Showing posts with label 'Dallas'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 'Dallas'. Show all posts

Monday, August 1, 2016

Cameron Dallas Just Slut-Shamed Jessca Alba at the Teen Choice Awards

Someone named Cameron Dallas owes Jessica Alba a major apology.

The quasi celebrity tried to make a name for himself at the 2016 Teen Choice Awards on Sunday night, accepting the surfboard for Social Media King and then trying to be all witty afterward.

Playing a quick (and random) game of “Would You Rather” backstage, Dallas was asked whose toothbrush he would prefer to use, that of Justin Timberlake or that of Jessica Alba.

He chose Justin Timberlake.

Which, you know, sure, whatever, cool, fine.

But then he gave his reasoning for this selection.

“I would honestly choose Justin Timberlake just because I don’t know where Jessica’s been,” Dallas says, just trying to make a joke, we guess.

But what kind of joke is that?!? The kind where Jessica Alba is all gross and promiscuous?!?

Not that she needs our defense in any way, shape or form, but for the record:

Alba has been married to Cash Warren since 2008. She has two kids with her husband. There has not been a single rumor of infidelity in their eight-plus years of marriage.

But whatever.

Who is Cameron Dallas to make any sort of disparaging remark about any woman’s sexual past no matter what?!?

Making this matter even worse?

Alba led a tribute at the Teen Choice Awards to the victims of gun violence across America.

So while Cameron Dallas was being a sexist fool, Jessica Alba was being an inspiring activist, as you can see below.

@camerondallas what gives you the idea that it’s okay to slut shame Jessica Alba on live tv. Your publicist will have fun with this one. – @dacissej

And the Internet took notice.

Here are a handful of reactions to Dallas’ unfunny joke:

I’m offended on behalf of Jessica Alba after hearing Cameron Dallas at the #TeenChoiceAwards #TeenChoice – @kelseyncastro

@camerondallas what gives you the idea that it’s okay to slut shame Jessica Alba on live tv. Your publicist will have fun with this one. – @dacissej

Where has @jessicaalba been, @camerondallas? Running a multi-million dollar company and raising a family. Punk. – @lindsayraedenn

Clearly aware of all the backlash he was receiving, Dallas jumped on Twitter last night and wrote the following: 

Yo it was literally a joke, I love @jessicaalba and would share a toothbrush with her till I die lol. Really thankful for the message @jessicaalba spoke tonight, that’s what we should focus on.

Yes, we know it was a joke.

And we don’t doubt you are sorry, dude.

But it was a joke rooted in sexism. That’s the entire point.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Dallas Man Falls Off Waterslide, Lives To Post About It

It"s all fun and games until someone goes off the rails.  Literally.

David Salmon was having a grand old time at a private home outside of Austin, Texas, which boasts a nifty water slide.

Unfortunately, when Salmon took part in one of America"s favorite past times (right up there with homemade fireworks and beers on a boat), he got more than he bargained for.

In the video below, Salmon is seen trying to steer himself down the waterslide with his hand.  

While rounding a corner, Salmon flew right up over the side and landed ten feet down on a rocky hillside.

Salmon was taken to the hospital, where he was treated for a broken arm and broken ribs, along with some serious bruises and scratches.

"I"d gone down a few times [before] and it was fast.  But this time, I just couldn"t slow down," Salmon told Fox 4 Dallas.

"I threw my arm out and went right over the edge," he recalled.

"For a split second I was like, "oh no," and then it was a hard crash.  The rest was all blurry," the 32-year-old said from his bed, eager to stress that while he"s OK, he"s in a lot pain from what he calls a "freak accident."

Salmon, who told the news station that he doesn"t want to be known as "Water Slide Guy," posted the video and a message on Facebook.

"Too dang old to be going down water slides," he wrote.

"Fell off this one that is over a rocky cliff. First time in an ambulance. I"m currently in the hospital in Round Rock. Broke my arm (humerus) and fractured ribs. Multiple lacerations on my back, arms and side.

"Just found out I don"t need surgery so that"s good news! One more night in Austin then I can go home to Dallas."

#‎waterslide‬ ‪#‎fail‬ ‪#‎failvideo‬ ‪#‎brokenarm‬ ‪#‎notdead‬

Dallas man falls off slide lives to post about it

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Tomi Lahren Blames Obama for Dallas Shooting: WATCH!

Tomi Lahren, an outspoken anchor on The Blaze, has once again stirred up major controversy with her thoughts on American race relations.

Last week, Lahren Tweeted that the Black Lives Matter movement was akin to the KKK, writing the following message on her social media account:

In response, over 56,000 people have signed a petition that calls for Lahren to be ousted from her post as a member of Glenn Beck"s Web network.

