has resurfaced in light of his passing because it is now very relevant.

In the clip that you"re about to see, Trump discusses baby Tiffany Trump"s legs and his hopes for her eventual breasts. Gross.

President trump

In the video from more than two decades ago, the late Leach asked Donald Trump which features baby Tiffany had of his and which she had from her mother, Marla Maples.

This is not an uncommon question — many people will point out that a baby has their father"s eyes or their mother"s ears or their grandfather"s chin.

"Well," Trump replies. "I think she"s got a lot of Marla. She"s a really beautiful baby."

Trump then gets specific, saying: "She"s, uh, she"s got, uh, she"s got Marla"s legs."

Marla laughs — some say that she laughs uncomfortably, here, but we have to be careful to not project.

Donald trump discusses baby tiffany

Trump continues, and this is where his comments go from awkward to controversial.

"We don"t know whether she"s got this part yet," he says.

This is when he gestures to his chest, miming a pair of breasts while discussing a literal baby who is also his daughter.

"But," Trump concludes. Time will tell."

That is certainly not the worst thing that Donald Trump has ever said, or even the worst thing that he has ever said on camera. But … that"s not saying much, is it?

Robin leach

As the Trump campaign reared its ugly head, his past comments resurfaced, including that infamous video.

But, in a 2016 interview with Inside Edition, Robin Leach actually defended Trump — or, at least, condemned his critics.

"I think it’s an overreaction to be really honest," Leach said. "And I think that it’s just the piling on of those that dislike Donald."

Some would say that comments like this are part of the reason for which people dislike Trump.

Leach continued: "You’ve triggered a thought that I should send him a note saying, ‘Sorry I asked the question 22 years ago. How ridiculous they dig it up now.’"

That would be a very strange apology. Generally, past controversies are fair game for politicians running for the most important office on the planet.

Trevor noah pic

During the election, Trump"s comments were played and then mocked on a number of late night comedy shows, including The Daily Show With Trevor Noah.

"He could have said anything," Noah pointed out at the time. "And he went with legs and possibly boobs."

Pointing out that there were much better answers, Noah said: "We would have accepted pretty much any other body part."

"We know for sure that there’s no female too small for Trump not to reduce her to her body parts," Noah lamented.

"I don’t even think that Trump was trying to be funny or provocative," Noah assessed. "It just clearly shows that it’s an impulse for him."

That pretty much sums it up.

Tiffany trump swimsuit pic

It does seem that Donald Trump thinks of women as little more than the sum of whichever physical attributes of theirs he can sexualize.

That said, some have jokingly defended Trump"s words — saying that the clip shows him speaking more favorably about Tiffany than he has about her since beginning his campaign.

Unlike Ivanka, whom Trump praises to a degree that many Americans consider "creepy," he has had very little to say about Tiffany.

It has been pointed out that, though he has tweeted plenty about Ivanka, he has tweeted more about that one time Kristen Stewart cheated on Robert Pattinson than he has about Tiffany.

But though it"s unfortunate that Robin Leach"s legacy includes him having defended Trump, he may have a point.

How much of the visceral disgust that people feel for Trump would they feel if someone they"d never heard of made those unnervingly sexual comments about their daughters?

Donald trump discusses baby tiffany trumps future breasts in res

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Andy Dick Groped Ivanka Trump in Resurfaced Jimmy Kimmel Footage

Of all of the men named in #MeToo stories, Andy Dick was the least surprising to many folks. Yes, including Harvey Weinstein.

And now, the world can see for themselves in newly resurfaced video from 2007.

On television — on Jimmy Kimmel, in fact — Andy Dick reaches over and gropes Ivanka before getting removed by security.

Andy dick tongue out

Andy Dick is a comedian and actor. Unfortunately, he has been accused of groping a number of people.

Despite his dismissive attitude towards those claims, he has been let go from projects because of it.

(Don"t touch people without their consent, folks)

Now, an old clip of Andy exhibiting inappropriate touching has surfaced.

He and Ivanka Trump were both guests of Jimmy Kimmel"s in 2007. And Andy couldn"t — or rather, he simply refused to — keep his hands to himself.

Andy dick gropes ivanka trump on jimmy kimmel

In the clip, Andy can be seen reaching over and running his finger"s along Ivanka"s leg.

Kimmel tells him to stop.

Ivanka, though trying to laugh it off at the time (and clearly looking over to Kimmel to make sure that he has noticed), tries to get him to stop.

Eventually, Andy was removed by security.

Kimmel would later suggest that Andy, who has been to rehab more than a dozen times in his struggle for sobriety, was under the influence.

Andy dick mug shot 2010

Andy actually reminded his followers about this incident by posting about it in December of 2017.

"The time I "groped" Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, on Jimmy Kimmel Live," he writes.

