Showing posts with label Pushes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pushes. Show all posts

Friday, March 23, 2018

The Game Pushes Slovenian Fan After Selfie Attempt

One of The Game’s fans tried to take a selfie with him while the rapper was mid-song during a concert in Slovenia, and it was the exact opposite of Justin Timberlake’s feel-good Super Bowl moment. Game’s currently in Europe on a 45 city…


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Drag Queen "Elsa" Pushes Boston PD Truck Out of Nor"easter Snow

Princess Elsa is WAY stronger than we thought — or, at least, the drag queen version is — because she was able to free a Boston police truck stuck in the latest nor’easter snow. The rescue went down Tuesday night outside a Boston restaurant where…


Sunday, February 25, 2018

Harry Styles Smitten with Baby as He Pushes Stroller Down London Streets

Harry Styles looks like he’s in the market for a bambino, because he was totally smitten with someone else’s baby. Harry was out and about in London Saturday, pushing a stroller with a friend’s baby inside.  Harry was making faces and…


Thursday, February 1, 2018

Tila Tequila Pushes for #PURGE, Wants People to Die

We try not to write about Tila Tequila very often.

The former reality star is one of two things:

  1. Desperate for attention.

  2. Mentally deranged.

It could easily be a combination of both, of course.

About a year ago, for example, Tequila wrote that Michelle Obama is a man and that she controls the universe.

We’ve actually ignored her ramblings ever since because, come on… they are just the ramblings of a mad woman.

But we can’t ignore some of Tila’s latest nonsense. It’s simply too ridiculous and, quite frankly, too offensive.

For example, Tequila wrote on Facebook yesterday that God has made sure she will live forever and that others keep dying because they deserve it.

In fact, Tequila hopes these people continue to die and that the world is purged of those who are wicked and evil.

She, of course, is NOT one of these people because she was sent here by God to carry out His wishes and pass along His message.

“Yesterday I warned more wicked people on my FB page to beware of more deaths coming their way and behold! Today there are many DEATHS reported in the news!” she wrote.

Added Tila:

” Lmao! #ThankYouJesus I pray This #PURGE continues and will pick up more traction over time to such a high level that people will be left in shock and awe of what’s happening….


tila fb

In a reply to a comment on her Facebook page, Tequila also referenced the President.

She doesn’t seem to be a fan of Donald Trump, but she’s also glad he’s in office.

“Donald Trump IS also a manifestation of God’s wrath upon you all! True story!!” she wrote, adding:

“And he will be in office for the next 8 years to keep you all in torment! Brilliant!”

Throughout the year, meanwhile, Tila has pointed to various deaths as a sign that people who do not repent will be punished by the Almighty.

For instance, this is what she had the gall to write upon the death of Cranberries lead singer Dolores O’Riordan:

tila reaction

Heck, Tequila even celebrated, in her warped way, the death of Ellen DeGeneres’ father and other natural disasters that took the lives of thousands.

It’s really horrible stuff.

We hate to even give Tila a platform here.

We do think it’s important for two reasons, however:

  1. She needs mental help and perhaps public pressure will prompt her to seek it out.

  2. Do not believe a word this woman says.

Here’s another example of Tequila comparing herself to Jesus Christ:

tequila stuff

In November of 2016, Tequila showed a love for Nazis online and got suspended by Twitter.

We’re not sure what it will take for the same thing to happen here with Facebook.

For Tila’s own sake, she really needs to get off this social media network and re-evaluate her life.

In every way one possibly can.


Friday, November 10, 2017

Conor McGregor Slaps Security Guard, Pushes MMA Ref in Post-Fight Blowup

Conor McGregor just went NUCLEAR at an MMA event in Dublin … slapping a security guard and pushing veteran UFC ref Marc Goddard for breaking up his post-fight celebration with training partner Charlie Ward. It all went down…


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Jimmy Kimmel Cries, Slams Congress, Pushes for Gun Control

Jimmy Kimmel better be careful.

He"s in danger of becoming more known for his heart than his humor.

Several days after the comedian dedicated multiple monologues to slamming a proposed health care bill, the talk show host once again grew emotional on stage while talking about this week"s massacre in Las Vegas.