That seems unlikely to happen, however, considering Lahren is bringing a great deal of attention to The Blaze.

In her “Final Thoughts” on Tuesday, for example, the 23-year old blamed President Obama (who she refers to derisively as “Barry”) and “two black attorney generals” for the country’s growing racial tensions.

“Almost eight years in office and two black attorney generals as head of the Justice Department, and where are we today?” Lahren asks in the following video.

“We are more divided now than ever before.”

Most people would agree with the latter sentence.

But not as many people would agree with where Lahren lays blame for it.

Lahren went on to give her viewers a history lesson. She states that minority communities have never trusted police… that officers have generally “dealt” with the ensuing distress… and that, at the moment, everything has been “reduced to race.”

Touching on the topic of President Obama’s speech after the Dallas shootings, Tomi Lahren denounced the “rush” to blame white officers for escalating tensions.

She also questioned the tone of the Black Lives Matter movement.

According to the controversial host, the sniper Micah Johnson did NOT just have a “troubled mind," as President Obama implied – but was inspired by the anti-cops and anti-white rhetoric of Black Lives Matter.

Watch her latest take on this hot button subject below.

This video has been viewed over 790,000 times as of this writing.

We shudder to think about the number of those viewers who agree with Tomi Lahren.

Tomi lahren likens black lives matter movement to the kkk blames

George Bush Dances To Battle Hymn Of The Republic During Dallas Memorial

On July 12th, President Barack Obama was joined by his wife, First Lady Michelle Obama, former President George Bush, Former First Lady Laura Bush, Vice President Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden at the memorial service for the five Dallas police officers who were shot and killed by a sniper during a July 7th protest.

It was a moving ceremony, but things got weird once "Battle Hymn Of The Republic" started playing.

All of a sudden, Bush started marching in place and swinging his arms, one of which was attached to Michelle (everyone held hands during the performance).

Michelle looked at him with a bit of disdain at first (can you blame her?), but then softened up once she realized he was really getting into the song.

While many wondered if Bush was acting inappropriately, Twitter user @CharitySaysSo came to his defense.

"In Sunday & grade schools, southerners learn to sing & march w/ joy & pride to the Battle Hymn," she tweeted, according to AOL.

"Can you imagine being in a room with 2k or more officers and hearing that magnificent song and realizing for one moment…just for one moment…we all were getting along and singing praise? I would be swaying and rejoicing myself," a Facebook user wrote.

God Bless this beautiful country and God"s speed to those fallen officers in this funeral service."

To his credit, Bush posted a fantastic tribute to the slain officers on his Instagram account.

"Too often, we judge other groups by their worst examples – while judging ourselves by our best intentions," he wrote.

"And this has strained our bonds of understanding and common purpose. But Americans, I think, have a great advantage. To renew our unity, we only need to remember our values. We have never been held together by blood or background.

"We are bound by things of the spirit – by shared commitments to common ideals."

George bush dances to battle hymn of the republic during dallas

George Bush Dances To Battle Hymn Of The Republic During Dallas Memorial

On July 12th, President Barack Obama was joined by his wife, First Lady Michelle Obama, former President George Bush, Former First Lady Laura Bush, Vice President Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden at the memorial service for the five Dallas police officers who were shot and killed by a sniper during a July 7th protest.

It was a moving ceremony, but things got weird once "Battle Hymn Of The Republic" started playing.

All of a sudden, Bush started marching in place and swinging his arms, one of which was attached to Michelle (everyone held hands during the performance).

Michelle looked at him with a bit of disdain at first (can you blame her?), but then softened up once she realized he was really getting into the song.

While many wondered if Bush was acting inappropriately, Twitter user @CharitySaysSo came to his defense.

"In Sunday & grade schools, southerners learn to sing & march w/ joy & pride to the Battle Hymn," she tweeted, according to AOL.

"Can you imagine being in a room with 2k or more officers and hearing that magnificent song and realizing for one moment…just for one moment…we all were getting along and singing praise? I would be swaying and rejoicing myself," a Facebook user wrote.

God Bless this beautiful country and God"s speed to those fallen officers in this funeral service."

To his credit, Bush posted a fantastic tribute to the slain officers on his Instagram account.

"Too often, we judge other groups by their worst examples – while judging ourselves by our best intentions," he wrote.

"And this has strained our bonds of understanding and common purpose. But Americans, I think, have a great advantage. To renew our unity, we only need to remember our values. We have never been held together by blood or background.

"We are bound by things of the spirit – by shared commitments to common ideals."

George bush dances to battle hymn of the republic during dallas

Former Miss Alabama Dubs Dallas Shooter a "Martyr"

Kalyn James, a former Miss Alabama champion, has created quite a stir on the Internet.

