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UFC"s Allen Crowder I Forgive Greg Hardy ... Knee Wasn"t Dirty
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Vicki Gunvalson: Beware of Men Like Brooks Ayers! He"s Like Dirty John!
Many people have had a toxic ex. Most have been lucky enough to avoid an ex who fabricated medical paperwork in order to fake having cancer.
In that regard, Vicki Gunvalson has been very unlucky.
In this video, she"s talking about hearing from fans who"ve been through the same thing —
"The truth always comes out," Vicki says optimistically.
"Karma is a b–ch, baby," she adds with a smile.
She is speaking about her own experience with Brooks Ayers, who dated her for four years and ended up faking cancer, chemo, and chemo symptoms.
She is also speaking about the experiences that others have had — experiences that eerily mirror her own.
Dirty John is true crime anthology series based upon a podcast of the same name, and it tells a very similar story to Vicki"s.
"Well, I"ve gotten a lot of letters from people," Vicki shares, before specifying: "Women, mostly women."
Vicki says that these letters were "saying what a sociopath, what a narcissistic man is."
While buzzwords like sociopath can lose thier meaning or be used to demonize people with mental illness, she is speaking of toxic manipulators.
Vicki says that these letters spoke of their struggles "and what they experienced, and our stories were exactly the same."
"The love letters, the flowers, the ‘Baby, we got this, they’re the enemy,’ you know," Vicki says.
That practice, known as "love bombing," can be used as a weapon to manipulate a victim and ot mask a lack of genuine affection.
Vicki acknowledges that Brooks was "really shielding me from my safe people which was my daughter, which was my cast members."
These, she says, were people "who loved me."
"And I didn"t see it as that," Vicki admits.
"My daughter would have probably really hurt him if he"d kept pushing into my life," Vicki says.
Vicki is still awed by the sheer scope of how common this can be.
"But the amount of letters I received from people, emails, and letters in the mail," Vicki says.
All of these were "from people that have gone through what I went through …"
That shows how common this sort of thing can be.
This is probably why the Dirty John podcast was so popular that it"s becoming a Bravo series — with a companion docuseries on Oxygen.
"Dirty John, that is my life," Vicki laments. "He portrayed he was somebody he wasn’t."
"That happened to me, and we’re intelligent women," she says, referring to herself and to other women.
"It happened to me with my eyes wide open," Vicki says.
To be clear, victims are never to blame. They"re not stupid or deserving of the attention of creeps.
"So if it can happen to me," Vicki says. "Can you imagine how many women it’s happening to?"
"And," Vicki adds. "I’m a smart cookie."
You know what? That"s true. Say what you will about Vicki, she"s not dumb.
"Everybody told me he was a bad boy," she says. "And I didn’t see it till it was over."
Vicki knows that her warning will fall on deaf ears: "I guess I can’t say ‘Listen to me’ because you can’t listen to anybody when you’re in it."
"You gotta really trudge through it," she concludes.
Of course, being familiar with the red flags in advance could help a lot of women — and others — to avoid toxic relationships.
The differences can be subtle, of course. Not everyone who buys someone a bunch of presents is trying to manipulate a victim.
But if someone is trying to isolate you from your loved ones and convince you that they"re really enemies, that is almost always a bad sign.
Vicki"s story clearly resonated with a lot of people who have had brushes with these same sorts of manipulators.
Brooks Ayers may be out of her life, but he"s left a stain on her story.
Of course, Brooks doesn"t care what Vicki thinks. At all.
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Demi Lovato Overdose: Did the Singer Take Dirty Drugs?
With Demi Lovato having checked in to rehab, hopefully focused on turning her life around, we have a couple updates on the troubled singer.
First, a new report claims to have information on what caused Lovato to overdose back on Tuesday, July 24.
According to TMZ insiders, Lovato did indeed spent most of the previous evening out and about with friends.
As detailed shortly after this frightening incident took place, Demi hit up a club in Hollywood to celebrate a pal’s birthday and then continued the celebration with a smaller group of acquaintances at her home.
