Showing posts with label Identified. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Identified. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Demi Lovato Drug Dealer: Identified, Apparently Very Shady

New details have emerged regarding the recent overdose of Demi Lovato.

These details, however, have less to do with Lovato herself and more to do with the individual who supplied the drugs that led to her overdose.

At this point, nearly everyone who follows music or celebrity gossip is aware that Lovato was found unconscious on the morning of July 24.

She had spent the night before out with friends, returning to her home in Beverly Hills afterward with a number of these acquiantances, and was discovered passed out in her bed by her assistant hours later.

This assistant then called 911 and paramedics quickly arrived, administered a drug that helped reverse some of the affects of Demi’s overdose, and then took her to the hospital.

She remained there for about two weeks prior to checking into a treatment center for, what sources have said, will be an extensive recovery period.

So that’s pretty much all we know at the moment about Lovato.

On Tuesday, however, information was published by TMZ about the drug dealer with whom Demi has apparently worked since April of this year.

Sources told this website that Lovato allegedly texted this person around 4 a.m. the morning of her overdose.

The person arrived at Demi’s home with two freebased Oxycodone in tin foil, but the batch he handed over was reportedly laced with fentanyl, the same drug that killed Michael Jackson.

TMZ was somehow made aware that the dealer has been known to purchase dirty drugs from Mexico and that his shady actions in this case may have played a major role in Demi’s near-fatal reaction.

To be clear: Lovato has a serious substance abuse issue and needs professional assistance.

But that can be true and it can also be true that, unbeknownst to the artist, the dealer laced her order with something very dangerous and not requested.

Now, TMZ has actually identified the drug dealer.

His name is Brandon Johnson and he was arrested in March with a stash of guns, drugs and cash, per law enforcement sources.

This arrest took place just a few weeks before Lovato reportedly started using Johnson as her dealer, right around the time she fell off her six-year long wagon.

When the police picked Johnson up in North Hollywood, he allegedly had narcotics, a fully loaded semi-automatic handgun and $ 10,000 in his pocket. 

Officers proceeded to scour Johnson’s residence and discover eveb more guns, drugs and ammunition.

He was also arrested in June and charged with DUI and possession of cocaine. 

A source close to Johnson tells TMZ he’s been telling friends he and Demi have had a “romantic relationship,” but such a connection has not yet been corroborated.

He also denies selling Lovato drugs, but of course he does, right?

The guy probably denies selling anyone drugs.

We’ll continue to update readers with as much information about Lovato and her rehab as we can, but fans should not get their hopes up.

She will reportedly be away and receiving treatment for a number of months, secluded from the press and from the public.

As she should be. Whatever it takes to make sure this sort of thing never happens again.


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Nasim Aghdam: YouTube Shooter Identified as Disgruntled Vlogger

On Tuesday afternoon a shooting at the YouTube headquarters in San Bruno, California left four employees badly injured.

The shooter has now been identified as 39-year-old Nasim Aghdam, a YouTube user who felt she had been unfairly discriminated aganst by the company.

Aghdam is believed to have taken her own life after the shooting.

A self-described “vegan activist” whose videos often contained radical views about the treatment of animals by the meat industry, Aghdam felt she was being silenced by the company due to her political views.

“I’m being discriminated against on YouTube, and I’m not the only one,” Aghdam says in a video discovered by TMZ today.

“If you got and check my videos, you’ll see that my new videos hardly get viewed. And my old videos that used to get views have stopped getting views.”

“This is what they are doing to vegan activists, and many other people who try to promote healthy human and smart living,” Aghdam alleged.

“People like me are not good for big businesses, like for animal business, for medicine business and for many other businesses. That’s why they are censoring us.”

Aghdam captioned one of her most recent videos with a written tirade condemning the company’s practices:

“There is no free speech in real world & you will be suppressed for telling the truth that is not supported by the system,” she wrote.

“Videos of targeted users are filtered [and] merely relegated, so that people can hardly see their videos!”

She added:

“There is no equal growth opportunity on YOUTUBE or any other video sharing site, your channel will grow if they want to!!!!!”

Aghdam was particularly irritated by the revelation that an exercise video of hers had been flagged for age-inappropriate content.

She likened the clip to music videos by Nicki Minaj and Miley Cyrus that had not been flagged despite what she claimed was far more risqué content.

