Showing posts with label Vlogger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vlogger. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Nasim Aghdam: YouTube Shooter Identified as Disgruntled Vlogger

On Tuesday afternoon a shooting at the YouTube headquarters in San Bruno, California left four employees badly injured.

The shooter has now been identified as 39-year-old Nasim Aghdam, a YouTube user who felt she had been unfairly discriminated aganst by the company.

Aghdam is believed to have taken her own life after the shooting.

A self-described “vegan activist” whose videos often contained radical views about the treatment of animals by the meat industry, Aghdam felt she was being silenced by the company due to her political views.

“I’m being discriminated against on YouTube, and I’m not the only one,” Aghdam says in a video discovered by TMZ today.

“If you got and check my videos, you’ll see that my new videos hardly get viewed. And my old videos that used to get views have stopped getting views.”

“This is what they are doing to vegan activists, and many other people who try to promote healthy human and smart living,” Aghdam alleged.

“People like me are not good for big businesses, like for animal business, for medicine business and for many other businesses. That’s why they are censoring us.”

Aghdam captioned one of her most recent videos with a written tirade condemning the company’s practices:

“There is no free speech in real world & you will be suppressed for telling the truth that is not supported by the system,” she wrote.

“Videos of targeted users are filtered [and] merely relegated, so that people can hardly see their videos!”

She added:

“There is no equal growth opportunity on YOUTUBE or any other video sharing site, your channel will grow if they want to!!!!!”

Aghdam was particularly irritated by the revelation that an exercise video of hers had been flagged for age-inappropriate content.

She likened the clip to music videos by Nicki Minaj and Miley Cyrus that had not been flagged despite what she claimed was far more risqué content.

As for reports that Aghdam knew one of the victims, police say they are still gathering information.

“We know very, very little right now, and we probably won’t know more until tomorrow morning,” says a police spokesperson.

One witness claims that Aghdam could be heard shouting “‘Come at me, or come get me!"” during the rampage.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Friday, October 28, 2016

Eugenia Cooney: Petition Circulating to Ban "Anorexic" Vlogger

Eugenia Cooney, a 22-year-old YouTube vlogger, is under serious fire for what people are considering “promoting an unhealthy lifestyle.” 

Cooney is alarmingly thin – terrifyingly, upsettingly skinny – and though a petition had over 15k signatures on it, there a few things wrong here. 

First, Cooney may or may not be anorexic

If she is, that is, unfortunately her problem, and not our problem to judge her.  

Second, what if Cooney is dying from some kind of terrible disease, but she’s, instead, decided to keep it to herself? 

Third, if we banned all of the “unhealthy behavior” on YouTube and other platforms, there’d be no overweight people on the internet, no smokers, no drinkers, no drug-takers … the list goes on and on. 

The petition on reads, “Eugenia Cooney is a big YouTuber. THOUSANDS of people notice she clearly has an eating disorder by her physical features.” 

“These THOUSANDS of people tell her to get help. Eugenia doesn’t get help for herself because people with eating disorders do not look at their bodies the way healthier people do,” it continued. 

“This effect of her diet is not only giving her a high chance of death, but will also encourage her young viewers to look up to Eugenia and follow in her footsteps.” 

“Please sign this petition to help save lives,” it read.  

“I deeply care about this loving girl who has potential to be a real role model and [has] potential to be healthy.” 

“I know other people out there [agree] that Eugenia needs help. Many people die from an eating disorder every day,” the petition read grimly. 

“It could be Eugenia or one of her followers.” 

The petition’s author claimed that the petition wasn’t designed to “hurt” or “bring down” Cooney, but to “save her.”

The first petition, titled, “Temporarily ban Eugenia Cooney Off of YouTube” was pulled down, but prior to its demise, had over 15k supporters. 

A new petition was created, and this new one now has close to 400 at the time of this writing. 

Yeah, Cooney is thin. 

She really is unhealthy-looking. We get it. 

Eugenia tweeted, “I’m really sorry to the people who want me banned of of YouTube.”

“I’m really not trying to do anything wrong,” she said. 

She wasn’t done there, though. 

“I just don’t really think it is right to try to get people banned off of YouTube unless they’ve done something really bad.” 

Cooney also doesn’t think she needs any help, though, to be fair. 

In a YouTube video, she talked about her weight, and said, “I’m just kind of naturally like that, I guess.” 

“There isn’t really a reason.” 

Girl, just be well. 

And people, stop making assumptions about something that may or may not be correct, all right? 


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Marina Joyce, British Fashion Vlogger Feared Kidnapped by ISIS, Is Okay

Marina Joyce is safe, sound and has not been abducted by terrorists.

We can all breathe a sigh of relief now.

A British fashion vlogger with over 728,000 YouTube subscribers, Joyce sparked a handful of scary rumors this month after appearing in a video in which she appeared to urge viewers to “save me.”

