Showing posts with label Culkin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Culkin. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Macaulay Culkin Presents at AMAs, Prompts Tweets of Shock and Joy

Beloved actor Macaulay Culkin doesn"t make that many public appearances these days. When he does, fans take notice.

On Tuesday night, Macaulay appeared at the American Music Awards as a presenter.

He handed Post Malone the award for Favorite Male Artist: Pop/Rock, which Post Malone somehow won.

Fans of Macaulay"s were thrilled to see him, and they let their voices be heard on Twitter.

Some were astonished at the reminder that he"s, like, an actual adult these days.

Others were happy to see him looking so happy and healthy.

And others, of course, were a little thirsty for him.

1. This is how Macaulay looked on stage

Macaulay culkin presents at the 2018 american music awards

He looks great! And a lot of these tweeters agreed. Some were horny about it. Others vehemently disagreed.

2. A very specific image came to mind

Macaulay culkin amas appearance twitter reaction 01

This is so hilariously specific that it may say more about the tweeter than about Macaulay. That said, we don’t dispute the characterization.

3. Others were just surprised to see him

Macaulay culkin amas appearance twitter reaction 02

Alyssa Edwards is one of the world’s most beloved drag performers in part because of reaction images like this one.

4. His most famous role still comes to people’s minds

Macaulay culkin amas appearance twitter reaction 04

Some will always see him as The Kid From Home Alone

5. Some were shocked that he’s still relevant

Macaulay culkin amas appearance twitter reaction 05

This from a person using a Jumanji gif

6. Okay, this one is cute

Macaulay culkin amas appearance twitter reaction 07

Macaulay’s probably seen this, and every other reference, before

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Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Mila Kunis: I F-cked Over Macaulay Culkin SO Hard!

Based on the direction of their careers and their outward appearances, it likely comes as a shock to many readers that Mila Kunis and Macaulay Culkin were once a romantic item.

We don’t mean to be rude here, just factual.

Here is a recent photo of Kunis:

And here is a recent photo of Culkin:

But it’s true:

Not only did Kunis and Culkin date… they dated for almost eight years between 2002 and 2010!

That’s not even the craziest part of their story, however.

Are you ready to react like Culkin splashing aftershave all over his face for the first time as a young boy? Okay, here we go…

… Culkin is actually the one who dumped Kunis!

So it’s very safe to assume, at least, based on an interview Kunis just gave on Dax Shepard’s Armchair Expert podcast.

“I had a horrible breakup. I had a horrible, horrible, horrible breakup,” she said about Culkin, adding in more vague detail:

“I f-cked up. I was an asshole in my 20s and I’ll be the first to admit it.

“And that’s kinda something that took me a long time to come out and be like, ‘Yeah, you know what, I was a dick,’ and accept it and I own it.”

Ummm… what the heck did you do, Mila?

“It’s f-cked up what I did. It’s f-cked up what I did, and it’s f-cked up how I did it,” the actress continued, sadly leaving us to wonder what the giant mistake actually could have been.

It had to have been that she cheated, right?

And maybe that she cheated with someone very close to Culkin?

In the couple’s bedroom or something?

Sorry, but our minds are racing over here at the possibilities.

“It’s been however many years now, I think everybody’s in a much better place,” Kunis eventually said, prior to pivoting to her marriage to Ashton Kutcher.

The couple is one of the more stable and private in Hollywood, parents to a pair of kids (Wyatt and Dimitri) who we don’t see very much of.

Before getting with Kutcher, though, it sounds like maybe Mila got with… a lot of other men?

“When I got to be single I said, I just need to figure myself out. I genuinely need to know why I did what I did and, like, regroup myself as a human,” she said, continuing:

“So I just did that and, subsequently, after 6pm was open for business.”

We’re not sure what she means by that phrase. But we can sort of guess.

“I didn’t want to date, I didn’t want to be taken out to the movies,” Mila said, again making us think she just hooked up with guys during this phase and then went home.