As for reports that Aghdam knew one of the victims, police say they are still gathering information.

“We know very, very little right now, and we probably won’t know more until tomorrow morning,” says a police spokesperson.

One witness claims that Aghdam could be heard shouting “‘Come at me, or come get me!"” during the rampage.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Blac Chyna Sex Tape Partner: Identified... and Angry!

In the Blac Chyna sex tape that made its way around the Internet on Monday, this controversial reality star is on her back, performing a blow job.

But the man to whom she is providing this pleasureful act has now made his identity known, and his reaction to the leaked footage may come as a surprise to some readers.

He says it blows!

According to TMZ, the Blac Chyna sex tape in question was filmed last July.

The star’s partner is her ex-boyfriend, a rapper named Mechie who enjoyed a memorable fling with Chyna around that time.

We shared fairly explicit images of Mechie kissing Chyna on Instagram last summer, along with the rather shocking news that he actually got a tattoo of his then-lover’s initials across his neck.

The fling only lasted for a few weeks (reports indicated last year that Chyna dumped Mechie due to his excessive social media flirting with other women)…

… but it was apparently serious enough for Chyna and Mechie to film themselves being all intimate and stuff.

Here’s the thing, though:

Even though a rep for Mechie confirms this little-known artist was holding the camera while Chyna placed her mouth over his penis many times, the rep also claims Mechie is NOT the person who leaked the footage.

In fact, the rep tells TMZ that Mechie is really pissed the video went public!

He states that he used Chyna’s phone to film the sexual encounter and that he never had his own copy of the taped BJ.

This means that only one of three possibilities are really at play here:

ONE: Blac Chyna is lying and she leaked the sex tape.

TWO: Mechie is lying and he leaked the sex tape.

THREE: Someone hacked into Chyna’s phone and this person leaked the sex tape.

On Monday evening, a few hours after the Internet scoffed and laughed at Chyna for going down on some dude on video, two lawyers spoke out on Chyna’s behalf.

First, Lisa Bloom said via statement:

“Revenge porn – posting explicit images without the consent of everyone in those images – is a crime, a civil wrong, and a form of domestic abuse.

“It’s also a cruel attempt to slut shame women for being sexual. Girls have killed themselves over revenge porn. It’s not a joke.”

Then, Walter Mosley (seen above with his client) said simply that this was a “criminal” matter that ought to be investigated by the police, while adding a lengthy and heartfelt statement.

It’s worth reposting again below.

Here it is:

We have to change this culture of abuse and assault against women. Today’s post saddens me deeply as it is an attack not only against my client but my friend.

Why do we think it’s acceptable to sell, or publish, or seek revenge, or blackmail women in this way and without their consent? It’s not.

Men … we have to do better. I’m tired of telling my clients to not make videos because the men will put them out later.

It’s like I’m telling them not to wear short skirts because you’re going to entice a man to rape you. #smh And like most rapes, these betrayals often come from those most close to us.

So today I’m saying, men we need to do better. We need to tell each other to do better.

We need to stop sharing these videos with each other in the club, at the barbershop or (and especially) online. It is a morally corrupt action, which is (at least in California) criminal.

Maybe it is time to set an example.

Mechie, of course, is alleging that he does know better and did not release this tape.

We’ll update this story as more news breaks.


Monday, December 11, 2017

NYC Pipe Bomber Captured Alive and Identified

The guy who strapped a pipe bomb to himself and set it off in an NYC subway has been captured alive … and police say it was “absolutely an attempted terrorist act.” The bomber, now identified as 27-year-old Akayed Ullah, was walking in one of the…


NYC Pipe Bomber Captured Alive and Identified

The guy who strapped a pipe bomb to himself and set it off in an NYC subway has been captured alive … and police say it was “absolutely an attempted terrorist act.” The bomber, now identified as 27-year-old Akayed Ullah, was walking in one of the…


Friday, October 6, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: New Boyfriend Identified?!

Kailyn Lowry has a lot on her plate these days.

Over the summer, she became a mother of three, as well as a college grad.

In addition to her role on Teen Mom 2, Kail currently has several projects in the works, including a new TV show and a collaboration with former husband Javi Marroquin, in which both exes will pen a book offering their account of their highly-publicized divorce.

