Showing posts with label Tequila. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tequila. Show all posts

Friday, November 9, 2018

Tila Tequila: Paris Hilton Killed My Fiancee & I"m Possessed By Satan

Hey, things got pretty crazy this week, didn"t they, America?

It"s times like this that we need the genuine batsh-t insanity of someone like Tila Tequila to remind us that things could always be marginally worse.

As some of our older readers may recall, Ms. Tequila was a popular figure on MySpace, which was an arcane rune-based communications system popular among early homonids in the days before 

The site died an ugly, premature death after overdosing on the milliojns of HTML customizations and Fall Out Boy videos everyone crammed into their personal pages, but Tila"s notoriety has survived.

The reason for this is that she"s hands down the craziest celebrity on the planet.

You"re probably asking yourself, how could she be crazier than Charlie Sheen, Lindsay Lohan, Donald John Trump?

To which we say, believe it or not, Tila wins that contest by a mile.

We could rattle off a decade"s worth of bizarre incidents as proof — such as the time she claimed to have evidence that Michelle Obama is secretly a man, or the many times she insisted she"s some sort of alien Nazi.

Instead we"ll just share this video in which Tila casually explains that she was possessed for several years and Paris Hilton murdered her fiancee.

"So back in 2012 I was in Hollywood and I was in the world of Satan. I was possessed by Satan. Hollywood is a platform built by Satan," Tila tells the camera.

"They kept sending me to doctors to overdose me and kill me."

From there Tila goes on to describe how the death of her fiancee Casey Johnson was the result of a Satanic ritual orchestrated by Paris and Nicki Hilton.

“Paris and Nicky Hilton sacrificed Casey while I was in Texas. All of the demonic chicks like Courtenay Semel, Jasmine Lennard, The Hilton sisters went against me because they were the one who sacrificed her," Tequila says.

"She told me all of their secrets and then they tried to sacrifice me.”

From there, the ladies busted out some Xans and eight balls, because apparently that"s customary following a ritual sacrifice.

"I was disgusted," Tila says "So I took two Xanax bars and did two 8 balls of cocaine. Satan had me so on drugs.”

Check out the whole 40-minute (!!!) video for more insanity.

Hopefully, it"s the first episode of a new talk show entitlted It"s the Tequila Talking!

Tila tequila paris hilton killed my fiancee and im possessed by

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Elon Musk Files Trademark Application for "Teslaquila" Tequila

Elon Musk is going all George Clooney/Rande Gerber … at least it seems that way because he appears to be serious about getting into the tequila game. Musk has filed legal docs to develop a Tesla-brand tequila. This started as an April Fools joke…


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Michael Jordan Living That Tequila Life In NYC

Looks like Michael Jordan turned up on a Wednesday … ‘cause the G.O.A.T. left his NYC hotel Thursday morning with half a bottle of tequila in one hand — and a box of booze in the other! What was he drinking? Seems to be a bottle of Tres…


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson Makes "Mana" Tequila Official

Dwayne Johnson’s finally got an answer to what The Rock is cooking … tequila!! Dwayne’s company filed docs — and obtained by TMZ — to lock down the name “Mana” and slap it on tequila bottles. It pays to be in the tequila biz. Just ask these…


Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson Makes "Mana" Tequila Official

Dwayne Johnson’s finally got an answer to what The Rock is cooking … tequila!! Dwayne’s company filed docs — and obtained by TMZ — to lock down the name “Mana” and slap it on tequila bottles. It pays to be in the tequila biz. Just ask these…


Monday, March 5, 2018

Tila Tequila: Pregnant With Baby #2!

If you’re not familiar with Tila Tequila … well, then you may want to stop reading now.

You’re definitely better off living the rest of your life in blissful ignorance of this pint-sized demon lady.

However, if you’re already unfortunate enough to be familiar with Tila’s racist, hateful way of life, then you might as well stay informed about this long national nightmare.

As you may already know Tequila welcomed a child back in 2014, which is an odd phrase for a number of reasons.

Now, it seems there’s another worm in the bottle … or something.