During a Facebook Live chat on Sunday, the ex-beauty queen addressed the topic of last week"s tragic shooting in Dallas, during which five police officers were killed at a Black Lives Matter protest.

The shooter has been identified as Micah Xavier Johnson… and James says in the video below that she actually sympathizes with the terrorist.

She knows she shouldn"t.


“I’m dealing with a bit of guilt because I don’t feel sad for the officers that lost their lives,” she says.

“I know that that’s really not my heart. I value human life. And I want to feel sad for them, but I can’t help but feeling like the shooter was a martyr.”

James, who now works as a television host, went on to say that she “wasn’t surprised” by the cops’ murders because she, too, was upset and frustrated by the recent deaths of black men by police.

Both Alton Sterling and Philando Castile were controversially shot to death by officers a few days before Johnson"s heinous actions.

“I know it’s not the right way to feel, because nobody deserves to lose their lives. I know that those police officers had families and people who loved them and that they didn’t deserve to die,” she said of officers Michael Smith, Lorne Ahrens, Michael Krol, Patrick Zamarripa and Brent Thompson.

“But I’m so torn up in my heart about seeing these men, these black men, being gunned down in our community …

"I wasn’t surprised by what the shooter did to those cops and I think a lot of us feel the same way and I know that it’s not right … I definitely don’t condone violence against innocent people."

Except… she just referred to Johnson as a "martyr."

Safe to say this was one of those times when she should have just kept her mouth shut.

James has received significant backlash since making this video.

She has since offered an apology to WPMI, saying she “apologize[s] to anyone who was offended by my comments – my heart was not filled with hate.”

Nevertheless, Miami TV station WPBT2 has James her on leave for her controversial comments.

You can"t exactly express any sort of sympathy for a mass murderer and expect to keep your job as a public figure.

We do not condone any suggestion that terrorism is acceptable or that it should be tolerated,” WPBT2 said in a statement on Twitter.

"WPBT2 South Florida PBS does not condone the personal statements made by one of its independent contractors regarding the events in Dallas.

"It placed the contractor on administrative leave while it actively and carefully looks further into the matter and will determine additional course of actions based on its thorough review of the matter."

Kalyn james dubs dallas shooter a martyr

Friday, July 8, 2016

Micah Johnson Identified as Dallas Sniper, Says He Wanted to "Kill White People"

Micah X. Johnson has been identified as sniper responsible for last night’s heinous incident in Dallas.

Police Chief David Brown confirmed this news at a press conference today, saying Johnson was the man who killed five police officers and wounded seven others in the deadliest attack on a police force since 9/11.

Johnson was a a 25-year-old who served six years in the Army Reserve.

He was killed early Friday when authorities deployed a robot to blow up an explosive device in the parking garage where the Johnson was taking cover.

This put an end to a horrific incident.

Just a few hours earlier, thousands of people had gathered at a protest in connection to a pair of recent deaths; those of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile.

Sterling was killed by police in Louisiana on Tuesday, while Castile was killed by police a day later in Minnesota.

Both men were African-American and both lost their lives to white officers, sparking a new round of outrage over across the country over the way black citizens are treated white members of the police force.

Learn more about the shooting in Dallas via this news report:

Said Brown at his press conference, discussing Johnson in more disturbing detail:

“The suspect said he was upset at white people. The suspect stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.

“The suspect said he was upset about Black Lives Matter. He said he was upset about the recent police shootings.”

Johnson allegedly opened fire Thursday evening on what had been a peaceful demonstration; demonstrators were sent running for their lives as a result.

Police eventually cornered Johnson in a parking garage and attempted to negotiate with him before sending in the robot bomb to protect more officers from harm.

According to Brown, Johnson told officers at the scene that he had acted alone.

Still, Brown says there may have been other assailants.

He has not divulged any further details about them or about why he believes they exist.

The following collage, meanwhile, appeared on the Facebook page of Johnson’s sister, Nicole Johnson, today.

She shared numerous times on her account to express disbelief over her brother’s reported role in the tragedy.

“I keep saying its not true…my eyes hurt from crying. Y him???” Nicole wrote in a post. “And why was he downtown smh”

Johnson’s own social media accounts, meanwhile,  reveal he was a member of several Black Panther organizations, including The New Black Panther Party Houston Chapter.

Monday, June 20, 2016

The Real Housewives of Dallas Reunion Recap: You Need a Tampon?

On The Real Housewives of Dallas reunion, the gang got back together for a special episode full of insults, gossip and fecal references.

Sunday’s reunion, technically The Real Housewives of Dallas Season 1 Episode 11, beban with a reveal that was nothing short of shocking:

Brandi Redmond’s daughters were kicked out of their Catholic school after the season, and the former NFL cheerleader is the reason.