But even the busiest among us need companionship, and it seems that Kail’s many work and family obligations haven’t prevented her from finding love.

Or at least that’s the conclusion some fans have reached based on some of Kailyn’s latest social media activity.

Yesterday, Kailyn exchanged tweets with a ‘”friend” named Dionisio Cephas.

Based on their conversation, many fans now believe Kail and Dionisio are more than just friends.

“What are the chances I’ll actually see @ttcu1 today?” Kail tweeted.

“Stop acting like I don’t live next door,” Cephas responded.

“Long distance relationship with the guy next door #catfish,” Lowry joked.

It was then that a fan interjected with some trash talk that Kail actually appreciated.

“Watch out bro, she’s in heat,” the fan joked, to which Kailyn replied, “That was actually funny.”

Hey, no one’s ever accused Kailyn of not having a sense of humor about herself.

The news that she may be in a new relationship has come as a surprise to many fans, as it was recently rumored that Kailyn was back together with Chris Lopez, the father of her third child.

Now, it looks as though that ship has definitively sailed.

So who is Dionisio?

Well, based on his Twitter, it seems Cephas (possibly not his real name) is a Delaware resident and hip hop producer.

As for the speculation that he might be Kailyn’s next baby daddy?

Well, Dionisio says that won’t be happening anytime soon.

“I’m not having kids until I’m married people,” he recently tweeted.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Kailyn’s hustle and heart.


Monday, October 2, 2017

Stephen Paddock: Las Vegas Shooter Identified

This morning, millions awoke to the shocking news that a gunman had taken the lives of 50 civilians and wounded as many as 200 more in Las Vegas.

The terrorist attack, which is now the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history, took place at a country music concert while singer Jason Aldean was performing.

Police have identified the shooter as 64-year-old Mesquite, Nevada resident Stephen Paddock.

Paddock, shown above with his “companion,” Marilou Dannley, is believed to have begun his attack at approximately 10:00 pm local time.

He was killed by police in his room at the Mandalay Bay hotel shortly after the attack.

Police were reportedly able to locate Paddock quickly due to the smoke from his weapon setting off hotel fire detectors.

Paddock’s motives for the shooting remain unclear.

Early reports indicate that he was not a member of any militant group, and was not known to hold any extremist political or religious beliefs.

Dannley, who lived with Paddock in Mesquite, was apprehended for questioning at 3:40 this morning.

Police have described her as a “person of interest.”

It is not currently known if she’s being treated as an accomplice in the attack.

Several guns, including at least 8 rifles, were found in the room rented by Paddock and Dannley.

“We have no idea what his belief system was,” Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said during a press briefing.

“Right now, we believe he was the sole aggressor, and the scene is static.”

With 50 dead and more than 400 reported injured by local hospitals, the killing spree surpasses the 2016 Pulse nightclub shooting as the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.

Several media outlets have reported that this is America’s 273rd mass shooting in 2017, and it took place on the 273rd day of the year, meaning, of course, that the United States now averages one mass shooting per year.

Our thoughts go out to the loved ones of those killed and wounded in this tragic and infurating attack.

We will have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.


Monday, September 25, 2017

Tupac Shakur Killer: Finally Identified In New Documentary?

It’s been 21 years since Tupac Shakur was gunned down in Las Vegas.

The hip hop icon was just 25 years old when he was killed.

Tupac’s death remains a subject of fascination for many, not only because such a tremendous talent was struck down in his prime, but also because of the mysterious circumstances surrounding his murder.

On Sunday night, Fox aired a two-hour documentary entitled Who Shot Biggie & Tupac? and despite the lurid title, the special featured real insights and evidence from those familiar with the cases.

In fact, two police officers with intimate knowledge of the details of the murder offered what they say is the decisive answer to the question of who shot Shakur.

Officers Tim Bennan and Robert Ladd were both employed by the Compton Police Department at the time of Shakur’s murder.

Since the shooting took place in Las Vegas, they were not directly involved with the investigation, but the officers did coordinate with detectives who worked on the case.

Bennan and Ladd say they pointed the investigation in the direction of a man who they still believe is the culprit.

“We believe Orlando Anderson was the one who did it,” Ladd told journalist Soledad O’Brien on last night’s show.

Anderson had been on the LAPD’s radar from the time he attempted to shoot someone as part of a Crips gang initiation when he was just 15.