“The Lord God has blessed me with baby #2!!!!!” Tila wrote on her official Facebook page today.

“Praise the Father in Heaven for He is merciful and graceful! I give glory to Him every day.”

Yes, Tila is as racist and seemingly mentally ill as ever, but she’s also super into God these days.

As a result, her birth announcement sounded like something Samuel L. Jackson would say after taking a bite of your Big Kahuna burger:

“May all the blood of the saints be brought to justice for the time has come! The time hath come for our Father God in heaven to reveal himself to us!” Tila wrote.

“The time hath cometh when great hailstones of fire and brimestone will shoot across the heavens down to the earth to smite every wicked tongue that has cursed his name!”

Needless to say, Ms. Tequila is extremely stable these days and there’s no reason to be deeply concerned by the fact that she’ll soon be responsible for the health and safety of two children.

She went on to reveal that she was targeted for death by the Illuminati and warn her haters that they’ll soon be struck down by Jesus:

“They tried to kill me in 2012 but Jesus brought me back to life and now all the illuminati fear me because my God is mighty!!!” Tila wrote.

“Meanwhile, I find it hilarious how all the haters have been calling me ‘fat’ and telling me that God is going to punish me for the things I have been saying and always trying to send curses my way,” she added.

“But God took all your wretched curses and turned them into huge blessings for me instead!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAY!!!”

You have to appreciate the deftness with which she alternates between ultra-basic Valley girl and dude who filled the food pantry of his backyard bomb shelter with nothing but Bibles and AR-15s.

Anyway, um … congrats to Tila – and best of luck to her future son or daughter.


Thursday, February 1, 2018

Tila Tequila Pushes for #PURGE, Wants People to Die

We try not to write about Tila Tequila very often.

The former reality star is one of two things:

  1. Desperate for attention.

  2. Mentally deranged.

It could easily be a combination of both, of course.

About a year ago, for example, Tequila wrote that Michelle Obama is a man and that she controls the universe.

We’ve actually ignored her ramblings ever since because, come on… they are just the ramblings of a mad woman.

But we can’t ignore some of Tila’s latest nonsense. It’s simply too ridiculous and, quite frankly, too offensive.

For example, Tequila wrote on Facebook yesterday that God has made sure she will live forever and that others keep dying because they deserve it.

In fact, Tequila hopes these people continue to die and that the world is purged of those who are wicked and evil.

She, of course, is NOT one of these people because she was sent here by God to carry out His wishes and pass along His message.

“Yesterday I warned more wicked people on my FB page to beware of more deaths coming their way and behold! Today there are many DEATHS reported in the news!” she wrote.

Added Tila:

” Lmao! #ThankYouJesus I pray This #PURGE continues and will pick up more traction over time to such a high level that people will be left in shock and awe of what’s happening….


tila fb

In a reply to a comment on her Facebook page, Tequila also referenced the President.

She doesn’t seem to be a fan of Donald Trump, but she’s also glad he’s in office.

“Donald Trump IS also a manifestation of God’s wrath upon you all! True story!!” she wrote, adding:

“And he will be in office for the next 8 years to keep you all in torment! Brilliant!”

Throughout the year, meanwhile, Tila has pointed to various deaths as a sign that people who do not repent will be punished by the Almighty.

For instance, this is what she had the gall to write upon the death of Cranberries lead singer Dolores O’Riordan:

tila reaction

Heck, Tequila even celebrated, in her warped way, the death of Ellen DeGeneres’ father and other natural disasters that took the lives of thousands.

It’s really horrible stuff.

We hate to even give Tila a platform here.

We do think it’s important for two reasons, however:

  1. She needs mental help and perhaps public pressure will prompt her to seek it out.

  2. Do not believe a word this woman says.

Here’s another example of Tequila comparing herself to Jesus Christ:

tequila stuff

In November of 2016, Tequila showed a love for Nazis online and got suspended by Twitter.

We’re not sure what it will take for the same thing to happen here with Facebook.

