Showing posts with label Seth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Seth. Show all posts

Friday, August 3, 2018

Seth Rogen Apologizes for "Blackface" on "Good Boys" Child Actor

Seth Rogen says he immediately stepped in when he found out a child actor was put in blackface on the set of the comedy, “Good Boys,” which he’s producing. TMZ broke the story … a stand-in for 11-year-old actor Keith L. Williams was wearing brown…


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Paris Jackson, Seth Green Allegedly Attacked by Actor Isaac Kappy, LAPD Investigating

An actor who allegedly choked Paris Jackson and accused Seth Green of pedophilia is now the focus of a police investigation, on the heels of threatening a shootout with cops  … TMZ has learned.  Sources with direct knowledge of the case…


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Seth Meyers: My Son Was Born ... In Our Building"s Lobby!

Get ready to laugh yourselves to tears … and maybe tear up with genuine emotion towards the end of this sweet, wonderful video.

Seth Meyers and his wife welcomed their second child into the world! it"s a wonderful story.

But it"s also a funny one, because it just so happens that their new baby was born in the lobby of Seth"s building.

Seth meyers image

Viewers have watched Seth Meyers break down over Trump"s electoral victory. That was what young people would call a "mood."

This story is much, much happier.

Seth reminds viewers that his son, Ashe Olsen, was nearly born in an Uber. 

"Move over that story, because that"s so normal compared to what happened yesterday."

As it turns out, his wife, Alexi Ashe, gives birth quickly.

Very, very quickly.

Seth meyers picture

They spent all day in the park and, when his wife began having contractions, they — along with the doula who was with them — decided that they should gradually make their way to the hospital.

Then, back at their apartment, his wife went into labor. Meyers called a car so that they could go to the hospital.

But nature had other plans.

"My wife just says, "I can"t get in that car. I"m going to have the baby right now. The baby is coming.""

And she wasn"t wrong.

"My wife was saying, "The baby is coming. The baby is out.""

Axel Strahl was born on April 8.

Seth meyers and the nyfd

He describes what his wife looked like, at this point.

"I looked at my wife. The only way to describe it, like someone hiding a baby in a pair of sweatpants. It was like somebody was trying to sneak the baby on a plane."

That is a hilarious image.

Obviously, they helped his wife undress … and she promptly finished giving birth on the floor of the lobby.

"I called 911 and over the course of a minute conversation, I basically said, ‘We’re about to have a baby …we’re having a baby … we had a baby.""

He says that it began as an emergency call and then became a situation in which he was simply sharing good news with a stranger.

Seth meyers childbirth selfie

Seth also gave a huge shout-out to everyone who helped — the firefighters, the doorman, and everyone who was simply understanding.

"I should point out that we have not lived in this building for a long time at all."

So he felt extra awkward — at least, after the fact, when he was able to process anything aside from the birth of his child.

"We just moved in at the end of last year. I"m so glad that we"re already co-op approved, because I don"t know."

He didn"t care for the Uber driver charging him, especially considering that his wife would have ended up delivering in the Uber, which would have absolutely been worse for the driver than being summoned without anyone getting in.

Uber has since refunded Seth"s money and sent him and his wife congratulations on the birth of their second son.

Axel strahl meyers

Seth"s voice breaks as he describes how wonderful his wife is and how he knows that Axel and Ashe are both going to have good lives and grow up to be wonderful people because of her.

He also shares that while they chose the name Axel because they both like the name, they chose the name Strahl because his was the name of his wife"s grandparents.

They were Holocaust survivors.