At the time of Shakur’s death, Anderson was already under investigation for his alleged involvement in a different murder.

Ladd and Bennan say that despite all the theories about elaborate conspiracies surrounding Tupac’s death (many believe jailed former music mogul Suge Knight ordered Shakur’s murder), the motive was no more complex than an old beef amongst gang members.

“They had all these other theories going on, but it was a really simple gang one-on-one to Tim and I,” Ladd says of the investigating officers.

Anderson certainly had motive–he was a member of a rival gang and had once suffered a savage beating at the hands of Shakur’s security team–and Bennan and Ladd say they were able to trace the murder weapon back to him.

Bennan says he found the .40 calibre handgun that was used to murder Shakur in a Compton evidence locker.

A tag stated that it was found at a gang member’s girlfriend’s house.

Officers later learned that that gang member had also been murdered in Las Vegas around the time of Shakur’s death.

Vegas police chose not to pursue the lead, and as a result, Bennan and Ladd say, they allowed a killer to go free.

Anderson was murdered in a dispute over drug money in 1998, which means Bennan and Ladd’s theory will likely remain unproven.

And hopeful fans will continue to theorize that Tupac is still alive somewhere.


Sunday, August 13, 2017

Driver Who Plowed Into Charlottesville Counterprotesters Identified, Booked on Suspicion of Murder

The alleged driver of the car that plowed into a group of white nationalist rally counterprotesters in Charlottesville has been booked on suspicion of second-degree murder. The suspect’s been identified as James Alex Fields Jr., a 20-year-old Ohio…


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

TMZ Live: Rihanna: New Man Identified!

HERE’S THE RUNDOWN Bachelor In Paradise: Producers’ Close Watch Brody Jenner: Lynched! Migos To Chris Brown: Get On Our Level! Justin Bieber Fan Gets Lucky


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

James T. Hodgkinson: Identified as Alexandria Shooter; What Do We Know About Him?

James T. Hodgkinson has been identified as the man who opened fire with a semiautomatic weapon on Wednesday morning in Alexandria, Virginia.

As previously reported, the incident took place around 7 a.m. on a baseball field where Republican Congressmen were taking batting and fielding practice.

Five people were reportedly injured in the attack, most prominent among then Representative Steve Scalise from Louisiana.

He’s been listed in stable condition and his office confirmed that Scalise was in “good spirits” upon wheeled in for surgery at a local hospital.

Rand Paul was among those present during the attack and described the baseball field as a “killing field” during an interview on Morning Joe.

He said the death toll would have been unimaginable if not for the swift actions of Capitol Police.

Added Congressman Mo Brooks, who estimates that Hodgkinson fired at minimum 50 rounds before authorities took him out.

“I see a rifle… I hear another blam… at the same time I heard Steve Scalise scream. He was shot… It sure as heck wasn’t an accident. He was going after elected officials.”

It has since been confirmed that Hodgkinson asked someone close to the baseball field whether the man playing on it were Republicans or Democrats.

As of 9:45 a.m. EST, Steve Scalise was in stable condition and entering surgery following a heinous attack orchestrated by James T. Hodgkinson.

“We may have our differences, but we do well, in times like these, to remember that everyone who serves in our nation’s capital is here because, above all, they love our country,” President Trump said in a statement, adding:

“We can all agree that we are blessed to be Americans, that our children deserve to grow up in a nation of safety and peace, and that we are strongest when we are unified and when we work together for the common good.”

“Please take a moment today to cherish those you love, and always remember those who serve and keep us safe. God bless them all, God bless you, and God Bless America.”

The President also confirmed that James T. Hodgkinson is dead from the injuries he sustained upon exchanging gunfire with officers.

This is what we know about James T. Hodgkinson:

– He was a 66-year old resident of Belleville, Illinois.

– He belonged to a number of anti-Republican groups, including one called “Terminate the Republican Party.”

– He was a licensed home inspector from 1994 to 1997 and also from 2003 through 2016.

– Two days ago, Hodgkinson shared an angry tweet about President Trump on Facebook. It reads as follows:

I Want to Say Mr. President, for being an ass hole you are Truly the Biggest Ass Hole We Have Ever Had in the Oval Office.