(These were allegedly the toxic influences that Lovato has since vowed to eliminate from her life.)
Following her night out at Saddle Ranch on the Sunset Strip, and after she returned to her residence with these friends, the aforementioned TMZ article states that Lovato sent a text message to a drug dealer at 4 a.m.
The drug dealer received the text and responded, arriving at Demi’s home with two freebased Oxycodone on tin foil.
But that’s not all.
This new and scary report goes deep.
These sources say, unbeknownst to the singer, the drug dealer in question had a dangerous habit of buying dirty drugs from Mexico — and the batch he handed over appeared to be laced with fentanyl.
This is the same drug that killed Prince and Lil Peep.
Ummm… yikes, right?
Original reports after Demi’s overdose alleged that the star overdosed on heroin, but most of these were later corrected via follow-up posts and quotes.
TMZ even writes that the drug dealer remained at Lovato’s home until he noticed she was breathing heavily in bed, at which point he fled the scene.
Eventually, Demi’s assistant found the singer unconscious and called 911.
It’s more or less been confirmed at this point that paramedics administed Narcan to Demi, a drug used to combat the dangerous of an overdose.
This may have been what saved Lovato’s life, as she regained consciousness and was then rushed to the hospital.
Lovato spent about two weeks under doctors’ supervision and then jetted off to an out-of-state treatment facility last week.
She has understandably canceled all tour dates for the remainder of 2018 and there’s a very good chance we don’t hear from her, or even about her from anyone named on record, for a long time.
“She will be in rehab for several months and is doing an extensive program to ensure she gets the help she needs,” a source tells E! News.
The 25-year-old, though, is currently in Chicago, where she’s undergoing treatment with a therapist who focuses on sobriety, mental health and wellness.
Demi has made it clear over the years, in numerous interviews, that she faces all of these problems and more.
She has struggled with substance abuse, an eating disorder and general self-esteem issues.
Lovato has not been in much contact with anyone close to her, although ex-boyfriend Wilmer Valderrama has checked in whenever possible.
“Wilmer has been in touch with the family and has been checking in on Demi’s status,” writes E! News, adding that the actor hasn’t really spoken to Lovato directly:
“The family is trying to make sure they eliminate all distractions and want her to be focusing on her health right now.”
We continue to keep Lovato in our thoughts.
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Toronto Raptors Did DeMar DeRozan Dirty, Says Kenny Smith
Kenny Smith is siding with DeMar DeRozan — telling TMZ Sports the Toronto Raptors screwed over their star player by not telling him he was going to be traded to the San Antonio Spurs. Little backstory … DeRozan sounded off on Instagram hours…
Friday, May 25, 2018
Jersey Shore Recap: Return of the Dirty Hamster
Sometimes television shows are forced to slow things down a bit with what’s commonly referred to as a “place-setting episode.”
This is the term for an installment in which not a whole lot happens, but the stage is set for major drama to come.
It’s generally a convention of scripted dramas, but occasionally even reality shows have to lull us into a false sense of security before stabbing us in the belly with the guido equivalent of the Red Wedding:
Yes, Angelina Pivarnick made her not-at-all-awaited return to the world of Jersey Shore last night as part of Pauly D’s “kamikaze” prank war on his roommates.
You almost have to respect a guy who’s willing to ruin his vacation just so he can enjoy the pained expressions on his friends’ faces. Almost.
Anyway, Pauly was probably motivated less by his desire to reign supreme as the prank war champion and more by prompts from the show’s producers, so “Jolie” is back in the presence of people who can’t stand her and are often quick to violence.
Two quick observations about Angelina’s return to the show:
1. How hilariously staged and scripted was the scene where she first walks through the door?
Like, Mike’s reaction was probably legit, but the version of Angie’s swaggy entrance that we wound up was clearly the result of a few dozen takes.
