Showing posts with label Paris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paris. Show all posts

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Chris Brown Back in the U.S. After Paris Rape Case Drama


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Chris Brown Back in the U.S. After Paris Rape Case Drama

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Chris Brown No Reason for Me to Flee Paris ... I"m Putting in Work!!!

Exclusive Details

require(["tmz/shortcodes/1.0.7/shortcodes"], function (shortcodes) { ...
Chris Brown No Reason for Me to Flee Paris ... I"m Putting in Work!!!

TMZ Live Chris Brown Detained In Paris For Rape & Drugs


require(["tmz/shortcodes/1.0.7/shortcodes"], function (shortcodes) { ...
TMZ Live Chris Brown Detained In Paris For Rape & Drugs

Friday, November 9, 2018

Tila Tequila: Paris Hilton Killed My Fiancee & I"m Possessed By Satan

Hey, things got pretty crazy this week, didn"t they, America?

It"s times like this that we need the genuine batsh-t insanity of someone like Tila Tequila to remind us that things could always be marginally worse.

As some of our older readers may recall, Ms. Tequila was a popular figure on MySpace, which was an arcane rune-based communications system popular among early homonids in the days before 

The site died an ugly, premature death after overdosing on the milliojns of HTML customizations and Fall Out Boy videos everyone crammed into their personal pages, but Tila"s notoriety has survived.

The reason for this is that she"s hands down the craziest celebrity on the planet.

You"re probably asking yourself, how could she be crazier than Charlie Sheen, Lindsay Lohan, Donald John Trump?

To which we say, believe it or not, Tila wins that contest by a mile.

We could rattle off a decade"s worth of bizarre incidents as proof — such as the time she claimed to have evidence that Michelle Obama is secretly a man, or the many times she insisted she"s some sort of alien Nazi.

Instead we"ll just share this video in which Tila casually explains that she was possessed for several years and Paris Hilton murdered her fiancee.

"So back in 2012 I was in Hollywood and I was in the world of Satan. I was possessed by Satan. Hollywood is a platform built by Satan," Tila tells the camera.

"They kept sending me to doctors to overdose me and kill me."

From there Tila goes on to describe how the death of her fiancee Casey Johnson was the result of a Satanic ritual orchestrated by Paris and Nicki Hilton.

“Paris and Nicky Hilton sacrificed Casey while I was in Texas. All of the demonic chicks like Courtenay Semel, Jasmine Lennard, The Hilton sisters went against me because they were the one who sacrificed her," Tequila says.

"She told me all of their secrets and then they tried to sacrifice me.”

From there, the ladies busted out some Xans and eight balls, because apparently that"s customary following a ritual sacrifice.

"I was disgusted," Tila says "So I took two Xanax bars and did two 8 balls of cocaine. Satan had me so on drugs.”

Check out the whole 40-minute (!!!) video for more insanity.

Hopefully, it"s the first episode of a new talk show entitlted It"s the Tequila Talking!

Tila tequila paris hilton killed my fiancee and im possessed by

Friday, November 2, 2018

Don McLean, 73, Confirms Relationship with 24-Year-Old Model Paris Dylan

Don McLean’s last marriage lasted for about 29 years and ended with him getting arrested for domestic violence against then-wife Patrisha.

Now, the 73-year-old music legend has moved on with a 24-year-old girlfriend, Paris Dylan.

The couple has made their relationship official by gushing about it on Instagram.

Don McLean is a musician, best known for the album American Pie and particularly for the song of the same name.

Paris Dylan is a Catfish alum who has been featured in Playboy and Maxim.

They’ve made it very clear on social media that they are dating.

“A dream with my love,” Paris captioned one recent photo.

In another, she gushes, calling McLean the “love of my life.”

In October, she wished him: “happy birthday my baby, my beauty, love of my life, my everything.”

The pair of them have done a lot of traveling this year.

The singer and his model girlfriend visited Germany, France, the UK, and Israel.

While in France, Paris visited the city of the same name.

The couple, as you can see in the photo above, posed in front of the Eiffel Tower.

They also visited the Louvre.

It’s unclear when their relationship officially began.

As far back as November of 2016, Paris shared a photo of the two of them, but that’s not the same thing as dating.

It was really in March of 2018 when the two of them seemed to be joined at the hip — almost literally — and posting a steady stream of photos.

That is when the two were “linked,” but officially speaking, they were just pals.

Now that they’ve both been gushing about each other and sharing the same photos on social media, we can comfortably call them a couple.

Paris Dylan is a model who, as we mentioned, has posed for Playboy and Maxim.

As you can see in every photo in which she appears, she certainly has the qualifications — and we mean that sincerely — for that kind of modeling.

But she is really best known for appearing in a wildly elaborate episode of Catfish.

