Showing posts with label Bear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bear. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Bear Takes Over Man"s Hot Tub, Drinks His Margarita


The video featured above is so gosh darn cute and unexpected that you"ll hardly be able to… bear it.

Okay, sorry. That was lame.

But this footage is still totally awesome.

Last Friday, a bear in Southern California wandered into a man"s backyard jacuzzi, took a little dip with the jets on, and even took a swig of the man"s margarita before casually moving on with the rest of his day.

Mark Hough explained to a local Fox affiliate that he initially heard leaves rustle and twigs snap before looking up and realizing this gigantic animal was climbing over his fence.

As one obviously ought to do, Hough responded to this sighting by making a run for it and finding shelter in his home.

But he turned his camera phone on after he discovered the bear was “bobbling away in the jacuzzi enjoying himself.”

Such enjoyment consisted of playing with the chlorinator and tossing the thermometer in the air, as you can plainly see in the footage above.

Hough had also made a margarita for himself.

He says the creature “popped out of the bushes, walked right over to the margarita, knocked it over and lapped it," not specifying if any salt was used to make the drink.

“He had his margarita, he had his jacuzzi, and now he’s ready for an hour nap," Hough told Fox upon seeing the bear just lounging around about an hour later.

Naturally, Twitter took extreme pleasure in this incident.

"He looks beary comfortable," wrote one Internet user who we hope is ashamed of himself.

Added another:

"This bear and I have the same holiday plans apparently. #FourthofJuly."

We love it.

Check out the video at the top of this page… and prepare to laugh!

Bear takes over mans hot tub drinks his margarita becomes intern

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Bear Jumps for Joy with Boy in Cutest Video You"ll See Today

Who says bears are big and scary animals who you should avoid at all costs if you see out in the wild?

Okay, fair enough:

A significant majority of bears are big and scary animals who you should avoid at all costs if you see out in the wild?

Heck, the bear featured in the following piece of amazing footage should probably even be avoided at all costs if you were to encounter him outside the safe confines of a zoo.

Fair warning uttered, however, allow us to now state something else…

… this bear is so gosh darn cute and precious and hilarious!

In a video first shared to Facebook by a man named Patrick Parker, the user"s five-year old son Ian is at the Nashville Zoo.

Specifically, he"s standing in front of the very thick glass that separates human patrons from four-legged display animals.

And when Ian starts jumping up and down in excitement?

The bear does the very same thing!

According to Ian"s dad, the two enjoyed a "10-minute jump session."

We"re not talking about some pure coincidence here, where the bear just happened to leap up at the same time as his short new friend.

We"re talking about a coordinated jumping game, one that took all onlookers by total and complete surprise.

The footage has thus far been Liked millions of times on Facebook…

… and it"s easy to see why!

Click PLAY to find out for yourself:

Bear jumps for joy with tiny zoo patron in cutest video youll se

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Sugar Bear: I Saw Those DNA Results ... Maybe I"m NOT Alana"s Father

Recently on From Not To Hot, Mike "Sugar Bear" Thompson"s paternity results came back … inconclusive. So it"s unclear if he"s Alana "Honey Boo Boo" Thompson"s biological father.

Though he was initially outraged that his wife went behind his back to order the results, it looks like he"s had a reluctant change of heart.

As you"ll see in the new From Not To Hot clip below, he"s begun to doubt whether he was ever Alana"s father. Will he do another, non-secret test?

Sugar bear and jennifer lamb kitchen

In the From Not To Hot clip that you can see below, Sugar Bear stages a heart-to-heart with his wife, Jennifer Lamb.

"I"ve been thinking. The way me and you was fightin" … I mean, that"s not us."

Lamb agrees:

"I know."

Sugar Bear affirms that it put an unhealthy strain on their relationship.

"A married couple shouldn"t fight like that."

Sugar bear and jennifer lamb

If you"re wondering why the two were quarreling, then remember that Jennifer Lamb wanted to covertly do a DNA test on Alana Thompson to see if she"s really Sugar Bear"s.

See, Sugar Bear lamented that June Shannon is keeping Alana from him. He doesn"t have any legally recognized parental rights.

Which, in the storyline that these two have on this season of From Not To Hot, "got Jennifer Lamb thinking" about whether Alana is really Sugar Bear"s biological daughter.

Lamb says that she would love to be Alana"s stepmother and would be a good one … but also says that she"d be totally unwilling to pay child support for a child whom Sugar Bear didn"t help conceive.

