Showing posts with label Airline. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Airline. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

"Horny" Airline Passenger Allegedly Molests Seatmate

A man has been fired from his job after molesting a woman beside him, both while she slept and while she was awake, during a commercial flight.

He apparently also told a flight attendant that he was “horny” and pleasured himself.

No one enjoys flying, but this particular intercontinental flight was a nightmare for the woman seated beside him.

According to court documents, Monte Wedl was an absolute terror in the skies.

On a United Airlines flight from Hong Kong to San Francisco, he apparently downed at least three or four vodka sodas and took an Ambien.

(While it is not an excuse for any behavior that follows aside from falling asleep, please, please do not mix Ambien with alcohol)

Wedl reportedly got out of his seat told an attendant, Eva Yu, that he missed his wife and was “horny.”

That is, uh, literally never appropriate.

And it only got worse from there for Anne Maureen Dowling, the woman who had the unenviable position of being seated beside him.

After making is wildly inappropriate statement to the flight crew member, Wedl returned to his seat.

It was then, the documents allege, that he placed his “hand on the back of her leg near her buttock.”

Don’t … don’t do that.

Dowling “removed his hand and fell back asleep.” Sometimes, you don’t know how to respond to an awkward situation so you do your best to ignore it in the hopes that it will stop.

In Dowling’s case, it only became worse.

She woke up again to Wedl allegedly “rubbing her thigh, grabbing her butt, and attempting to reach into her pants.”

This alleged sexual assault was only repelled when she “cried ‘stop’ and he withdrew his hand from her body.”

Her outrage did not seem to mean much to Wedl, who reportedly “creepily smiled at her in response.” Yikes.

That should have never happened, of course — but surely that should have been the end of this nightmare.

Unfortunately, it was not.

Later during the flight, Wedl apparently “forced his hand between Dowling’s body and her own hand.”

It sounds like she was trying to protect her body with her hands, to no avail.

“He then,” the documents describe. “Firmly began rubbing her vagina through her clothes.”


As if to make matters somehow worse than they already were, Wedl was allegedly “rapidly masturbating underneath his blanket” at the same time.

As we mentioned, Wedl was fired from his job. He was a commercial pilot for FedEx.

She was eventually moved, but she says that a flight attendant initially told her that it would not be possible, and suggested that she instead talk to Wendl about his behavior.

Upon the plane’s landing, Dowling immediately reported what had happened to law enforcement and to the airline.

Wendl was acquitted. Now that the criminal case has ended, Dowling is moving forward with a lawsuit against United.

This took place in business class, by the way. Dowling had been upgraded at the beginning of the flight.

Now she has PTSD, and is seeking $ 75,000 in damages from both United and Wedl.

Everyone is scared of flying, but sometimes the most unpleasant experiences during flights come from fellow passengers and not the airplane.

People can be monsters.


Friday, July 6, 2018

Woman Tweets Airline Meet-Cute, Sparks #PlaneBae Controversy

Twitter has erupted in controversy, folks.

Not over the color of a dress or the sound of a word this time, but over the right to one"s privacy while on board an airplane.

Earlier this month, a Twitter user named Rosey Blair was flying to Dallas when she asked a young woman if he would switch seats with her so that she could sit next to her boyfriend.

The woman obliged, moving just one row up, right in front of Blair, and paving the way for a viral meet-cute.

Indeed, Blair proceeded to live-Tweet the interactions and the exchanges between this man and the man who took the window next along her side, sparking an unexpected controversy across social media.

Was Blair just being funny, providing a few chuckles for her followers by chronicling a pretty cool turn of events?

Or was she being way creepy for invading the privacy of these individuals?

Scroll down, learn more and decide for yourself.

1. Here We Do…


First, Blair explained what had just transpired and what she HOPED would subequently transpire. She got followers ready for what was to come.

2. Total Flirts!


It’s happening! It’s really happening! These fitness buffs hit it off before the plane even took off.

3. Vegetarians Unite!


They share the same taste in food and in working out and their arms are SO close to touching. This is true love!

4. Oh, It Is TOTALLY On Now


Trust us, fellas: when a woman puts her hair down, she is getting down to business.