For Tila’s own sake, she really needs to get off this social media network and re-evaluate her life.

In every way one possibly can.


Sunday, November 19, 2017

Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas Do Tequila Shots in Rio

Joe Jonas and fiancee Sophie Turner were all about the tequila in Rio. Joe and Sophie cut loose Saturday afternoon at the Fasano Hotel Pool Bar.  When they spotted photogs they got super animated … clearly enjoying the moment. Their…


Thursday, July 20, 2017

The Real Housewives of New York Season 9 Episode 16: Drama In Tequila

Ramona and Sonja are like two petulant children when they get together, and have a few drinks. 

On The Real Housewives of New York Season 9 Episode 16, the ladies made their way to Mexico, and things got off to a dramatic start. 

“I was literally throwing up in a garbage can this morning,” Bethenny revealed to the ladies while making fun of Ramona for having a face like Frankenstein. 

Yes, her face was not as on point as usual, and part of that was down to the mass skin peel she had, but did it stop her from having fun?

This is Ramona we’re talking about. She’ll find a reason to have fun so long as a margarita is in her hand. That’s why I love her. She’s hilarious. 

When the ladies exited the plane, they got into their car and talk quickly turned to Tinsley’s big date.

“How was the date?” Luann questioned.

“It was good. It lasted for five days,” said Tinsley. She revealed that they went to Miami and had a lot of fun. Will they be marrying on the next date? I’m going to assume yes. 

This is Tinsley, and she’s proven anything during her stint on this Bravo smash, it’s that she’s full of emotions. 

As is always the case on trips with these ladies, Ramona and Sonja made it their mission to find the best room in the house so that they could be above everyone else. 

While Bethenny flipped the eff out at the very thought of the two women trying to steal rooms, Dorinda was not fazed by the room because she was on vacation. 

“I don’t care what room I get. I’ll sleep on the lawn,” she said. 

While the two women searched for the perfect room, the rest of them were introduced to the staff, and a chef shared the same name with Ramona, and I could not deal with it. 

“Ramona’s the cook?” Luann laughed. 

“Yes, Ramona,” replied the chef. 

Who needs Ramona Singer when we have Ramona, the cook? God, if Ramona Singer were in the kitchen, she’d lace every single dish with Pinot Grigio.  In fact, she’d probably serve Bethenny up a side dish of poison. 

Bethenny got wind of the drama with the room and immediately put her foot down. 

“We’re going to do it fair. We’re not fucking gavone animals,” said Bethenny. 

Bethenny told the women they were doing a lottery with the rooms because she wanted the whole trip to be fair. Ramona and Sonja were pissed because they picked the best room. 

Tinsley got to pick any room first, and immediately gave Bethenny the best room because she planned the trip. 

As expected, Sonja called Tinsley out for apparently not being considerate. Pretty funny when you consider the fact that Sonja was being inconsiderate by taking a room before anyone. 

Ramona played along and tried to get in a room with Dorinda, but she was not ready to let Frankenstein bunk with her. 

“Stop being a spoilt brat. I will literally take your shit and throw it in the pool.” Dorinda yelled at her. 

“Two old bags left their bags, like two old bitches marking their territory. Not in this casa.” Bethenny said when she noticed Ramona and Sonja’s crap in her room. 

In the end, Ramona decided to make one of the maids a slave and started firing orders around. She wanted someone to empty her case and just do things that any normal human would do for themselves. 

Tensions flared up when Tinsley’s friend got an email about Page Six running a story about her. She confided in Carole and Bethenny, before sitting down at the dinner table. 

She wasted no time in calling out Ramona and Sonja because she thought they were to blame. Here’s the thing: the whole thing seemed like it was scripted. 

If we learned anything from it, it was that Tinsley was not a good actress and should probably find her own apartment, because it’s not surprising Sonja is getting tired of her. 

Finally, we got to see a heavily drunk Luann, and it was delightful. She was falling around the place and even found herself stuck in a rose bush. 

Drunk Luann is someone anyone would want at their party.

What do you think of all the drama?

Sound off below!


