Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The Real Housewives of Dallas Season 1 Episode 5 Recap: Beef in the Streets

On The Real Housewives of Dallas Season 1 Episode 5, what could’ve been a fun dinner get-together quickly devolved into anything but.

At odds? Tiffany and LeeAnn (obviously, like you didn’t know).

Let’s cut right to the chase here:

LeeAnne Locken accused her best friend, Tiffany Hendra, of not having her back, then stated that she didn’t need to have her back.

Then it really got good.

She peaced out, whacking one Bravo camera right in the lens, lunging at another, belting the side of a moving trolley car … and more!

As if trying to flee the scene of a crime and evade capture like her whole life depended on it, she took off her heels and ran into traffic!

Fortunately, she survived.

Even better, at a subsequent coffee meeting, LeeAnne cozied up to Tiffany, kissed her, and told her she was sorry and she loved her.

Aww. So cute. She said:

“I deserved you yelling at me because of what I said to you … I am sorry that I said that and I said it out of anger, I said it out of hurt.”

Way to kind, sincere and self-aware for a Bravo celebrity right there, but that’s what keeps these series interesting, right? Total unpredictability.

As for the week’s charity event, it was a little less spectacular than we’re used to – people dropping off unwanted clothes in a parking lot.

Feels more like your average Saturday to us than some sort of event, but hey, you gotta fill 42-minute episodes with something, right?

Meanwhile, Stephanie Hollman’s husband took her out in a Rolls Royce and bought her a $ 75,000 diamond bracelet for their anniversary.

That’s more like it for the RH.

Cary Deuber and husband Mark, for their part, injected one another with Botox at home, which may have been the most absurd thing ever.

Finally, Brandi Redmond’s drunk and tardy husband Brian was a complete mess at the party she through for her estranged grandfather. 

So it goes in Big D. So it goes.

Follow the above link to watch The Real Housewives of Dallas online, because you know you’re dying to see all this play out in its entirety.