5. So. Much. Closer.


Let me just zoom in here and make a diagram so you fully understand the proximity of arms here. They are very close to each other!

6. We’re Gonna Need ALL-CAPS for This


A protein board, people! They’ve zoomed past drinks and are already sharing a meal together!

View Slideshow

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Southwest Passengers Sue Airline Over Engine Failure, Shattered Window

Nine passengers who survived Southwest flight 1380 — the one where shrapnel from a failed engine shattered a cabin window — are suing the airline. The passengers say they’re all suffering severe PTSD after the tragic flight. Some are also coping…


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Drunk Airline Passenger Pees on Seat, Gets Arrested

Here’s something different for a change:

It’s a story about an airline passenger sucking, as opposed to yet another story about an airline itself sucking.


Last Thursday, a man named Michael A. Haag was on board a Frontier Airlines flight from Denver to Charleston.

So far, so normal, right?

Plenty of men fly on a daily basis from this lovely Colorado city to this historic South Carolina destination.

About two hours into the journey, however, Haag reportedly granted the woman seated next to him, much to her understandable horror and chagrin.

Said a fellow passenger, recounting what transpired to a local Fox affiliate in Denver:

“I hear a woman scream, if this man f-cking touches me one more time I’ll f-cking kill him.”

The fellow passenger (who identified herself as “Emilu” added that the 45-year old Haag seemed “extremely intoxicated” and “out of his mind,” while the woman who was groped said she witnessed him down two double shots of vodka on the flight.


blurry pic

Haag also allegedly verbally assaulted another woman, asking her variouspersonal questions about her sexual habits.

After flight attendants learned of Haag’s behavior, they reassigned him, moving him to the back of the plane where there was an empty row of seats.

Out of sight, therefore, and out of mind?

Not quite, unfortunately.

It actually got far more gross and disgusting from there.


Haag apparently went ahead and started urinated on the seat in front of him.

He just whipped out his penis and relieved himself, right then and there.

(It could have been worse, we guess, he could have made like this woman and pooped on the floor.)

“I scream, ‘He’s f-cking peeing. He’s peeing. Oh my God,"” Emily told Fox, adding:

“And the flight attendant doesn’t even acknowledge him at first. [The attendant] acknowledges me and says you need to calm down and stop cursing.”

Thankfully, attention eventually turned to Haag, who was taken away from the airport gate in handcuffs and charged with interfering with flight crew, as well as and indecent exposure.

He was later released on $ 25,000 bond, according to Fox 31.

airline people

Emily wasn’t thrilled with the response of Frontier, saying someone should have been keeping a closer eye on Haag after he was moved.

In response to her complaint, the airline waived her bag fee and gifted her a $ 200 Frontier voucher.

Frontier has since released a statement confirming that the carrier is “aware of the situation” and “working with the appropriate authorities,” concluding:

“Frontier has zero tolerance for behavior that affects the safety of our passengers and crew. We are supporting authorities in their investigation.”


Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Chicago Cop Who Dragged Dr. David Dao Off United Flight Sues Airline Over Firing

The officer who violently dragged a United Airlines passenger last year says the airline set him up to take a fall, and he believes he was wrongly fired… according to a new suit. James Long was one of the Chicago aviation officers seen on video…


Thursday, March 8, 2018

"Narcos" Star Pedro Pascal Has Airline Luggage Nightmare

“Narcos” star Pedro Pascal had some Escobar-esque trouble getting his luggage on board his American Airlines flight — but it had nothing to do with drug smuggling, just cool technology. The airline wouldn’t accept Pedro’s state-of-the-art…


Friday, February 9, 2018

Student Claims Airline Forced Her to Flush Emotional Support Hamster Down Toilet

A Florida college student says she was left in tears late last year after a Spirit Airlines employee said she wasn’t permitted to bring her emotional support hamster on board a flight.

Yes, her emotional support hamster.

Before you laugh at this story, however, keep reading down below. It’s actually pretty sad…

this is pebbles

According to The Miami Herald, Belen Aldecosea, a 21-year old from South Florida, was flying home from college due to an urgent medical issue in November.

She says she checked with Spirit on multiple occasions prior to the day of her flight and was assured that the hamster, Pebbles, would be allowed on the plane.