So, that"s where all of this is coming from.

Mike thompson and jennifer lamb

Jennifer Lamb speaks up, telling her husband about her motives.

"I wasn"t doing it for me."

Sugar Bear still protests because she kept it a secret.

"You shouldn"t go behind my back."

That"s usually a good idea for married couples. Or any two people who hope to have a healthy and lasting relationship.

Sugar bear and jennifer lamb at home

Cutting to Jennifer Lamb"s confessional, she laments that he"s still harping on this.

"Here we go again. That man is like a dog with a bone."

Back in the kitchen, Lamb continues her conversation with Sugar Bear:

"Yeah. I did go behind your back, but … the truth needs to come out."

She asks him a very direct question:

"Can you honest to God say that you know that that"s your youngin"?"

Sugar bear and jennifer lamb amorous intentions

Sugar Bear considers, and admits:

"I can"t honest to God say that."

He then elaborates, if somewhat begrudgingly.

"I mean, do I have proof that Alana"s mine? No."

it sounds like Jennifer Lamb"s discussion with him has really made him warm up to the idea of a DNA test.

"Since the DNA test come back inconclusive, hey, it"s makin" me wonder."

Jennifer lamb sugar bears wife

Jennifer Lamb explains her motives:

"I"m trying to prove that that is your daughter, blood-wise and heart-wise."

That"s important to mention, since Alana was raised as Sugar Bear"s daughter. There"s more to being a dad than, you know, biological paternity.

(Which is not to say that Sugar Bear was a good father — he"s accused of terrible things — but for better or for worse, he was Alana"s dad)

Lamb then mentions that Mama June isn"t exactly the monogamous type.

"We"re dealing with June. She does have three other kids by three other daddies."

Sugar Bear admits:

"Yeah, that is true."

Jennifer lamb

Sugar Bear then covers his bases with a statement that he"s confident in how the results will come back.

"I still think she"s mine. But maybe it wouldn"t be a bad thing to know for sure."

And then he admits that Jennifer Lamb had the right idea, even if she went about it sneakily.

"Maybe that was a good idea."

Jennifer Lamb then admits that she"s shocked as his turnaround.

"Wow! The day Mike acted the day he found the DNA results? I really didn"t think he would wanna have one done."

Watch the clip here:

Sugar bear i saw those dna results maybe im not alanas father

Thursday, February 22, 2018

T.I. Wants Gun Control, But Also Fears Losing Right to Bear Arms

T.I. says it’s time for the U.S.A. to reexamine its gun laws in the wake of the Florida shooting … but he doesn’t wanna lose his right to bear arms. We got Tip Wednesday leaving The Palm in Bev Hills, where he weighed in on the gun control debate…


T.I. Wants Gun Control, But Also Fears Losing Right to Bear Arms

T.I. says it’s time for the U.S.A. to reexamine its gun laws in the wake of the Florida shooting … but he doesn’t wanna lose his right to bear arms. We got Tip Wednesday leaving The Palm in Bev Hills, where he weighed in on the gun control debate…


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Sugar Bear to June Shannon: "You Are a Dumb B-tch!"

There will be no more Mr. Nice Guy for Sugar Bear on this week"s episode of Mama June: From Not to Hot.

Instead, there will be at least one instance of Mr. I-Can"t-Believe-You"re-Doing-This-And-You-Totally-Suck-For-It Guy.

In the following clip from this surprise WEtv hit, Sugar Bear tries to call his ex-wife because he says it"s his day to at least talk to daughter Alana.

But June is nowhere to be found. The Bear simply gets her voicemail.

Angry that he"s getting the run-around on a previously-agreed-upon arrangement, Sugar goes off on Shannon, screaming about how unfair it is for her to keep his child from her father.

“I hate it when you act like a stupid type of women that you are,” yells Sugar Bear, adding:

“I don’t know what the hell you are trying to pull – I knew I couldn’t trust you to keep up your end of the deal, and I know you have a man living in that house!”

Indeed, she actually, somehow does.

Shannon isn"t just dating some dude named Geno Doak, but she may very well be living with him, meaning Geno gets to spend a lot more time with Alana than Sugar Bear does.

This fact did not sit well with Sugar Bear"s wife on last week"s installment of this scripted reality show…

… and it won"t sit well with Sugar himself this Friday night, either.

