Showing posts with label Kidnapped. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kidnapped. Show all posts

Friday, November 9, 2018

90 Day Fiance Star Ashley Was Kidnapped at 19

Ashley and Jay are one of this season’s new 90 Day Fiance couples, and so far they’ve been fun to watch.

Unfortunately, Ashley’s life has known real pain and real horror, as she took to social media to reveal.

When she was 19 years old, Ashley was kidnapped by a stranger.

Ashley Martson took to Instagram to share an important, personal story with her followers.

“As most of you know,” Ashley writes. “An old friend decided to send the tabloids a very personal story about me.”

“Yes,” Ashley continues. “When I was 19 I was kidnapped, raped, and almost killed by a stranger.”

That is absolutely horrific.

“Many outlets were reaching out to me for comment,” Ashley shares.

“I reached out to @johnyates327 who was also sent the story,” Ashley says. “And asked him to leak it first”

Ashley says that she knew that the report would come out anywya.

She then writes that she asked for it to be leaked “because I wasn’t sure how the other tabloids would portray me.”

That is a very fair concern.

“I knew he would post it with the with dignity and respect,” Ashley says. “With the understanding that this is a very sensitive subject.”

“People are disgusting,” Ashley says.


“Sending this story to tabloids shows how s–tty people really are,” Ashley expresses.

“Everyone take it easy on @johnyates327,” she asks. “He has my permission.”

Ashley is known now for her sweet (if dramatic) romance with Jay.

We can understand her nervousness about fans reading up on her backstory.

Her case involves some truly horrific details.

In 2005, when she was 19, she was on her way to her job when a man, Sean Patrick Gallagher, tried to rob her.

He pressed a box cutter to her throat.

When she told him that she did not have any money, he forced her into the back of her own car and bound her hands with zip ties.

He then drove her car to a small athletic field where he terrorized and sexually assaulted her.

Police testified at Gallagher’s trial that he had bound her hands so tightly that they turned blue.

He never let her go — she had to escape.

Though Ashley was only 19 at the time, she mustered the incredible courage to fight back.

She struck him with her bag and used her own teeth to chew through the zip ties that bound her.

Gallagher was identified by DNA evidence.

It took the jury only 90 minutes to hand down the conviction.

Ashley was right to be nervous about how she would be portrayed and how she would be perceived.

Unfortunately, even after the dawn of #MeToo, too many women are second-guessed or even blamed after surviving harrowing attacks.

And now that Ashley has seen ugly responses from fans and viewers, she has to be on her guard about any stories about her.

(It wasn’t so long ago that a fan tried to portray her fiance, Jay, as some sort of sexual predator, using clearly fake texts to make it look like he’d flirted with a 16-year-old)

The world can be so unkind, even to people who have been through unspeakable experiences.


Sunday, July 22, 2018

Tekashi69 Pistol Whipped, Kidnapped, Robbed and Hospitalized

Tekashi69 was kidnapped, pistol whipped and robbed and is now in the hospital … TMZ has learned. Sources close to Tekashi tell us, the rapper was working on a music video in Brooklyn early Sunday morning and at around 4AM he wrapped for the night…


Tekashi69 Pistol Whipped, Kidnapped, Robbed and Hospitalized

Tekashi69 was kidnapped, pistol whipped and robbed and is now in the hospital … TMZ has learned. Sources close to Tekashi tell us, the rapper was working on a music video in Brooklyn early Sunday morning and at around 4AM he wrapped for the night…


Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Actress Daisy McCrackin Kidnapped, Male Friend Pistol Whipped and Stripped

Two actors were kidnapped, one was pistol whipped and stripped naked and the other driven to banks to withdraw thousands in ransom money … this according to the L.A. County District Attorney.  The L.A. County Grand Jury has indicted 3 people…


Monday, February 12, 2018

Mother of MLB"s Elias Diaz Rescued After Being Kidnapped by Dirty Cops

The mother of Pirates catcher Elias Diaz has been safely recovered 3 days after she was abducted in Venezuela … and several dirty cops have been booked for carrying out the kidnapping. Elias’ mom, 72-year-old Ana Soto, went missing last Thursday…


Saturday, January 6, 2018

Josh Brolin Reveals Location Scout for "Sicario" was Kidnapped in Mexico

Josh Brolin’s shedding some light on how scary it can be for film and TV crews working on projects about drug cartels … because it often gets way too real. We got the “Only the Brave” actor at LAX on Friday and asked him about the dangers of…


Monday, August 7, 2017

Chloe Ayling: Rescued Kidnapped Model Breaks Her Silence!

The story of a 20-year-old woman getting booked for a fake modeling gig and then kidnapped to be auctioned off as a sex slave sounds like a rip-off of a Liam Neeson movie, but that’s reportedly exactly what happened.

For obvious reasons, law enforcement didn’t initially identify the unnamed model when they found her stuffed into a suitcase.