Kimmel hails from that city.

And a shooter opened up late Sunday night on attendees at a country music festival, killing nearly 60 people and injuring over 500 others.

“Here we are again in the aftermath of another terrible, inexplicable, shocking, and painful tragedy, this time in Las Vegas, which happens to be my hometown,” Kimmel said to open his show on Monday, tears forming in his eyes immediately.

“It’s the kind of thing that makes you want to throw up or give up. It’s too much to even process, all of these devastated families who now have to live with this pain forever.”

He then asked:

"Why is that allowed? I don’t know why our so-called leaders continue to allow this to happen. Or maybe better question: why do we continue to allow them to let it happen?"

In response to White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders saying this was NOT the time to discuss gun control, Kimmel shot back:

"I don’t know, we have 59 innocent people dead, it wasn’t their time either, so I think now is the time for political debate.”

Seth Meyers and James Corden also called on politicians to put lives before money last night, but Kimmel stands out for the emotion he conveyed and the surprisingly important voice he has become in these difficult times.

Earlier this year, Republicans in Congress voted to make it easier for the mentally ill to purchase guns.

They will soon vote on legislation that makes it easier to purchase and use silencers. At one point, politicians pushed for alleged terrorists on the No Fly List to legally own guns.

All of this despite the extreme majority of Americans being for background checks and other gun control measures.

Mere thoughts and prayers are hollow and meaningless at this point, Kimmel said.

Referring to Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell, he added:

“They should be praying – they should be praying for God to forgive them for letting the gun lobby run this country because it’s so crazy… lawmakers won’t do anything about this because the NRA has their balls in a money clip.”

“I want this to be a comedy show, I hate talking about stuff like this,” Kimmel concluded on Monday.

“I just want to laugh about things every night, but it seems to be becoming increasingly difficult lately.

"It feels like someone has opened a window into hell. What I’m talking about tonight isn’t about gun control – it’s about common sense.

"Common sense says no good will ever come from allowing a person to have weapons that can take down 527 Americans at a concert…

"Something needs to be done already. Tell your Congress people to do something. It’s not enough to send your love and prayers."

Impressive stuff. Watch the full monologue now:

Jimmy kimmel breaks down slams congress pushes for gun control

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Michael Irvin Pushes Prosecutors to Drop Rape Case: "It"s Been Too Long"

Michael Irvin is urging officials to quickly make a decision on the sexual assault allegations made against him … saying the investigation has gone on for “too long.” TMZ Sports broke the story … the NFL Hall of Famer is being investigated for…


Chris Harrison Breaks Silence on Bachelor in Paradise Scandal, Pushes for Patience

Chris Harrison understands why the Internet can’t stop talking about what allegedly transpired south of the border during the taping of Bachelor in Paradise last week.

But he’d really like it if everyone could take a deep breath at least.

Throughout the day on Monday, news continued to break in regard to something that happened between Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson while they filmed Season 4.

According to various outlets, the reality stars got very drunk and then started to hook up.

Clothes came off. Spit was swapped. There was a lot of “rubbing” and “fingering,” sources close to Jackson claim.

But a producer went to executives shortly after Olympios and Jackson got together, arguing that the former was too drunk to give her consent.

Once allegations of any sort of sexual assault were leveled, production was shut down and cast members were sent home.

Many questions remain when it comes to this disturbing incident:

Did Jackson take advantage of a wasted Olympios? (No, according to certain insiders, who say Jackson himself was so drunk that he couldn’t get an erection and who say that Corinne and DeMario are on solid terms right now.)

Did this producer actually witness the hook-up?

Why did she not step in as it was happening?

Will any charges actually be filed?

Will Bachelor in Paradise ever air another episode?

All we can say for sure right now is that an investigation is underway to uncover more details.

While we wait, however, numerous blogs and websites are speculating about this aspect of the scandal or that report and Harrison gets it, of course.

But he’d love the world to take a chill pill.

“By now, no doubt, you have heard that we have suspended production on this season’s Bachelor in Paradise. I can confirm to you that this is sadly the case,” Harrison said today to open a lengthy statement.

“Out of respect to all involved, there’s only so much I can and will say at this time.