“They did not think my behavior… was a good representation of the school,” the cast member told Andy Cohen, who hosted as always.

Her nickname for wine, Jesus Juice, maybe have been a factor.

An even bigger moment you’ll see when you watch The Real Housewives of Dallas online is when Cary Deuber’s husband, Mark, appeared.

Addressing LeeAnne Locken’s allegation that the duo’s relationship began as an affair, Cary immediately started crying as she explained:

“I would never go after a married man, and for someone to say that about me is so hurtful … I have children and he has children.”

“I don’t like them hearing negative things like that.”

LeeAnne insisted she was simply repeating what she had been hearing for years, a classic tactic/defense from Housewives nationwide.

Mark’s obvious response: “Why did you say it?”

She scoffed and asked if he needed a tampon.

Oh yes, this really happened. Kind of unreal.

Eventually, LeeAnne had no choice but to say, “I apologize for going on camera and repeating something that I didn’t have the facts on.”

As for Brandi Redmond’s marital problems, she admitted to Andy that being on the Bravo show caused a rift in their marriage and said:

“It wasn’t something that he signed up for. It hurt him. He just said that he was disappointed. He said that he wanted a divorce.”

Fortunately, the couple is now in a much better place, having turned things around in a big, big way: “We renewed our vows in September.”

When LeeAnne’s ex-friend Marie Reyes showed up, however, things went south, as Tiffany Hendra refused to make eye contact with her.

“We are not friends anymore,” Marie said, adding that she’s even gone so far as to take out a freaking restraining order against LeeAnne.

Tiffany then fired back, hilariously alleging regarding Marie, “She’s paying thousands of dollars to have a social media team destroy us.”

Marie unapologetically confirmed it, too. Wow.

As for the million-dollar question of this season – whether LeeAnne really s–t in a bag? “Actually, no. I’m not that talented,” she laughed.

“I pooped in a basket.” 


Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Ginnifer Goodwin and Josh Dallas Welcome Second Child!

Ginnifer Goodwin and Josh Dallas are not living a fairy tale.

It may just feel that way to the Once Upon a Time co-stars right now.

Because they just welcomed their second child into the world!

As those who watch Once Upon a Time online or on television know very well, Goodwin and Dallas play Snow White and Prince Charming on ABC’s hit drama.

They fell in love on the set and have welcomed their second child, E! News has confirmed.

Sources tell the outlet that the baby boy named is named Hugo Wilson Dallas and that he was born on June 1 in Los Angeles.

Hugo joins big brother Oliver Finlay Dallas in this newly-expanded family.

Goodwin and Dallas got married in April of 2014 and welcomed Oliver into the world just a month later.

During an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live this winter, Goodwin gushed over being a parent… while also admitting she and her husband cared for Oliver on their own.

But that will change this time around.

“We thought, ‘That’s too L.A. for us,’ so we went real hippy-dippy,” Goodwin said.

“This time we’re going at it Downton Abbey-style – staffing up – like a nanny and an under-nanny.”

Hey, whatever works! We’re not about to judge any parents.

Congratulations to Goodwin and Dallas!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The Real Housewives of Dallas Season 1 Episode 9 Recap: Talk About a S--tstorm

On The Real Housewives of Dallas Season 1 Episode 9, the ladies of Big D went to Brandi and Stephanie’s lake house in Austin.

There – shocker – a secret and the fallout thereof quickly threatened to derail the relaxing, low-key weekend they had planned.

After a bus ride filled with discussions of bodily functions, the crew arrived at Stephanie  and Brandi’s gorgeous Austin lake residence.

There, LeeAnne Locken wasted no time at all talking even more about bodily functions, clearing the air about the whole poop rumor.

She described the situation as such:

“Haven’t you ever wanted to be skinny on your birthday … so you thought, ‘F–k it, I’ll take a little Ex-Lax, then drink too much and … it comes out.” 

Yes, we have literally all been there, LL.

“Is it something I wanna share with people? No,” she added, confronting friend Marie Reyes about spreading this fecal-related rumor.

Marie quickly denied it and peaced out.

When that s–tstorm passed, Fireball shots and glasses of wine were consumed left and right, and Brandi decided to flip the f–k out.

Literally! The former cheerleader got up on the table as everyone quickly removed their drinks and performed a pretty damn cool flip.

Then she fell off her chair minutes later.

Later, they recalled the past night’s antics. Brandi said, “Last night, I woke up to LeeAnne’s voice literally roaring throughout the house.”

Cary Deuber added to that with, “She was screaming at the top of her lungs in Marie’s face, telling her she was going to slaughter her.”