Watch Seth tell this beautiful story here:

Seth meyers my wife gave birth in our buildings lobby

Friday, April 6, 2018

Seth Green Has Zero Beef with Jamie Foxx After Sucking Katie Holmes" Toes

Seth Green can breathe easy … Jamie Foxx ain’t licking his chops to deal Seth a beating for licking Katie Holmes’ toes. We got Seth at LAX on Thursday and asked him about his hilariously disturbing scene from his new flick,…


Thursday, January 11, 2018

James Franco Uncomfortable on Seth Meyers" Show Talking About Ally Sheedy

James Franco had some super uncomfortable moments Wednesday night on “Late Night with Seth Meyers” when the host asked the actor about Ally Sheedy. You’ll recall, after Franco won Best Actor during the Golden Globes, Sheedy tweeted, “Why is a man…


Monday, January 8, 2018

Seth Meyers Slams Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey to Open Golden Globes 2018

Seth Meyers came out swinging against Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey in a blistering opening monologue at the Golden Globes … and he didn’t pull any punches. Meyers — who’s this year’s host — threw out two jokes aimed at the disgraced movie…


Sunday, January 7, 2018

Seth Meyers -- Good Genes or Good Docs?

Seth Meyers’ good looks truly deserve an award! Here’s a 31-year-old version of the host for the “75th Golden Globe Awards” in New York City back in 2004 (left), and 13 years later … the 44-year-old late-night host at the Globes Preview…


Friday, December 1, 2017

Seth Meyers Goes After Matt Lauer for Sexual Harassment

Seth Meyers ripped Matt Lauer a new one on his show Friday morning over the sexual misconduct that got him fired. Meyers turned Lauer’s own words on him in the interview the former “Today” show host did with Bill O’Reilly. He also joked about the…


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Seth MacFarlane Says 2013 Harvey Weinstein Joke was Deliberate Shot for Jessica Barth

Seth MacFarlane says his joke about Harvey Weinstein at the 2013 Oscar Nominations wasn’t just meant to be funny … it was a deliberate shot at the Hollywood honcho on behalf of his friend, Jessica Barth. MacFarlane claims Barth — who he’s also…


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Seth MacFarlane Joked in 2013 About Harvey Weinstein"s Moves on Actresses

Seth McFarlane cracked a joke during the 2013 Oscars about Harvey Weinstein and his apparent insatiable appetite for actresses … and it seemed audience was in on it. Seth was presenting the nominations for Best Supporting Actress, and suggested…


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Seth Rogen"s Mom Tweets About Sex: What Did Seth Say?

There is nothing more embarrassing than having your parents on social media.

They are all up in your business, checking where you’ve checked into. It can be pretty crazy. 

It can also be pretty funny, and Seth Rogen is learning the hard way that his mother will embarrass him at every single opportunity thrown her way. 

In a hilarious exchange between the mother-son, Seth reacts in shock to his mother chatting about sex to her 41,000 followers. 

No, that was not a typo. Seth Rogen’s mother is all over Twitter commenting about sex. 

“Falling asleep after sex is like shavasana after yoga.!,” said Sandy Rogen on Twitter on July 5, shocking everyone who laid eyes on the tweet. 

People tweeted that they were waiting to see Seth’s response, and, well, he did not take it all that well. 

“Jesus fucking Christ mom,” the 35-year-old actor clapped back at his mother. 

However, Sandy was not in an apologetic mood and went with a witty response to her son. 

“It’s just an observation of life!” she responded. We’re actually very surprised the tweet did not disappear from existence. 

Whenever celebrities tweet embarrassing things, they are generally swiftly deleted. 

“Whatever!!,” Seth replied, apparently irate by the whole thing. We can’t even begin to imagine how shocked and embarrassed he was at the time, but it was still hilarious. 

“Whateverrrrrrrr mom mm!,” said back, clearly wanting to keep the exchange going strong. 

Another family member named Danya chimed in with their thoughts on the matter. 

“Seriously. I actually gagged,” the family member said. 

“It’s gnarly,” Seth responded, while his mother said: “Lame!”

Something tells us there are going to be some awkward silences the next time Seth meets up with his mother. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Thursday, May 25, 2017

Sean Hannity: FIRED From Fox News Over Seth Rich Conspiracy Theory?