Which is totally understandable.

Finally, though, she cozied up to Kutcher, who she had known since their time as co-stars on That 70s Show.

After sleeping with him, the star says  she “spent the night at somebody’s house” for the first time in two years.

And Kunis ends this tale on a funny note, explaining on the podcast that her mon reactes as follows when she said she was actually dating Kutcher:

“She literally was like, ‘Shut the f-ck up’ in Russian.”


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Macaulay Culkin Describes "Warm, Sticky" First Sexual Experience

Remember when Macaulay Culkin first slapped shaving cream on his face in Home Alone?

Remember the face he made?

Here. In case you forgot:

We only bring this up because it’s the face you’re about to make after you read all about the time Culkin lost his virginity.

The former child actor opened (WAY!) up about this experience during an appearance on Anna Faris’ podcast.

“I was about 15,” Culkin said of his first time having sex, going on to answer the age at which he’d want his hypothetical kids to do the same:

“I think that’d be about the…youngest that I think would be OK with them.

“It’s one of those things, I think, I’m assuming that when you have a kid, yes, you want to be on top of all that kind of stuff, but at the same time, they are their own people.”

He then joked:

“I’d say about 32. I want them to wait until they’re married. I guess when it comes to kids, do you even want to know?

From here, the topic delved further into Culkin’s first-ever time going downtown (if you know what we mean!).

The actor labeled his virginity loss as “special” and said it took place with a steady girlfriend.

“It wasn’t gross or weird,” he said. We planned it.”

What else can Culkin tell an audience who most definitely did NOT expect to hear about any of this.

“It was warm and sticky and I thought like, ‘Geez, this is weird. Am I doing it right?’

“And also, we listened to the White Album. So there you go. In a nutshell. So yes, that was me, losing my virginity at 15.”

Culkin did not name his partner.

He married actress Rachel Miner in 1998, however, when they were both 18 years old. They broke up in 2000 and divorced in 2002.

Culkin then dated Mila Kunis for, like, EIGHT years.

Yes, this Mila Kunis.

How crazy is that?!?

He’s currently with Brenda Song… so the guy has some done pretty darn well for himself on the dating front.

“I have a special lady friend,” he said on the podcast, quipping:

“She’s Asian, so I can make Asian jokes now, too. It’s great.”

He then grew a little serious, however, and gushed over Song.

“She is so good to me… She just does nice things, and I feel like at first I didn’t know how to be treated well in that kind of way,” Culkin admitted, sort of sadly.

“It was a strange, almost foreign concept.

Wow, well…we’re glad Culkin has found love.

We could have gone the rest of our lives not hearing about his “sticky” first time having sex, but whatever. Such is the price of honesty, we suppose.


Monday, March 5, 2018

Macaulay Culkin SLAMS Oscars in Epic Twitter Tirade

Macaulay Culkin was apparently home alone on Sunday night.

And bored.

As a result, the actor decided to live-Tweet the Oscars, tossing out one unfunny joke and reference after another.

It was an impressive display of terrible jokes, each perhaps more cringeworthy than the one before… yet all adding up to a Twitter rampage that really should not be missed.

Scroll down for a summation of the actor"s very profound and very lame thoughts on the broadcast…

1. Let’s Do This!

Live tweet

Without even watching the show? This Culkin guy is good.

2. Shade… Thrown!

Dd diss

At Dustin Diamond, though, so does it really count as shade when everyone agrees?

3. Easy Targets

Bad joke

We didn’t hear this anywhere else. We think Culkin may have made it up.

4. What Was First?


The world is dying to know.

5. Ramen Time!

Ramen time

In a tuxedo? Sure, why not?!?

6. Okay, This One is Pretty Funny


But we somehow doubt there will be an Emoji Movie sequel.

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Saturday, December 16, 2017

Macaulay Culkin Blasted By Pro Wrestler, "This Ain"t Hollywood, Bitch!"