Stephanie recalled of the former carnival kid, “At one point she said she was gonna get her ‘carny style.’” Who knows what that means.

Soon enough, because we can never leave well enough alone, LeeAnne confronted Marie again about spreading that dirty poop rumor.

Marie’s response? “You followed me around and said, ‘When I don’t like something, you know what happens? I gut them. I gut them!”

Okay then. 

Clarifying her quasi-death threats, LeeAnne insisted that, “What you think is killing and what I think is killing are two different things.”

Cary then told Locken that “You’re gonna have to back down” in this feud, but suffice it to say she had no interest in doing so whatsoever.

LeeAnne vented to Tiffany Hendra later, “It’s not OK for me to be human but it’s OK for her to steal her man from a married woman?”


As Tiffany defended her friend’s behavior, Brandi called her out to her face and said, “Tiffany, you talk in circles, it’s f–king annoying.”

Basically the episode could all be summed up with Cary’s quote at the end in response to this beef: “Hashtag, worst girls trip ever!” 

That’s all for this week, folks. As always, you can follow the link watch The Real Housewives of Dallas online to get up to speed now.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Real Housewives of Dallas Season 1 Episode 7 Recap: Heidi Effin" Dillon

Tiffany Hendra came up with a foolproof plan to make herself known around Big D on Monday’s The Real Housewives of Dallas Season 1 Episode 7.

It was a guest star who stole the show this week, though.

Heidi Dillon. Or as Tiffany calls her, Heidi Effin’ Dillon.

We met her a few weeks back when LeeAnne Locken asked her to chair of a charity event, but she really made her presence felt here.

Locken wanted her obviously instrumental opinion on co-stars Brandi Redmond, Stephanie Hollman and Cary Deuber, and she delivered.

“Most of the women in Dallas got their rich husbands because at one point they were on their knees under his desk,” Heidi observes.

And with that, the night was off to a good start.

Later, the ladies invited Redmond, Hollman and Deuber to Dillon’s Gothic State Fair party so Dillon can further assess and react to them.

The party is exactly what it sounds like – a bunch of women wearing black and eating corn dogs and Frito chili pies. Because #Texas.

Anyway, Locken soon enough was giving Deuber the side-eye for not being more thrilled to be in Dillon’s presence, and that’s not all.

LeeAnn is also mad, apparently, about that time she (allegedly) had an affair with her now-husband while he was married to someone else. 

As for how it all played out, we won’t spoil it here.

Follow the link to watch The Real Housewives of Dallas online and see it all in full … and grab a hat (possibly with poop on it) and hold onto it.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Real Housewives of Dallas Season 1 Episode 6 Recap: Locken Load!

A heated The Real Housewives of Dallas Season 1 Episode 6 Monday night saw LeeAnne and Tiffany confront one another … again. 

How did it play out, and what else went down in Big D?

If you watch The Real Housewives of Dallas online, then you’ve seen this Bravo-lebrity feud developing over a number of weeks already. 

Now it’s officially ramping up to the next level.

As everyone’s favorite former Dallas Cowboy cheerleader, Brandi Redmond, said of her fellow cast member, “LeeAnne is bats–t crazy.”

Marie Reyes instantly agreed, saying of LeeAnn Locken and her glass-throwing tantrum at Marie’s cocktail party, “I know, who does that?!”

“I know LeeAnne could benefit from therapy,” Marie added, incredulously, of her friend of 20 years. “Her behavior was totally crazy.”

The drama was just getting started, too.

Tiffany Hendra and LeeAnne prepared to confront Marie Reyes about some texts she recently fired off to Tiffany that slammed LeeAnne.

The duo even printed out the texts as evidence, because a visual aid is strongest. Marie said, “I was seriously concerned about her welfare.”

LeeAnne, naturally, took this occasion to begin scream-crying and shouting, “I’m not having a mental breakdown! I’m pissed as hell!”

Nothing really got resolved, obviously.

LeeAnne then said to the camera, “Marie has forgotten what loyalty is.” Mrs. Locken has never been one to shy away from the dramatic.

Later, on a special date night, Brandi told her husband, “I feel like I’m not getting that attention that I need … I get very upset sometimes.”

Her husband immediately recoiled.

“I don’t give you enough attention, seriously?” Bryan said, and as she visibly struggled with this, he asked, “Are you gonna cry? Seriously?”

“Dude, I’ve had enough. I’m done.”

Dude … WTF is wrong with you.

The Real Housewives of Dallas Season 1 Episode 6 Recap: Locken Load!

A heated The Real Housewives of Dallas Season 1 Episode 6 Monday night saw LeeAnne and Tiffany confront one another … again. 

How did it play out, and what else went down in Big D?