2. Angelina is looking pretty good these days, right?
Sure, she still dresses like she should be serving Tony Soprano a Glenlivet at Bada-Bing, but she seems to have taken care of herself.
Anyway, the timing couldn’t have been weirder, as Pauly extended the invitation to Angelina during what was supposed to be a guys-only weekend.
It’s almost like the powers that be surveyed the situation, realized that the guys’ weekend was just as boring as the girls’ visit home and decided to take action.
Yes, you may have noticed that we skipped straight to the last five minutes of the episode in this recap, but what came before the return of Angelina was easily the driest assemblage of loosely-connected scenes Shore has ever offered up.
The girls visited their kids.
The guys yelled about t-shirts and returned to the club where everyone is half their age.
Ronnie didn’t cheat on his pregnant girlfriend, and Vinny wasn’t overly-friendly with any cocktail waitresses.
Pauly hooked up with a pseud-Sammi-lookalike, and Ron got mildly pissed about it, but that was about it in terms of drama.
Like we said, sometimes a slower episode is needed in order to pave the way for future installments.
But after last night’s snail-paced affair, we better be in for an old-school Snooki vs. Angelina throwdown next week.
Watch Jersey Shore online in order to get caught up on this season’s slightly uneven offerings.
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Anne Frank"s Newly Uncovered Diary Pages Reveal Dirty Jokes
Anne Frank was a typical teenager in at least one way — she told dirty jokes and had strong opinions about sex, birth control and prostitution … which she included in her famous diary. Dutch researchers deciphered the writing on 2 pages of…
Monday, March 19, 2018
Meek Mill Says Dirty Cop, Biased Judge Should Be Enough to Set Him Free
Meek Mill wants Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court to do some simple math … which he believes should add up to his immediate release from prison. Meek’s attorneys filed docs Monday requesting he be released from prison on bail while he awaits a…
Meek Mill Says Dirty Cop, Biased Judge Should Be Enough to Set Him Free
Meek Mill wants Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court to do some simple math … which he believes should add up to his immediate release from prison. Meek’s attorneys filed docs Monday requesting he be released from prison on bail while he awaits a…
Saturday, February 17, 2018
Stormy Daniels Brings Her Dirty Laundry to Strip Club!!!
Porn star Stormy Daniels has been reveling in all the dirty laundry involving her and Donald Trump, so it makes sense she brought a laundry basket to the strip club Friday night for a meet and greet. Stormy showed up at Thee Dollhouse in Tampa,…
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Meek Mill Says Cop Who Busted Him Is Dirty, Conviction Should Be Overturned
Meek Mill wants out of prison immediately because the Philly police officer who busted him has a history of making dirty arrests … according to new docs filed in his case. Meek says officer Reginald Graham is the cop who arrested him in 2007 for…
Monday, February 12, 2018
Mother of MLB"s Elias Diaz Rescued After Being Kidnapped by Dirty Cops
The mother of Pirates catcher Elias Diaz has been safely recovered 3 days after she was abducted in Venezuela … and several dirty cops have been booked for carrying out the kidnapping. Elias’ mom, 72-year-old Ana Soto, went missing last Thursday…
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
Giants" D.J. Fluker: Odell Beckham Jr. Looked Injury Free at "Dirty Dancing" Shoot
Great news for Giants fans – Odell Beckham Jr. was back to his springy self at the NY Giants’ “Dirty Dancing” commercial shoot … just a few months after his horrific ankle injury. How do we know? TMZ Sports spoke with Giants lineman D.J.…
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Kim Kardashian Cleans Up Body In Dirty Kitchen
Kim Kardashian looks like a hot milf chugging milk while promoting meal replacement shakes — which she is — but she’s getting more attention for the whole barefoot in a dirty kitchen thing. Kim posted the snapshot of herself in what appears to be…
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Ex-Ravens Pro Bowler: I Would"ve Gone After Kiko Alonso For Dirty Hit on Flacco
Joe Flacco’s old teammate says he would’ve gotten payback on Kiko Alonso for his hard hit that resulted in the QB’s concussion … telling TMZ Sports he “would’ve ran after” the Dolphins LB right after the vicious blow. We spoke with Vonta…
Ex-Ravens Pro Bowler: I Would"ve Gone After Kiko Alonso For Dirty Hit on Flacco
Joe Flacco’s old teammate says he would’ve gotten payback on Kiko Alonso for his hard hit that resulted in the QB’s concussion … telling TMZ Sports he “would’ve ran after” the Dolphins LB right after the vicious blow. We spoke with Vonta…
Monday, October 23, 2017
Jessa Duggar Gets Shamed For Dirty House, Fires Back at Haters
Last week, Jessa Duggar posted a series of Instagram photos chronicling the various unclean items around her less-than-immaculate home.