Macaulay Culkin made a bigger mistake than “Richie Rich” when he messed with wrestling star Swoggle this week — and now the ex-WWE superstar is hell bent on REVENGE!!!! Remember, it was Swoggle who was targeted by Culkin at a Bar Wrestling event…


Friday, December 15, 2017

Macaulay Culkin Smashes Swoggle In Pro Wrestling Match

You guys give up or ya thirsty for more?!!?!  Macaulay Culkin channeled his inner-Randy Savage — and dominated a pro wrestling match in L.A. on Thursday, culminating in a move where the actor FLEW OFF THE TOP ROPE! Culkin was ringside at…


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Brenda Song and Macaulay Culkin: DATING?!

Remember when Brenda Song and Trace Cyrus were a couple? They seemed, to many people, like a bit of a mismatch.

And it wasn’t that long ago, really, when Macaulay Culkin and Mila Kunis broke up. Well … it’s been almost a decade, but still.

Why are we bringing up two random couples? Because they’re no longer unrelated — because Brenda Song and Macaulay Culkin are apparently an item now.

There were actually some dating rumors about Macaulay and Brenda back in July, but at the time they were just spotted out-and-about together.

Like, people are allowed to have friends, folks.

You can see how they’d get along.

Despite having been a Disney child star, Brenda Song gets along well with a lot of “alternative” crowds.

(Again, she used to date Trace Cyrus)

Macaulay Culkin sort of embodies the “child actor turned eccentric adult whom fans still like but can’t quite figure out and also sometimes people worry about his health and well-being” concept.

So they seem like they’d be a good match, in general. And an 8-year age difference is hardly a deal-breaker at this point, right?

But here’s why we actually think that they’re dating, for real:

Entertainment Tonight reports that Macaulay and Brenda were showing PDA at Knott’s Scary Farm celebrity night, which was on Friday.

“Parkgoers said they were very cute with each other holding hands and very affectionate.”

Going out and about shopping or whatever? That’s something that people do all of the time.

Hand-holding and cuddling and generally seeming joined at the hip?

That sometimes happens in friendships but is way, way more likely when there’s a romantic element to your relationship.

Reportedly, the two of them:”Looked like they were having a great time.”

That’s good to hear, though not surprising.

“They all looked super comfortable together and like they were having a great night out.”

They were out and about with mutual friend Seth Green and his girlfriend.

Leading some to wonder if Seth had set the two of them up. Hmmm …

Brenda Song has spoken about the movie that she’s doing along with Macaulay.

They filmed together in Thailand and we wonder if it was there that the sparks started flying.

Here’s how Brenda describes it all:

“It’s basically about a guy who is going on a planned a trip with his wife, finds out that she’s cheating on him, and his best friend jumps in last minute, and it’s their adventures in Thailand and the people they sort of come across, and the crazy adventures that happen when you go on a trip across the world.”

To film it, they themselves went on that trip across the world.

“It’s been incredible. We spent five weeks in Thailand shooting this. Seth directed and wrote and starred in it, and this has been in the making for the last seven years, so he made it happen, it was incredible — it was like, Changeland for me. That sounds super cheesy but, like, I came back like a different person.”


Did she also come back with a different person?

She credits Seth Green for convincing Macaulay, a notorious recluse when he’s not bonding with his goddaughter, to be in the film.

“Seth and him had done Party Monster together so they had been friends forever, so I think that’s probably how he got [him] in, but it was a wonderful experience.”

That’s what everyone says about movies.

That’s also what you might say if you’d picked up a boyfriend during filming, right?

“Everyone was great … we had the best time ever. Everyone was lovely, we just got to go to Thailand and hang out with our best friends for five weeks.”

That does sound like an amazing bonding experience.

Brenda Song did decline to comment to Entertainment Tonight on whether she’s actually dating Macaulay.

But … she didn’t deny it. She just says that she doesn’t like to openly discuss her love life.

We get that.