– He has been arrested or cited for such offenses such as: Failing to obtain electrical permits, damaging a motor vehicle, resisting a peace officer, eluding police, criminal damage to property, driving under the influence and assorted traffic violations.

Hodgkinson also volunteered for the Presidential campaign of Senator Bernie Sanders in 2016.

Upon learning this piece of information, Sanders released the following statement:

“I am sickened by this despicable act. Let me be as clear as I can be:

“Violence of any kind is unacceptable in our society and I condemn this action in the strongest possible terms.”

sanders statement

Law enforcement officials say there’s no reason to believe the assailant had ties to international terrorism.

Two firearms, a rifle and a handgun, were recovered from the scene, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives say.

The shooting also wounded two members of a dignitary protection unit of the U.S. Capitol Police,. along with two members of the Capitol Police.

All are in good condition.


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Salman Abedi Identified as Manchester Bomber: Who is He?

A 22-year-old native of Great Britain has been identified as the suicide bomber who killed 22 people and injured 59 others at Manchester Arena on Monday night.

His name is Salman Abedi.


Mourners gather in Britain to pay their respects to those who died in the bombing.

According to The New York Times and other outlets, Salman Abedi resided in a house just three-and-a-half miles from the venue, which was holding an Ariana Grande concert when the terrorist act was carried out.

Police have confirmed that Abedi detonated his explosive just as the concert ended, as thousands of young fans were exiting the arena and heading for the adjacent train station

As of this writing, 22 people are reported dead as a result of the blast, while 59 are seriously injured.

One victim was an 18-year old girl and one was an eight-year old.

Because Grande is especially popular among this young demographic, a significant number of those killed or wounded were teenagers or children.

At a late afternoon news conference, Chief Constable Ian Hopkins of the Greater Manchester Police named Abedi as the bomber and added that he died in the blast.

heart hands pic

A man creates a heart symbol with his hands in front of Nelson’s Column during a vigil for the victims of the Manchester Arena terror attack in Trafalgar Square.

Abedi was reportedly known to British authorities prior to this incident.

Details on such sensitive information are understandably scarce at the moment, but he was recognized as a potential terrorist before blowing him and many others up on Monday.

Abedi was registered as living in a Manchester house where police set off a controlled explosion Tuesday, the Associated Press reported, citing voting records.

He was born in Great Britain in 1994 to parents who came to the country from Libya, according to an official who spoke to The New York Times.

“The priority remains to establish whether he was acting alone or as part of a network,” Chief Constable Hopkins said as part of a longer statement while addressing the press today.

Here’s a look at excerpts from that exchange:

hopkins statement

Earlier in the day, ISIS issued its claim of responsibility for the fatal act in a brief, generic statement that did not identify the bomber and appeared to get a few of the facts wrong.

It alleged a “caliphate soldier managed to place a number of devices among a gathering of crusaders in Manchester, and detonated them.”

That is not what actually transpired, but the bottom line is that this explosion marked the deadliest mass killing in Great Britain since the 2005 London subway bombings, which left 52 people dead.

As for how officials feel confident that was behind the attack?

His ID was found at the scene of the bombing, according to a law enforcement official, speaking on the condition of anonymity because the investigation remains underway. 

Abedi lived with his family and “didn’t really speak to anyone,” a neighbor tells The New York Times, adding that he seemed “nice” if you wandered past him.

manchester massacre

Police have also arrested a 23-year-old as part of their investigation into what happened.

Reaction to the heinous act continues to come in, from all corners of the world.

Donald Trump has referred to the perpetrators as “losers,” while Grande simply said she was “broken” on Twitter.

British Prime Minister Theresa May called the explosion “a callous terror attack” and said it was “among the worst terrorist incidents we have ever experienced in the United Kingdom.”

She added:

“This attack stands out for its appalling, sickening cowardice, deliberately targeting innocent, defenseless children and young people.”

police in england

We continue to pray for all affected and we’ll continue to update the site with more news as it breaks.

May all the victims rest in peace.


Ariana Grande Concert Victims Identified. One Was 8 Years Old.

We have a tragic update on the Ariana Grande concert bombing from Monday night.

As previously reported in detail, a suicide bomber detonated what authorities are referring to as a “nail bomb” around 10:30 p.m., shortly after the young singer completed her set and bid farewell to her fans.

manchester massacre

The explosion is believed to have been set off in the concession area of the Manchester Arena, prompting mass chaos and confusion, with thousands of attendees rushing toward the nearest exit.

