Showing posts with label Horny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Horny. Show all posts

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Justin Bieber to Hailey Baldwin: U Make Me So Horny!

Hailey Baldwin just gave Justin Bieber a major erection.

Sorry. We don’t mean to be lewd or inappropriate here.

We’re just quoting the singer himself.

Late last week, Baldwin posted a new photo on Instagram of her as the face of Canadian designer Nicole Benisti’s new clothing line.

In the snapshot, Hailey is donning a black puffy jacket, skin-tight pants and heels. She looks great, there’s no denying as much.

And while this may be a subjective statement, it’s one shared by the man who wants to spend the rest of his life with Baldwin, as Bieber couldn’t help but jump into Hailey’s Comments section…

… and basically say he wanted to jump her bones right then and there.

“Back again as the face of @nicolebenisti wearing my favorite coat,” Baldwin wrote in the caption, raving about the $ 2,900 (!!!!!) garment, to which Bieber replied:

Ur just too much. U turn me on.

lovin hailey

Well… okay then!

Thanks for telling the entire world that, JB!

Multiple fans remarked that the artist’s admission in response to this photo made “uncomfortable” or were “too much.”

Heck, Gwyneth Paltrow even wrote “TMI,” which stands for Too Much Information.

And she makes a fair point, right? Justin could easily have just waited until Baldwin got home that night and shown her how he was turned on.

We didn’t need to read all about it.

But Bieber and Baldwin have often been all over each other on Instagram ever since they got back together earlier this year.

The singer and the model have been unafraid to share very racu pictures – such as THIS ONE – of kissing, fondling and general public displays of affection.

It’s quite clear they are quitte attracted to each other.

But, hey, at least they’re married!

We’re pretty sure they’re married, at least.

Justin and Hailey exchanged vows in a New York City courthouse in September, although they have been hesitant to confirm their husband and wife status until they have a bigger and more religious ceremony down the line.

We’re not sure when that will take place.

But Baldwin did recently confirm her marital status — and what better source could there be than one of the two people involved here?

Just a few weeks ago, a source told Us Weekly that Baldwin “would do anything” for her husband, adding:

“He was her first love.”

What about Selena Gomez?

“For Justin, there’s always going to be a soft spot in his heart for Selena because you don’t just stop loving someone and caring about someone, especially when they’re going through a difficult time like she is,” another Us Weekly insider said.

He was referring to Selena checking into a mental health clinic a little while back and he added:

“[Bieber] sees his romantic life going forward with Hailey, and he has to separate himself from feeling guilty or bad about Selena because it wouldn’t be fair to his current relationship.

“Hailey is still feeling secure in their relationship because of that.”

And it probably also helps her feel secure that Bieber wants to give it to her at pretty much all times.


Friday, October 19, 2018

Rob Kardashian: Now That I"m Thin, I"m Horny to Date Again!

With the news that Rob Kardashian has lost a ton of weight, people are naturally wondering if he is ready to return to the spotlight.

For that matter, with his tumultuous romance with Blac Chyna (probably) behind him, is he ready to start dating again?

A report reveals what Rob has planned.

According to HollywoodLife, Rob Kardashian isn’t going to try to compete with his sisters for fame.

“Rob is going to continue to stay away from the limelight,” an insider reveals.

A huge part of that is just that he’s happy with the way that things are.

“He likes the life he is living,” the source notes.

Well, he’s wealthy and he’s reportedly lost 30-50 pounds and he has a beautiful daughter.

The insider says that Rob is happy that way “and doesn’t want the extra baggage that his last name brings”

“And,” the source says, Rob is leery of the added baggage that his famous last name “could bring.”

The insider explains that Rob is afraid that he could lose this hard-won happiness “if he started doing shows again.”

That camera shyness extends to even his family’s own claim to fame.

The source says that Rob is avoiding being on his own show “or being on Keeping Up with the Kardashians on a more consistent basis.”

In other words, it sounds like he is more than satisfied with being a guest star.

That’s okay — not everyone is like Kim and Khloe and feels like they always need to be working on multiple projects.

But Rob’s weight loss could be a signal that he’s ready to dive head-first into the world of dating.

