Showing posts with label Results. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Results. Show all posts

Monday, September 24, 2018

Big Brother Spoilers: Final HOH Results Revealed!

Big Brother aired its usual pre-finale clip show Sunday night, meaning fans were left in the dark over who won the first two rounds of the final HOH competition. 

Thankfully, both rounds played out on the live feeds ahead of the episode, meaning we know who won which competition, and the plan for the live finale. 

Ahead of the first heat of the competition, Tyler and Kaycee chatted about possible scenarios, and Kaycee admitted that she sucked at the mental competitions. 

Tyler said that he liked his chances against JC in one so he would drop out of the endurance competition to allow Kaycee to beat out JC and himself. 

However, when it came to the actual competition, JC dropped out first, leaving Tyler and Kaycee. That’s when Kaycee made a signal for Tyler to drop. 

He ignored it and ultimately won the competition. His fellow ally quizzed him following the conclusion of the competition. 

Tyler’s response?

“I was going to wait for a jolt [from the comp] and then act like I slipped,” he explained of his decision to keep holding on. 

“As soon as [JC] fell, my arms were like Jell-O,” Kaycee said in response of her decision to drop out. 

While Kaycee wondered why Tyler would act like that, she still trusted him because he was loyal to her all summer long.  

“Without a doubt, I have got this next one,” Kaycee said. “We could not have him win that one.”

It’s certainly alarming that Tyler didn’t trust Kaycee enough to drop when he said he would. There’s every reason to believe he was worried she wouldn’t follow through with her end of the deal. 

When Saturday rolled around, Kaycee and JC went head-to-head, but who won?

To the surprise of absolutely nobody, Kaycee owned the competition. 

JC is not a force on the competition front, and he won just one competition the whole summer. 

This means that Kaycee and Tyler will compete against each other in the live finale on Wednesday night. 

Both have been vocal about wanting to be the final two, but it will all depend on whether they actually want to win. 

A case can be made for either of the two to win. But either one of them could win against JC, so they would be wise to consider that. 

What are your thoughts on this? 

Who do you want to win?

Hit the comments below. 


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Big Brother Spoilers: Eviction & HOH Results Leaked!

With all of the drama going on with Julie Chen stepping away from The Talk, many have wondered whether she’s about to be evicted from Big Brother. 

While we still don’t know whether the show will even exist at this point next year, there is still a game to be played, and Wednesday’s special episode will feature a Power of Veto, an eviction, an HOH competition, and a nominations ceremony. 

Thanks to reliable Big Brother Spoilers guru, REALvegas4sure, we know what will go down in the episode, and we’re about to discuss it all. 

If you want to be surprised when you watch the episode, you should probably exit this page. 

When Sunday’s episode concluded, Sam and JC were on the block, and Sam was the target. We already told you that Kaycee went on to win the Power of Veto competition, her fourth time winning that competition. 

As expected, she opted to keep the nominations the same, meaning Sam and JC were left on the block for eviction. 

Angela was vocal about wanting Sam out of the house on Sunday’s episode, and she got her wish:

Sam has been evicted!

But who went on to win the next HOH competition?

That’s where things get super exciting. JC has been good at the manipulation side of things, but as far as competitions go, he’s struggled to compete. 

That all changed with one of the most crucial competitions of the summer. Tyler, Kaycee, and JC played, and JC secured the win!

It’s a shocker, for sure because it means that the others will be split up ahead of the final three. JC knew he had to make a big move, so he went with putting Tyler and Angela on the block. 

This likely means that he’s trying to pull Kaycee over to his side by saying that Tyler and Angela are in a showmance and will only look out for each other.

The power to evict this round will go to the winner of the POV. Will Kaycee win for the fifth time and have to choose which of her allies to take out, or will one of the allies win?

We have no idea, but all of that will play out on Thursday’s episode. 

What are your thoughts on these spoilers?

Hit the comments below. 


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Judge Jeanine Pirro Says President Trump"s Words Don"t Matter as Much as His Results

Judge Jeanine Pirro says she does disagree with some of President Trump’s tactics — though she won’t say which ones — but adds his words don’t matter as much as what he does. The Judge was on TMZ Live to talk about her bestselling book,…


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Big Brother Spoilers: Veto Results & Target Revealed!

Scottie Salton being crowned the third Head of Household on Big Brother Season 20 was always going to make for some uncertainty. 