(Yes, Belen also says, a doctor certified the hamster as an emotional support companion. We assume this means she had a note from the physician.)

However, upon arriving at the Baltimore airport, Aldecosea was told the opposite.

She was told that Pebbles could not accompany her on her trip.

With no friends or family members anywhere in the area, and being too young to rent a car, Aldecosea says she was at a loss about how to proceed.

college student

She claims an airline employee suggested she flush Pebbles down a toilet.

“One of the representatives started giving me little tips like, ‘Oh you should just leave her, or flush her down the toilet,’” Aldecosea told The Herald.

She didn’t want to murder little Pebbles, but Aldecosea explained to the newspaper that she didn’t have “any other options.”

Therefore, crying uncontrollably, she went through with the recommended act, figuring it was more humane than releasing Pebbles outside, only for him to eventually get hit by a car.

“She was scared. I was scared,” Aldecosea told the publication. “It was horrifying trying to put her in the toilet.”

We can only imagine.

hamster near wheel

Aldecosea has hired an attorney and is considering filing a lawsuit against Spirit Airlines for the conflicting information that she says led her to flush her emotional support pet.

In response to Aldecosea’s allegation, Spirit released the following statement on Thursday:

After researching this incident, we can say confidently that at no point did any of our agents suggest this Guest (or any other for that matter) should flush or otherwise injure an animal. It is incredibly disheartening to hear this Guest reportedly decided to end her own pet’s life.

Our reservation representative, unfortunately, did misinform the Guest that a hamster was permitted to fly as an emotional support animal on Spirit Airlines.

When the Guest appeared with the hamster at the airport, our agents offered and the Guest accepted an opportunity to take a later flight, so she had time to find other accommodations for the animal.

Our records indicate she was scheduled to take the 10:39 am flight on Nov. 21, but ended up taking the 7:42 pm flight that day.

We did offer the Guest a voucher for the inconvenience, but we never heard back from her.

spirit pic

This story has gone viral because… well… an emotional support hamster was involved.

But also because airlines of late have been cracking down on emotional support pets in general.

For example, click around below to find out what happened when a woman wanted to bring a peacock on board a cross country flight with her…


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Woman Comforts Crying Child, Proves Not All Airline Passengers Suck

No one likes when a child cries on a plane.

But do you know who hates when a child cries on a plane the most?

The parent holding said child!

Still, for some depressing reason, fellow passengers often give the adults riding with young kids a hard time when these kids get sad.

That"s what happened when a woman named Kesha Bernard was flying from Seattle to Denver and a toddler started wailing.

As documented on Facebook (and below), Bernard was aghast at the reaction of those around her, prior to jumping into helpful action herself…

1. This is Kesha Bernard

This is kesha bernard

She has two kids of her own… two young kids of her own even. So she understood exactly what a passenger was going through on board a flight that featured a mother flying alone with THREE small humans.

2. This is Kesha Bernard and a Child Who is NOT Hers

This is kesha bernard and a child who is not hers

Kesha shared this photo on her Facebook page and then explained its origin to her friends.

3. And This is What Happened:

And this is what happened

Yes, a baby started crying. How dare it do such a thing, right?!?

4. She Could Ignore a Baby Crying

She could ignore a baby crying

But not the complaints other passengers dared to file out loud while the plane was grounded.

5. Hell to the NO!

Hell to the no

Yes, a woman actually did this to a child.

6. No One Offered to Help in Any Way

No one offered to help in any way

Not even the flight attendant.

View Slideshow

Friday, July 21, 2017

Woman Live Tweets Every Airline Passenger"s Worst Nightmare

When Jessie Char arrived at her seat on a recent JetBlue flight, she witnessed the most glorious sight any airline passenger could ever hope to see:

An empty middle seat and an empty window seat.

The surprise was so beautiful that Char had to Tweet about it, right then and there:

On her flight home Long Beach to San Francisco, the 30-year old would get to relax with no concern over anyone’s elbows or any fellow passenger forcing her up to use the bathroom.

It’s what we all dream of when board a flight, right?

But then Char’s fantasy turned into a nightmare.

Prepared to maybe even lie across all three seats and squeeze in a nap, Char wrote a mysterious Tweet.