“You’re not gonna get away with this… this is the last time you’re gonna f-ckin’ mess with me! You’re a dumb bitch, June," Sugar Bear says in the clip featured here, concluding loudly:

F-ck you!

We also get glimpses in this video of the family"s cat and dog.

Later on, speaking directly to the camera, Sugar says the following:

"I knew June was going to try and keep me away from Alana … she’s trying to sabotage our relationship – it ain’t gonna fly with me, it ain’t gonna happen!”

Mama June and Sugar Bear broke up in 2016 after they failed to salvage their romance on a season of Marriage Boot Camp.

Since then, Shannon has scarcely allowed Sugar Bear see his daughter, alleging her daughter’s suffered “emotional abuse” as a result of her dad and adding that the two can"t have a relationship until he “gets help."

Watch this explosive clip below:

Sugar bear goes off on june shannon you are a dumb b tch

Friday, February 9, 2018

Mrs. Sugar Bear to Mama June: Prepare for Hell!

What goes around is about to come around for June Shannon.

On last week"s episode of Mama June: From Not to Hot, the WEtv star talked major trash about the dude who knocked up her daughter.

Shannon is most certainly not above saying mean things about other people.

And this appears to be a quality that her ex-husband finds attractive, considering he"s moved on to a woman who isn"t afraid to spew some venom, either.

Just consider the following sneak peek.

It features Sugar Bear"s latest lover, a woman named Jessica, paying a visit to June"s sister-in-law, Janice.

Janice is very clearly NOT a fan of her semi-famous relative.

The conversation quickly turns to how Shannon is dating a guy named Gino and that Gino has moved in to Shannon"s home…meaning he sees her kids nearly everyday.

Including, of course, Alana "Honey Boo Boo" Thompson.

This doesn"t sit too well with Jessica because her very own husband isn"t allowed to see his daughter these days.

"So you"re telling me she moved this man Gino in and June won"t even let Alana come 5 foot in front of Mike – her real daddy" Jennifer says to Janice, who responds:

"Sad, ain"t it."

We guess.

Almost everything about this family makes us sad, really.

"June has some nerve telling Mike that he can"t see Alana when she"s got a strange man living in her house," Jennifer says, adding:

"So surprise, surprise, June is just a big old hyprocrite."

Not true!

She isn"t that big anymore! That"s the entire point of this show!

Jessica wants to make June pay, but not before gathering all the information she can on the situation.

So she hatches a plan with Janice in the video below.

"Let"s go bring a little hell down on June," she says ominously.


Click play for more:

Mrs sugar bear to mama june prepare for hell

Friday, January 26, 2018

Sugar Bear: Angry Yet Horny After Mediation with June Shannon

Mike "Sugar Bear" Thompson might not be the star of From Not to Hot, but he"s sure getting some screen time. 

OBut on tonight"s episode, his last mediation with Mama June left him so angry that his new wife encouraged him to calm down.

He had his own idea for how to blow off steam … and it involves his wife, Jennifer, and their shared bedroom. That"s right, folks. Sugar Bear wants to bang out his frustrations.

Sugar bear and jennifer lamb amorous intentions

From Not to Hot is about more than just June Shannon"s insane weight loss and total makeover.

It"s about her life and her family"s life. And that includes her ex-husband, Sugar Bear.

In tonight"s episode, he is fuming about his latest interaction with the From Not to Hot star.

"In mediation, I knew June was trying to push my buttons," he tells the confessional.

Nobody can push your buttons like family, folks. Especially an ex.

Sugar bear and jennifer lamb at home

"And one of these days," he says. "I"m afraid I might just blow up again."

June Shannon accuses him of domestic violence, so that"s … not a reassuring thing to hear.

The on-camere conversation between Sugar Bear and his wife, Jennifer Lamb, begins on a much more playful subject.

Sugar Bear wants to go to bed, and he does not wish to sleep.

Jennifer quickly understand what has him all riled up.

"You"re just frustrated because of what happened at mediation."

And she knows how he processes that.

"More than anything, you just take it out in the bedroom and then you sleep."

Sugar bear on his couch

Jennifer cautions him against letting his anger get the best of him.

"If you let this anger out in front of people, like lawyers and judges, that"s what June wants."

Really, he should be processing his anger in a healthy way, regardless.

"When they see that, there is no way Mike they will let you see your daughter by yourself."