For many parents of young children, the images in Jessa’s confessional slideshow no doubt made for a relatable sight:
The mother of two showed the world her appliances and mirrors covered in fingerprints, a bed piled high with laundry, even a mound of soiled diapers waiting to be taken to out to the trash.
For the most part, fans were supportive and took the opportunity to offer their own admissions about allowing their housekeeping habits to fall by the wayside in response to the demands of caring for toddlers.
But this being the internet in 2017, there were more than a few haters and shamers, as well.
“No m’am. You had ONE job,” wrote one follower in response to Jessa’s post.
“This is so disgusting. You spend the most time in your home. Take pride in it and take care of it,” commented another.
It’s certainly not the first time Jessa’s parenting has been criticized.
But while Jessa may have let the negativity roll off her back in the past, this time she’s taking a stand against the mommy-shamers.
“We all try to put our best foot forward and are most comfortable posting our ‘highlight reel’ for people on social media to see. I could’ve waited 24 hrs and posted pics of everything freshly cleaned and looking beautiful (the stovetop is sparkling, dust bunnies have been removed, laundry is folded, bed sheets are washed, etc),” she wrote in a lengthy posted on response Instagram.
“Certainly people would find no fault with that… but many may find fault with themselves. I didn’t do that for a reason. Reality.”
Jessa went on to address the specifics of her situation:
“Sometimes you find yourself with an 8-month-old who isn’t sleeping through the night, and you don’t care that your bed has spit up on it–you’re tired. Throw a towel down on it and sleep!” she continued.
“Sometimes you don’t want to wash the dishes right after supper because your husband is finally home from work, and there’s only one golden hour of family time before babies are tucked into bed and hubby has to start in on his college homework… and so you put off dishes until then.”
Proving that her sense of humor hasn’t been broken by the judgemental response to her housekeeping, Jessa added:
“Oh, and the diapers. Our diaper pail is currently outta commission, and I’m awaiting a replacement. Yeah, they were stinky, but I had them bagged up and out of the house before the pic of them was even posted.”
Jessa concluded by summarizing what she had hoped to convey for the sake of her less receptive followers:
“My takeaway, and what I was trying to convey, was this: I could break down household tasks into manageable increments, with a few min here doing this, and a few min there doing that,” she wrote.
“And when it comes to quality time with kids, it’s really the same thing. It’s a few min here and a few min there. The point was not kids vs. house cleaning.
“The point was my heart’s goal to devote undivided time and attention to my kids– to make memories together each day, no matter what else I have on my schedule.”
“It’s all too easy for me to want to turn on Baby Einstein and get back to my project, and while that may be fine or necessary at times, it can’t replace pausing for moments here and there to give them a mama’s loving, playful, teaching, and engaging interaction.”
She added:
“P.S. We had a blessed day, the house was tidied right up, books were read, snuggles given, kids happy… and we all lived happily ever after.”
Wise words from a young mother who knows about the daily challenges of balancing priorities.
Watch Counting On online for more on Jessa’s parenting philosophy.