That particular episode, as you may recall, involved NBA star Chris “Birdman” Andersen.

Now she’s traveling the world with a music legend and, from what she rights on social media, both deeply in love and enjoying each country she visits.

The couple’s age gap spans nearly 50 years.

People can have a cynical view towards relationships that feature massive age gaps.

A lot of the time, there’s a pattern.

Often, there’s a very unbalanced power dynamic that favors the party who is older, wealthier, more famous, and male.

Some may view Paris Dylan as either a lucky groupie, someone being exploited in their search for stability, or even a predator taking advantage of an older man.

We would prefer to reserve judgment until there is any indication that this is something other than a relationship between two people born at very different times.

So far, there are no hints that anyone involved is in any way unhappy. Until that changes, let’s leave well enough alone.

Maybe we can even be happy for them. There’s little enough joy in the nightmarish hellscape of 2018.


Friday, October 19, 2018

Paris Jackson and Gabriel Glenn: Headed For the Altar (Without a Prenup)!

Paris Jackson has been through quite a lot in her young life.

Of course, she’s also enjoyed privileges and opportunities that most folks can only dream of.

We mention this not because we begrudge Paris her wealth and fame but because the latest news about the 20-year-old’s personal life has fans concerned that her personal fortune may be in danger.

Paris has been dating drummer Gabriel Glenn for the past several months.

The couple met when Gabriel was hired into Paris’ band, the Soundflowers.

(Note: Several media outlets have mistakenly reported that Glenn was a member of the Wallflowers, which would make this story way weirder, as Paris was about a year away from being conceived when “One Headlight” came out.)

According to Radar Online, Paris’ family is deeply concerned about her new relationship, primarily because Paris and Glenn are already talking marriage.

“Paris told certain family members that she truly believes that Gabriel is the one and she wants to marry him,” a source close to the Jackson family says.

“She and Gabriel have been going strong for several months and she feels a deep connection with him.”

Most recently, Paris dated Cara Delevingne, and it seems her shift in preference has also been a cause of concern for certain influential family members.

Sadly, Paris’ beloved grandmother has some outdated beliefs, and she’s expressed skepticism about Paris’ ability to make decisions regarding her own sexuality and love life.

“The family is all very confused at this point,” the insider says.

“One second, she is a lesbian and dating; the next second, she is straight and dating her bandmate.”

But despite her apparent confusion, Katherine Jackson is less concerned with granddaughter’s sexuality than with her financial future — a future that she feels is in jeopardy due to Paris’ insistence on getting married without a prenup.

“No one cares what she is everyone just wants to know that she is okay,” says the source.

“Gabriel does not have the best reputation and some of her family members feel like he could be using her.

“They just want her to be careful.”

Sadly, Michael Jackson’s only daughter has been down this road before.

Paris recently dated Michael Snoddy, who was also a musician, and whose flippant attitude has been compared to Glenn’s.

That relationship ended badly, but Paris recovered rather quickly.

As painful as that episode might have been, friends and family are reportedly hoping for a similar outcome with Glenn.


Thursday, October 4, 2018

Kim Kardashian West $6 Million Lawsuit Against Bodyguard in Paris Robbery

The bodyguard who bailed on Kim Kardashian West just before she was robbed at gunpoint in Paris is being sued … TMZ has learned.  Pascal Duvier and the company he worked for — PROTECTSECURITY — are being sued by Kim’s insurance company for…


Thursday, September 27, 2018

Paulina Gretzky In Paris With Dustin Johnson, We"re Still Together!!

Dustin Johnson is working his way out of Paulina Gretzky’s doghouse … and it seems to be working — the two were just spotted together in Paris holding hands.   It’s the first time we’ve seen them out since Paulina wiped the…


Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Cardi B Flaunts Feathers at Etam Show for Paris Fashion Week

Cardi B isn’t ruffling feathers at Paris fashion shows … she’s just flaunting ‘em now. The rapper performed Tuesday during the Etam Spring/Summer show as part of Paris Fashion Week. She matched her purple dyed hair with a purple suit and…


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Kathy Hilton Says Paris" Wedding Delay is Just Because She"s Busy

Kathy Hilton says her daughter pushing back her wedding date is no cause for alarm … and guess what — when it goes down it ain’t happening at a Hilton. We got Paris’ mom at LAX Wednesday afternoon … she tells us Paris has been swamped…


Kathy Hilton Says Paris" Wedding Delay is Just Because She"s Busy

Kathy Hilton says her daughter pushing back her wedding date is no cause for alarm … and guess what — when it goes down it ain’t happening at a Hilton. We got Paris’ mom at LAX Wednesday afternoon … she tells us Paris has been swamped…


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Paris Jackson Apologizes for Harper"s Bazaar Cover Controversy

Paris Jackson recently confirmed her sexuality, and drew accusations of hypocrisy for appearing on a magazine cover in Singapore, where being gay is criminalized.