If you’re familiar with Sean Hannity, you know that he’s the national news media’s answer to the former fat kid who went from bullied to bully after making third string offensive line, and who now makes up for lost time by shoving twice as many kids into lockers.

Hannity used to beat up on his on-air partner, Alan Colmes, who was clearly meant to play the role of the Fox News audience’s idea of a typical liberal: meek, bookish, always wrong.

But these days, Hannity is on his own, and so he’s forced to terrorize less likely victims.

Like, say, the families of promising young men murdered in their prime.

As you’ve likely heard by now, a DNC employee named Seth Rich was tragically shot dead at the age of 27 in July of last year.

Police have concluded that Rich’s murder was part of a botched robbery attempt, but naturally, the tin foil-hat-wearing nut jobs who brought us #Pizzagate and Alex Jones heard the words “murder” and “DNC” in the same sentence and immediately became fully erect.

Having long ago exchanged his soul for a profitable share in the 49-65 demo, Sean Hannity has decided in recent weeks to force Rich’s family to relive the grim details of their son’s murder in service of a conspiracy theory that his own network has renounced.

Yes, Fox News officially believes there’s no connection between Rich’s murder and the Hillary Clinton email scandal.

(Ya know, because why in the hell would there be?)

Additionally, Rich’s family has publicly asked Hannity to stop politicizing their son’s murder and dragging his legacy through the mud.

But at first, Hannity refused to let it go.

Not only because it was great for whipping up a frenzy at retirement communities all over the country, but also because he had some great sources on his side:

We’re talking about folks like international fugitive Julian Assange and a hacker named – we sh-t you not – Kim Dotcom.

Move over, Woodward and Bernstein! Assange and Dotcom are not members of Tracy Morgan’s entourage on 30 Rock, but rather totes legit journalists here to steal your crown!

Of course, following the firing of Bill O’Reilly, multiple sexual harassment scandals, the departure of Megyn Kelly, and the death of Roger Ailes, Fox News is on shaky ground these days.

Many advertisers who aren’t thrilled with the idea of terrorizing parents who recently lost a child have already jumped ship, and Hannity was forced to issue an on-air pseudo-apology earlier this week.

Now, Hannity has announced some unexpected “time off,” which is the Fox News-speak equivalent of when your parents say they’re taking the family dog to live on a farm upstate. 

Hannity addressed the rumors that he’s being canned by claiming (like O’Reilly and Kelly before him) that his vacation was totally planned and he’ll be back before you know it.

“ANNUAL Memorial Day long weekend starts NOW,” Hannity tweeted, adding, for clarification, that he has not taped his “last show.”

Yes, friend of the working man Sean Hannity might be in the midst of a tireless effort to expose the political scandal of a lifetime, but sometimes you just have to take a five-day long weekend to get your chillax on, ya know?

Hopefully, Sean gets the R&R he needs, and returns ready to stoke the flames of some Des Moines meth-head’s dangerous paranoia.

After all, the parents of murdered young people aren’t gonna bully themselves.


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Seth Meyers Does Best He Can with Kellyanne Conway

Seth Meyers tried on Tuesday night. He really did.

The comedian sat across from Donald Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway, not very long after a report surfaced that claimed Donald Trump has been working with Russia for years.

He tried to get her take on the stunning revelations, starting with whether or not Trump was briefed on this report and his reaction to the claims.

"As an American citizen…we should be concerned that intelligence officials leaked to the press and won’t go tell the president-elect or the President of the United States what the information is," Conway replied.

But… wait.

The President-Elect was made aware of the contents of this report, wasn"t he?

“He has said that he is not aware of that," Conway shot back.

"That concerns me," Meyers replied.

Give Meyers credit for attempting to pin Conway down on the matter.

Watch the (Funny? Awkward? Disturbing? Ridiculous? Infuriating?) exchange now:

Seth meyers does the best he can with kellyanne conway

Monday, August 8, 2016

Seth Rogen: Orlando Bloom"s Penis is BIGGER Than Justin Bieber"s!