The bomber killed himself in the blast, but a 23-year old has been arrested in connection with the incident and ISIS has taken responsibility for carrying it out.

A total of 22 people died in the terrorist act, while 59 others were injured.

And reports have now identified two of the victims.

One was named Georgina Callander.

She was a student at Runshaw College in Leyland and previously attended Bishop Rawstorne Church of England Academy.

In the wake of her identification, Bishop Rawstorne released a statement mourning the 18-year old.

It reads as follows:

Georgina was a lovely young student who was very popular with her peers and the staff and always made the most of the opportunities she had at the school.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Georgina’s family at this terrible time, and we think especially of her brothers Harry and Daniel who are also former students of the school.

The Evening Standard reports Callander passed away with her mother at her bedside in hospital.

Callander had actually met Grande two years ago and Tweeted ahead of Monday’s show that she was so excited to see the artist in person once again.

Here’s a photo of Georgina posing with Grande in 2015:

Another victim in the attack has been identified as 8-year-old Saffie Rose Roussos.

She was attending the concert with her older sister and mother, both of whom are both being treated at hospitals for injuries they sustained during the explosion

Chris Upton, headteacher at the Tarleton Community Primary School, tells People Magazine that Saffie’s death “has come as a tremendous shock.

He continued as follows:

The thought that anyone could go out to a concert and not come home is heartbreaking.

Saffie was simply a beautiful little girl in every aspect of the word. She was loved by everyone and her warmth and kindness will be remembered fondly.

Saffie was quiet and unassuming with a creative flair.

Here is a photo of the late eight-year old:

Following police confirmation of the 22 deaths and approximately 59 injuries sustained, Grande Tweeted a simple message:

She didn’t know what to say except for: “Broken. From the bottom of my heart, I am so so sorry. I don’t have words.”

Chief Constable Ian Hopkins has said there was just one attacker, but he clearly had ties to ISIS.

“The attacker, I can confirm, died at the arena. We believe the attacker was carrying an improvised explosive device, which he detonated, causing this atrocity,” Hopkins said, adding:

“We have been treating this as a terrorist incident and we believe, at this stage, the attack last night was conducted by one man.

“The priority is to establish whether he was acting alone or as part of a network.”

In response to the tragedy, celebrities from across all industries have sent their condolences on social media:

star on ariana

We share in this grief and shock.

We send our thoughts and prayers to all affected by this horrible act.

May they all rest in peace.


Monday, April 24, 2017

Aaron Hernandez: Gay Prison Lover Identified?

Last week, the world was shocked to learn that former New England Patriots tight end and convicted murderer Aaron Hernandez was found dead in his prison cell after having apparently taken his own life.

As details of the 27-year-old’s final moments emerged, it became clear that the tragic incident might forever be surrounded in mystery.

Authorities confirmed that Hernandez scrawled a Bible passage on his forehead in red ink and used the same ink to create the appearance of wounds on his hands and feet in apparent reference to the crucifixion of Christ.

The Bible in his cell lay open to the chapter and verse written on his forehead, and tucked inside the pages were three separate suicide notes:

One was addressed to Hernandez’s former fiancee, another to his 4-year-old daughter, and a third to a fellow inmate.

It’s been widely reported that the inmate was Hernandez’s gay lover

Details about the convict were slow to emerge, but today, Radar Online is identifying him as Kyle Kennedy, a 22-year-old Massachusetts man serving a sentence on armed robbery charges.

The contents of the letters remain unknown, but those familiar with the situation say there’s little doubt that Hernandez and Kennedy were involved in a romantic relationship.

Insiders add that prior to his death, Hernandez transferred ownership of a $ 50,000 watch to Kennedy as a gift for when he’s released from prison.

Kennedy has reportedly been on suicide watch ever since the night when Hernandez’s body was found.

Kennedy has been in prison since January of 2015, when he was arrested after robbing a gas station cashier with a knife.

The revelation that Hernandez may have been bisexual sheds new light on the details of his murder conviction.

Throughout the trial, a Hernandez associate named Ernest Wallace claimed that Hernandez’s victim, Odin Lloyd, repeatedly taunted the athlete with gay slurs and threatened to out him.

