Showing posts with label Hamster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hamster. Show all posts

Friday, May 25, 2018

Jersey Shore Recap: Return of the Dirty Hamster

Sometimes television shows are forced to slow things down a bit with what’s commonly referred to as a “place-setting episode.”

This is the term for an installment in which not a whole lot happens, but the stage is set for major drama to come.

It’s generally a convention of scripted dramas, but occasionally even reality shows have to lull us into a false sense of security before stabbing us in the belly with the guido equivalent of the Red Wedding:

Yes, Angelina Pivarnick made her not-at-all-awaited return to the world of Jersey Shore last night as part of Pauly D’s “kamikaze” prank war on his roommates.

You almost have to respect a guy who’s willing to ruin his vacation just so he can enjoy the pained expressions on his friends’ faces. Almost.

Anyway, Pauly was probably motivated less by his desire to reign supreme as the prank war champion and more by prompts from the show’s producers, so “Jolie” is back in the presence of people who can’t stand her and are often quick to violence.

Two quick observations about Angelina’s return to the show:

1. How hilariously staged and scripted was the scene where she first walks through the door?

Like, Mike’s reaction was probably legit, but the version of Angie’s swaggy entrance that we wound up was clearly the result of a few dozen takes.

2. Angelina is looking pretty good these days, right?

Sure, she still dresses like she should be serving Tony Soprano a Glenlivet at Bada-Bing, but she seems to have taken care of herself.

Anyway, the timing couldn’t have been weirder, as Pauly extended the invitation to Angelina during what was supposed to be a guys-only weekend.

It’s almost like the powers that be surveyed the situation, realized that the guys’ weekend was just as boring as the girls’ visit home and decided to take action.

Yes, you may have noticed that we skipped straight to the last five minutes of the episode in this recap, but what came before the return of Angelina was easily the driest assemblage of loosely-connected scenes Shore has ever offered up.

The girls visited their kids.

The guys yelled about t-shirts and returned to the club where everyone is half their age.

Ronnie didn’t cheat on his pregnant girlfriend, and Vinny wasn’t overly-friendly with any cocktail waitresses.

Pauly hooked up with a pseud-Sammi-lookalike, and Ron got mildly pissed about it, but that was about it in terms of drama.

Like we said, sometimes a slower episode is needed in order to pave the way for future installments.

But after last night’s snail-paced affair, we better be in for an old-school Snooki vs. Angelina throwdown next week.

Watch Jersey Shore online in order to get caught up on this season’s slightly uneven offerings.


Friday, February 9, 2018

Student Claims Airline Forced Her to Flush Emotional Support Hamster Down Toilet

A Florida college student says she was left in tears late last year after a Spirit Airlines employee said she wasn’t permitted to bring her emotional support hamster on board a flight.

Yes, her emotional support hamster.

Before you laugh at this story, however, keep reading down below. It’s actually pretty sad…

this is pebbles

According to The Miami Herald, Belen Aldecosea, a 21-year old from South Florida, was flying home from college due to an urgent medical issue in November.

She says she checked with Spirit on multiple occasions prior to the day of her flight and was assured that the hamster, Pebbles, would be allowed on the plane.

(Yes, Belen also says, a doctor certified the hamster as an emotional support companion. We assume this means she had a note from the physician.)

However, upon arriving at the Baltimore airport, Aldecosea was told the opposite.

She was told that Pebbles could not accompany her on her trip.

With no friends or family members anywhere in the area, and being too young to rent a car, Aldecosea says she was at a loss about how to proceed.

college student

She claims an airline employee suggested she flush Pebbles down a toilet.

“One of the representatives started giving me little tips like, ‘Oh you should just leave her, or flush her down the toilet,’” Aldecosea told The Herald.

She didn’t want to murder little Pebbles, but Aldecosea explained to the newspaper that she didn’t have “any other options.”

Therefore, crying uncontrollably, she went through with the recommended act, figuring it was more humane than releasing Pebbles outside, only for him to eventually get hit by a car.

“She was scared. I was scared,” Aldecosea told the publication. “It was horrifying trying to put her in the toilet.”

We can only imagine.

hamster near wheel

Aldecosea has hired an attorney and is considering filing a lawsuit against Spirit Airlines for the conflicting information that she says led her to flush her emotional support pet.

In response to Aldecosea’s allegation, Spirit released the following statement on Thursday:

After researching this incident, we can say confidently that at no point did any of our agents suggest this Guest (or any other for that matter) should flush or otherwise injure an animal. It is incredibly disheartening to hear this Guest reportedly decided to end her own pet’s life.

Our reservation representative, unfortunately, did misinform the Guest that a hamster was permitted to fly as an emotional support animal on Spirit Airlines.

When the Guest appeared with the hamster at the airport, our agents offered and the Guest accepted an opportunity to take a later flight, so she had time to find other accommodations for the animal.

Our records indicate she was scheduled to take the 10:39 am flight on Nov. 21, but ended up taking the 7:42 pm flight that day.

We did offer the Guest a voucher for the inconvenience, but we never heard back from her.

spirit pic

This story has gone viral because… well… an emotional support hamster was involved.

But also because airlines of late have been cracking down on emotional support pets in general.

For example, click around below to find out what happened when a woman wanted to bring a peacock on board a cross country flight with her…