As you"ve probably heard, nude photos of Orlando Bloom surfaced last week.

Judging from Bloom"s reaction, he wasn"t particularly bothered by having his dong out there for all the world to see, and why should he be?

The guy"s taking island vacations and pointing his peen at Katy Perry.

If that"s not living the life, we don"t know what is.

Anyway, the big question (no pun intended) whenever male nude pics leak is: what"s he packin" in the package department?

In Bloom"s case the answer is perfectly respectable wang.

Especially when you consider that he appeared to have been in the ocean just moments before the photo was taken.

Is it possible that we"ve spent too much time reflecting on the girth of Orlando"s peninsula?

Absolutely. But at least we"re not alone.

Seth Rogen stopped by Watch What Happens Live recently to promote (appropriately enough) his new film Sausage Party, and naturally, the discussion eventually turned to what"s in Orlando"s bloomers.

As it happens, nude photos of Justin Bieber also leaked last week, and since Orlando and Justin are long time rivals (You may recall the glorious occasion when Bloom took a swing at Bieber.) comparisons were inevitable.

Bloom already had Bieber beat in one department:

The actor"s pics went instantly viral, whereas no one really cared about the re-emergence of the Bieber Peen, as it was nothing we hadn"t seen before.

Now, Rogen says Bloom has Bieber beat in the size department, too.

Check out the clip below for his thoroughly scientific explanation.

Seth rogen orlando blooms penis is bigger than justin biebers

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Sausage Party: Seth Rogen"s R-Rated Cartoon Trailer Plays Before Finding Dory

Oh, hell.  The hot dogs are dropping F-bombs.

Seth Rogen has a new animated comedy out, and it"s called Sausage Party.

According to Urban Dictionary, a "sausage party" is described as such:

"A party, where girls are outnumbered by guys (by far). So basically, a fuckin boring party where theres no possibility of gettin layed, and where the guys are gettin mad drunk to forget about it."

Rogen"s comedy follows a group of supermarket foods, led by one sausage, who find out the hard way what happens after they leave the grocery store.

According to Us Weekly, the trailer for Sausage Party was accidentally shown before Finding Dory in one theater at Brenden Concord 14 theaters in Concord, California.

Initially reported by Entertainment Weekly, parents complained to management at the complex after their kids watched the R-rated preview.

"Playing that trailer was a one-time honest mistake by a theater manager moving screens around in effort to accommodate several large last-minute groups wanting to see Dory,” the movie theater"s VP of operations Walter Eichinger told East Bay Times soon after.

“The wrong movie was started by mistake. It was caught soon, but not until the trailer played. We regret it, apologize for it, and we are not happy that it happened.

"We fully realize this trailer is not appropriate for Dory and we would never schedule something like that.

"The trailer for Sausage Party is not and never has been scheduled with Dory.“

Rogen, on the other hand, loved it.

"This made my day," he tweeted with a link to the story.

Co-writer Evan Goldberg admitted that he, Rogen and Jonah Hill came up with the idea while smoking pot on a couch.

"We should make a movie called "Sausage Party."  What would it be?"" Goldberg told the audience of their conversation during a 2014 Producer"s Guild of America panel.

"We would always joke because (the press) would always ask us, "What are you doing next?"" Rogen added.

"And it became a joke, that we would all say, "Oh, we"re doing a movie called Sausage Party," because that just sounded like the movie we would all be doing next."

Goldberg explained that it just snowballed from there.

"We started with "So, it"s a bunch of dudes…and Jonah was eventually like, "what if it was literal sausages?"" 

"And then it just became our passion project," he said.

"The metaphor was very "in your face.""

"We"re literally just playing phallic objects now," Rogen told the audience.

Watch the trailer for Sausage Party below.

Sausage party r rated cartoon trailer plays before finding dory

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Amy Schumer and Seth Rogen Form Bud Light Party for Super Bowl 50

Donald Trump may be entertaining the nation, but most folks aren’t enthralled at the moment with the candidates for President offered up by both Democrats and Republicans.