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

George Clooney Sells Tequila Company For $1 BILLION

George Clooney turned 56 last month, and we think it’s a safe bet that most if not all of those years have been pretty damn good.

There may have been some low points pre-ER when he was working for Roseanne and forced to compliment her ’80s wardrobe, but we’re guessing that on 95-99% of the mornings he’s gotten out of bed, George has looked and mirror and thought, Damn, it’s good to be The Cloon.

(We have no real reason to believe he calls himself The Cloon, but George strikes us a man who wouldn’t want to waste a solid nickname.)

We mention all this just to underscore how impressive it is that George continually manages to top himself in terms of baller status.

It’s not like he set the bar low early on with a few decades living in his mom’s basement, ya know?

As we approach the half way point of 2017, George has crossed off what were probably the only remaining items on his bucket list:

Earlier this month Clooney became a dad, when his wife, Amal, gave birth to twins.

And today, George became a billionaire.

Okay, technically, George sold his tequila company, Casamigos, to liquor giant Diageo for $ 700 million with another $ 300 million to be paid out over the next ten years based on performance.

But we’re not gonna split hairs with a dude who finalized a nine-figure business deal before we finished our breakfast Cheetos, ya know?

Clooney founded Casamigos in 2013 with entertainment mogul and husband of Cindy Crawford, Rande Gerber.

It’s about time something went right for these guys, ya know?

Casamigos (which means “house of friends” in Spanish) started out as a private tequila collective, producing small batches of booze to be gifter to family and friends.

Yes, that’s the most baller thing you can find outside of Diddy video.

And yes, George became a billionaire by accident because he clearly pledged his soul to the same demon who’s keeping Keith Richards alive.

“If you asked us four years ago if we had a billion dollar company, I don’t think we would have said yes,” Clooney sad in a statement issued today.

“This reflects Diageo’s belief in our company and our belief in Diageo. But we’re not going anywhere. We’ll still be very much a part of Casamigos. Starting with a shot tonight. Maybe two.”

We’ll toast to that, George!

Except we’ll be drinking some Tijuana-made rotgut with a worm in the bottom, because we have that pesky “not being billionaires” thing to contend with.

It’s getting seriously annoying, so if you wanted to help us out with a few mill, we wouldn’t yell at you.


Friday, March 10, 2017

George Clooney & Rande Gerber"s Party with Famous Trans-Am and Tequila! (PHOTOS)

George Clooney and Rande Gerber just raised the bar for office parties by throwing a tequila-soaked bash — with the most awesome movie car thrown in for good measure. The famous buddies looked like extremely hot moonshiners Thursday in L.A.…


Monday, February 6, 2017

Diddy & Chris Brown -- Shots Fired at Super Bowl Party (TEQUILA SHOTS!) (VIDEO)

The best Super Bowl party went down in Holmby Hills — where Diddy threw a rager at his mansion … complete with huge stars, huge TVs and TONS of booze! Chris Brown, Kourtney Kardashian, Chris Rock, Russell Simmons, Miguel and many, many more…


Monday, January 16, 2017

Tila Tequila: Michelle Obama Is a Man & I Control the Universe!

If you were hoping that 2017 would be a year without Tila Tequila, we regret to inform you that the former MySpace celebrity (yes, she’s been around that long) is still posting absolutely batsh-t rants on social media, and they’re simply too insane to ignore.

Tila is a Trump supporter (because of course she is) and these days her psychotic ramblings have taken on a political slant.

And just what kind of alt-right nonsense is Tila currently spewing?

Well, she’s going above and beyond the usual lunacy of the Pepe the Racist Frog crowd, which is no easy feat.

Tila’s psychosis seems to come in spurts, and her current frenzy began on Christmas Day, when she posted this almost-too-bonkers-to-believe tirade on her Facebook page:

It’s almost 2017 and for those of you who are still complaining about Donald Trump you fail to realize that you are no longer living in the same reality that you once knew.

We have merged into an alternate timeline now in an alternate Universe! The truth is stranger than fiction and in this alternative universe sh!t is gonna keep getting weirder so you might as well let go of your previous attachments now.