Wallace says he believes it was Hernandez’s fear of being exposed as bisexual that motivated him to take Lloyd’s life.

We may never find out for certain what motivated Hernandez to murder Lloyd and then take his own life.

All we know now is that this unimaginably tragic situation somehow continues to get sadder by the day.


Friday, January 6, 2017

Esteban Santiago Identified as Fort Lauderdale Airport Shooter

Esteban Santiago, a 26-year-old born in New Jersey, has been identified by law enforcement officials as the man responsible for the tragic shooting this afternoon in Fort Lauderdale.

In a story that continues to develop, this is what we can report at the moment:

Just before 1 p.m, The Broward Sheriff’s Office says it received a call that an incident had taken place at the local airport.

airport pic

When authorities arrived on the scene, they saw people sprinting across the tarmac between terminals; while others took cover behind parked cars.

It has since been confirmed that the shooting occurred at the baggage claim inside Terminal 2.

(For what it’s worth, Air Canada and Delta Airlines operate out of Terminal 2.)

Broward County Mayor Barbara Sharief told CNN soon after the news went viral that five people are dead and 13 others have been transpired to the hospital.

Among those on the scene was actually former White House spokesman Ari Fleischer, who Tweeted the following update from the premises, a mere two minutes after the Sheriff’s Office received the aforementioned phone call:

ari tweet

Just before 3 p.m., the Sheriff tweeted that an “active search” was underway at the airport due to “unconfirmed reports of addt’l shots fired on airport property” after the initial incident.”

It is unknown at this time just how authorities apprehended Santiago, but he is in custody.

According to NBC News, Santiago was born in March of 1990 and had a military ID on him when he was arrested.

A U.S. intelligence official told the outlet that it was too early to assign a motive to his alleged, heinous actions.

It is believed, however, that he acted alone.

sheriff tweet

Agencies on the scene include Fort Lauderdale Police, Hollywood Police, Broward County Sheriff’s Office, the TSA, the ATF, and the FBI.

The Florida Highway Patrol is directing traffic and the airport has, of course, been temporarily shut down.

Florida Governor Rick Scott updated Twitter followers on social media as follows:

“I am on my way to Fort Lauderdale International Airport to be briefed by law enforcement.”

And both President-Elect Donald Trump and Vice President-Elect Mike Pence have weighed in on the scary incident.

“Monitoring the terrible situation in Florida. Just spoke to Governor Scott. Thoughts and prayers for all. Stay safe!” wrote Trump.

Added Pence:

“Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their families and our first responders in Fort Lauderdale, FL.”

airport tweets

In November of 2016, nearly 2.5 million travelers passed through Fort Lauderdale’s airport, according to a government report on the facility. 

On a daily basis, more than 325 departure and 325 arrival flights come in and out of the facility, with over 73,000 travelers making their way around the airport.

There are four terminals at the airport, which ranks 21st in the country in terms of total passengers, and the area looked like a “war zone” shortly after the shooting broke out, according to one witness who spoke to CNN.

Our thoughts go out to the victims of this terrible crime.

FL tweet

We will continue to provide updates as more news breaks.


Friday, July 15, 2016

Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel Identified as Bastille Day Attacker

Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel has been identified as the man who killed nearly 100 people in Nice, France on Thursday night.

french flag

As previously reported, tragedy stuck this city during a celebration of Bastille Day last night, with this 31-year-old French-Tunisian allegedly plowing through a crowd of people with his truck.

He drove it nearly two kilometers, taking out a multitude of revelers in the process.

At the latest count, 84 people had been killed in the attack and over 100 injured.

However, French President Francois Hollande said this morning that the death toll is expected to rise throughout the coming days.

According to The Associated Press, he said that around 50 people are hovering between life and death as a result of Bouhlel’s unspeakable actions.

Hollande explained that the truck attack was done “to satisfy the cruelty of an individual, and maybe a group,” adding that France is “facing a struggle, which will be long.”

France attack

In light of this terrorist action, President Obama released the following statement yesterday evening:

“We stand in solidarity and partnership with France, our oldest ally, as they respond to and recover from this attack.”

Multiple eyewitnesses have also spoken to various outlets over the last 12 hours or so, documents what they saw on the street.

“There was carnage on the road,” Wassim Bouhlel, a Nice native, told The AP, saying “bodies [were] everywhere.”