If you watch The Real Housewives of Dallas online, then you’ve seen this Bravo-lebrity feud developing over a number of weeks already. 

Now it’s officially ramping up to the next level.

As everyone’s favorite former Dallas Cowboy cheerleader, Brandi Redmond, said of her fellow cast member, “LeeAnne is bats–t crazy.”

Marie Reyes instantly agreed, saying of LeeAnn Locken and her glass-throwing tantrum at Marie’s cocktail party, “I know, who does that?!”

“I know LeeAnne could benefit from therapy,” Marie added, incredulously, of her friend of 20 years. “Her behavior was totally crazy.”

The drama was just getting started, too.

Tiffany Hendra and LeeAnne prepared to confront Marie Reyes about some texts she recently fired off to Tiffany that slammed LeeAnne.

The duo even printed out the texts as evidence, because a visual aid is strongest. Marie said, “I was seriously concerned about her welfare.”

LeeAnne, naturally, took this occasion to begin scream-crying and shouting, “I’m not having a mental breakdown! I’m pissed as hell!”

Nothing really got resolved, obviously.

LeeAnne then said to the camera, “Marie has forgotten what loyalty is.” Mrs. Locken has never been one to shy away from the dramatic.

Later, on a special date night, Brandi told her husband, “I feel like I’m not getting that attention that I need … I get very upset sometimes.”

Her husband immediately recoiled.

“I don’t give you enough attention, seriously?” Bryan said, and as she visibly struggled with this, he asked, “Are you gonna cry? Seriously?”

“Dude, I’ve had enough. I’m done.”

Dude … WTF is wrong with you.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The Real Housewives of Dallas Season 1 Episode 5 Recap: Beef in the Streets

On The Real Housewives of Dallas Season 1 Episode 5, what could’ve been a fun dinner get-together quickly devolved into anything but.

At odds? Tiffany and LeeAnn (obviously, like you didn’t know).

Let’s cut right to the chase here:

LeeAnne Locken accused her best friend, Tiffany Hendra, of not having her back, then stated that she didn’t need to have her back.

Then it really got good.

She peaced out, whacking one Bravo camera right in the lens, lunging at another, belting the side of a moving trolley car … and more!

As if trying to flee the scene of a crime and evade capture like her whole life depended on it, she took off her heels and ran into traffic!

Fortunately, she survived.

Even better, at a subsequent coffee meeting, LeeAnne cozied up to Tiffany, kissed her, and told her she was sorry and she loved her.

Aww. So cute. She said:

“I deserved you yelling at me because of what I said to you … I am sorry that I said that and I said it out of anger, I said it out of hurt.”

Way to kind, sincere and self-aware for a Bravo celebrity right there, but that’s what keeps these series interesting, right? Total unpredictability.

As for the week’s charity event, it was a little less spectacular than we’re used to – people dropping off unwanted clothes in a parking lot.

Feels more like your average Saturday to us than some sort of event, but hey, you gotta fill 42-minute episodes with something, right?

Meanwhile, Stephanie Hollman’s husband took her out in a Rolls Royce and bought her a $ 75,000 diamond bracelet for their anniversary.

That’s more like it for the RH.

Cary Deuber and husband Mark, for their part, injected one another with Botox at home, which may have been the most absurd thing ever.

Finally, Brandi Redmond’s drunk and tardy husband Brian was a complete mess at the party she through for her estranged grandfather. 

So it goes in Big D. So it goes.

Follow the above link to watch The Real Housewives of Dallas online, because you know you’re dying to see all this play out in its entirety.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

The Real Housewives of Dallas Recap: Mouth O" the South!

Cary and Tiffany tried (at least in part) to forge a friendship on The Real Housewives of Dallas Season 1 Episode 4 Monday night, but …

Let’s just say big plans are often a big fail in Big D.

Basically, Tiffany Hendra tried – tried – to say something nice about Brandi Redmond to rival LeeAnne Locken while at a charity event.

‘Cause, you know. Charity events are what they do.

Fans also saw Stephanie Hollman take Brandi and both of their kids pay a visit to the former’s hometown of Coweta (Kwee-duh), Oklahoma.

After Cary Deuber took Tiffany to yoga and demonstrated some seriously impressive flexibility, the duo decided to go and grab juice.

That’s not us being dirty, they really did.

Oh and it got juicy though. Tiffany defended LeeAnne’s recent behavior, and revealed that she used to hate her but no longer does:

“I thought she was so obnoxious and ‘all about me.’ That’s a front that she puts up to protect herself because she has been hurt so much.”

Cary’s take on the situation?

“She may have raised a lot of money, but [LeeAnne] is not one of the Dallas socialites. She’s not one of the old-money Dallas people.”