He’s never been tied to an alliance. Instead, he’s coasted along the middle of the house and has lied to everyone about the way he’s voting. 

When Sunday’s episode concluded, Scottie nominated both Brett and Winston for eviction after he realized that they were both lying about voting against Steve in week one. 

The Level 6 alliance immediately turned their attention to the Veto with the aim of keeping their group intact for a while longer. 

Scottie, Winston, Brett, Rockstar, Tyler, and Rachel competed for the Veto on Saturday. Before the competition kicked off, Scottie was vocal that if anyone took either of the men down, he would put up the closest ally of the person who won Veto. 

Luckily for Scottie, the competition went in his favor, and he secured the coveted Veto medal. This only made the Level 6 alliance worry, and they got to work trying to throw Kaitlin under the bus as the ceremony loomed. 

But Scottie confirmed he would not be replacing a nominee and that the bros would remain on the block through to Thursday night’s eviction. 

The conversation quickly turned to Sam’s power and whether she would be using it to save Winston or Brett on Thursday. If it’s not used this week, it will automatically be used next week. 

Sam has been a wildcard, so there’s no telling what she has planned, but some of the other houseguests think the producers are trying to get her to use it. 

The power chatter has also paved the way for Kaitlyn’s game to unravel. Her former allies wanted to get some intel on why she sided with Tyler to take Swaggy C out of the game. 

Kaitlyn lied, saying that Sam’s power sketched her out because she could use it to get someone evicted who is not on the block. 

Bayliegh took that to Sam, who laughed the claims off. Sam reiterated that the power would benefit her or someone of her choosing, but stopped short of telling her when the power expired. 

With everyone starting to figure out that Kaitlyn is a serial liar, it’s becoming clear that she will be targeted in the coming weeks. 

What do you think of the latest round of spoilers?

Who would you like to depart the game this week? Should Sam use the power?

Hit the comments. 


Taylor Hicks Doubles Down "American Idol" Results Were No Secret

Taylor Hicks doubled down saying “American Idol” contestants knew who was getting eliminated because, as he put it, everybody talked … never mind what Nigel Lythgoe says. We got Taylor at LAX on Monday night and told him what…


Monday, July 2, 2018

Big Brother Spoilers: Veto Results Revealed as HOH Sets Target for Eviction

As we enter week two of Big Brother Season 20, it’s becoming clearer than ever that the house is divided. 

On one side of the house, we have Winston, Angela, Rachel, Tyler Kaycee, and Brett. On the other, we have Kaitlin, Haleigh, Bayliegh, Swaggy, Faysal, and Rockstar. 

There are players in the middle who are not doing much to benefit their games, but the most prominent are Sam and Steve aka the two nominees for the week. 

After Tyler nominated Sam and Steve for eviction, Faysal and Swaggy got to work on Tyler to try and get one of the bigger players out of the house so that the week was not a wasted HOH. 

Tyler was clear about his intention to keep the nominations the same, and that complicated things somewhat when it came to the veto competition, which was played on Saturday. 

Sam, Tyler, Faysal, Scottie Swaggy C, and Steve competed in the first veto of the summer, while JC got to present. The feeds went down for over three hours, and we learned that Faysal scored a victory. 

Things continued to get heated between him and Tyler because Tyler claimed that there was no way he would allow one of his nominees to be removed from the block. 

Faysal wanted to save Steve so that his side of the house would have another vote, but Tyler shut it down when he said that Bayliegh would go up in his place and out the door. 

That’s why when it came to the veto ceremony, both Sam and Steve remained on the block, meaning one of them will exit the Big Brother house on Thursday. 

The Level Six alliance are voting to keep Sam, but they still need a vote from the other side. There’s a lot of time for scheming between now and Thursday, but plans do change in the house in a heartbeat. 

The good thing for Sam is that she has a bonus life and will walk back in those doors the moment she’s evicted and will live to fight another week. Tyler is in the know about the power but wants Sam to keep it for further down the line. 

The reason? She can use it on any of the first three evicted houseguests. It’s a game-changing twist for sure, and one that could get her in good graces with some of the others in the house.

There’s a genuine possibility that Sam gets to keep her power this week and save herself another week if the Level Sixers continue the scheming. 

What are your thoughts on these latest spoilers? Would it be a wise move for Sam not to use her power this week?

Hit the comments below. 

Big Brother continues Wednesday on CBS.  