"Her legs were sparkling," he says, as if to explain. "And I was trying to see if the glitter would wipe off."

That curiosity is understandable. Acting on it is not excusable.

"I also mistakenly thought she would date me," he says.


"I was jokingly carried off by security," Andy says.

Maybe half-jokingly.

Ivanka trump on instagram

"Is anybody going to carry Trump off?" Andy asked in December. "No joke. Confusing times."

This is a transparent attempt to deflect from his own actions.

See, a lot of people would like to see Donald Trump impeached and tried for his misconduct and alleged crimes.

But trying to distract from your own behavior by pointing to someone else"s is called whataboutism.

Ivanka Trump may be her father"s daughter, but that doesn"t mean that it"s open season on any of her body parts.

Andy dick image

Andy Dick has been dismissive of allegations against him, saying that he never touched people"s genitals and perhaps licked some people"s faces.

His implication was that it"s all part of his brand.

Folks, "it"s all part of the act" does not fly when we"re talking about sexual harassment or sexual assault.

If the other person does not consent, you are not entitled to touch them. Yes, even if their father is a bad, bad man.

Andy Dick may struggle with sobriety, and we wish him the best on his quest for good mental and physical health.

But everyone has their struggles. No one is entitled to invade another"s body without permission. Even if it"s covered in glitter.

Weinstein scandal which powerful men are accused of sexual misco

Andy dick groped ivanka trump in resurfaced jimmy kimmel footage

Friday, October 13, 2017

Jason Momoa Apologizes for Resurfaced Rape Joke

On Thursday, Jason Momoa’s name was trending. Unlike when his Game of Thrones audition tape went viral, it was not in a positive way.

With the recent allegations against Harvey Weinstein that have come to light, people are talking about sexual assault and Hollywood. For the most part, it’s great that this very difficult conversation is happening.

An unacceptable comment that Jason Momoa made in the past came to light, stirring a lot of controversy. He has now issued an apology.

Jason Momoa is a popular actor. Whether you first saw him on Game of Thrones or Stargate Atlantis or the tragically underrated 2011 Conan The Barbarian, he’s a distinct actor who tends to play majorly tough characters.

And he’s now playing Aquaman in the DC cinematic universe, a portrayal of the classic and often lampooned DC superhero that’s likely to bring more weight to and respect for the character.

We’ll first see him in action as Aquaman in the upcoming Justice League film, but he’s also getting a standalone Aquaman film.

All of that is pretty exciting.

Unfortunately, a combination of fame and the internet means that Jason Momoa’s entire history is basically an open book for anyone to pick through.

With the Weinstein scandal and various actresses coming forward to talk about the sexual harassment and sexual assaults that they’ve endured from powerful men in the industry, more than just Harvey Weinstein have been named.

In fact, Jason Momoa’s costar, Ben Affleck — who will reprise his role as Batman in Justice League (which will hopefully be light years better than Dawn of Justice was, ugh) — has been accused of groping a woman at the Golden Globes.

In fact, multiple sexual harassment videos of Ben Affleck have surfaced since Rose McGowan accused him of having been aware of Harvey Weinstein’s predatory behavior.

On Thursday, Twitter was talking about Jason Momoa.

To be clear, this was not a case of anyone accusing Jason Momoa of sexual assault or sexual harassment. This is about a comment that he made while speaking to fans about his career.

The comment was one that Jason Momoa made at a convention in 2011:

“As far as sci-fi and fantasy, I love that genre because there are so many things you can do, like rip someone’s tongue out of their throat and get away with it.”

And that’s part of why we love watching that genre. It’s a good comment.

If only he’d stopped there.

Instead, Jason Momoa continued with what was clearly a joke but which was unacceptable nonetheless.

“And rape beautiful women.”


Now, for backstory, we should mention that his character in the infamously rapey Game of Thrones is Khal Drogo, who rapes Daenerys Targaryen on their wedding night.

It appears that Momoa was trying to use humor as a vehicle to refer to the prevalence of sexual assault in Game of Thrones and to compliment his costar, Emilia Clarke, at the same time.

But … yeah, that comment is not even a little bit okay.

Late Thursday night (which would have been Friday, Down Under), Jason Momoa took to Instagram to issue an apology.

“I awoke in Australia to the justified reaction by many people to a distasteful joke I made years ago in Hall H for which I am sorry.”

That’s a good start.

“I am still severely disappointed in myself at the insensitivity of my remarks that day. I know my sincerest apology now won’t take away those hurtful words.”

That’s still a really good apology. When do the excuses come into play?

“Rape and sexual harassment can reach anyone and I have seen first hand its painful torment among my own family and friends.”

That’s sadly all too true, and it’s good that he acknowledges that.