“You guys will never guess what happened next,” she teased to followers.

“I noticed one of the armrests collapse and so I looked over only to see a foot emerge from the row behind me,” Char explained to People Magazine, adding in horror:

“It was writhing around on one armrest and there was a significant amount of toe wiggling.”

No. Oh God… no.

This didn’t really happen, did it?

Yes, it did:

Char says she crouched down into her seat “to remain undetected.” She couldn’t help but snap a photo of the bare feet that will forever haunt her sleep.

And then things got even worse!

“While I was logging onto the airplane Wi-Fi, I saw the left foot stretch over to open the window, and then close it again,” she told The Today Show, which also picked this story up.

“I looked to the front and back for the nearest flight attendant and caught someone’s eye, but by the time she reached me the feet discreetly retracted back into the abyss of row 6.”

Why didn’t Char say something to this individual?

“I was in literal shock,” she told People. “I think I needed another human with me in the moment to reassure me I wasn’t just seeing things.”

Char’s tweet of the feet has been Liked on Twitter over 26,000 times and received over 5,000 retweets.

Will she ever fly again? Yes, of course, don’t be silly.

But she does have some advice for anyone who encounters a similar situation.

“I tried not to breathe super heavily while [the bare feet] were present,” she said.

She’s a better person than we are, that’s for sure.

Forget breathing heavy. We’d have drank heavily and then “accidentally” spilled our beverage on the inappropriate appendages extended across the seats next to us. 

When she got up upon landing, Char said she spotted the woman who committed this traveling sin.

She’s in her mid 40s, Char estimates, and is approximately 5’3″.

So beware if you see someone who looks like this on your next flight! Prepare to take action!


Sunday, June 11, 2017

NBA Prospect Przemek Karnowski Apologizes To Airline Passengers For Being So Huge

Attention, airline passengers of America … TMZ Sports is about to give you a heartfelt message from a 7’1″ 300 pound NBA prospect, Przemek Karnowski. I’M SORRY I’M SO DAMN HUMONGOUS. We got the former Gonzaga star in DC (nicest guy ever,…


NBA Prospect Przemek Karnowski Apologizes To Airline Passengers For Being So Huge

Attention, airline passengers of America … TMZ Sports is about to give you a heartfelt message from a 7’1″ 300 pound NBA prospect, Przemek Karnowski. I’M SORRY I’M SO DAMN HUMONGOUS. We got the former Gonzaga star in DC (nicest guy ever,…


Saturday, April 15, 2017

Jenelle Evans: Hey, I Was Assaulted by an Airline, Too!

Jenelle Evans has quite the story to tell.

Because hey, you know the story of United Airlines and David Dao?

David is a doctor, and he boarded a flight on United Airlines from Chicago to Louisville earlier this week. Everyone hopped on the plane before it was announced that the flight was overbooked, and five passengers would have to leave.

After no one volunteered, five people were chosen at random, and while four of them left willingly, David, the fifth passenger, refused because, as a doctor, he has several appointments the next day and couldn’t reschedule his flight.

United called the police, they violently removed David from the plane, and the story immediately went viral. It’s pretty much all anyone’s been able to talk about for the past several days.

“OK,” you may be thinking, “but what does any of this have to do with Jenelle Evans, everyone’s favorite Teen Mom trainwreck?”

And the answer, friends, is that is has everything to do with Jenelle.

See, Jenelle and her boyfriend, David Eason, went on yet another vacation this week.

They left their new baby, Ensley, and Jenelle’s two-year-old son Kaiser behind so they could take the oldest kids, Jace and David’s daughter Maryssa, to an Ariana Grande concert.

They flew American Airlines, and we know that because on April 13th, Jenelle tweeted the following message:

“After letting the manager know at @AmericanAir I was rudely treated. Was assaulted at the airport. Tried to grab my phone out of my hands!”

It’s hard to know exactly what she means here because Jenelle isn’t the best at communicating — was the phone thing the assault here? Was being “rudely treated” the assault? Was she actually assaulted?

Considering her criminal record, you’d think she’d be a little clearer on this point.

American Airlines responded to her tweet, telling her “Your comments concern us, Jenelle. Please DM us with your record locator and details.”