We also get that, by not denying it, she wasn’t exactly shooting down any rumors. That combined with PDA sounds just a few degrees shy of a confirmation.

As for that movie, though … it sounds interesting.

Also, one of our favorite films is Saved!, which starred Macaulay. So when he does choose to be in something, it can be amazingly good.


Monday, July 31, 2017

Paris Jackson and Macaulay Culkin Got Matching Tattoos!

You may have heard that Macaulay Culkin recently cut his long, wonderful hair pretty drastically. But he’s also working as an actor again, which is great.

Well, that’s not the only change that he’s made to his appearance — and this one’s a little more permanent.

Not every godfather gets matching tattoos with his goddaughter, but that’s just how Macaulay Culkin and Paris Jackson roll.

We love these two.

Individually, for their talents and eccentricities and personalities.

But also for their unique bond as celebrities who became famous at young ages, and who both have no shortage of affection for the late musical legend Michael Jackson.

And now they share something else … in the form of matching tattoos on their arms.

Paris shared a photo of the two of them showing off their matching tats on Snapchat.

The tattoos are of … spoons.

Paris Jackson has tattoos already, of course.

Like, something in the area of 50 tattoos.

She loves them and she uses them for self-expression.

Part of that self-expression means honoring her late father.

Macaulay, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to have any tats on his arm — except for this one.

But hey, you go that extra mile when it comes to bonding with your goddaughter, right?

Macaulay does, at least.

We all remember when Paris gave Macaulay a pedicure.

Now, we’ll be honest with you … we don’t know what the spoon tattoos are supposed to mean.

Since we don’t think that it’s a wildly tasteless drug reference, our first thought was that it might have some sort of New Agey significance.

As we know, Paris Jackson is very spiritual.

We looked up the possible meanings of spoons, and when they show up in dreams, they involve the quest for your personal fulfillment and the tools that one needs to achieve it.

We explored some other options — some people get spoon tattoos for chronic illness (a reference to spoon theory).

But the fact of the matter is that we don’t know why they got that as a tattoo.

It may be an inside joke.

They may even just be trolling people.

We love that they have so much that they can share and enjoy with each other.

Including matching spoon tattoos.

(Whatever they may mean)

It’s good that they can share, since they both lost the same great man in their lives and are both still feeling that loss.

We … would still like an explanation for what the spoons mean in this context, though.


Monday, December 19, 2016

Paris Jackson Gives Macaulay Culkin a Pedicure. Naturally.

We’re very glad to see that Paris Jackson is feeling better these days.

The only daughter of Michael Jackson has really been through the emotional ringer since her famous father passed away, battling a substance abuse problem and even considering suicide.

Back in September, Jackson shared a heartbreaking video of herself in tears, opening up about cyberbullying and the horrible toll it has taken on her.

You should go watch it.

Now, however, it appears as though Paris is on an upward trajectory in life.

She has reconciled with her mother (who is sadly battling breast cancer) and she’s spending time with a relative you may not have even known she has.

We speak of Macaulay Culkin, who is Paris Jackson’s godfather.

No, really: Macaulay Culkin is Paris Jackson’s godfather!

The former Home Alone star was famously close to Paris’ father, so we guess we shouldn’t be too shocked by this piece of information.

But it still sounds weird, doesn’t it?

Jackson and Culkin actually hang out a decent amount, with the former posting the above picture of the two joking around this fall to her Instagram page.

And now Paris has gotten the attention of the Internet with a new image of Culkin, one in which she’s…

… giving the child actor a pedicure? Apparently!

“Model? nah i paint hipsters toenails for a living,” Paris captioned two side-by-side photos of herself giving Culkin a touching up with a dark pink or purple polish while he laughs.

Culkin has remained close to Michael Jackson’s kids ever since the iconic entertainer died in 2009.

And it’s clear that Jackson could use as much love and affection in her life as possible, based on what she said in the aforementioned YouTube video.

“I don’t understand how there can be so much hatred in the world right now,” the teenager said at the time.