Thursday, April 5, 2018

Kylie Jenner: Tyga"s Paternity Test Results Are IN!

It’s been two months since Kylie Jenner welcomed her first child, but still, there are those who have doubts about baby Stormi’s parentage.

Kylie is still dating Travis Scott, and she reportedly has zero doubts that he’s the father of her baby.

But not everyone is quite so sure…

From the moment Kylie’s pregnancy was made public, there have been rumors that her ex, Tyga, is Stormi’s father.

And apparently, T-Raww was initially among those who believed he might have been the one who got Kylie pregnant.

Details about the timeline are hard to come by, but it seems there was enough of an overlap between Kylie’s relationships with Travis and Tyga that she was forced to entertain the possibility that either man could be the father.

Sources say Tyga demanded a paternity test, and Kylie consented on one condition:

He would have to agree that if the test confirmed he’s not Stormi’s dad, then he would never mention the issue again.

“Tyga has been demanding a paternity test throughout Kylie’s pregnancy but she wouldn’t hear of it,” one insider tells Life & Style.

“She still cares for Tyga but this isn’t something she ever wanted to agree to. Kylie begged him to back off because she didn’t need the embarrassment.”

But it seems he was so persistent that she finally gave into his demand for medical evidence.

“After a lot of pressure from Tyga, she finally gave in, but under one condition, that Tyga would never talk about it again,” says the source.

Shortly thereafter, the rapper posted a cryptic tweet which seems to be his way addressing the Kylie controversy without mentioning anyone by name:

“I’ve never said anything about someone else’s child or family insinuating my involvement; and will never do so,” he wrote.

“Please, stop spreading false stories and attacking people’s families. I have nothing to do with any of that. People should be able to live in peace.”

So we guess that’s the final word on the matter.

We’re sure it was awkward for everyone involved, but in the end, it seems both parties came away satisfied.

And as a bonus, they didn’t even need to get Maury Povich involved.


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Sugar Bear: I Saw Those DNA Results ... Maybe I"m NOT Alana"s Father

Recently on From Not To Hot, Mike "Sugar Bear" Thompson"s paternity results came back … inconclusive. So it"s unclear if he"s Alana "Honey Boo Boo" Thompson"s biological father.

Though he was initially outraged that his wife went behind his back to order the results, it looks like he"s had a reluctant change of heart.

As you"ll see in the new From Not To Hot clip below, he"s begun to doubt whether he was ever Alana"s father. Will he do another, non-secret test?

Sugar bear and jennifer lamb kitchen

In the From Not To Hot clip that you can see below, Sugar Bear stages a heart-to-heart with his wife, Jennifer Lamb.

"I"ve been thinking. The way me and you was fightin" … I mean, that"s not us."

Lamb agrees:

"I know."

Sugar Bear affirms that it put an unhealthy strain on their relationship.

"A married couple shouldn"t fight like that."

Sugar bear and jennifer lamb

If you"re wondering why the two were quarreling, then remember that Jennifer Lamb wanted to covertly do a DNA test on Alana Thompson to see if she"s really Sugar Bear"s.

See, Sugar Bear lamented that June Shannon is keeping Alana from him. He doesn"t have any legally recognized parental rights.

Which, in the storyline that these two have on this season of From Not To Hot, "got Jennifer Lamb thinking" about whether Alana is really Sugar Bear"s biological daughter.

Lamb says that she would love to be Alana"s stepmother and would be a good one … but also says that she"d be totally unwilling to pay child support for a child whom Sugar Bear didn"t help conceive.

So, that"s where all of this is coming from.

Mike thompson and jennifer lamb

Jennifer Lamb speaks up, telling her husband about her motives.

"I wasn"t doing it for me."

Sugar Bear still protests because she kept it a secret.

"You shouldn"t go behind my back."

That"s usually a good idea for married couples. Or any two people who hope to have a healthy and lasting relationship.

Sugar bear and jennifer lamb at home

Cutting to Jennifer Lamb"s confessional, she laments that he"s still harping on this.

"Here we go again. That man is like a dog with a bone."

Back in the kitchen, Lamb continues her conversation with Sugar Bear:

"Yeah. I did go behind your back, but … the truth needs to come out."

She asks him a very direct question:

"Can you honest to God say that you know that that"s your youngin"?"

Sugar bear and jennifer lamb amorous intentions

Sugar Bear considers, and admits:

"I can"t honest to God say that."

He then elaborates, if somewhat begrudgingly.

