Showing posts with label Streets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Streets. Show all posts

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Kailyn Lowry Threatens Farrah Abraham: Meet Me in the Streets!

Amazingly, Farrah Abraham is willing to fight someone in a boxing match to promote anit-bullying.

If you think that it’s absurd that Farrah, of all people, would think that she’s the person to champion an anti-bullying event, you’re not alone.

Kailyn Lowry is dragging Farrah over this, and even issues a veiled threat.

Speaking to RadarOnlineKailyn Lowly says that Farrah Abraham is just about the worst person to headline an anti-bullying campaign.

“I think there are much better influencers,” Kailyn says in a pretty epic understatement.

Specificially, Kail says that there is no shortage of famous folks “who would make more sense for this.”

That said …

“There are plenty of us who will take her up on this,” Kailyn says, evoking images of people lining up for a chance to physically fight Farrah Abraham.

“I think Lindsey Nicholson is a good option,” Kail suggests.

Lindsey, of course, was on 16 and Pregnant. She also just happens to be a cage fighter.

“She knows what she’s doing,” Kailyn says.

Additionally, Kail gushes about Lindsey, saying: “She’s an amazing person.”

That is so sweet!

Kailyn notes that Lindsey would have a narrative appeal, adding: “And she has a story to tell.”

At the very leash, Kailyn says, she would be there to cheer on Lindsey if she entered the ring with Farrah.

“I’ll be there to support her,” Kail pledges.

Though of course Kailyn acknowledges that Farrah might be unwilling to fight Lindsey, adding: “if she gets it.”

“And I’m sure,” Kailyn adds, that “a few of my other costars would come out to support.”

We don’t doubt it!

Of course, Farrah’s dad also had something to say about Farrah’s proposed fight.

“Too bad we won’t see Drita fight,” he says, referring to Farrah’s feud with Drita D’Avanzo.

“She is like me,” he says. “Way too old age group.”

Drita is 42 years old and a Mob Wives star. Michael is a 61-year-old grandfather.

“And she is not one to promote anti-hate,” Michael accuses.

Interesting, since it’s his daughter who started their feud for no apparent reason.

Michael can’t resist body-shaming Kailyn, adding: “And Kail is a lot higher weight class so that won’t happen either, LOL!”

Kailyn heard Michael’s disgusting bit of body-shaming and has a cool-headed response.

“Farrah’s dad has a point,” Kailyn acknowledges.

Kail goes on, saying: “I’m definitely not in Farrah’s weight class.”

That’s true.

“However,” Kail continues. “He shot himself in the foot with his comments about Drita and [me].”

She then very carefully insinuates that he and Farrah should watch their backs.

Kailyn says: “I don’t think the streets care about age or weight.” … Dang, girl!

“Michael and Farrah will do anything to stay relevant,” Kail states.

Yep. That’s sort of their whole brand.

“Something is wrong with their relationship, too,” Kail says of the twisted father and daughter. “I don’t know; I don’t get it.”

Nobody gets it.

Kailyn also states the obvious, noting that Farrah’s “comments and actions don’t align with promoting anti-bullying.”


Farrah, always the victim, says that she’d never fight a fellow Teen Mom star — because they’re too mean for her to punch.

“Those who bully would not be fit for an anti-bullying match,” Farrah claims.

Quick, someone get her a mirror!

Farrah continues: “The Teen Mom cast is riddled with negativity, bullying, and acts that are unhealthy.”

That is certainly true! But there’s a little less of that now that Farrah is out.

“I look forward,” Farrah says. “To going in the ring with someone with integrity.”

What person of integrity would enter the ring with Farrah? Either someone intent on delivering an epic beatdown … or someone who hasn’t googled her.

Farrah wants to do this “so it’s a great boxing match for all to watch.”

Sure — there are a lot of people who would love to see Farrah in a boxing match. Just not for the reasons that Farrah hopes.

“Count down,” Farrah teases. “It’s going to be huge.”


Monday, July 2, 2018

Trump Attorney Michael Cohen Gets "Rat" Warning and Support on NYC Streets

Michael Cohen’s getting it from both sides as New Yorkers give him an earful over potentially flipping on President Trump. We got Trump’s former personal attorney in NYC Monday, and asked him if he was preparing to cooperate with federal…


Friday, April 27, 2018

Josh Allen"s College Town Floods Streets to Celebrate Draft Pick

Josh Allen’s old stomping grounds were turnt to the max when the ex-Wyoming star got drafted by the Bills … with tons of people crackin’ beers and cheering in the streets when his name got called!! Fans in Laramie, WY went nuts outside the…


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Beyonce and Jay-Z Take Motorcycle Ride Through Jamaican Streets

Beyonce and Jay-Z just proved it again … their day at the office is way better than yours. We got these shots of the couple doing a motorcycle tour through Kingston, Jamaica. Jay’s at the wheel, while Bey’s hanging on behind him … rocking…


Sunday, February 25, 2018

Harry Styles Smitten with Baby as He Pushes Stroller Down London Streets

Harry Styles looks like he’s in the market for a bambino, because he was totally smitten with someone else’s baby. Harry was out and about in London Saturday, pushing a stroller with a friend’s baby inside.  Harry was making faces and…


Saturday, December 2, 2017

Ashley Graham Gets Super Sexy on Streets of New York

Ashley Graham brought the temp up a few degrees in NYC with an insanely sexy shoot for Love Magazine’s Advent Calendar. No need to write about it … it’s all about the video, so check it out. The calendar was shot by Phil Poynter and features…