And really, should any child"s safety be risked around someone with anger management issues? The answer is, categorically, no.

"You got to be the calm, Mike, and not the blowed up Incredible Hulk person."

That is a truly incredible line. Imagine Chris Hemsworth delivering that line to Mark Ruffalo in Thor: Ragnarok instead of parodying the ridiculous "sun"s going down" line from Age of Ultron.

Sugar bear and jennifer lamb amorous intentions

Of course, in this same episode, Jennifer White confesses that she has some reservations about Sugar Bear seeing Alana in the first place.

"I can"t help thinking that Alana might not be Mike"s."

A DNA test was brought up when Sugar Bear complained that June Shannon was keeping his daughter from him. But Jennifer"s right — it could backfire.

"I know I would love Mike"s child just like I love mine, but that lawyer said something that keeps sticking in my mind."

She has some definite opinions on how to respond to the test.

"If it turns out that Alana"s not his, June Shannon would be out of my life forever. I sure in the hell ain"t paying child support for a kid that’s not Mike"s."

And Jennifer believes that she has good reason to doubt Alana"s paternity.

"When he was with June, he was working a lot of nights. I wanna do a DNA test."

Sugar bear winks

And you can see that clip below.

In the end, though, Jennifer suggests a "healthy" stress-relief technique: throwing cinderblocks at photos of June Shannon

(We don"t know how common it is for someone to have cinder blocks on hand, but apparently Mike"s issue is that he doesn"t have any photos of his ex)

We"re not necessarily saying that it"s the healthiest way to process things, but … it"s better than actual violence against a person.


Sugar bear angry yet horny after mediation with june shannon

Monday, January 22, 2018

Sugar Bear: June Shannon is Keeping My Daughter From Me!

June Shannon"s From Not to Hot is including her ex, Mike "Sugar Bear" Thompson. You might say that she"s sharing the wealth.

As you"ll see in the clip below, though Sugar Bear is eager to see his daughter Alana again, one obstacle is giving him pause. Well, giving his new wife pause:

Child support. Every deadbeat dad"s nightmare.

Sugar bear on from not to hot

For years, things were going reasonably well for Mama June Shannon and Sugar Bear.

Even when the couple split, they still had Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.

And then Mama June ended up in bed with convicted child-molester who had once preyed upon her own daughter. The show got canceled, and the good times and easy money came to an end.

Astoundingly, Mama June was able to make a comeback with her own makeover series, From Not To Hot. She recently flaunted her insane weight loss at a premiere.

And, since Sugar Bear"s such an important part of her past and her story, he"s along for the ride.

Yes, including in season 2.

Mike thompson and jennifer lamb

In the clip that you"ll see below, Sugar Bear and his new wife, Jennifer Lamb, are meeting with an attorney.


Because Sugar Bear wants to see his daughter, Alana "Honey Boo Boo" Thompson.

Sugar Bear alleges that June has been keeping Alana from him. He claims to have not seen his daughter for six months — since he got married to Jennifer.

We"re not sure if we"re meant to infer that June is angry that he remarried; that would be silly, since June Shannon has her own boyfriend now.

A more likely explanation would be that June Shannon accuses Sugar Bear of domestic violence, of having abused her and her daughters in the past. That"s very, very serious.

Jennifer lamb sugar bears wife

Here"s the thing: Sugar Bear isn"t legally recognized as Alana"s dad. So, he would need to fight to even be acknowledged as her father before he could get visitation.

And the attorney mentions to him — and his wife — that there"s a price to be paid.

A literal price, folks. Child support payments are a real responsibility.

And apparently, Sugar Bear has never in his life paid them before now.

Mike thompson on from not to hot

Here is where Sugar Bear reminds viewers that he better resembles an offensively stereotypical cartoon character than a real person.

Sugar Bear describes how he "plans" to pay child support:

"I"m not worried about it right now. I"ll figure it out when that time gets here."

That"s barely even an okay way to decide what to eat for dinner with friends. Winging it with financial planning is a recipe for catastrophe.

And it"s not exactly reassuring coming from a guy who wants to spend more time with his daughter.

Jennifer lamb

You know who isn"t loving this? Jennifer Lamb.

She says that she"s totally on board with Sugar Bear spending more time with Alana. She says that she"d make a good stepmom.

But she doesn"t love the idea of yet another expense.

"We can"t even finish saving up for our honeymoon, so how are we going to pay child support?"