Next up is time traveling and teleporting. If you are still confused about it all then do not worry for I am the navigator of this Universe! Remember “Teela” in ‘Masters of the Universe?”

Well, that was me! I’ve been hacking timelines and named a cartoon based on myself. Seriously.”

Tila took to the comments to show off her Vladimir Putin impression, adding, “Donald Trump is my puppet.”

And it seems it’s not just world leaders who are under Tila’s control, but also birds. Yes, birds:

“I’ve uncovered a new skill that I have! Yesterday I saw a huge falcon and I was able to control the way it was flying by motioning it with my arms!” Tila recently wrote, seemingly without irony.

“Today I started doing it again and not only did I have all the Ravens follow me but I was able to tell them to go and get more and a huge flock came over! It was so f**king badass! I’m becoming more powerful by the day! #BadassB!tch”

On Saturday, Tila turned her attention back to controlling humanity, declaring that she would manipulate the of the New England Patriots-Houston Texans game in the Texans favor.

New England won the game 34-16, which is making us question wonder if Tila has overstated her powers.

But that very public setback didn’t keep Tila down for long, and she bounced back with some of her finest lunacy to date, this time adding a little transphobic hate speech into the mix:

How many of you have cartoon characters literally named after you? I do because I am obviously the master of the Universe! I time travelled back here to fix where you all f**ked up!

“I hacked it so Trump would win since Obama was the anti-Christ! He fooled you all with his charm and his man of a “wife” Michael aka Michelle Obama!

“You all cheer on a F–king TRANNY as your 1st lady! Time to make all the wrongs right again! Sick of this sh!t! #AllHailTheQueen

Tila also informed her fans that she’s currently on vacation in Jamaica, which is surprising, as not only has she been unemployable for the better part of a decade, she recently launched a Kickstarter in which she begged for rent money.

Just another day in the life of everyone’s favorite Nazi cyborg alien.


Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Tila Tequila Does Nazi Salute, Gets Suspended from Twitter

Twitter has had enough of Tila Tequila.

Last Saturday, an alt-right convention was held in Washington D.C., with Richard Spencer leading a gathering of the National Policy Institute in showering Donald Trump with praise.

But not for his views on gun control, taxes or abortion.

For the fact that the President-Elect is helping to once again make this an all “white country.”

Among the attendees at this disturbing event was Tila Tequila, the former model and reality star who has shown numerous signs over the years of having severe mental issues.

For example, Tila once said that Beyonce is a demon who is all about destroying the souls of children around the world.

In this same Twitter rant from May, Tila came right out and said she is a “white nationalist.”

She also once shared a photo of her infant daughter with a Hitler mustache.

We hate to give her any kind of platform or attention, but Tequila made national headlines over the weekend when she Tweeted a photo of herself holding up the Nazi salute during a dinner at Maggianos Little Italy restaurant.

She did so alongside other members of National Policy Institute, as you can see below:

In response to this outrageous image, the restaurant posted a statement on Facebook apologizing for Tequila’s actions… and her Twitter account was later suspended.

“On Friday night, Maggiano’s in Friendship Heights was the inadvertent site of a protest that caused us to close our restaurant to protect the safety of our Teammates and Guests,” wrote the eatery on social media, adding:

“The protesters were upset because of a banquet we were hosting for a group called the National Policy Institute (NPI). This was a last minute booking made Friday afternoon, and the reservation was made under a different name, therefore we were not aware that NPI was dining with us or what the group represents.

After the event, an attendee sent a tweet in which she made a “Sieg Heil salute” in support of Hitler and white supremacy.

“This expression of support of Hitler is extremely offensive to us, as our restaurant is home to Teammates and Guests of every race, religion and cultural background.

“We want to sincerely apologize to the community of Friendship Heights for inadvertently hosting this meeting, which resulted in hateful sentiment.