But a UK model named Chloe Ayling has come forward as the woman who survived the harrowing ordeal, and she’s telling her story:

So, an unnamed model was lured to another country with a seemingly legitimate booking through her agent.

She was then kidnapped, drugged, and placed up for auction as a sex slave to someone who would buy her online.

If it’s not Taken, it could very easily be an episode of The Blacklist.

Yes, she “escaped” — through the actions of one of her kidnappers who was seeking to correct a mistake.

But that doesn’t make any of it less dreadful to consider.

The fact that Chloe Ayling has been brave enough to come forward is nothing short of phenomenal.

(Though we don’t know how she’d keep it quiet, since she definitely went missing for weeks)

That she got away at all sounds like a small miracle, if you believe in those.

In her statements to The Sun, Chloe Ayling describes her kidnapping experience in a frightening amount of detail.

““I’ve been through a terrifying experience. I’ve feared for my life, second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour.”


“I’m incredibly grateful to the Italian and UK authorities for all they have done to secure my safe release.”

Nice of her to remember to say thanks even after her odeal.

“I have just arrived home after four weeks and haven’t had time to collect my thoughts. I am not at liberty to say anything further until I have been debriefed by the UK police.”

But she’s sharing a lot of what she experienced.

It sounds like at least one of her kidnappers enjoyed tormenting her with whatever story he thought would frighten her the most, because she was told:

“All girls are for the Arab market, and when the buyer gets fed up of a girl bought at auction, he can gift her to other people, and when of no interest anymore, feed her to tigers.”

Which sounds like something from a movie, but also like something that an awful man who’s kidnapped her and maybe has some suepr racist ideas about the Middle East would say if he enjoys a woman’s terror.

Chloe also talks about exactly how she was kidnapped:

She arrived at an empty warehouse in Milan for a photoshoot that had been booked through her agent.

“A person with black gloves placed a hand over my mouth from behind while a second person wearing a balaclava gave me an injection in my right arm.”

That can be super dangerous — as we suspect that the person administering the injection was not a doctor.

Get the dosage wrong and you can kill someone.

Give them a shot of something to knock them out without knowing their allergies or what medications they’re on, and you can kill them.

“I believe I lost consciousness because when I woke up, I was wearing just my pink undershirt made of chenille, and the socks I am now wearing, and I realized I was in the coffin of a car, my ankles and wrists in handcuffs, with a black tape covering my mouth, inside a bag where there was just a small hole in the zipper that allowed me to breathe.”


As it turns out, Chloe was not the sort of person whom they intended to target:

“After a few minutes a man came into the room, without his face covered and he told me in English that in the meantime their boss had called and that he was furious because they had seized the wrong person.”

That sounds almost farcical but still incredibly terrifying.

“I was not meant to be taken because the boss had seen my Instagram profile which clearly showed that I was a mum with a young boy and this went against the rules of the organization.”

Even evil organizations that carry out kidnappings and sexual slavery have rules, we guess?

“Despite being upset with my kidnapping, he explained that this imprisonment could not stop because in the meantime the organisation had published in the deep web two photos taken shortly after the aggression while I was unconscious, showing the publication on a…. site called Black Death.”

The “deep web” or “dark web” is just sites that aren’t indexed by search engines, so they’re “hidden” unless you know what you’re looking for.

A lot of illegal stuff goes on there.

In some cases, it’s relatively harmless like drug trading or the voluntary organ market.

In other cases, it’s where people swap child pornography or sell human beings.

“The photos confirmed the fact that I was in the hands of the organization, and some users had expressed interest in my sale.”

A nightmare.

But she was eventually dropped off at the embassy.

It turns out that being a mother at 20 very probably saved her life.

As is often the case with kidnapping survivors, a lot of people are calling her story far-fetched or accusing her of lying.

Unfortunately, some of them are even making these comments on her Instagram, which seems cruel to us.

But since one of her kidnappers has already been arrested and since law enforcement has apparently found the place where she was held, it sounds like her story might be realer than any of us would like to believe.

Hopefully, we’ll all know more in the coming weeks.


Saturday, August 5, 2017

"NCIS" Star Zoe McLellan"s Ex-Hubby Claims She Kidnapped Son for "Designated Survivor" Role

Zoe McLellan gave her ex-husband, J.P. Gillain, only 2 days’ notice before she flew to Canada with their young son for a role alongside Kiefer Sutherland … but she says she had no choice. McLellan is embroiled in a custody war again…


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Marina Joyce, British Fashion Vlogger Feared Kidnapped by ISIS, Is Okay

Marina Joyce is safe, sound and has not been abducted by terrorists.

We can all breathe a sigh of relief now.

A British fashion vlogger with over 728,000 YouTube subscribers, Joyce sparked a handful of scary rumors this month after appearing in a video in which she appeared to urge viewers to “save me.”