“I made a truly tasteless comment. It is unacceptable and I sincerely apologize with a heavy heart for the words I said.”

Jason Momoa didn’t try to provide context or apologize or complain about how unfair it all was. He owned what he did and apologized and made it clear that jokes like that are unacceptable.

But since he didn’t say anything along these lines, we wil.

Jason Momoa bent over backwards to make sure that Emilia Clarke would feel comfortable during the filming of their very uncomfortable sexual assault scene.

In order to inject some behind-the-scenes levity, Jason Momoa turned the sock that he wore over his genitals (that’s how networks like HBO film their nude scenes, by the way) into a sock puppet with eyes and everything.

This is a man who cares about women and their feelings, and he understands the seriousness of sexual assault and even how traumatic stages scenes of fictional sexual assault can be for actors involved.

We’re glad that he apologized and his joke in 2011 was unacceptable, but … we have to point out that it’s more than a little shady that someone decided to dig that up in 2017.

There are, after all, actual sexual predators and rape apologists out there.


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Kevin Hart Just Laughs Off Resurfaced Cheating Allegations as Eniko Parrish and Torrei Hart Feud!

Remember way back in 2014 when we mentioned the possibility that Kevin Hart cheated on Torrei Hart with Eniko Parrish? Rumor was that Kevin cheated on his now ex-wife by dating his current wife before they split.

Eniko made a post that seemed to confirm, mathematically, that her relationship with Kevin started with her as his mistress. Torrei was not pleased. It was a mess.

Kevin Hart’s response to the whole debacle? Literally just laughing it off.

This mess started up again when Eniko Parrish, Kevin Hart’s current wife, posted to Instagram to celebrate her and Kevin Hart’s wedding anniversary.

She’s since deactivated comments on the post, which tells you how bad things got.

See if you can spot which part of her message raised the alarm.

“8.13.16. I’m Grateful to God everyday for putting us together. When it’s real, no love/bond can ever be faked nor broken. My partner in life, My other half that makes me whole, My SOULMATE.”

Well, that’s just the usual romantic stuff, right?

“Thank you for always keeping a smile on my face.. I love you more everyday. 8 years together..1 year married..Forever to go! #HartilyYours. Happy 1 year anniversary babe! We made it!”

Did you catch it?

She says “8 years together.” 

Kevin Hart and his ex-wife, Torrei Hart, only divorced 6 years ago.


Obviously, commenters pointed out that the numbers didn’t add up, and that’s when Eniko started replying to defend herself.

And she didn’t try to brush it off as a typo, which is absolutely what we would have advised her to do.

“Their marriage was broken way before I came in the picture.. They were separated living in separate homes. I was never a secret.”

Isn’t that what a lot of mistresses say and believe?

Eniko also said that the initial cheating rumors that we mentioned were Torrei’s doing, “[because] she wanted to play the ‘victim’ and not own up to her wrong doing as well.”

Eniko even claims that Kevin Hart was seeing other women, but that Torrei felt animosity towards her because her relationship with Kevin had “stuck.”

“I never wrecked any home.”

We would point out that, you know, sometimes one spouse has multiple affairs of a sexual nature that the other spouse ignores because he always comes home to her … until one day he doesn’t because he’s fallen in love.

Falling in love is different and can hurt way more than some tangled sheets in a hotel room.

You know who took notice of all of this? Torrei herself.

And she commented.

“Eniko sweetheart normally I don’t feed in to this, but when you addressed me directly, you forced my hand to respond.”

Oh dear, she brought out “sweetheart” right off the bat.

In this context, folks, it is not a term of endearment.

“We have made successful strides to become a loving co parenting family, but you have now left it open for my character to be questioned. You, Kevin, and I know the truth.”

Oh boy.

“Either respond truthfully or don’t respond at all.”

Eniko deactivated all comments on that post, but the post is still up — with those 8 years proudly on display for anyone to see and do the math.

It’s an interesting choice.

Kevin Hart responded on his own Instagram, because obviously he noticed the whole thing.

“Going to be honest with you people, I’m at a point where I can’t even be shocked anymore. All I do is laugh man.”

It sounds like his thinly veiled ire is directed, not at his wife or his ex-wife, but at the initial commenters who pointed out what the math indicated.

“Even after writing a book, a very good book, about my life in great detail … [it’s] still not enough?”

Plugging and praising his own book there was almost Trumpian, but not quite.

“Even after talking about my life in my stand up specials, a lot of stand up specials, you actually see me grow as a man through my stand up specials, still not enough?”

He still didn’t, you know, actually address anybody’s allegations or talk about his wife for ex-wife. That’s probably wise.

“This will act as nothing but material for your boy.”

So … we may hear his take on this eventually, we guess.