Fortunately, Bud Light is here to help.

Why limit yourself to being a member of one of these two parties when there’s a third party ready to welcome you with open arms?

And an ice cold beverage?

In an ad that will make its television debut this Sunday during Super Bowl 50, Seth Rogen and Amy Schumer team up to form the Bud Light Party.

They argue that this is not a country divided because everyone loves Paul Rudd (which is totally true), while telling the world that nothing brings people together such as beer.

Rogen then states:

“That’s why we’re forming the Bud Light party. Just wait until you see our caucus. We’ve got the biggest caucus in the county!”

This prompts Schumer to clarify:

“But it’s not, like, too big. Like, you can handle it.”

Why do we think they aren’t actually talking about a gathering of voters here?

Anyway, the commercial is funny. That’s the point. It’s also relevant, with 2016 being an election year for President.

Check it out above and then get an early look below at other commercials set to air during Super Bowl 50:

Friday, December 4, 2015

Macaulay Culkin! Bob Saget! Seth Green! In One Photo!



In one of the more seemingly random photos of 2015, Macaulay Culkin (and his insanely long hair) are posing above on the streets of New York City with Bob Saget, Seth Green and Green’s wife, Clare Grant.

Apparently these four were just hanging out in Times Square on Wednesday, December 2.

“Fun times last night after show in the #TimesSquare with friends @ClareGrant, Macaulay Culkin, and the master of the selfie, my pal @SethGreen,” Saget captioned the Instagram image that has gone viral.

Because, again, it features Macaulay Culkin, Bob Saget and Seth Green.

Green was the individual responsible for the actual picture, which depicts Saget staring straight into the camera and Culkin pondering something profound about life.

Perhaps the incredible fact that it’s been 25 years since Home Alone hit theaters.

UPDATE: Saget is currently starring in the Broadway production Hand to God. It turns out that Culkin, Green and Grant attended the show before hitting the town as a group.

Which is still pretty random.

“Saw my buddy @bobsaget in the outrageous @handtogodbway last night- excellent cast, provocative show- really worth checking out,” Green wrote via Instagram on Thursday night. 

And apparently Carole Radziwill of The Real Housewives of New York City was also in attendance.

Just in case you thought this story could not get any more random.

“Funnyman @bobsaget backstage at his brilliantly funny new play,” Radziwill herself wrote on social media.”#HandToGodbway #pastorselfie #broadway #puppets.”

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Seth Rogen: I Have a Bigger Penis Than Justin Bieber!

Seth Rogen may have just reignited his beef with Justin Bieber.

Last week, the actor appeared on Ellen, taking responsibility for cursing off Bieber on multiple occasions last year and even hugging it out with the singer in front of a studio audience.

So, why might all not be well between the stars after all?

Because of what Rogen said while speaking to Howard Stern on the radio Tuesday morning.

“I was hard on Justin Bieber… and he was ultimately incredibly cool about it,” Rogen said at first, referencing the time he called Bieber an obnoxious piece of sh-t.

“He never attacked me back, and he literally has an army of crazy little motherf-ckers that he could have sicced on me.”

Then, the topic of that infamous Justin Bieber naked photo came up.

“I did see his [penis],” Rogen confessed.

What did he think of Bieber’s unit?

“It’s not bad, but it made me feel good about my [penis] because everyone’s like, ‘This guy has a huge [penis],’ and I was like, ‘To his scale, it’s an OK size. It was a pretty good size."”

Rogen then continued with his analysis:

“His frame is so small, if you took off my [penis] and put it on his body, pound for pound, it might be bigger.”

Thanks, Seth. That image won’t haunt our dreams forever and ever or anything.

Rogen did end the segment by making light of both himself and this awkward situation at least, telling Stern:

“My balls are saggier.”

And there’s another image we’ll never be able to get out of our heads.