Burnt. Ya burnt crisp.

Meanwhile, LeeAnne prepped for a party, telling beau Rich Emberlin, “I’m excited … It’s just us hanging out, chilling, having a good time.”

She wishes.

As soon as Brandi walked in, Tiffany made sure the ex-heerleader knew she didn’t want to be involved in Brandi’s beef with LeeAnne.

“I wanna get to know you on my own terms,” Tiffany said to Brandi, while LeAnne said. “I think it’s cute that Tiffany wants to play with rattlesnakes.”

“I just hope,” she added, not entirely clear on who is the supposed snake in this scenario, “that this one’s rattle works before it bites her.”

Taylor, a friend of party host Marie, then added, “Marie told me something about LeeAnne pooping her pants ‘cause she was so wasted!”

Ah yes. The fake deuceage.

That was the catalyst for Brandi and LeeAnne to have it out in epic fashion, with words exchanged and LeeAnne getting super angry.

We’re talking dump-the-champagne-from-the-glass-on-the-floor angry, then hucking the glass itself across the room for good measure.

“That’s so classy, by the way,” Stephanie remarked, to which LeeAnne responded, “It is classy. By the way, you know what’s classy?

“Is that you stand up for a little piece of s–t trash who can’t keep her mouth shut. You know what? Your charity world is gonna go down the toilet.”

Mic. Dropped.

As always, you can follow the link to watch The Real Housewives of Dallas online to get up to speed with the latest episode anytime.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Real Housewives of Dallas Season 1 Episode 3 Recap: Making Frenemies

Last night on Bravo’s The Real Housewives of Dallas Season 1 Episode 3, Brandi must handle the fallout from her strip-club antics.

Meanwhile, a startling revelation is made about Mark …

The Real Housewives of Dallas Season 1 Episode 3 kicked off with a “girls night out” featuring Stephanie Hollman and Brandi Redmond.

Quoth Brandi of her best female friend, giving her the ultimate compliment: “If Stephanie was a lesbian, I would definitely marry her.”

Oh so very sweet. Of the thrice-married Cary Deuber, Brandi added, “The thought of three husbands makes me want to be a lesbian.”

If you watch The Real Housewives of Dallas online, you know that such comments are par for the course for this Cowboys cheerleader.

Naturally, Stephanie suggested they head to a male strip club, where Brandi got onstage to show one of the male dancers how it’s done.

The strip club announcer was impressed, giving props to Brandi over the mic, “If you’re on stage any longer, we’re gonna give you a job.”

Meanwhile, Tiffany Hendra went to LeeAnne Locken’s house for some day drinking, where they discussed Brandi’s poop hat and more.

“I feel sorry for her daughters ‘cause I don’t know how those girls are gonna grow up. Won’t be with class,” Tiffany opined, incredulously.

Later on, Brandi revealed to Stephanie that her husband was not too pleased with her conduct during the strip-club night. Big surprise.

Brandi said, “We used to party all the time, and now he gets upset when I do.” Some guys just can’t handle having a wild child for a wife!

Stephanie insisted that her BFF didn’t do anything wrong, adding, “Guys don’t understand that girls’ versus guys’ strip clubs are so different.”

“It’s like ‘NSync taking their clothes off and dancing.”

If only. After a particularly intense argument with her husband, Brandi said, fighting back tears, “I don’t know what happened to us.” 

“We were high school sweethearts, and now I feel like I don’t even know him. It hurts to feel like you are giving someone all of you.”

“Then you don’t feel it in return.”

We can only imagine.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Real Housewives of Dallas Recap: Talkin" SO MUCH S--t

On the second episode of Bravo’s The Real Housewives of Dallas, Stephanie and Cary were dragged into big time conflict in Big D.

Meanwhile, LeeAnne wanted to create a hat for a major Dallas event, and the ladies basically talked s–t (literally) for the entire hour.

“If I’m gonna wear s–t, I’m also gonna try to look good in s–t … I just really can’t believe her husband’s letting her do all this.”

Picking up where the premiere left off, The Real Housewives of Dallas Season 1 Episode 2 focused on Brandi Redmond and her poop.

Or her poop-positive outlook on life. We’re quite serious.

Brandi took to the Mad Hatter’s Gala to benefit the Dallas Arboretum in a hat festooned with all kinds of fake s–t, decorum be damned.

This show is totally not getting a second season BTW.

Some choice lines you’ll see when you watch The Real Housewives of Dallas online, mostly related to the greatness that is fecal waste:

“My hat is beautiful. It has green moss, little brown rabbit turds. It has a toilet seat poop, and a dog poop, and a dog on it.” – Brandi

“Embrace poop, people, because everybody does it. And if you’re not doing it, something’s wrong. Everybody has s–t.” – Brandi, obviously. 