The realization that this couple got married six months ago and still haven"t gone on their honeymoon is … sad.

She does her best to sound adamant, insisting: "We"re not dipping into our honeymoon fund."

See the exchange:

Sugar bear june shannon is keeping my daughter from me

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Paddington Bear Creator Michael Bond Passes Away at 91

You can be aware of something your whole life without knowing anything about its creator.

Paddington Bear’s creator, Michael Bond, has died at age 91.

He passed away at home after a brief illness.

On December 24th, 1956, Michael Bond noticed a lonely-looking stuffed bear sitting on a shelf.

On impulse, he bought it for his wife.

Inspired, he wrote A Bear Called Paddington in just 10 days.

On October 13th, 1958, that book was published.

But that was only the beginning.

Paddington Bear’s adventures in books have been ongoing.

The last story about the marmalade-loving bear, titled Paddington’s Finest Hour, came out in April.

It’s not uncommon for authors to keep publishing until their dying days.

Needless to say, it’s very rare for an author to continue writing for 61 years.

Not to mention having such a degree of success and a cultural impact that spans the globe.

Michael Bond had an Order Of The British Empire, which is like an Order of Merlin from Harry Potter, except real.

(I was a kid when Harry Potter came out and there are a lot of things that I thought were wizard things that turned out to just be British)

The Duke of Cambridge himself presented Bond with the award in an Investiture ceremony at Buckingham Palace.

This was only two years ago.

HarperCollins issued a statement about Michael Bond’s passing:

“It is with great sadness that we announce that Michael Bond, CBE, the creator of one of Britain’s best-loved children’s characters, Paddington, died at home yesterday aged 91 following a short illness.”

Michael Bond’s own daughter, Karen Jankel, also spoke about her late father:

“It’s a shock to everybody. For me, he was the most wonderful father you can imagine, so obviously our loss is personal.”

Of course.

So many people think of their favorite singers or actors or writers with regard to their art, celebrity status, and creations.

It’s too easy to forget that they’re real people with families and personal relationships that have nothing to do with their craft.

Karen, however, seems very aware of her father’s global cultural impact, and her statement includes a nod to that:

“But it’s wonderful that he’s left the legacy of his books and Paddington that will live on for ever, which is really very special.”

“The whole world is lucky to have had him … Paddington himself is so real to all of us. He’s still a part of our family and we’re very lucky.”

We can’t imagine how hard it is to to tailor your response to fans while you’re still grieving.

Karen Jankel continues, honoring her father’s work.

“For him, writing was his life. It was wonderful he could continue writing until the end,” she said. “Because … Paddington and his other characters were so real to him, he became alive to everybody else.”

But she doesn’t leave out his character.

“You can tell just by reading his books what a lovely person he was. I never came across anybody who disliked my father. He was one of those people that people instinctively warmed to and he was as funny as a person and delightful as he was in his writing and as a father”

That is incredibly touching.

A lot of people grew up with Paddington Bear, and most of them are old enough to appreciate the joy that this man’s creation brought them as children.

Future children will enjoy Paddington Bear all the same — that’s the magic of creating a legacy like that.


Paddington Bear Creator Michael Bond Dead at 91

Michael Bond — the creator of the cuddly Paddington Bear that sparked a series of famous children’s books — has died. Bond’s publisher HarperCollins announced the author died Tuesday in his home following a short illness. Bond’s first book in 1958…


Saturday, May 27, 2017

Viral Bear Attack Hunter Killed The Bear That Attacked Him (VIDEO)

The hunter who got video of a black bear attacking him got his revenge … he went back and killed the animal. Richard Wesley tells TMZ … if the bear attacked him it would surely attack others … possibly his wife and kids, who also spend time at…


Thursday, May 25, 2017

Bear Attacks Hunter, Hunter Somehow Survives (VIDEO)

Vicious bear attacks are rarely caught on video like this, and what’s also very rare is … the victim managing to walk away in one piece. A hunter in Ontario says he was out on a Spring hunt recently — and you gotta see what happened when he…


Sunday, May 7, 2017

Mama June: Does Sugar Bear Want Her Back?!

The love story of Mama June and Sugar Bear is …

Well, it’s about as strange as you’d imagine a love story between people named Mama June and Sugar Bear to be.

Though they’re no longer together, they’ve been through a lot together.

They brought Honey Boo Boo into the world, they became famous together after a particularly scandalous appearance on Toddlers and Tiaras.

