Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Seth Meyers Does Best He Can with Kellyanne Conway

Seth Meyers tried on Tuesday night. He really did.

The comedian sat across from Donald Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway, not very long after a report surfaced that claimed Donald Trump has been working with Russia for years.

He tried to get her take on the stunning revelations, starting with whether or not Trump was briefed on this report and his reaction to the claims.

"As an American citizen…we should be concerned that intelligence officials leaked to the press and won’t go tell the president-elect or the President of the United States what the information is," Conway replied.

But… wait.

The President-Elect was made aware of the contents of this report, wasn"t he?

“He has said that he is not aware of that," Conway shot back.

"That concerns me," Meyers replied.

Give Meyers credit for attempting to pin Conway down on the matter.

Watch the (Funny? Awkward? Disturbing? Ridiculous? Infuriating?) exchange now:

Seth meyers does the best he can with kellyanne conway