“He also would love to find love again,” the insider reveals.

“But,” the source says. “He doesn’t want to make it a game.”

So Rob’s not in the running to star on The Bachelor, we take it.

In fact, apparently he doesn’t want to date on camera at all.

“He wants to meet somebody outside of TV cameras,” the insider explains.

People don’t act like their real selves on camera.

(Who would know that better than a Kardashian)

So he wants to date organically — or, at least, off camera.

The source says: “He thinks that is the only way it will work out.”

The insider clarifies that “he is eager to date.”

That is no surprise. He’s looking for love.

And, to be blunt, taking up a regular exercise routine and losing weight can both make you horny.

Rob is even open “to be set up with people.”

“He just doesn’t want it to be broadcast to the world,” the source says.

Earlier this month, there was a stunning admission.

Despite the court battles and the alleged fights, Blac Chyna sounds open to reconciliation with Rob.

When asked if she would ever get back with him, Chyna said: “Yes, maybe, we’ll see. OK?”

This shocking revelation came after Chyna secured the kind of child support money that guarantees that Dream has a bright future.

Given how toxic these two were when they were together, perhaps it is best that they continue on their separate paths.


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

"Horny" Airline Passenger Allegedly Molests Seatmate

A man has been fired from his job after molesting a woman beside him, both while she slept and while she was awake, during a commercial flight.

He apparently also told a flight attendant that he was “horny” and pleasured himself.

No one enjoys flying, but this particular intercontinental flight was a nightmare for the woman seated beside him.

According to court documents, Monte Wedl was an absolute terror in the skies.

On a United Airlines flight from Hong Kong to San Francisco, he apparently downed at least three or four vodka sodas and took an Ambien.

(While it is not an excuse for any behavior that follows aside from falling asleep, please, please do not mix Ambien with alcohol)

Wedl reportedly got out of his seat told an attendant, Eva Yu, that he missed his wife and was “horny.”

That is, uh, literally never appropriate.

And it only got worse from there for Anne Maureen Dowling, the woman who had the unenviable position of being seated beside him.

After making is wildly inappropriate statement to the flight crew member, Wedl returned to his seat.

It was then, the documents allege, that he placed his “hand on the back of her leg near her buttock.”

Don’t … don’t do that.

Dowling “removed his hand and fell back asleep.” Sometimes, you don’t know how to respond to an awkward situation so you do your best to ignore it in the hopes that it will stop.

In Dowling’s case, it only became worse.

She woke up again to Wedl allegedly “rubbing her thigh, grabbing her butt, and attempting to reach into her pants.”

This alleged sexual assault was only repelled when she “cried ‘stop’ and he withdrew his hand from her body.”

Her outrage did not seem to mean much to Wedl, who reportedly “creepily smiled at her in response.” Yikes.

That should have never happened, of course — but surely that should have been the end of this nightmare.

Unfortunately, it was not.

Later during the flight, Wedl apparently “forced his hand between Dowling’s body and her own hand.”

It sounds like she was trying to protect her body with her hands, to no avail.

“He then,” the documents describe. “Firmly began rubbing her vagina through her clothes.”


As if to make matters somehow worse than they already were, Wedl was allegedly “rapidly masturbating underneath his blanket” at the same time.

As we mentioned, Wedl was fired from his job. He was a commercial pilot for FedEx.

She was eventually moved, but she says that a flight attendant initially told her that it would not be possible, and suggested that she instead talk to Wendl about his behavior.

Upon the plane’s landing, Dowling immediately reported what had happened to law enforcement and to the airline.

Wendl was acquitted. Now that the criminal case has ended, Dowling is moving forward with a lawsuit against United.

This took place in business class, by the way. Dowling had been upgraded at the beginning of the flight.

Now she has PTSD, and is seeking $ 75,000 in damages from both United and Wedl.

Everyone is scared of flying, but sometimes the most unpleasant experiences during flights come from fellow passengers and not the airplane.

People can be monsters.


Friday, January 26, 2018

Sugar Bear: Angry Yet Horny After Mediation with June Shannon

Mike "Sugar Bear" Thompson might not be the star of From Not to Hot, but he"s sure getting some screen time. 