"I mean, do I have proof that Alana"s mine? No."

it sounds like Jennifer Lamb"s discussion with him has really made him warm up to the idea of a DNA test.

"Since the DNA test come back inconclusive, hey, it"s makin" me wonder."

Jennifer lamb sugar bears wife

Jennifer Lamb explains her motives:

"I"m trying to prove that that is your daughter, blood-wise and heart-wise."

That"s important to mention, since Alana was raised as Sugar Bear"s daughter. There"s more to being a dad than, you know, biological paternity.

(Which is not to say that Sugar Bear was a good father — he"s accused of terrible things — but for better or for worse, he was Alana"s dad)

Lamb then mentions that Mama June isn"t exactly the monogamous type.

"We"re dealing with June. She does have three other kids by three other daddies."

Sugar Bear admits:

"Yeah, that is true."

Jennifer lamb

Sugar Bear then covers his bases with a statement that he"s confident in how the results will come back.

"I still think she"s mine. But maybe it wouldn"t be a bad thing to know for sure."

And then he admits that Jennifer Lamb had the right idea, even if she went about it sneakily.

"Maybe that was a good idea."

Jennifer Lamb then admits that she"s shocked as his turnaround.

"Wow! The day Mike acted the day he found the DNA results? I really didn"t think he would wanna have one done."

Watch the clip here:

Sugar bear i saw those dna results maybe im not alanas father

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Amber Rose Shares Results of Breast Reduction, Cellulite Treatment

Amber Rose is nothing if not if not supremely confident, but she’s also a human being with an audience of millions scrutinizing her every selfie.

So it should come as no surprise that Amber is occasionally willing to go the surgical route in her efforts to fine-tune her appearance.

And because she’s far more forthcoming with her fan base than most celebrities, Amber is happy to discuss the details of her cosmetic procedures on social media.

In a candid Instagram live stream, Rose recently revealed to her millions of followers that she’s at home recovering from a breast reduction surgery:

“I’m still in the house recovering from my breast reduction surgery, and I just wanted to give you a little [update],” said the model and activist.

“So I’m really just letting my hair grow, letting my eyebrows grow out, and just trying to rest and relax and recover. And also of course, I wanted to give you an update on my new boobs.”

Rose first announced that she was considering a breast reduction back in August, but she didn’t say much about the decision process in the months since.

(Though at one point, she revealed that she was afraid of the possibility of “lollipop scars.”)

Discussing the possibility of going under the knife on Loveline, Rose stated:

“My boobs are stupid heavy, my back hurts and I can’t wear cute lil’ shirts without a grandma bra.”

And now that she’s gone through with it seems, she’s more than happy with the results:

“I really went down a lot. So I don’t know if you guys know, but I was like a 36H, I was really, really big, and I think now I might just be a D-cup, which is really small for me,” she said on Instagram.

“I’ve been online shopping, and getting my cute little shirts, and little strapless things, and I’m just so excited to be actually be able to wear an outfit without a huge bra,”

Rose also spoke of undergoing treatment to remove cellulite, which she says has had some painful after-effects.

“My legs are still really, really sore,” she told her followers.

Hopefully, she’ll be back on her feet for this year’s Slut Walk!

Get well soon, Amber!


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

The Voice Results: Who Won Season 13?!

The Voice Season 13 came to a close Tuesday night as the winner was finally chosen.

In true The Voice fashion, the closing episode was filled with multiple performances that did nothing to ramp up the excitement. 

There were performances from Charlie Puth, Kelly Clarkson and contestants of the series’ past. 

The important performances were the ones that included the four finalists as they vied to be crowned the winner.

Addison Agen (Team Adam) and Norah Jones – “Don’t Know Why”

Addison and Norah sounded great together, but there were a few moments in which Norah sounded much better than the contestant. For the most part, it did benefit Addison’s voice and showed us at home that she can change things up. 

Will it be enough to give her the win? She did have a good string of performances on Monday night, so there’s a good chance of it. That’s if Chloe Kohanski lost some votes which is unlikely. 

Brooke Simpson (Team Miley) and Sia – “Titanium”

Sia is at the top of her game, so her performance with Brooke was always going to go one of two ways: Either Brooke was going to sound awful next to the incomparable Sia, or Sia was going to dial it back and give Brooke time to shine. 

Thankfully, it was the latter, and Brooke got a whole lot of vocals to show off her skills. Unfortunately, it was not at the level of the other three performers in the competition. 