She continued, sharing her past experiences of pain and suffering.

“When I was 14 I got so much hatred that I tried to kill myself and I took, like, a two-year break from social media and then people asked me to come back, to make my Instagram public again, so I did. And nothing changed.

“I’m just tired of it. I’m just really, really tired. And, I mean, I know I’m not the only one.”

Of the victims of bullying, Paris concluded:

“We got hearts and brains and feelings, and when you say damaging things like that to people, it f–ks ‘em up.”

Tragic stuff, wouldn’t you say?

No one deserves to feel this way.

So while we posted this story and this photo of Jackson and Culkin sort of as a joke, we very much mean it when we say we’re glad Paris has Macaulay.

We’re glad to see her smiling.

We’re glad to see her living her life to the fullest.

We hope she continues to do so.


Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Macaulay Culkin: Not On Heroin, But High On Life!

He’s doing great, everyone.  Nothing to worry about.

Macaulay Culkin addressed rumors of drug use in an interview with The Guardian, assuring concerned fans that he’s healthy, happy and living his best life.

The France-based Culkin, now 35, doesn’t understand why the public is so fascinated with him.

“I was thinking about this the other day – I’d crossed the wrong street, picked up a tail, suddenly there’s a crush of 20 paparazzi,” he said.

“Then people with cameraphones get involved. I don’t think I’m worthy of that.”

Back in 2012, a photo of Culkin looking gaunt and pale made the rounds on the internet after he and Mila Kunis broke up, and concerned fans of the former child star.

Do they have reason to be alarmed?

“Not necessarily. Of course, when silly stuff is going on – but no, I was not pounding six grand of heroin every month or whatever,” Culkin explained.

“The thing that bugged me was tabloids wrapping it all in this weird guise of concern. No, you’re trying to shift papers.”

These days, Culkin is more into music, though he has lent himself to a few projects in the past few years (most recently, Zoolander 2).  He’s also signed to star in a few international commercials, once of which features two meerkats who treat him as though he’s still young Kevin McAllister.

Coming from a past as turbulent as his (a heavily-scrutinized friendship with the late Michael Jackson, emancipating himself from his parents at 14), does Culkin have any regrets?

“It’s allowed me to become the person I am, and I like me, so I wouldn’t change a thing. Not having to do anything for my dinner, financially, lets me treat every gig like it’s the last,” Culkin said.

“If it is, I’d think: Culkin, you had a good run.”

Friday, December 4, 2015

Macaulay Culkin! Bob Saget! Seth Green! In One Photo!



In one of the more seemingly random photos of 2015, Macaulay Culkin (and his insanely long hair) are posing above on the streets of New York City with Bob Saget, Seth Green and Green’s wife, Clare Grant.

Apparently these four were just hanging out in Times Square on Wednesday, December 2.

“Fun times last night after show in the #TimesSquare with friends @ClareGrant, Macaulay Culkin, and the master of the selfie, my pal @SethGreen,” Saget captioned the Instagram image that has gone viral.

Because, again, it features Macaulay Culkin, Bob Saget and Seth Green.

Green was the individual responsible for the actual picture, which depicts Saget staring straight into the camera and Culkin pondering something profound about life.

Perhaps the incredible fact that it’s been 25 years since Home Alone hit theaters.

UPDATE: Saget is currently starring in the Broadway production Hand to God. It turns out that Culkin, Green and Grant attended the show before hitting the town as a group.

Which is still pretty random.

“Saw my buddy @bobsaget in the outrageous @handtogodbway last night- excellent cast, provocative show- really worth checking out,” Green wrote via Instagram on Thursday night. 

And apparently Carole Radziwill of The Real Housewives of New York City was also in attendance.

Just in case you thought this story could not get any more random.

“Funnyman @bobsaget backstage at his brilliantly funny new play,” Radziwill herself wrote on social media.”#HandToGodbway #pastorselfie #broadway #puppets.”