OBut on tonight"s episode, his last mediation with Mama June left him so angry that his new wife encouraged him to calm down.

He had his own idea for how to blow off steam … and it involves his wife, Jennifer, and their shared bedroom. That"s right, folks. Sugar Bear wants to bang out his frustrations.

Sugar bear and jennifer lamb amorous intentions

From Not to Hot is about more than just June Shannon"s insane weight loss and total makeover.

It"s about her life and her family"s life. And that includes her ex-husband, Sugar Bear.

In tonight"s episode, he is fuming about his latest interaction with the From Not to Hot star.

"In mediation, I knew June was trying to push my buttons," he tells the confessional.

Nobody can push your buttons like family, folks. Especially an ex.

Sugar bear and jennifer lamb at home

"And one of these days," he says. "I"m afraid I might just blow up again."

June Shannon accuses him of domestic violence, so that"s … not a reassuring thing to hear.

The on-camere conversation between Sugar Bear and his wife, Jennifer Lamb, begins on a much more playful subject.

Sugar Bear wants to go to bed, and he does not wish to sleep.

Jennifer quickly understand what has him all riled up.

"You"re just frustrated because of what happened at mediation."

And she knows how he processes that.

"More than anything, you just take it out in the bedroom and then you sleep."

Sugar bear on his couch

Jennifer cautions him against letting his anger get the best of him.

"If you let this anger out in front of people, like lawyers and judges, that"s what June wants."

Really, he should be processing his anger in a healthy way, regardless.

"When they see that, there is no way Mike they will let you see your daughter by yourself."

And really, should any child"s safety be risked around someone with anger management issues? The answer is, categorically, no.

"You got to be the calm, Mike, and not the blowed up Incredible Hulk person."

That is a truly incredible line. Imagine Chris Hemsworth delivering that line to Mark Ruffalo in Thor: Ragnarok instead of parodying the ridiculous "sun"s going down" line from Age of Ultron.

Sugar bear and jennifer lamb amorous intentions

Of course, in this same episode, Jennifer White confesses that she has some reservations about Sugar Bear seeing Alana in the first place.

"I can"t help thinking that Alana might not be Mike"s."

A DNA test was brought up when Sugar Bear complained that June Shannon was keeping his daughter from him. But Jennifer"s right — it could backfire.

"I know I would love Mike"s child just like I love mine, but that lawyer said something that keeps sticking in my mind."

She has some definite opinions on how to respond to the test.

"If it turns out that Alana"s not his, June Shannon would be out of my life forever. I sure in the hell ain"t paying child support for a kid that’s not Mike"s."

And Jennifer believes that she has good reason to doubt Alana"s paternity.

"When he was with June, he was working a lot of nights. I wanna do a DNA test."

Sugar bear winks

And you can see that clip below.

In the end, though, Jennifer suggests a "healthy" stress-relief technique: throwing cinderblocks at photos of June Shannon

(We don"t know how common it is for someone to have cinder blocks on hand, but apparently Mike"s issue is that he doesn"t have any photos of his ex)

We"re not necessarily saying that it"s the healthiest way to process things, but … it"s better than actual violence against a person.


Sugar bear angry yet horny after mediation with june shannon

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Terrell Owens" "DWTS" Moves Are Making Me Horny Again, Says Lisa Lampanelli

Terrell Owens ain’t winning over the “Dancing with the Stars” judges … but he’s got the horny women of America on his side — so says Lisa Lampanelli. Lampanelli’s a huge ‘DWTS’ fan — so when we got the raunchy comic out in NYC, we asked her who…


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Teen Sends "Nudes" to Horny Stranger, Wins the Internet

Nicole Moses is our new Internet hero.

The South African student and beauty maven was recently on Facebook when some horny moron messaged her and asked for nude photos.

She could have ignored him. She could have told him off.

Instead, however, she responded as follows…

1. Meet Nicole Moses:

Meet nicole moses

She is 19 years old and clearly is not willing to take any crap from Internet horn dogs.

2. Hi Stranger, Ur Pretty

Hi stranger ur pretty

This is how some random dude started a conversation with Nicole. Shocking she didn’t remove her pants on the spot, right?