And later, they tried to save their failing relationship, even though Sugar Bear had cheated on June with multiple people and June had dated a child molester at one point when they were broken up.

They gave it their best shot — or a shot, anyway — but things didn’t work out.

These days, Sugar Bear is married to Jennifer Lamb, and Mama June has unsuccessfully dated a couple of guys.

Although it seems like they’ve made up their minds, that their love story is over, that may not be the case.

Because another important fact about these people is that Mama June has spent the last several months completely transforming her body — she’s lost a massive amount of weight.

And it seems like Sugar Bear might be kicking himself for losing her.

According to a new report from Hollywood Life, Sugar Bear got a glimpse of that new Baywatch photo shoot June did — the one where she’s showing off her new bod in that iconic red swimsuit.

And it’s making him feel all kinds of ways.

“Sugar Bear is freaking over the pictures of her as a hot Baywatch babe,” a source claims. “He’s kicking himself for messing things up with her.”

“If he had any idea she was going to wind up losing all that weight and looking like a supermodel, he would have worked harder to keep her happy.”

Sad as it is, “He can’t believe the woman he let go is the same one in those sexy pictures. Now he feels like a doper for letting her go.”

Yeah, “doper” is one word we’d use to describe Sugar Bear.

But the fact is that even if Sugar Bear does feel this way — and we have our doubts, considering that he’s always shown a preference for bigger ladies — it really doesn’t matter.

June has made it beyond clear that she wants nothing to do with him anymore.

According to her, he’s been mentally and physically abusive, towards her and towards the kids. And he’s admitted he’s a cheater.

Poor Honey Boo Boo says that he’s body-shamed her in the past, and that he rarely talks to her, let alone sees her.

Throw in that horrible Mama June: From Not to Hot reunion show, the one where Sugar Bear tried to physically fight with June’s older daughter … a reconciliation doesn’t look all that likely.

Hope you find comfort in that photo shoot, Sugar Bear.

It’s probably the most of the new Mama June you’ll ever see.


Justin Bieber, Lil Wayne, Chance the Rapper and Quavo Should Start a Boy Band, Says Poo Bear (VIDEO)

Justin Bieber oughta start a boy band with Lil Wayne, Chance the Rapper and Quavo, ‘cause they’d obviously kill on tour … so says Bieber’s longtime producer pal. We got Poo Bear Saturday night leaving Catch, where he gave us his thoughts on DJ…


Friday, April 21, 2017

Jennifer Lamb: June Shannon Sucks! Sugar Bear is the Man!

A Lamb coming to the defense of an embattled Bear.

You don’t see that often in the animal kingdom. Nor do you see the same creature birth a Pumpkin and a Chickadee, then drop 300 pounds.

We’re not entirely sure where we were going with that, but not all intros can be winners, and you get the general idea. The point remains:

Nothing about June Shannon’s life is conventional.

The Here Comes Honey Boo Boo matriarch recently lost 300 pounds on Mama June: From Not to Hot, but she can’t shed her baggage.

Her weight loss chronicles became a sleeper hit for WE tv, especially in later weeks when it delived into June’s relationship with Sugar Bear.

To make a long story short, June said Sugar Bear abused her, a claim that is not sitting well with his new wife Jennifer Lamb. At all.

June publicly savaged Mike “Sugar Bear” Thompson as a wife-beater and serial cheater, allegations he denies – and his new wife is livid over.

Jennifer Lamb, 43, married Suge, 45, this winter, and took to her Facebook page to assail Shannon and come to her husband’s defense.

“I have the best man in the world that loves my kids, and loves his daughter very much also,” Lamb, a mother of two, said in her post.

“So go ahead [and] judge but at the end of this day he only has one judge,” Jennifer said, though clearly she isn’t taking this lying down.

The only time, she says, that she’s ever seen Sugar Bear get angry was at the Mama June: Not To Hot reunion taping (video above).

When the discussion veered into a zone he didn’t care for, Mike absolutely lost his s–t on June and Shannon’s daughter Pumpkin, 17.

He also lost his shirt, in the literal sense.

“If you keep a cat cornered and poking at it, it’s finally going to get tired and come out [of] the corner fighting,” Lamb said of the outburst.

Lamb adds that Shannon’s story about Thompson abandoning daughter Alana (Honey Boo Boo) after their nasty 2014 split is bulls–t.