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Dick Vitale: College Basketball Is Dirty, Corrupt Coaches "Must Be Fired"
College hoops icon Dick Vitale is taking the NCAA to task … blasting the league for having a dirty underbelly and calling for the jobs of any coaches found guilty of corruption. “There’s a cesspool that’s existing in college…
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
27 Stars Who Are Low Down Dirty Cheaters!
Cheaters never win and winners never cheat.
But cheaters do make good celebrity gossip fodder, which is the reason we"ve covered so many of them in depth on our website.
Below, we rundown a number of known bad boyfriends and husbands (from golfers to Presidents; actors to reporters) and we send one simple message to them all, courtesy of their significant others:
1. Kevin Hart

2. Scott Disick

3. Tiger Woods

4. Jesse James

5. Dean McDermott

6. Ryan Phillippe

Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Siesta Key Season 1 Episode 4 Recap: Dirty Laundry
Is Alex Kompothecras the worst person to ever grace reality TV?
That thought crossed my mind several times while watching Siesta Key Season 1 Episode 4. The big jumping off point for the show’s best episode to date found the rich kid being confronted by Chloe about taking a trip to Bone Town with Amanda.
It became apparent straight off the bat that Alex was not remorseful for his actions and instead, opted to claim that he and Juliette were just a fling and were not official.
If anything, this paints Juliette as some sort of stalker. If you think about Siesta Key Season 1 Episode 1′s opening, Juliette opened up about how well things were going with Alex.
Did Alex have her under some false sense of security until he decided to get hot and heavy with whichever chick he wanted to?
It sure seemed to be the case, and for that reason, he’s a difficult personality to read. Even when he was essentially forced to confirm the truth to Juliette, he did not seem remorseful in the slightest.
Obviously, the drama on the show as manipulated, but aren’t the people appearing supposed to be able to carry the lies and make them believable?
In any case, we got to hear Juliette say what most viewers have probably thought about him since the get-go.
“You really are a piece of shit,” she said after finding out about him going with Amanda. All Alex could do was stand like a petulant child who was getting into trouble for something.
“Well, it’s been real,” said Juliette as she slammed her car door shut to make him think she was through with him.
Of course, Juliette’s new-found resentment towards Amanda was music to Chloe’s ears because it meant if Amanda stepped on more foot out of line, she could probably be ousted from the group.
What was great about the big cheating scandal was that it seemed like Juliette was going to go nuclear on Amanda for breaking the girl code.
Instead, they walked together to get a drink after coming to the conclusion that it was all Alex’s fault. Juliette would be wise to know what a snake looks like.
Meanwhile, Kelsey and Garrett’s relationship was on the rocks, and it all came down to Kelsey’s commitment issues. It was so clear she did not want to put all of her eggs in one basket, and I can totally get on board with that.
Her mother made the most sense out of everyone this week when she said that her daughter needs to live her life. Kelsey is young, and she has a lot of mistakes to make before settling down.
Garrett seems to be jealous of Kelsey’s friendship with the rich kids and wants it to come to a grinding halt so they can marry and live happily ever after.
Despite trying to mingle with everyone at the party, Kelsey found herself with Alex, and that was alright. She let him know that he gave a great speech, but Garrett thought something else was going on and ditched Kelsey and essentially said that he did not like the crew she was hanging around with.
Kelsey needs to take a step back and assess whether a relationship is right for her, because staying in a relationship she is not into is not going to be beneficial to either of them.
Which brings me to Brandon. That kid legit goes wherever he knows the cameras are to get some screen time. After being shot down by Amanda, he set his sights on Madisson.
Does he have a thing for everyone Alex has been with? Is Juliette next on his list?
That’s a wrap on Episode 4, but what did you think of all the drama?
Are you enjoying this series?
Monday, June 26, 2017
Ahman Green Allegedly Punched Daughter Over Dirty Dishes
Ahman Green’s 15-yr.-old daughter told police her dad punched her in the face after an argument over doing the dishes — but Green says that’s not the whole truth … this according to the criminal complaint obtained by TMZ Sports. The ex-GB Packers…