“We want you to know that at the suggestion of one of our Guests, we are donating the profits from our restaurant sales on Friday, $ 10,000, to the DC office of the Anti-Defamation League, which for decades has been working to bring people together in peace and understanding.”

Of course, no one is really focused now on the role of Maggiano’s here. 

Although the restaurant has released an admirable statement and taken admirable actions.

Below, meanwhile, we’ve shared a video of Spencer’s speech.

In it, he leads the crowd in a chant of “Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory.”

Tequila is somewhere in this crowd.

We can’t exactly say we’re surprised.

But we can say the following:


Please come out and strongly denounce them, President-Elect Trump.


Friday, May 20, 2016

Tila Tequila: Beyonce is a Devil-Worshipping Demon!

If you don’t follow her on Twitter, you might not be aware that Tila Tequila is pretty much a bonafide, real-live crazy person.

Tila’s racist rants and violent threats are basically the social media equivalent of a ten-car pileup.

We know we should look away, but for some reason, we just can’t.

Usually, the whole routine smacks of trolling, and we hate to give any attention to bigoted D-list pseudo-celebs, but it’s hard not to when they’re threatening to shoot up movie theaters.

Lately, the public’s interest in Tila’s lunatic ramblings has dwindled, so she’s been forced to take on tougher opponents in order to grab the retweets she craves like oxygen.

First Tila took on Azealia Banks

Now she’s going after the Bey Hive.

Yes, in a nonsensical tirade posted last night, Tila decided to attack Beyonce, thus ensuring that she’ll incur the ire of the Internet’s most fervent fan base:

“Why does @Beyonce  try so hard to act “hood?” If a riot broke out I assure you she would be the last person there helping anyone.

“As a matter of fact, I am actually more “hood” than @Beyonce since I live in Houston. I just happen to be a white nationalist.”

Not offensive enough for you?

Don’t worry, she goes on to explain her theory that Beyonce is a witch who sacrificed Aaliyah in order to seal her deal with the Devil:

“If anything is to be said about @Beyonce it’s that she sold her soul & is now partaking in the destruction of our children. #SellOut

“She had to blood sacrifice Aaliyah in order to make room for the witch @Beyonce But she will NEVER be as great as Aaliyah! … The real Beyonce was replaced. She now has the demonic 1 to do her bidding.”

She concluded her anti-Bey rant with this cherry on top of the batsh-t sundae:

“Vaccinated people are really weak, subservient and obedient drones. It’s us against them! … I am serious! Vaccines causes mutations in your DNA that turns you gay!”

Yes, now that Azealia Banks has been booted off Twitter, Tila Tequila is officially the Troll Queen of the Internet.

Long may she reign.

On second thought, if she could just go ahead and STFU, that would be great.

Tila Tequila: Beyonce is a Devil-Worshipping Demon!

If you don’t follow her on Twitter, you might not be aware that Tila Tequila is pretty much a bonafide, real-live crazy person.

Tila’s racist rants and violent threats are basically the social media equivalent of a ten-car pileup.

We know we should look away, but for some reason, we just can’t.

Usually, the whole routine smacks of trolling, and we hate to give any attention to bigoted D-list pseudo-celebs, but it’s hard not to when they’re threatening to shoot up movie theaters.

Lately, the public’s interest in Tila’s lunatic ramblings has dwindled, so she’s been forced to take on tougher opponents in order to grab the retweets she craves like oxygen.

First Tila took on Azealia Banks

Now she’s going after the Bey Hive.

Yes, in a nonsensical tirade posted last night, Tila decided to attack Beyonce, thus ensuring that she’ll incur the ire of the Internet’s most fervent fan base:

“Why does @Beyonce  try so hard to act “hood?” If a riot broke out I assure you she would be the last person there helping anyone.

“As a matter of fact, I am actually more “hood” than @Beyonce since I live in Houston. I just happen to be a white nationalist.”

Not offensive enough for you?