“Normally with a situation like this I would not say anything until the incident is fully resolved, but with all the rumors and misinformation being put out there, I don’t find that to be possible anymore.”

Harrison did not get into specifics.

He likely doesn’t even know at this point whether or not Corinne gave her consent to DeMario, who the aggressor was in this situation or who witnessed it take place.

That’s why he’s preaching patience, while also driving an important point home as best he can.

“Let me start by saying the safety and care of the cast and crew of our show is of the utmost importance to us.

“It is with this thought in mind that we made the decision to suspend filming.

“An investigation into the situation was started immediately. Warner Bros. is handling the details of that investigation.

“They’re moving quickly to gather all the facts, and once that’s done, a clear, concise decision can be made about where we go from here.”

Continues The Bachelor and The Bachelorette host:

“There are a lot of competing details in the various press accounts of the incident. And there’s a lot of misinformation out there too.

“We urge everyone to be patient until the investigation is complete.”

Harrison doesn’t know when this will be. He isn’t saying whether the series will premiere on August 8 as originally scheduled, but that seems impossible to believe at this point.

It seems very unlikely Season 4 will air at any point at all, especially if franchise expert Reality Steve is to be believed.

As privy to information about this series as anyone on the outside can be, he Tweeted the following late Monday:

steve tweets

Concludes Harrison in his statement:

“I know in this day and age we want – and even expect – immediate answers, but in this case, it’s just not possible.

“So again, I urge you to please be patient and respect the privacy of the parties involved. I will keep you as informed and up to date as I possibly can.

“We’re sorry for any inconvenience and disappointment this may have caused the cast, the crew and our loyal fans.

“It is my sincere hope that we can come to a quick resolution on this and get back to work very soon.”

A source tells People Magazine that law enforcement is NOT involved in the investigation.

But Warner Bros. made it clear on Sunday that enough suspicions have been raised over Corinne and DeMario’s interaction that filming simply had to be stopped.

We have become aware of allegations of misconduct on the set of Bachelor in Paradise in Mexico.

We have suspended production and we are conducting a thorough investigation of these allegations. Once the investigation is complete, we will take appropriate responsive action.


Monday, February 6, 2017

Audi Super Bowl Ad Pushes for Progess, Wage Equality

Audi drove directly into the world of politics on Sunday night.

Just like the controversial 84 Lumber ad that has left viewers talking, Audi used its time during Super Bowl LI to make a very clear statement.

And that statement centered very clearly on the issue of gender and wage equality.

There was no subtlety here, either.

While other ads (such as this Budweiser immigration commercial) tip-toed around sensitive subjects a little bit, Audi did not mince words or beat around any bushes.

“What do I tell my daughter?” a man wonders while watching his daughter compete in a downhill derby race, adding:

“Do I tell her that her grandpa is worth more than her grandma? That her dad is worth more than her mom?

"Do I tell her that despite her education, her drive, her skills, her intelligence, she will automatically be valued as less than every man she ever meets?”

After she wins the competition, he muses:

“Or maybe I’ll be able to tell her something different."

Elizabeth Banks and Octavia Spencer were among those who reacted to the sentimental ad on social media. To wit:

Where do you stand on this sort of Super Bowl commercial?

Did you stand up and cheer when you watched? Or roll your eyes over a car company exploiting a legitimately important topic just to sell a few more cars.

View the ad below:

Audi super bowl ad pushes for progess wage equality

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Conan O"Brien Pushes to End Assault Rifle Sales

Conan O"Brien opened his talk show on Monday night by saying he is not a “pundit or an expert.”

But the comedian is a father of two, and it was as a father of two that he spoke to his viewers in his monologue.

Eschewing jokes for a change, O"Brien felt a need to address the Orlando shooting that took the lives of nearly 50 people over the weekend.

It took place at a gay nightclub called Pure and the atrocity was committed by a 29-year old named Omar Mateen.

Someone on the FBI"s watch list after the organization interviewed him in 2013 and 2014 for possible terrorist ties, Mateen was still permitted to legally purchase the guns he used in this heinous attack.

This has become a point of contention and anger for those who believe America needs stricter gun control laws, especially when it comes to automatic weapons.

And this is the side on to which Conan falls.

