Showing posts with label Tirade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tirade. Show all posts

Monday, July 9, 2018

Jonathan Rhys Meyers Detained By Cops After Tirade On American Airlines

Jonathan Rhys Meyers was detained by police Sunday after allegedly getting into a verbal altercation with his wife on an American Airlines flight. Sources tell TMZ … Meyers, his wife Mara and their 1-year-old son were on a flight from Miami to…


Monday, March 5, 2018

Macaulay Culkin SLAMS Oscars in Epic Twitter Tirade

Macaulay Culkin was apparently home alone on Sunday night.

And bored.

As a result, the actor decided to live-Tweet the Oscars, tossing out one unfunny joke and reference after another.

It was an impressive display of terrible jokes, each perhaps more cringeworthy than the one before… yet all adding up to a Twitter rampage that really should not be missed.

Scroll down for a summation of the actor"s very profound and very lame thoughts on the broadcast…

1. Let’s Do This!

Live tweet

Without even watching the show? This Culkin guy is good.

2. Shade… Thrown!

Dd diss

At Dustin Diamond, though, so does it really count as shade when everyone agrees?

3. Easy Targets

Bad joke

We didn’t hear this anywhere else. We think Culkin may have made it up.

4. What Was First?


The world is dying to know.

5. Ramen Time!

Ramen time

In a tuxedo? Sure, why not?!?

6. Okay, This One is Pretty Funny


But we somehow doubt there will be an Emoji Movie sequel.

View Slideshow

Friday, September 15, 2017

Jenelle Evans Reacts to Child Abuse Claims in Epic Twitter Tirade, Goes to Town on Barbara

A non-stop whirlwind of fights, court dates, men and babies, Jenelle Evans’ life has been turbulent ever since she’s been a public figure.

Still, this week has been wild even by the Teen Mom 2 star’s standards, and she just cranked the tension up another notch … or 10.

Over the past week, the Carolina Hurricane has been accused of child neglect and abuse – by members of her own family, no less.

Specifically, that she was under CPS investigation for allegedly testing positive for marijuana and passing it along to her baby.

Jenelle welcomed her daughter Ensley this past January, reportedly having failed a drug test sometime during her pregnancy.

Already in the midst of several tense situations regarding custody, the revelation prompted backlash from her kids’ grandparents.

Nathan Griffith’s mom, Doris, wants emergency custody of Jenelle’s three-year-old son Kaiser, according to court documents.

Evans and Griffith split up two years ago; Jenelle is currently engaged to David Eason, who’s been under major scrutiny himself.

Jenelle’s mom, Barbara Evans, has full custody of her oldest son Jace (whose father is Andrew Lewis, who’s been MIA from day one).

Barbara has long resisted Jenelle’s efforts to regain custody of the boy, and now has banned Jenelle from seeing Jace entirely.

The older Evans added that Jace told her David abuses Kaiser because he looks like Nathan, a frankly disturbing allegation.

To hear Jenelle talk about it, though, you’d think she were the target of a witch hunt – or at least that her side of the story isn’t being heard.

According to the Teen Mom 2 firebrand, it’s Nathan Griffith that Child Protective Services should be concerned about here, not her.

Oh, and Barbara is just a hater, or something.

Jenelles Tweets

“Oh let’s not mention how you guys call CPS so many times they even have a copy of my book now and love to visit so thanks,” she tweeted.

“Yes CPS has been here and case closed every time. There’s a lot they are concerned about with the OTHER parent.”

Jenelle added, clearly referring to Nathan:

“That is why it was a race to court. My son was not being treated right on his visits so when I expressed that, it was a race to court.”

She then went OFF on her mom for selling her out publicly, saying, “We are handling this the best way we can as a family.”

“David [Eason] is the best thing that ever happened to me and my mother can’t seem to get over it,” Jenelle explained.

“She’s going to tell you all EVERYTHING she can that is bad about David to ruin his reputation cause I completely cut her out.”

“So she’s lashing back at me by posting articles and selling stories about her own daughter because it’s a scream and cry for attention.”

“But I don’t care,” she adds … and wishes.

Evans, who conveniently ignores some of the shocking claims against her (such as her non-compliance with drug testing), feels victimized.

Regarding Griffith’s mom’s case, Jenelle says that her mom is so vindictive and bent on payback that she’s going to help out her adversary:

“Now [Barbara] is going to bring up evidence from the past that would have been used against me in court and giving it to my ex’s mom.”

Jenelle has since deleted this rant.

Barbara said in an interview earlier this week that yes, she used the information about the CPS investigation in court – but had no choice.

The act of keeping a boy away from his mom is not something she’s happy about, but she says it’s her duty to protect Jace, end of story.

“I knew all along [about Ensley] and never exposed it until the day of court in May. All that time I never opened my mouth,” she said.

“That’s a fact,” she says of Jenelle’s drug tests. “I have Jace, so when something like that happens, they [CPS] contact me.” 

“I can’t send him over there when that’s happened,” Barbara adds of Jace, who she insists is her only concern in all of this.

“I don’t want to put him in that atmosphere.”