The “doting” father called and texted his daughter every day for months, Lamb alleged; Sugar Bear said June lied about this as well.

According to the Bear-Lamb camp, June largely and repeatedly ignored his requests to spend time with the retired mini-pageant queen.

Mike and I went every weekend to [Hampton, Ga.] to see Alana.

“He would get up around 11 a.m. and call June to be able to see his daughter, then it would be 4-5 p.m. before she called back to let him see her.”

“And then sometimes we would sit there and never get to see her. I have him calling and texting every other day up until the first of the year.”

After that setback, he began trying even harder, Jennifer says:

“Then he started texting and calling about four times a week.”

Thompson vehemently denies Shannon’s allegations that abused her or that he left her children with “emotional and physical scars.”

“The abuse allegations are not true,” Suge said earlier this month. “This is not true, any of it. June won’t let me see or talk to Alana.”

“The last time I saw Alana was at mine and Jennifer’s wedding … I’ve tried to stay in touch with my daughter but June won’t let me.”

Moreover, “I never told Alana to lose weight or said anything to Alana about her weight. June’s a damn liar. I would never hurt Alana.”

There’s no love lost in either direction, clearly.

Asked recently if she has any feelings at all for her longtime partner, June said “No. I’ve never hated anybody as much as I hate him.”

“I have to call him out on his bullsh-t,” she added, defending her recent media blitz. “How, like, reality hit. I knew what I needed to do.” 


Saturday, April 15, 2017

Sugar Bear: See The Moment That Led to His Epic Meltdown!

Yesterday, we had the extreme displeasure of seeing Sugar Bear absolutely lose his mind on the Mama June: From Not to Hot reunion show.

We saw him get into a shouting match with Pumpkin, Mama June"s 17-year-old daughter, and we even saw him try to fight her.

"Come on over here, you little bitch!" he yelled at her before ripping his shirt open in what was apparently supposed to be a display of masculinity and strength.

(It really, really was not.)

But while the fight was shocking to see — and it definitely made Mama June"s claims that he"d been abusive to her and her daughters infinitely more believable — we never got to see what actually caused the fight.

Until now!

For the reunion show, Lynn Toler, Divorce Court judge and Marriage Boot Camp star, sat down with everyone in an attempt to get to the bottom of some issues.

She talked with Sugar Bear and his new wife, Jennifer Lamb, and they both insisted that all their issues stemmed from Mama June"s ongoing desire for Sugar Bear.

Then she talked with June, who made it clear that she wants nothing to do with her former love, and that in fact, she"s never hated anybody more in her whole life.

And then Lynn Toler brought Mama June, Sugar Bear, and Jennifer Lamb together for one big interview. And that"s when things got bad.

As we see in the clip below, June begins by criticizing Sugar Bear"s parenting of little Alana — or lack thereof.

He says that he spends lots of time with his daughter, playing and talking and playing some more, but Lynn points out that at that reunion show, he hasn"t asked about her once.

June gets passionate here, saying that Sugar Bear knows that she would never keep Alana from him.

Sugar Bear, pretty much silent up until that point, lights up and tells June "I"m finna to get on you right now."

And get on her he does.

He tells her (or at least we think this is what he says, it"s hard to understand him when he"s upset like this), that he tried to see Alana every weekend, but she started coming up with excuses as to why he couldn"t.

"I tell you what," he says to June, "I got a lawyer on the case and you"re gonna get the paperwork! And that"s all I got to f-ckin" say!"

He storms off the set, and June says "This is what happens," and Sugar Bear did not appreciate the comment.

"You open your f-ckin" mouth, June Shannon, is what happens, you stupid bitch!" he yells before hitting a wall.

Pumpkin, who is sitting offstage listening, hears Sugar Bear talk about her mother like that, and she says "OK, I swear to f-ckin" God …", apparently ready to defend June.

And that"s when Sugar Bear goes after her like a … well, like some sort of very angry, very primitive animal.

After the fight, Jennifer held Sugar Bear, trying to calm him down as he clenched his fists and cried about how "Everybody"s making me look bad."

Alana is taken away by a PA, and Mama June and Jennifer sit down for one last chat, in which Jennifer says that she"s never seen Sugar Bear behave that way, but she"s still not scared of him.

But if what we see below is enough to make Sugar Bear that unhinged … it"s just not a great sign.

Sugar bear see the moment that led to his epic meltdown