Thursday, March 1, 2018

Sugar Bear: I Saw Those DNA Results ... Maybe I"m NOT Alana"s Father

Recently on From Not To Hot, Mike "Sugar Bear" Thompson"s paternity results came back … inconclusive. So it"s unclear if he"s Alana "Honey Boo Boo" Thompson"s biological father.

Though he was initially outraged that his wife went behind his back to order the results, it looks like he"s had a reluctant change of heart.

As you"ll see in the new From Not To Hot clip below, he"s begun to doubt whether he was ever Alana"s father. Will he do another, non-secret test?

Sugar bear and jennifer lamb kitchen

In the From Not To Hot clip that you can see below, Sugar Bear stages a heart-to-heart with his wife, Jennifer Lamb.

"I"ve been thinking. The way me and you was fightin" … I mean, that"s not us."

Lamb agrees:

"I know."

Sugar Bear affirms that it put an unhealthy strain on their relationship.

"A married couple shouldn"t fight like that."

Sugar bear and jennifer lamb

If you"re wondering why the two were quarreling, then remember that Jennifer Lamb wanted to covertly do a DNA test on Alana Thompson to see if she"s really Sugar Bear"s.

See, Sugar Bear lamented that June Shannon is keeping Alana from him. He doesn"t have any legally recognized parental rights.

Which, in the storyline that these two have on this season of From Not To Hot, "got Jennifer Lamb thinking" about whether Alana is really Sugar Bear"s biological daughter.

Lamb says that she would love to be Alana"s stepmother and would be a good one … but also says that she"d be totally unwilling to pay child support for a child whom Sugar Bear didn"t help conceive.

So, that"s where all of this is coming from.

Mike thompson and jennifer lamb

Jennifer Lamb speaks up, telling her husband about her motives.

"I wasn"t doing it for me."

Sugar Bear still protests because she kept it a secret.

"You shouldn"t go behind my back."

That"s usually a good idea for married couples. Or any two people who hope to have a healthy and lasting relationship.

Sugar bear and jennifer lamb at home

Cutting to Jennifer Lamb"s confessional, she laments that he"s still harping on this.

"Here we go again. That man is like a dog with a bone."

Back in the kitchen, Lamb continues her conversation with Sugar Bear:

"Yeah. I did go behind your back, but … the truth needs to come out."

She asks him a very direct question:

"Can you honest to God say that you know that that"s your youngin"?"

Sugar bear and jennifer lamb amorous intentions

Sugar Bear considers, and admits:

"I can"t honest to God say that."

He then elaborates, if somewhat begrudgingly.

"I mean, do I have proof that Alana"s mine? No."

it sounds like Jennifer Lamb"s discussion with him has really made him warm up to the idea of a DNA test.

"Since the DNA test come back inconclusive, hey, it"s makin" me wonder."

Jennifer lamb sugar bears wife

Jennifer Lamb explains her motives:

"I"m trying to prove that that is your daughter, blood-wise and heart-wise."

That"s important to mention, since Alana was raised as Sugar Bear"s daughter. There"s more to being a dad than, you know, biological paternity.

(Which is not to say that Sugar Bear was a good father — he"s accused of terrible things — but for better or for worse, he was Alana"s dad)

Lamb then mentions that Mama June isn"t exactly the monogamous type.

"We"re dealing with June. She does have three other kids by three other daddies."

Sugar Bear admits:

"Yeah, that is true."

Jennifer lamb

Sugar Bear then covers his bases with a statement that he"s confident in how the results will come back.

"I still think she"s mine. But maybe it wouldn"t be a bad thing to know for sure."

And then he admits that Jennifer Lamb had the right idea, even if she went about it sneakily.

"Maybe that was a good idea."

Jennifer Lamb then admits that she"s shocked as his turnaround.

"Wow! The day Mike acted the day he found the DNA results? I really didn"t think he would wanna have one done."

Watch the clip here:

Sugar bear i saw those dna results maybe im not alanas father