Don’t worry, she goes on to explain her theory that Beyonce is a witch who sacrificed Aaliyah in order to seal her deal with the Devil:

“If anything is to be said about @Beyonce it’s that she sold her soul & is now partaking in the destruction of our children. #SellOut

“She had to blood sacrifice Aaliyah in order to make room for the witch @Beyonce But she will NEVER be as great as Aaliyah! … The real Beyonce was replaced. She now has the demonic 1 to do her bidding.”

She concluded her anti-Bey rant with this cherry on top of the batsh-t sundae:

“Vaccinated people are really weak, subservient and obedient drones. It’s us against them! … I am serious! Vaccines causes mutations in your DNA that turns you gay!”

Yes, now that Azealia Banks has been booted off Twitter, Tila Tequila is officially the Troll Queen of the Internet.

Long may she reign.

On second thought, if she could just go ahead and STFU, that would be great.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Tila Tequila & Azealia Banks Attack Each Other in Racist Twitter War For the Ages

If you’re not familiar with Tila Tequila and Azealia Banks, just know that they’re a couple of Z-list a-holes who have committed themselves to making the Internet – and the world – worse for everyone by spewing hateful, racist nonsense on a daily basis.

So far this year, Tila has threatened to shoot up a movie theater, posted a photo of her daughter with a Hitler mustache, claimed to be an alien with a robot brain, and started a GoFundMe page so that she can start shopping at Target, because she feels there are too many black people at Wal Mart.

Not to be outdone in the bigoted psycho department, Ms. Banks issued an online death threat, encouraged a suicidal fellow artist to kill herself, and called for Sarah Palin to be “gang raped by black men.”

Sadly, even though we have the technology, our society has not started equipping people like this with weapons and luring them into a video camera-equipped space shuttle where they can do battle for our amusement while orbiting the Earth at a safe distance.

Fortunately, people who are awful in such similar ways will inevitably seek each out and expend their energy being terrible to one another, which is exactly what happened on Twitter today:

It all started when Tila spewed some insanity about Banks’ comments about Palin:

“@AZEALIABANKS blacks with your mentality DO accept slavery & you continue to endorse it. Bravo genius!” Tequila tweeted.

“The purge is real, it’s happening, and many I have returned to deliver messages directly from heaven to humanity of what is coming!” she continued.

“@AZEALIABANKS will DEFINITELY NOT be allowed to enter heaven once the purge is over. She has but little time, if any, left 2 get right…The Afircan Americans in heaven where I currently reside would very much disagree with @AZEALIABANKS n–gerish behavior.”

Banks is probably one of the only people on the planet who man match Tequila in terms of racially-charged lunacy, and she brought her A-game in response:

“I’m not a Christian and I don’t believe in heaven. Furthermore, I don’t remember there being any Asians in the bible,” she tweeted to Tila.

“Girl, if you don’t go back the the fortune cookie sweatshop with this mess…Go make me some cat fried rice.”

You get the idea – super racist, super awful, super Tila Tequila and Azealia Banks.

Someone get these two a reality show ASAP!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Selena Gomez Slams Back Tequila, Dances on Bar

It remains unclear whether or not Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez will ever get back together.

But this much is certain: both stars had themselves a blast over the weekend!

First, as previously documented, Bieber got drunk (sorry, "maybe drunk," according to the singer himself) and rambled on for awhile to a crowd gathered at a nightclub in Los Angeles.

Second, as depicted below, Selena apparently got nice and inebriated herself while hanging out at a bar in Fort Worth, Texas.

According to onlookers, Gomez had a few drinks of tequila (which is totally nice and legal; she is over 21 and everything) prior to jumping up on a bar and dancing to Rihanna"s "Work."

Why was Gomez even on hand at the establishment?

She was celebrating an engagement party for her cousin, Priscilla DeLeon.

Selena even posted an Instagram photo of herself embracing her cousin over the weekend, with the latter wearing a large engagement ring.

Gomez will also serve as the maid of honor at her relative’s upcoming wedding.

Below, however, she"s having a lot of fun after her server poured her a bunch of drinks.


Selena gomez slams back tequila dances on bar

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Tila Tequila DISSES Big Ang After Death: "Why Is Everyone So Sad?"