Regarding Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel:

CNN says the suspected attacker was known to police for nothing more than petty crimes.

No group has yet claimed responsibility for the mass murder, althought officers are searching Bouhlel’s home in the Abattoirs neighborhood of the French Riviera city for clues or evidence.

truck crash

Aside from just driving the truck through a sea of humanity, Bouhlel has loaded up the vehicle with arms and grenades, according to the AP. 

He opened his door upon eventually stopping and then opened fire, prior to being killed in a shoout with police.

We send our thoughts and prayers to the victims of this attack.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Micah Johnson Identified as Dallas Sniper, Says He Wanted to "Kill White People"

Micah X. Johnson has been identified as sniper responsible for last night’s heinous incident in Dallas.

Police Chief David Brown confirmed this news at a press conference today, saying Johnson was the man who killed five police officers and wounded seven others in the deadliest attack on a police force since 9/11.

Johnson was a a 25-year-old who served six years in the Army Reserve.

He was killed early Friday when authorities deployed a robot to blow up an explosive device in the parking garage where the Johnson was taking cover.

This put an end to a horrific incident.

Just a few hours earlier, thousands of people had gathered at a protest in connection to a pair of recent deaths; those of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile.

Sterling was killed by police in Louisiana on Tuesday, while Castile was killed by police a day later in Minnesota.

Both men were African-American and both lost their lives to white officers, sparking a new round of outrage over across the country over the way black citizens are treated white members of the police force.

Learn more about the shooting in Dallas via this news report:

Said Brown at his press conference, discussing Johnson in more disturbing detail:

“The suspect said he was upset at white people. The suspect stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.

“The suspect said he was upset about Black Lives Matter. He said he was upset about the recent police shootings.”

Johnson allegedly opened fire Thursday evening on what had been a peaceful demonstration; demonstrators were sent running for their lives as a result.

Police eventually cornered Johnson in a parking garage and attempted to negotiate with him before sending in the robot bomb to protect more officers from harm.

According to Brown, Johnson told officers at the scene that he had acted alone.

Still, Brown says there may have been other assailants.

He has not divulged any further details about them or about why he believes they exist.

The following collage, meanwhile, appeared on the Facebook page of Johnson’s sister, Nicole Johnson, today.

She shared numerous times on her account to express disbelief over her brother’s reported role in the tragedy.

“I keep saying its not true…my eyes hurt from crying. Y him???” Nicole wrote in a post. “And why was he downtown smh”

Johnson’s own social media accounts, meanwhile,  reveal he was a member of several Black Panther organizations, including The New Black Panther Party Houston Chapter.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Omar Mateen Identified as Orlando Shooting Culprit

Omar Mateen has been identified as the shooter who took the lives of over 50 people inside an Orlando nightclub on Saturday night.

As previously and tragically reported, the terrible incident took place at a gay establishment called Pure.

Initial reports indicated the death toll hovered around 20, but news reports say over 50 people were killed by Omar Mateen, making this the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.

The terrorist opened fire just after 2 a.m, according to police.

An officer working at Pure initially responded to the shooter, “engaging in the gun battle with the suspect” before the suspect went back into the club, Orlando Police Chief John Mina explained at a Sunday morning news conference.

Mateen also numerous people hostage for several hours.

At approximately 5 a.m., authorities moved in to rescue these individuals.

More gunshots followed, with police using explosives in an attempt to distract the suspect.

This is what we know about Omar Mateen:

He was a 29-year old America citizen with Afghan parents.

Police are treating this as a hate crime, saying Mateen was targeting gay people in his attack.

It is believed that Mateen is a radical Islamist, although it is unknown at this time whether he was representing any terrorist organization with his heinous actions.

Mateen’s father told NBC News that “this has nothing to do with religion,” saying instead that the culprit grew enraged after seeing two men kissing a few months ago in Miami.

The father speculates this eye witness account may have triggered his decision to commit mass murder.

Law enforcement confirm that Mateen had on him assault weapon, a handgun and two suspicious devices.

Shortly after the massacre, officers descending upon Mateen’s home to find further evidence and learn more about the gunman responsible for a minimum of 50 deaths.

A TMZ records search, meanwhile, states that Mateen held a Florida security officer license and a state firearms license..