3. Wait, She Agreed?

Wait she agreed

And included a wink emoji? Yes…and then she sent a photo of NYX’s Lip Lingerie glosses. HA!

4. Good One, Nicole

Good one nicole

Even the stranger seemed to agree. And then he asked for “nudes.”

5. Oh, Of Course!

Oh of course

Nicole went ahead and supplied this jerk face with “nudes,” in the form of Maybelline’s The Nudes eye shadow palette.

6. How About Naked?

How about naked

The guy wouldn’t give up! Perhaps this synonym would get the horny job done!

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Thursday, July 27, 2017

Kendra Wilkinson Talks Sex: I"m a Horny Motherf---er!

Kendra Wilkinson can be so much, sometimes, you know?

Well, right now she"s in a long-distance relationship with Hank because she"s doing a show in Vegas (the one where she got injured because she"s really bad at handjobs, you guys), and that has her talking about sex. Like, a lot.

Even if Kendra kind of rubs you the wrong way, you might be amazed at just how likable Kendra gets in this video. Yes, really.

Okay, so Kendra is in Las Vegas to take part in a show: Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man.

(Again, that would also be a great name for a reality show that invites celebrity women to be its guests, but anyway)

The result is that she and Hank are a state away from each other.

"We’re dealing with a long-distance relationship right now. We have to communicate a lot."

That"s a big deal for any couple, whether they"ve been dating for a couple of years or a couple of months.

Of course, Kendra and Hank have been together for much, much longer.

"We’re eight years in a our marriage now, so communication is what we have to hang on to right now to keep our relationship strong."

Obviously, they"ve had relationship troubles in the past.

Their biggest was that, allegedly, Hank got a handjob from Ava London.

Some couples would just laugh that off as a mistake or an indiscretion, and couples in an open marriage would just treat it as a fun story.

But Kendra Wilkinson has never had any chill about anything, ever, in her life.

So … the two of them had to do a lot of work to get past that.

We have to say that we"re pretty pleased that, in this video interview, Kendra doesn"t make any references to anxieties about Hank cheating or anything like that.

That"s in their past, where it belongs.

She does talk about how hard their separation has been on her.

"To be honest with you, it was weak at first. It was really weak. I was starting to really miss home, he was starting to miss me."

As she says later, they do see each other every week, so at first that seems like a little much.

But she explains that it"s pretty different to how things normally are for the two of them:

"It was almost like a detox we were both going through because we’re so used to being together every minute of the day. … Now that we’re apart … it was heavy. It was pretty intense."

It sounds like "detox" is the right word, because giving each other some space is vital for a healthy couple, right?

Kendra acknowledges that.

"Now we’re starting to find our way and get down a really good system to be a healthy couple."

And that"s great.

But Kenda also talks about her frustrations — her very sexual frustrations.

We know that Kendra Wilkinson is very direct about sex, but this is … a lot of personal information.

"I"m a 32-year-old woman here in Vegas. I"m like: "Hank, get here now. I just wanna have sex with you for a couple of minutes. Let"s get it out of our systems so I can go about my week and not have to … "cause I"m in heat." 

The "couple of minutes" thing is maybe more honesty than we imagine that Hank would prefer.

Then comes the line:

"I"m a 32-year-old woman. I"m a horny-ass motherf—er."

Hey, that sounds like a healthy sex drive.

As we mentioned, they do see each other every week.

"The other day … I fly home once a week … Hank and I were getting into a little bit of a fight. And I knew I had to go — I had to catch my flight back. I’m like, ‘Hank, can we just have sex please?’ Like in the middle of a fight. I’m like,’ I just need it! As much as I want to fight with you right now, I think I need sex more.’"

You know … a lot of people have been there.

Not the fighting part — not all couples actually argue, for the record, no matter how many television dramas like to suggest that it"s vital for a healthy relationship or whatever.

But the very practical "actually we need to skip to sex if I"m going to catch this plane" thing.

And Kendra was not subtle about it.

"So just drop your pants, let"s just do it, I don"t even care. Just … I need it."

And they say that romance is dead!

She mentions that the fight was definitely over by the time that she departed.