Paris was called out by members of her own community for appearing to endorse a country whose laws regard her very existence as a crime.

Others rose to Paris’ defense, and she issued an apology.

After Gay Star News called out Paris on what they saw as a betrayal of the LGBTQ+ community by one of its own, Paris was quick to apologize.

“i didn’t know,” Paris tweeted, quoting the article. “i am sorry.”

“i was grateful for the opportunity,” Paris added, explaining why she had done the cover photo to begin with.

She is a young model. Despite her fame, she is 20 years old, and being on the cover of a magazine is still a big deal.

“But,” she said. “i’ll delete the post now.”

“i don’t want to be hypocritical or hurt anyone,” Paris continued on Twitter.

Of course she doesn’t! She’s a good person who always lends her voice to good causes and to marginalized communities.

“And my support for my fellow LGBTQ+ community comes first,” Paris affirmed. “Before my love for fashion and gratitude for this opportunity.”

It’s good that she has her priorities in order.

Paris finished that tweet with: “Again, i’m sorry.”

Paris had more thoughts, and it’s god that she shared them — because this is thought-provoking.

“I would like to add though,” Paris tweets. “That someone that is openly a part of the community being on the cover in a country against the community, should be celebrated.”

Representation is important, and a major first step towards acceptance.

Paris asks: “isn’t that a step forward?”

“Again,” Paris reiterates. “I am deeply sorry.”

Paris isn’t getting defensive, but she’s explaining why she took the gig and questioning some of the criticism, which is extremely fair.

“I didn’t mean to be hypocritical or hurt anyone,” Paris makes clear.

In a follow-up tweet, she does have one other line.

“Also,” Paris writes. “That article is ridiculously mean.”

That happens sometimes — some celebrities are nasty people. But is that sort of meanness deserved in Paris’ case?

Paris was on the cover of a magazine. If she were in an ad hyping up tourism for Singapore — or Dubai or, for some reason, Chechnya, this criticism would make a lot more sense.

But a magazine cover is not an endorsement of a country.

And representation can be so important. Paris heard supportive messages from countless fans, including the LGBTQ+ community and folks from Singapore.

When your own country’s laws are against you, seeing someone like you on a magazine cover can give you a spark of hope. Hope can mean survival.

It’s hard to see how Paris was doing a bad thing, there.


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Farrah Abraham: I Want to Fight Lindsay Lohan AND Paris Hilton!

It’s only been eight months since Farrah Abraham was fired from Teen Mom OG, but the former reality star has already embarked on a new career.

Currently, Farrah is seeking a partner who’s willing to strip down, strap on some protection, and sweat it out on camera.

No, she’s not re-entering the porn world (at least not that we know of).

Instead, Farrah is trying her hand at boxing.

Perhaps she looked at the career of Floyd Mayweather and realized that you can be a truly repugnant human being and still make a ton of money in the ring, or maybe she caught some old episodes of MTV’s Celebrity Death Match and thought it was a documentary.

Whatever the case, Farrah is looking to float like a butterfly and sting like an STD.

She just needs to find an opponent who’s as starved for cash and attention as she is.

Yes, believe it or not, Farrah is having a hard time finding someone who’s willing to punch her in the face.

Perhaps other washed-up celebs are worried about losing to Farrah and falling even further down the pseudo-fame ladder.

Or maybe they’ve heard that urban legend about how if you get too close, the stench of Farrah failure will never wash off and no casting director will ever talk to you again. 

Whatever the case, The Blast is reporting today that both Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton have been offered $ 250,000 to box Farrah.

Even after promoters threw in $ 100,000 to the charity of their choice, both women turned the offer down.

As The Ashley’s Reality Roundup points out, there’s good reason for this.

Lohan has a new reality show on the way, and while she’s desperate for the series to be a hit, fighting another MTV star on camera is likely a bridge too far even for LiLo.

For her part, Paris is getting married soon, and she’s probably in no hurry to have her face rearranged before she walks down the aisle (well, maybe by a licensed plastic surgeon, but that’s a conversation for another time).

And even though her career may have taken a nosedive in recent years, Paris is still a Hilton, which means she’s not exactly hard-up for cash.

So Paris and Lindsay aren’t interested, but that doesn’t mean Farrah is out of options.

Former 16 and Pregnant star Lindsey Nicole recently took to Instagram to talk major trash to Ms. Abraham:

“Really Farrah, you think you’re not a bully?” Lindsey wrote.

“Have you watched any of your episodes?

“You bully your mom, dad, producers, cast members, & anyone you think is less than you. Why don’t you get in the ring with me & try to bully me around and see how that goes.”