Chloe Kohanski (Team Blake) and Billy Idol – “White Wedding”

Chloe continued to perform songs from the 80s, but she got to sing along with none other than Billy Idol. That must have been a daunting experience, but the youngster killed it. 

Who would have thought her voice would sound so great next to Billy’s? In any case, Chloe has a good shot at winning the whole thing. 

Red Marlow (Team Blake) and Vince Gill – “When I Call Your Name”

Red has the whole country thing going for him, and that’s long been his unique selling point. In a rare moment, Red upstaged Vince, and the track sounded a lot better with Red’s vocals. 

Red has a bright career ahead of him regardless of the outcome. 

Now, it’s time to run down the results…

  • Red Marlow came in fourth place

  • Brooke Simpson in third place

  • Addison Agen in second place

  • Chloe Kohanski in first place

Chloe Kohanski is the winner of The Voice Season 13!

What do you think of the result?

Sound off below!


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The Voice Results: Which Four Exited Stage Left?!

The Voice is well-known for bloodbath elimination episodes, and Tuesday night’s big sing-off found four acts going home. 

When the crazy episode got underway, Jennifer Hudson took to the stage to perform “Burden Down.” It was a ballad only worthy of her tremendous voice, and it’s clearly going to be a hit. 

Machine Gun Kelly, X Ambassadors and Bebe Rexha performed “Home” right after and proved that you can mess with different sounds to try and create a hit. 

When it came to the results…


Chloe Kohanski (Team Blake)

Addison Agen (Team Adam)

Brooke Simpson (Team Miley)

Instant Elimination

Davon Fleming (Team Jennifer)

Keisha Renee (Team Blake)

Those results meant that Red Marlowe, Adam Cunningham and Noah Mac had to duke it out for survival with one final performance each. 

Red Marlow (Team Blake) – “Dixieland Delight”

Red has proven on multiple occasions that he has the voice that should be in the finale of the season. While his on-the-spot performance was not all that, it was still an okay performance that showed off his beautiful country voice. 

Adam Cunningham (Team Adam), “Here’s a Quarter (Call Someone Who Cares)”

Adam has been circling the drain for weeks now, and after a sudden resurgence last week, his performance to save himself was somewhat lacklustre. 

It was filled with issues, and that was likely down to Adam knowing he was very likely about to be clipped from the competition. 

Noah Mac (Team Jennifer) – “Sign of the Times”

Noah could not have picked a worse song to save himself. It was all over the place and seemed like he was trying way too hard to win. The notes were flat, and the overall performance seemed like a misstep for him. 

The final results were not shocking. Noah Mac and Adam Cunningham were sent packing, and Red Marlowe got to advance to the final stage of the competition. 

What did you think of the eliminations?

Sound off below!


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

The Voice Results: Which Two Were Eliminated?!

With a double elimination looming, the contestants vied for a place in the top eight, but after Monday’s episode, it was obvious that a lot of the competitors were circling the drain. 

With Noah Mac and Shi’Ann Jones faltering this week, could this be the time to get them out of the process?

Or did viewers forget to vote for some of the better contestants like Red Marlow and Chloe Kohanski?

Let’s run down the latest results of The Voice!

Before we got to the results, we got some intel on what Season 12 winner, Chris Blue has been up to since winning the show. 

In short, he has signed a lucrative record deal and got married, so it sounds like he has the perfect life right about now. 

After that, Season 4 winner, Danielle Bradbery made her grand return to the stage and performed “Worth It.” 

The song was not all that, and it was rather forgettable. 

Then, it was time to find out which performers were sent to safety. 

Sent to Safety 

Brooke Simpson (Team Miley)

Addison Agen (Team Adam)

Keisha Renee (Team Blake)

Noah Mac (Team Jennifer)Y

Chloe Kohanski (Team Blake)

Adam Cunningham (Team Adam)

Red Marlow (Team Blake)

Yes, you guys, Adam managed to steer clear of being in the bottom for the first time this season!

Ashland Craft, Shi’Ann Jones, and Davon Fleming were in the bottom three, and all of them had to sing for survival. 

Ashland went with “Tonight I Wanna Cry, ” and it was an uneven performance. Maybe it was nerves, but at this stage, she really needed to wow the coaches and the audience. 

Shi’Ann turned in a similarly tedious performance with “At Last,” and it was evident she was not going to survive this sing-off. 