O"Brien says in the following video:

"At a time when we think we"ve heard the worst stories about senseless violence in our country, that it couldn"t possibly get worse, the news out of Orlando yesterday is still impossible to fathom."

"That so many people can lose their lives so quickly because of one person"s demented rage will never make sense and God help us if it does."

Mateen – who was shot dead by police after a hostage situation and standoff – used an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle to commit these murders.

That’s the same high-velocity weapon used in the mass shootings in San Bernardino, California, last December; and in Newtown, Connecticut; and Aurora, Colorado.

Conan told the audience, who applauded in response:

"I am the father of two, I like to believe I have a shred of common sense and I simply do not understand why anybody in this country is allowed to purchase and own a semi-automatic assault rifle."

"These are weapons of war and they have no place in civilian life."

Added O"Brien:

"I have tried to understand this issue from every side and it all comes down to this:

"Nobody I know or have ever met in my entire life should have access to a weapon that can kill so many people so quickly."

Watch his speech below and decide: Do you agree? Disagree?

Should a late-night host use his platform in this manner… or just stick to jokes?

Conan obrien calls for end of assault rifle sales

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Stacey Dash Pushes to End BET, Black History Month

As if, Stacey Dash.

Such is the response of millions of Americans after the former Clueless star and current Fox News contributor jumped in yesterday with her take on the 2016 Academy Awards nominations.

Because not a single person of color is up for any major category, stars such as Jada Pinkett Smith and Spike Lee have said they will boycott the ceremony this year.

Asked on Fox and Friends Wednesday about the issue, Dash cited a “double standard” within the industry, explaining her point thusly:

“We can either have integration or segregation. If we don’t want segregation then we need to get rid of channels like BET and the BET Awards and the Image Awards].

“If it were the other way around we would be up in arms.”

Some people might argue that the scarcity of African-Americans being nominated for what is universally recognized as the most prestigious awards ceremony in the world, is exactly why we do need the BET Awards.

BET itself, meanwhile, responded to Dash’s comments with a screenshot of her appearing on the network’s The Game, wriitn as a caption:

“Soooooo @REALStaceyDash can we get our check back… or nah?”

Game. Set. Match, BET, wouldn’t you say?

But Dash wasn’t finished.

The actress, who once said only bad girls get raped, thinks Black History Month doesn’t actually celebrate historical figures of color.

It simply acts as a vehicle for segregation.

“There shouldn’t be a Black History Month. We’re Americans. That’s it, period,” Dash said.

After a dig at President Obama and the “Hollywood elites” who funded his campaign, Dash did get to the heart of the main issue here, asking:

“There are not very many roles for people of color. How can that be and why is it just now being addressed?”

What do you think of Dash’s “double standard” argument? Should we do away with Black History Month?

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Kim Kardashian Pushes for $1 Million Push Present

Kim Kardashian has officially lost touch with the real world.

The 35-year old reality star, who really hates being pregnant, took to her official website late last week and said there’s one thing that would make this whole baby-creating thing worthwhile:

A really expensive piece of jewelry.

“Do you guys believe in a push present? I never did, but all of my friends do!!!” Kim wrote online.

“We have the funniest e-mail chains discussing it. One friend got a special diamond ring she always wanted, and another friend got a new car!”

A push present is gifted from a husband to his wife as a way of saying “hey, thanks for having our baby, honey!”

For the typical human, it may be a gift certificate to a salon or maybe a massage.

For Kim Kardashian and her circle of wealthy friends, it’s apparently a diamond ring or a car.

“I like the idea of a push present – after nine months of pregnancy it’s a sweet and well-deserved thank you,” Kim added.

“We women go through an entire pregnancy carrying a baby…of course it only makes sense that we get something amazing to show how amazing we are! LOL!”

So, what does Kim want from Kanye West as a token of his appreciation when she has the couple’s second son next month?

“This pregnancy, I would love a Lorraine Schwartz diamond choker, like the ones I’ve worn before to the Art + Film Gala. Too much? LOL!”

The bauble Kim has in mind costs approximately $ 1 million, according to sources.

No, that isn’t too much for Kanye West to afford.

But it is obnoxious for Kim to demand in public, no matter how many times she writes “LOL.”