You would think that Farrah’s people would be making Lindsey an offer.

Instead, Abraham simply blocked her on Instagram.

Sadly, it’s looking more and more like the only celebrity Farrah will be going toe-to-toe with is Ron Jeremy.


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Paris Hilton Slams Lindsay Lohan"s New Reality Show

Paris Hilton is absolutely one to hold a grudge when it comes to Lindsay Lohan, and because of that she says there’s NO chance she’ll watch LiLo on MTV. We got the reality TV OG — as she describes herself — and her fiance, Chris Zylka,…


Paris Hilton Slams Lindsay Lohan"s New Reality Show

Paris Hilton is absolutely one to hold a grudge when it comes to Lindsay Lohan, and because of that she says there’s NO chance she’ll watch LiLo on MTV. We got the reality TV OG — as she describes herself — and her fiance, Chris Zylka,…


TMZ Live: Paris Jackson Hires Security After Threat

ON TODAY’S SHOW Jack Osbourne Punches Estranged Wife’s New Man  Tyson Beckford: I’m Not Gay Kim Kardashian!  Travis Scott Delete Trans Model From Album Cover  Harvey Weinstein: I Have Emails That Will Save Me


Paris Jackson Moves, Hires Armed Security for Protection from Isaac Kappy

Paris Jackson is taking extreme measures to protect herself from Isaac Kappy, the actor who allegedly choked her, including amping up her security and moving out of her home … TMZ has learned. Sources familiar with the case tell us Paris has…


Massive Brawl Breaks Out Between Rival Rappers" Crews at Paris Airport

If the “You break it, you buy it” rule applies at this duty-free shop … these guys can expect a VERY hefty bill coming their way. This insane video captures the mayhem at the Paris Orly Airport as 2 rival French rappers and their respective…


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Paris Jackson, Seth Green Allegedly Attacked by Actor Isaac Kappy, LAPD Investigating

An actor who allegedly choked Paris Jackson and accused Seth Green of pedophilia is now the focus of a police investigation, on the heels of threatening a shootout with cops  … TMZ has learned.  Sources with direct knowledge of the case…


Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Paris Jackson: Headed to Rehab After Demi Lovato Overdose?!

Last week, Demi Lovato was hospitalized after an overdose. This came just weeks after she admitted to relapsing after six years of sobriety.

This was reportedly a huge wake-up call to Paris Jackson, whose behavior has apparently been a source of concern for those who love her.

Is Paris planning on checking into rehab before something like this happens to her?

According to RadarOnline’s report, Demi’s overdose shocked Paris Jackson into questioning her habits.

“Demi almost died,” a source tells RadarOnline. “And that was a big trigger for Paris to get healthy.”

Paris is very much into natural, healthy eating, but this insider alleges that she may have a lingering problem with certain substances.

“She was concerned about Demi” after Demi admitted to relapsing after having remained sober for so long, the insider says.

Paris was worried then, the source describes, “and in shock when she heard the news” that Demi was in the hospital.

Paris was troubled as a teenager — which is more than understandable after having lost her father at the tender age of 11.

She was hospitalized after a suicide attempt in her early teens, and had to enter rehab just a couple of years later.

According to the source, Paris sees Demi’s incident as a reminder of what could happen to her.

“She feels her problem could get bigger,” the insider claims.

Paris reportedly worries that her issues could worsen “if not dealt with appropriately.”

Just a month ago, Paris was mourning the death of her grandfather.

“Paris has refused to talk to her family,” in the aftermath of his passing, the source claims.

“She was embarrassed and saddened,” the insider reports. “That more wasn’t done for her grandfather when he died.”

She was with him towards the end, holding his hand in the hospital bed.

The source says that Paris’ frustration with her family mounted “and she had enough.”

One report claims that Paris appeared to be both high on marijuana and perhaps even intoxicated when she picked up some items from a Calabasas compound.

“She was stumbling a bit and clearly high or drunk,” the insider claimed.

That could be worrisome, if true. Though as those who have lost family members can tell you, not uncommon in the weeks following a sudden family death.

Different people cope in different ways.

Apparently Paris’ family fears that “her friends aren’t good for her and they take advantage of her.”

“At the end of the day,” the source predicts, “Paris will have a breakdown and it won’t be good for anyone unless she goes back to rehab.”

Honestly? It sounds like a lot of this is speculation, or perhaps an attempt to urge her to seek help.

If the report that Paris is planning ot enter rehab is true, it doesn’t look like she’s there yet — or, if she is, it’s one of those very rare rehabs that allows you to remain active on social media.

As of Tuesday morning, Paris is still active on Twitter.

Truth be told, it’s easy to confuse someone coping with a family tragedy for a few weeks with someone with a serious substance abuse problem.

We sincerely hope that Paris is doing just fine.