“Stephanie definitely wants to wear a poop hat, but Stephanie cares a little bit more and, you know, she’s just a people-pleaser.” – Brandi

“Zuri already knows English … She’s also working on Spanish, French and a little bit of Swiss-German. She’s an international baby.”

NOTE: Zuri is two years old.

“Did you know we’ve been married 11 years and we’ve never seen each other pee?” – Tiffany asked her realtor, for kind of no reason.

Good times all around.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Real Housewives of Dallas Recap: Charity, Farts For All

On The Real Housewives of Dallas premiere, tensions spiked at a charity event featuring some of the most pampered socialites in Big D.

We began The Real Housewives of Dallas Season 1 Episode 1 about how you’d expect, meeting the cast of Bravo’s newest spinoff …

If you tuned in last night or watch The Real Housewives of Dallas online, it’s quickly obvious that the theme of this new series is charity.

Seriously, these women are into the Dallas charity scene like The Real Housewives of Potomac are into etiquette. It’s all they talk about.

So … meet Brandi Redmond, Stephanie Hollman, Cary Deuber, Tiffany Hendra, LeeAnne Locken, and their friend Marie Reyes everybody!

LeeAnne may have the most interesting back story. In her own words, “I grew up a carny kid. Play games with me and you’re gonna pay.”

Seriously, she grew up in a traveling carnival. Which served her well! “The carnival really prepared me for life in Dallas society,” she says.

Bravo shows are a bit of a circus, this is true. 

Also interesting about Locken? Her relative lack of wealth. As such, she’s in the charity game not to write the big checks, but to volunteer.

This fuels part of the dynamic surrounding LeeAnne’s obsession with proper charity event ETIQUETTE (if you will, Potomac be damned).  

Contrast that with Brandi and Stephanie’s love of poop and fart jokes and getting drunk of Jesus Juice and you’ve got yourself a show!

For real. “We’ll have a little too much to drink and we’ll pee in bushes and she will fart on command and I will dance in her fart.” – Stephanie.

As for Marie and why she will eat anyone else’s leftovers, or why LeeAnne referred to salsa as “Mexican sauce,” we may never know.

Cary perhaps summed up the new show best: “I don’t know how you get a job drinking and socializing, but maybe I should look into it.” 

Seriously. Truer words have never been spoken.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Stacy Fawcett: Dallas TV Personality Stabbed to Death by Son

Dallas TV personality Stacy Fawcett died last night after her 19-year-old son McCann Utu Jr. stabbed her in her home, reports People.

Known as “Dallas’ Favorite Foodie,” the 45-year-old Fawcett and her youngest son, 17-year-old Josiah Utu, were attacked by McCann early Friday, according to the Plano Police Department.

Police reports indicate that a male suspect called 911 to report that he had committed the murders, and officers were dispatched to the home.

Once there, officers “made entry into the residence and discovered a deceased adult male and adult female along with another adult male who was alive with multiple stab wounds.”

McCann was taken to a nearby hospital and later died from the injuries.

A motive has still not been identified, but The Dallas Morning News reports that McCann “had been troubled for years” following two concussions that severely altered his personality.

McCann suffered the first concussion while playing basketball for his high school and the second during an altercation with another student.

“The McCann I knew, he would never do something like that,” a childhood friend of the trouble teen told the paper. “He loved Josiah, he loved his mom.”

Fawcett was a popular food blogger who also had a segment on Daybreak, a morning news show on Dallas’ WFAA-TV Channel 8. 

Friday, February 12, 2016

The Real Housewives of Dallas Trailer: Giddy Up!

Grab your cowboy boots, Bravo viewers. Put on your 10-gallon hats.

And feast your eyes on the following footage, which gives us our first look at The Real Housewives of Dallas.

The latest addition to this ridiculously popular franchise will take fans to The Lone Star State and introduce them to a cast of women that include:

  • A former Dallas Cowboys cheerleader.

  • A ex-beauty pageant queen.

  • A woman who earns money from her husband by doing chores for him.

Are you ready to meet Cary Deuber, an East Coast transplant and medical professional?

What about actress and Texas native Tiffany Hendra?

Or the "girl next door," Stephanie Hollman?

There"s also one-time pageant princess LeeAnne Locken and Brandi Redmond, the aforementioned former cheerleader.

Put these women together and what do you get? A lot of drinking and a lot of drama, that"s for sure.

Sounds totally different than all other Real Housewives franchises, doesn"t it?

Okay, not exactly.

The Real Housewives of Dallas premieres April 11 at 10/9c. Check out a official first preview below.

The real housewives of dallas trailer giddy up