"Sex makes everything better."

You know, we don"t always agree with Kendra Wilkinson, but … she really makes a good point, there.

If you"ve been thinking that, surely, Kendra could take care of business herself … she"s thought of that.

"You know, after a while, the vibrator starts to wear out, so you start to get numb a little bit, so you need the real thing."

For the record, reduced sensitivity after vibrator use is pretty normal.

You gotta let up, try some different locations and angles (and maybe some of those sensitivity gels) or even go manual sometimes.

If this is more than you necessarily needed to know about Kendra"s genitals and sex drive, well, she realizes that.

Kendra concludes the interview by yelling: "TMI, sorry guys!"

But please don"t apologize, Kendra.

This interview, we think, represents Kendra at her very best.

Kendra wilkinson talks sex im a horny motherf er

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Girl Ends Up on Sext Chain with Mom, Horny Italian Dude

Quick, what"s the most awkward thing that"s ever happened between you and your parents?

They walked in on you in the shower? You saw their dirty underwear in the laundry? One of you clogged the toilet?

In a word: Whatever.

The girl stuck accidentally in the following text chain does NOT feel your pain.

She somehow got included in a discussion between her mom… some seemingly random gentlemen … and lots of talk over that guy"s "plumbing."

We have no idea why she waited to long to speak up, but we do know that this is how the sext chain went…


1. Nice Boobbies!

Nice boobbies

And so it begins. We assume there was a photo of Sharon (and her “boobbies”) included here.

2. There Pretty

There pretty

This guy’s game does not include perfect grammar, that’s for sure.

3. Up to a 38D

Up to a 38d

We’re guessing this is the only part this guy needed to read. Let’s be honest.

4. Hubba. Hubba.

Hubba hubba

Yup, we were right.

5. The Pipes Work Well!

The pipes work well

Pardon us. We just need to go throw up in our mouth a bit.

6. Now That’s a Spicy Meat and Balls!

Now thats a spicy meat and balls

We didn’t know this was an Italian stereotype.

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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Horny Dog Attempts to Mate, Gets Stuck in Tiny Door

Forgive the obvious pun, but:

The canine featured in the following story just put a brand new spin on the term doggy style!

Say hello to Keeta, a five-year old American Bulldog who lives in Leicester, England and whose owners say was recently in heat.

According to the BBC, Keeta was looking out the window this week when she spotted a male dog who was totally her type.

So she went to race out the tiny cat door in order to get down to boning business… only to learn the hard way that she’s too big for said cat door.

Hence the photo above.

But here’s the thing: Keeta managed to rip the door right off, allowing her potential mate to sneak through the hole and for the two dogs to STILL get it on.

Keeta’s owner then walked in during the act (awkward!), scaring the male animal off.

The owner proceeded to call the Leicestershire Fire Service and, upon their arrival, the firefighters spent 20 minutes maneuvering the plastic panel safely off Keeta’s head.

“We don’t know whether they’ve done anything or not,” Keeta’s owner told the BBC.

“The other dog was smaller, a little terrier, but you don’t know. She had that thing stuck on her head so she might not have been in a good mood.”

Or, hey, perhaps Keeta likes to role play and she was taken on the role of Doggy Damsel in Distress. Who are we to judge?!?

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Kendra Wilkinson: I"m Lonely and Horny!!!!!

Being a horny lonely woman and being in a gay bar totally mixes well together.

So says Kendra Wilkinson in the following sneak peek from Kendra on Top, which centers on Kendra and a gay friend celebrating their 30th birthdays at a gay bar.

After meeting many patrons, Wilkinson talks at length about how badly she needs some sex… despite the fact that she"s still married to Hank Baskett. We assume he"d be willing to bone her any time she desires.

But Kendra is angry at Baskett for sort of cheating on her with a transgender model, and Hank is angry at Kendra this season for getting way too close to another man.

So it"s safe to say the marriage isn"t going very well.

Then again, some say Kendra and Hank are faking their divorce drama for the sake of ratings. No way, right?!? They"d never do that!

Check out the sneak peek here and then go watch Kendra on Top online if you need to catch up.

Kendra on top clip a birthday bang