Davon Fleming went with “Ain’t No Way, ” and while it was not quite as dull as the other two performances, it was awful in comparison to his Monday night rendition of Christina Aguilera’s “Hurt.”

Davon was saved, while Shi’Ann and Ashland were sent packing. 

Okay, what did you think of the latest elimination?

Sound off below!


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The Voice Results: Who Got the Boot?

With 11 people remaining in the mix, it was time to clip one away to leave us with the final ten performers of The Voice Season 13. 

The performance show left us with a lot of emotions after some big acts went with songs that did not do them justice, and probably put them in the firing line as far as voting goes. 

Last week, Adam Cunningham got a reprieve thanks to the instant save, but did he manage to remain in the competition for another week?

The show opened with Team Miley performing a colorful rendition of “Man! I Feel Like a Woman.” It was a great way to kick off the show and showed that some of her acts were very great performers. 

Team Adam followed that up with a rendition of “Go Your Own Way.” To the surprise of absolutely nobody, it only served to show Adam Cunningham in a better light. 

Will the show ever stop trying to make this dude a thing? There is such a thing as favoritism, and it’s clear the producers are betting big on Adam being the one to stick around. 

It was then swiftly revealed which two acts brought up the rear and would have to sing for survival. Adam Cunningham and Janice Freeman were the two unlucky contestants. 

That meant this was the second time in two weeks for Andy to be in this spot, was another instant save in store for him? 

His performance of “Amazed” was a surprisingly good one. It was perfect, and he legit sung for his life. He knew it did not look good to be in the bottom again and wanted to sway votes his way. 

But was it enough?

Meanwhile, Janice went with “Chandelier, ” and it was not great. That song is widely regarded as one of the highest-pitched songs around, so it boggles the mind as to why Janice would think it would be a good choice. 

Her voice was loud, but it came across as though she was shouting for much of it and that’s not a good look. 

Out of the two performances, Adam turned in the best one, and it would be a real travesty for him to go so soon. 

Thankfully, Adam was saved! 

Thus, Janice Freeman exited the competition!

What do you think of this?

Sound off below. 


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

The Voice Results: And Then There Were Eleven ...

The Voice’s final dozen gave it their all Monday, and Tuesday, the live results meant the end of the road for one of the final 12 competitors.

The endgame is starting to become clearer after The Voice top 12 performances, but many questions remain and every vote matters.

Smart money was on Chloe Kohanski, Jon Mero, Brooke Simpson, Shi’Ann Jones, Davon Fleming, Keisha Renee, and Janice Freeman.

As the most impressive performances of the bunch, and the most consistently solid all season, it was hard to see any of them faltering.

That leaves Addison Agen, Red Marlow, Ashland Craft, Adam Cunningham and Noah Mac as the most vulnerable … in our view, going in.

What did the voters have to say about it?

A lot, it seems, and there was not much positivity for Team Adam Levine. Adam Cunningham and Jon Mero, both members of Levine’s team, were revealed to have the lowest number of votes. 

“I got two people in the bottom,” Levine said, clearly irate with what he was witnessing. “Neither one of you guys deserves to be in the bottom. I am very confident in that.”

But, they each had one more opportunity to sway some votes their way, and that meant they got to perform one more song! 

Cunningham went with his take on “Fortunate Son” by Creedence Clearwater Revival. It was a great rendition, and it became clear that getting rid of Cunningham would level the playing field for some of the others. 

Yes, he’s that good. 

But, what about Jon Mero? His performance of “I Want You Back” by the Jackson 5 struggled to match up to Adam’s, but that’s not to say his coach was ready to pick sides. 

“I don’t think anybody in this room thinks you should be going anywhere,” Levine said about his act. 

In the end, the instant fan save kept Cunningham in the process for another week, while Mero ended his run in twelfth place. 

While losing out at the first live show must have been difficult, Mero was quick to reiterate that he was thankful for all of the support from Adam and everyone else. 

“I want to thank you so much for believing in me from the beginning,” Mero said to Levine. “You taught me how to be fearless.”

Here’s the complete list of the final contestants remaining on The Voice: 

Addison Agen

Adam Cunningham

Chloe Kohanski

Red Marlow

Keisha Renee

Davon Fleming

Shi’Ann Jones

Noah Mac

Ashland Craft

Janice Freeman

Brooke Simpson

What did you think of the twists? 

Sound off below!