We assume she did DM them, because we haven’t heard anything else about the situation, and she even deleted the original message.

But someone did tell her “Sounds like you were on United Airlines” and she responded with “Lmao for real… people need to stop the madness!”, and that exchange is still up.

OK, now look, we don’t want to say that Jenelle could be lying for attention …

But her followers are more than willing to say so.

When one of her less assuming fans told Jenelle to let everyone know how things turn out, another replied “What happened is that she lied. She lies about everything.”

Another theorized “Jenelle just needs to make sure she has income after MTV fires her so this will be her new job of suing companies!”

“She does this same exact thing every single time she flies,” one person wrote. “By the way it’s karma because she treats everyone badly.”

If Jenelle really was assaulted at the airport, then we feel for her and hope that she gets justice or acknowledgement or whatever it is she wants from this.

And we’ll just leave it at that.


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

United Passenger Was Resisting Standard Procedure for Overbooked Flight According to Airline

United Airlines staff was merely following “established procedures” when security was called to remove the passenger … according to United, which is finally explaining its side of what went down before the video. TMZ has learned United CEO, Oscar…


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Danielle Bregoli FLIPS THE EFF OUT on Airline Passenger

Danielle Bregoli, best known as the "Cash Me Outside" girl due to a memorable appearance on the Dr. Phil show last year, has now gone viral for a reason outside of her very odd word usage.

Only 13 years old, Bregoli earned her 15 Minutes of Fame several months ago when she mouthed off at the talk show audience while appearing opposite the aforementioned hack of a psychologist.

Bregoli and her mother were guests on the program, featured in a segment about the former’s out-of-control attitude.

And it was on full display not long after she stepped on to the stage.

"All these hos laughin’ like there’s something funny,” Bregoli said at one point, gesturing to the crowd and later taunting them with the catchphrase that has made her Internet famous:

“Cash me outside, howbow dah?”

The odd word choice… the accent… pretty much everything about Danielle Bregoli caused her to become the subject of quite a few memes, along with plenty of social media commentary throughout Facebook and Twitter.

On Monday, meanwhile, Bregoli got into a VERY heated dispute with a fellow passenger on board a Spirit Airlines flight.

According to TMZ, Bregoli took issue with a woman who wasn"t happy with how long Bregoli"s mother was taking to put away her carry-on bag.

Words were exchanged and then a punch was thrown by Bregoli.

The alleged victim then made a "citizen"s arrest," TMZ writes, until the cops arrived and all three people involved in the confrontation were escorted off the plane.

No arrests were made. But a lawsuit may be forthcoming.

And Bregoli isn"t denying that an assault took place.

“She got her ass whupped by a 13-year-old,” Bregoli, who has close to 800,000 followers on Facebook and 3 million on Instagram, said in a video posted to both those platforms this afternoon.

Watch the violent video in question below:

Danielle bregoli flips the eff out on airline passenger

"Cash Me Ousside" Girl Danielle Bregoli Punches Airline Passenger, Cops Called

The ‘Cash Me Ousside’ girl allegedly caught someone inside an airplane this evening with a shot to the face … and police ended up yanking her, her mother and another passenger off their plane … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell us…


Thursday, December 22, 2016

Richard Marx Tees Off On Korean Airline Security (VIDEO)

Richard Marx learned a valuable lesson from his 4-hour mid-flight ordeal with an out of control passenger … and he’s begging South Korea to learn it too. The ’80s and ’90s pop star talked to a photog about the scary incident that went down…


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Korean Airline Says Flight Attendant Didn"t Fire Taser For Safety, Richard Marx Calls BS

Daisy Fuentes was dead wrong when she claimed the flight attendant on a Korean Air flight couldn’t subdue an unruly passenger because she didn’t know how to handle a taser … so says Korean Air. The flight attendant didn’t fire the weapon…


Thursday, December 8, 2016

Young Thug -- Goes Off On Airline Staff ... Y"all Are Some "Nappy" Peasants (VIDEO)

Young Thug gave two female Alaska Airlines employees the business for trying to make him miss his flight and his show … at least that’s the way he saw it. The rapper went in on the women pretty hard — calling them “peasants” and “ants” with…