It’s may be hard to believe, but there is a celebrity (though we use that term loosely) that absolutely DESTROYS Kanye West when it comes to batsh*t insane Twitter rants, and it is Tila Tequila.

We’re all highly disturbed and aware of her recent racist diatribes, claims of being God and threats to shoot up a movie theater.

And now she’s insulting a woman in the wake of her death after a battle with cancer.

In a Facebook post, Tila shared a link about the “tragic final moments” of former Mob Wives star Big Ang, who died last week, and wrote some words of disrespect about the recently deceased (typos have been included):

“do you guys think she deserves to be praised ? i mean she was the wife of a serial murderer mobster why is everyone so sad ?”

In actuality and despite her show’s title, Big Ang was not married to a mobster. Her husband Neil Murphy was a sanitation worker and a contractor. 

“did she cry for the families her husband destroyed ?” she continued in the same post. “i dont understand why everyone feels so sad lol what do you guys think ?”

Now, it’s not like Tila is the pillar of sensitivity or propriety (or for that matter, sanity), but bashing someone less than a week after they died of stage 4 cancer is pretty low.

Ironically, however, just three days prior, she posted a photo of herself with Big Ang (and Amarosa), writing a touching tribute that gave some high praise to the reality TV star.

“I am terribly sad to hear that Big Ang has passed away! I didn’t know her well, but when I met her she was the only other celebrity who was friendly with me, and always sat next to me. She was asking me a lot about Izzy, and then shared pics of her family to me, and told me what a blessing babies are! She was a very fun, and free spirit for the short time that I got to spend with her! R.I.P. Big Ang! You will be missed dearly! ‪#‎BigAng‬ ‪#‎MobWives‬”

Tila’s erratic behavior is honestly no laughing matter.

Her baby daddy Thomas Whitaker is suing her for full custody of their one-year-old daughter Isabella, citing that Tila is mentally unstable and suffers from delusions of grandeur.

It’s impossible to truly understand what is going through this woman’s brain, but we do hope she gets the help she needs… fast.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Tila Tequila Goes on Racist Rant, Posts Photos of Her Butt

As you probably already know, Tila Tequila is a crazy person.

We don’t mean she’s a little eccentric, or she has an odd way of looking at the world, we mean that in all likelihood, she’s clinically and dangerously insane. If you don’t believe us, just check out her Twitter activity over the past 24 hours.

It started yesterday when Tila threatened to shoot up a movie theater and then proceeded to announce her new phone sex line, which she advertised with the above pics, captioned – for some reason – #BlackAsianBootyLivesMatter.

And that was just the start of the racially-charged insanity.

From there, Tila declared herself God, then stated that she intends to start a race war. No, really:

“I am for real on my way to Target. I’ll be safe there since the colored shops at Wal-mart,” Tila tweeted, apparently referencing the fact that she recently raised thousands of dollars on GoFundMe for the stated purpose of helping her move into a bigger apartment and switch to a different retail giant.

From there, things got really, really crazy, even by the standards of a woman who claims to have a robot brain and believes the Earth is flat.

Here’s a small sample of Tila’s most insane/hateful tweets from the past few hours:

  • “But seriously! Leave the blacks alone! Just cuz they pray 2 their fried chicken God does not make them different than us who have real Gods!”

  • “I am God. “

  • “First the Jews, then the Feds, and now the blacks. *sighs* I feel like Kim Jong. So ronery!”

  • “I bet all the blacks here just smoked a blunt.”

  • “No one can defeat me! I am God and shall be worshipped as such!”

  • “I will always despise humanity and my disdain for them shall always remain no matter how hard I am being brainwashed!”

  • “Please don’t give me that ‘we all bleed the same underneath’ crap! Cuz I don’t even bleed!”

  • “All the white people are secretly worshipping right now.”

  • “As much as I’d like to continue this race war that I have single handedly incited, I must go take care of my kid. We finna eat breakfast!”

Yes, just another day in the life of the craziest person on Twitter. Sorry, Kanye. You’ve officially lost that title.