Sunday, September 10, 2017

Miami Streets Look Like Rivers During Hurricane Irma

Miami is starting to look like a city that’s underwater due to massive flooding from Hurricane Irma … and some of the footage of the city is insane. Store owners in #Miami watch as their store is surrounded by a wall of water. What a terrible and…


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Warriors Fans Dance on Light Poles, In the Streets to Celebrate NBA Title

The fans went absolutely CRAZY in downtown Oakland Monday night … dancing in the streets and climbing light poles to celebrate the Warriors’ huge win over the Cavs!! Dub Nation flocked the streets shortly after Kevin Durant and Steph Curry…


Tuesday, May 30, 2017

T.I. Laughs Ass Off at His Crew"s Footrace in Bev Hills Streets (VIDEO)

T.I. finally witnessed the showdown that’s been building for weeks — between 2 of his homies — and it left him laughing his ass off!! The rapper was leaving Crustacean Sunday in Bev Hills when his crew decided it was time to settle a dispute…


Friday, May 19, 2017

LeBron James told Ric Flair, "You Kept Me Off the Streets" (VIDEO)

LeBron James told Ric Flair his jet-flying, Rolex-wearing lifestyle inspired him as a kid to stay off the streets and become a world famous superstar. WOOOOO!!! TMZ Sports spoke with The Nature Boy about his relationship with James — he says he’s…


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Wall Street"s "Charging Bull" Creator Hints Lawsuit Coming Over "Fearless Girl" Statue (PHOTOS)

The guy who created Wall Street’s “Charging Bull” says the neighboring “Fearless Girl” statue is screwing with his art, and he’s demanding NYC pay him for his trouble. Sculptor Arturo Di Modica is really pissed about the location of “Fearless…


Monday, March 27, 2017

Fetty Wap, No Police Reports ... Jewelry Robbery Handled in the Streets

Fetty Wap’s no snitch and that’s exactly why he will not file a police report or even talk to cops about his jewelry robbery. We’re told the rapper won’t cooperate in the investigation to determine who stole $ 450k in jewelry and thousands in cash at…


Fetty Wap, No Police Reports ... Jewelry Robbery Handled in the Streets

Fetty Wap’s no snitch and that’s exactly why he will not file a police report or even talk to cops about his jewelry robbery. We’re told the rapper won’t cooperate in the investigation to determine who stole $ 450k in jewelry and thousands in cash at…


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Boyd Tinsley of Dave Matthews Band, Back to Busking on the Streets (VIDEO)

Boyd Tinsley knows the value of simply playing music for human ears … which is why he busked his way back to the streets for a free pop-up show in NYC. We got Dave Matthews Band’s violinist Wednesday at Washington Square Park, and he told us how…


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

O.T. Genasis Says Soulja Boy and Chris Brown"s Beef Belongs to the Streets Now (VIDEO)

Soulja Boy and Chris Brown’s feud is going beyond fake-ass Twitter beef and hittin’ the streets … according to O.T. Genasis, and it sounds like it that could mean real violence.   We got the “CoCo” rapper out Tuesday night at 1 OAK in L.A.,…


Thursday, December 8, 2016

"Bachelor" Host Chris Harrison -- Pounds the Streets Pimping Nick Viall (VIDEO)

Chris Harrison got a second dose of reality when it comes to Nick Viall, and shocker — people actually dig the next ‘Bachelor.’ Chris was out in Hollywood canvassing the streets to see what fans think about Nick. You might recall he got…


Monday, November 21, 2016

Anna Faris -- $5k Fine After Adopted Pooch Found On the Streets (PHOTOS)

Anna Faris owes an animal shelter $ 5,000 for breaking a signed adoption agreement … according to the shelter, which says her Chihuahua was found homeless and in bad shape. Kinder4Rescue owner Laurel Kinder tells TMZ … Faris signed a…


Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The Real Housewives of Dallas Season 1 Episode 5 Recap: Beef in the Streets

On The Real Housewives of Dallas Season 1 Episode 5, what could’ve been a fun dinner get-together quickly devolved into anything but.

At odds? Tiffany and LeeAnn (obviously, like you didn’t know).

Let’s cut right to the chase here:

LeeAnne Locken accused her best friend, Tiffany Hendra, of not having her back, then stated that she didn’t need to have her back.

Then it really got good.

She peaced out, whacking one Bravo camera right in the lens, lunging at another, belting the side of a moving trolley car … and more!

As if trying to flee the scene of a crime and evade capture like her whole life depended on it, she took off her heels and ran into traffic!

Fortunately, she survived.

Even better, at a subsequent coffee meeting, LeeAnne cozied up to Tiffany, kissed her, and told her she was sorry and she loved her.

Aww. So cute. She said:

“I deserved you yelling at me because of what I said to you … I am sorry that I said that and I said it out of anger, I said it out of hurt.”

Way to kind, sincere and self-aware for a Bravo celebrity right there, but that’s what keeps these series interesting, right? Total unpredictability.

As for the week’s charity event, it was a little less spectacular than we’re used to – people dropping off unwanted clothes in a parking lot.

Feels more like your average Saturday to us than some sort of event, but hey, you gotta fill 42-minute episodes with something, right?

Meanwhile, Stephanie Hollman’s husband took her out in a Rolls Royce and bought her a $ 75,000 diamond bracelet for their anniversary.

That’s more like it for the RH.

Cary Deuber and husband Mark, for their part, injected one another with Botox at home, which may have been the most absurd thing ever.

Finally, Brandi Redmond’s drunk and tardy husband Brian was a complete mess at the party she through for her estranged grandfather. 

So it goes in Big D. So it goes.

Follow the above link to watch The Real Housewives of Dallas online, because you know you’re dying to see all this play out in its entirety.