Soon after the footage went viral, #savemarinajoyce started to trend across Twitter and the Metropolitan Police were dispatched to Joyce’s home in London.

Only 19, Joyce was feared to have been kidnapped by the terrorist group ISIS, with fans inundating authorities with panicked phone calls.

These concerns were ignited after Joyce shared a video titled “Date Outfit Ideas” in which she cavorted about her garden while donning a selection of baby doll dresses.

It was really, really weird.

She wore a dazed expression that caused some to fear Islamic extremists had drugged her up in some way, with fans looking closely into her wild eyes and some even claiming they could see the reflection of a hooded cameraman.

Cops got involved in the situation after Marina Joyce invited her 171,000 Twitter followers to an early morning rave led by hippies whose “vision is a happier, healthier and more glittery world.”

She asked them to meet at Bethnal Green at 6.30 am on August 3.

Again, it was all really, really weird.

Joyce tweet

After authorities stopped by Joyce’s residence, however, they Tweeted that the young star is doing just fine, writing on the official Enfield MPS account:

“Officers have visited YouTube user Marina Joyce. She is safe and well. #ETeam #savemarinajoyce.”

The YouTube sensation – who is part of an online group called the “Sacred Moon Cat Tribe” – then made a live broadcast that served to assuage the fears of her followers.

She appeared perfectly fine in the video, repeatedly saying “I love you” and adding: “I’m not in danger and I’m not on drugs.”

However, she advised everyone to avoid going to next week’s “sober, drug free” morning party, the same one she had previously Tweeted about (above).

“Don’t go to the event just in case. I don’t want to get people in trouble,” she said in the new video.

Despite this live stream, a screen capture from which is posted below, many fans remain worried.

“ok so she was on livestream and as soon as she was about to say why she was sad the stream ended #savemarinajoyce,” wrote one on Twitter, while another added:

“She looks so scared and kept tripping on her words.”

Others commented on how Joyce filmed this video in a different room than the one she uses for most videos.

Joyce stream

Hopefully, however, Marina Joyce is just fine, this was all some giant misunderstanding and the following Internet user is right when he or she notes:

Maybe the reason she looks scared in her stream is because she’s the centre of a hysterical social media conspiracy.

Marina Joyce, British Fashion Vlogger Feared Kidnapped by ISIS, Is Okay

Marina Joyce is safe, sound and has not been abducted by terrorists.

We can all breathe a sigh of relief now.

A British fashion vlogger with over 728,000 YouTube subscribers, Joyce sparked a handful of scary rumors this month after appearing in a video in which she appeared to urge viewers to “save me.”

Soon after the footage went viral, #savemarinajoyce started to trend across Twitter and the Metropolitan Police were dispatched to Joyce’s home in London.

Only 19, Joyce was feared to have been kidnapped by the terrorist group ISIS, with fans inundating authorities with panicked phone calls.

These concerns were ignited after Joyce shared a video titled “Date Outfit Ideas” in which she cavorted about her garden while donning a selection of baby doll dresses.

It was really, really weird.

She wore a dazed expression that caused some to fear Islamic extremists had drugged her up in some way, with fans looking closely into her wild eyes and some even claiming they could see the reflection of a hooded cameraman.

Cops got involved in the situation after Marina Joyce invited her 171,000 Twitter followers to an early morning rave led by hippies whose “vision is a happier, healthier and more glittery world.”

She asked them to meet at Bethnal Green at 6.30 am on August 3.

Again, it was all really, really weird.

Joyce tweet

After authorities stopped by Joyce’s residence, however, they Tweeted that the young star is doing just fine, writing on the official Enfield MPS account:

“Officers have visited YouTube user Marina Joyce. She is safe and well. #ETeam #savemarinajoyce.”

The YouTube sensation – who is part of an online group called the “Sacred Moon Cat Tribe” – then made a live broadcast that served to assuage the fears of her followers.

She appeared perfectly fine in the video, repeatedly saying “I love you” and adding: “I’m not in danger and I’m not on drugs.”

However, she advised everyone to avoid going to next week’s “sober, drug free” morning party, the same one she had previously Tweeted about (above).

“Don’t go to the event just in case. I don’t want to get people in trouble,” she said in the new video.

Despite this live stream, a screen capture from which is posted below, many fans remain worried.

“ok so she was on livestream and as soon as she was about to say why she was sad the stream ended #savemarinajoyce,” wrote one on Twitter, while another added:

“She looks so scared and kept tripping on her words.”

Others commented on how Joyce filmed this video in a different room than the one she uses for most videos.

Joyce stream

Hopefully, however, Marina Joyce is just fine, this was all some giant misunderstanding and the following Internet user is right when he or she notes:

Maybe the reason she looks scared in her stream is because she’s the centre of a hysterical social media conspiracy.