Soon after the footage went viral, #savemarinajoyce started to trend across Twitter and the Metropolitan Police were dispatched to Joyce’s home in London.

Only 19, Joyce was feared to have been kidnapped by the terrorist group ISIS, with fans inundating authorities with panicked phone calls.

These concerns were ignited after Joyce shared a video titled “Date Outfit Ideas” in which she cavorted about her garden while donning a selection of baby doll dresses.

It was really, really weird.

She wore a dazed expression that caused some to fear Islamic extremists had drugged her up in some way, with fans looking closely into her wild eyes and some even claiming they could see the reflection of a hooded cameraman.

Cops got involved in the situation after Marina Joyce invited her 171,000 Twitter followers to an early morning rave led by hippies whose “vision is a happier, healthier and more glittery world.”

She asked them to meet at Bethnal Green at 6.30 am on August 3.

Again, it was all really, really weird.

Joyce tweet

After authorities stopped by Joyce’s residence, however, they Tweeted that the young star is doing just fine, writing on the official Enfield MPS account:

“Officers have visited YouTube user Marina Joyce. She is safe and well. #ETeam #savemarinajoyce.”

The YouTube sensation – who is part of an online group called the “Sacred Moon Cat Tribe” – then made a live broadcast that served to assuage the fears of her followers.

She appeared perfectly fine in the video, repeatedly saying “I love you” and adding: “I’m not in danger and I’m not on drugs.”

However, she advised everyone to avoid going to next week’s “sober, drug free” morning party, the same one she had previously Tweeted about (above).

“Don’t go to the event just in case. I don’t want to get people in trouble,” she said in the new video.

Despite this live stream, a screen capture from which is posted below, many fans remain worried.

“ok so she was on livestream and as soon as she was about to say why she was sad the stream ended #savemarinajoyce,” wrote one on Twitter, while another added:

“She looks so scared and kept tripping on her words.”

Others commented on how Joyce filmed this video in a different room than the one she uses for most videos.

Joyce stream

Hopefully, however, Marina Joyce is just fine, this was all some giant misunderstanding and the following Internet user is right when he or she notes:

Maybe the reason she looks scared in her stream is because she’s the centre of a hysterical social media conspiracy.

Marina Joyce, British Fashion Vlogger Feared Kidnapped by ISIS, Is Okay

Marina Joyce is safe, sound and has not been abducted by terrorists.

We can all breathe a sigh of relief now.

A British fashion vlogger with over 728,000 YouTube subscribers, Joyce sparked a handful of scary rumors this month after appearing in a video in which she appeared to urge viewers to “save me.”

Soon after the footage went viral, #savemarinajoyce started to trend across Twitter and the Metropolitan Police were dispatched to Joyce’s home in London.

Only 19, Joyce was feared to have been kidnapped by the terrorist group ISIS, with fans inundating authorities with panicked phone calls.

These concerns were ignited after Joyce shared a video titled “Date Outfit Ideas” in which she cavorted about her garden while donning a selection of baby doll dresses.

It was really, really weird.

She wore a dazed expression that caused some to fear Islamic extremists had drugged her up in some way, with fans looking closely into her wild eyes and some even claiming they could see the reflection of a hooded cameraman.

Cops got involved in the situation after Marina Joyce invited her 171,000 Twitter followers to an early morning rave led by hippies whose “vision is a happier, healthier and more glittery world.”

She asked them to meet at Bethnal Green at 6.30 am on August 3.

Again, it was all really, really weird.

Joyce tweet

After authorities stopped by Joyce’s residence, however, they Tweeted that the young star is doing just fine, writing on the official Enfield MPS account:

“Officers have visited YouTube user Marina Joyce. She is safe and well. #ETeam #savemarinajoyce.”

The YouTube sensation – who is part of an online group called the “Sacred Moon Cat Tribe” – then made a live broadcast that served to assuage the fears of her followers.

She appeared perfectly fine in the video, repeatedly saying “I love you” and adding: “I’m not in danger and I’m not on drugs.”

However, she advised everyone to avoid going to next week’s “sober, drug free” morning party, the same one she had previously Tweeted about (above).

“Don’t go to the event just in case. I don’t want to get people in trouble,” she said in the new video.

Despite this live stream, a screen capture from which is posted below, many fans remain worried.

“ok so she was on livestream and as soon as she was about to say why she was sad the stream ended #savemarinajoyce,” wrote one on Twitter, while another added:

“She looks so scared and kept tripping on her words.”

Others commented on how Joyce filmed this video in a different room than the one she uses for most videos.

Joyce stream

Hopefully, however, Marina Joyce is just fine, this was all some giant misunderstanding and the following Internet user is right when he or she notes:

Maybe the reason she looks scared in her stream is because she’s the centre of a hysterical social media conspiracy.