Sunday, August 27, 2017

"Straight Outta Compton" Star Jason Mitchell Handcuffed After Tirade on Delta Flight

The guy who played Eazy-E in “Straight Outta Compton” had a complete meltdown Sunday on a Delta flight … because the airline double booked his seat. TMZ obtained video of Jason Mitchell going insane after he realized someone was already…


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Pacman Jones Pleads Guilty In Crazy Hotel Tirade Case

Props to Pacman Jones’ attorney — ‘cause despite all the crazy stuff the NFL star did during a crazed Jan. 3rd tirade in Cincinnati, he won’t serve another minute behind bars.  The Bengals star just appeared in court (sporting a nice suit)…


Pacman Jones Pleads Guilty In Crazy Hotel Tirade Case

Props to Pacman Jones’ attorney — ‘cause despite all the crazy stuff the NFL star did during a crazed Jan. 3rd tirade in Cincinnati, he won’t serve another minute behind bars.  The Bengals star just appeared in court (sporting a nice suit)…


Monday, May 8, 2017

Conrad Hilton Unleashes Homophobic Tirade on Cops During Arrest at E.G. Daily"s House (VIDEO)

Conrad Hilton raged at police during his arrest at E.G. Daily’s house — unleashing homophobic and racist slurs on police. TMZ obtained video of Conrad’s arrest early Saturday morning outside E.G.’s home, and he accused one of the officers of…


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Azealia Banks Goes on Racist, Homophobic Tirade Against Zayn Malik

We know we shouldn’t be surprised by anything Azealia Banks says or does at this point.

She once told someone to kill herself, after all. And we’re pretty sure she meant it.

But still.

Even for Azealia Banks, her latest rant against Zayn Malik reached an epic, disturbing, wildly inappropriate and racist new low.

It all started after Malik released his futuristic music video for “Like I Would.”

Banks jumped on Twitter and claimed the design too closely resembled that of her “Yung Rapunzel” clip.

The former One Direction member didn’t directly respond, but he did Tweet the following on Tuesday afternoon:

“No lies … I see you reaching but I don’t care… My @’s too good for you.”

And that was all Banks needed to absolutely GO OFF on Malik.

We’re just gonna go ahead and list her string of insane insults and let you be the judge – because what is there to even really say on our end about such disparaging nonsense?

@zaynmalik dude, I make better music than you. Simmer down with that fake white boy rebellion and that wannabe beiber swag.

lol u a bitch n*gga for even responding like that. Keep sucking this yung rapunxel d*ck u hairy curry scented bitch. imma start calling you punjab you dirty bitch.

You a dick rider for real for real. Ride this dick until the wheels fall off Punjab.

lol u were the only paki in the group and you knew you were there for a reason.

You were the the token brown boy. All those white boys in 1D disrespected you and made you their PET.

You were only apart of 1d to draw brown attention. You are and ALWAYS will be a TOKEN to the UK.

@zaynmalik still doesn’t change the fact that your mother is a dirty refugee who won’t be granted asylum. LOL @ZAYNMALIK IS A F*GGOT.

So… yeah. There you have it.

This isn’t the first time Banks has slammed the gay community and we’re sure it won’t be the last.

Even the most loyal One Direction fans, even those still steamed at Malik for leaving the group have the agree:

She’s a truly awful human being. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Mother"s Epic Airport Tirade: Caught on Camera!


An irate mother of two was caught on cell phone camera going off on American Airlines staff members after her flight from New York’s LaGuardia Airport to Miami was delayed for 12 hours… and then canceled, thereby affecting the start of her Disney cruise vacation.

The incident took place on a night of awful weather, although passengers were initially told that the delay was due to a mechanical problem on the plane.

"I"m sorry, you lied to me. You lied to me," the woman is heard screaming.

"I"m sitting here since 8 o"clock with a nine-year-old who"s waiting for her vacation and my 13-year-old and me. And you"re telling all this sh-t to all these people! If there"s no flight just say: "There"s no flight!""

We typically run these sorts of videos to make fun of he subjects… but we can sort of see where she"s coming from in this case.

It was recorded by a fellow frustrated passenger at 2 a.m.

“Don"t give me this sh-t anymore,” the lady yells. “And you"re all going to pay for my Disney cruise and you"re going to pay for everything else here.”

Police were eventually called after airline staff was confronted with even more angry passengers.

But this footage definitely captures the angriest.

Check it out now:

Mothers epic airport tirade caught on camera

Mother"s Epic Airport Tirade: Caught on Camera!


An irate mother of two was caught on cell phone camera going off on American Airlines staff members after her flight from New York’s LaGuardia Airport to Miami was delayed for 12 hours… and then canceled, thereby affecting the start of her Disney cruise vacation.

The incident took place on a night of awful weather, although passengers were initially told that the delay was due to a mechanical problem on the plane.

"I"m sorry, you lied to me. You lied to me," the woman is heard screaming.

"I"m sitting here since 8 o"clock with a nine-year-old who"s waiting for her vacation and my 13-year-old and me. And you"re telling all this sh-t to all these people! If there"s no flight just say: "There"s no flight!""

We typically run these sorts of videos to make fun of he subjects… but we can sort of see where she"s coming from in this case.

It was recorded by a fellow frustrated passenger at 2 a.m.

“Don"t give me this sh-t anymore,” the lady yells. “And you"re all going to pay for my Disney cruise and you"re going to pay for everything else here.”

Police were eventually called after airline staff was confronted with even more angry passengers.

But this footage definitely captures the angriest.

Check it out now:

Mothers epic airport tirade caught on camera

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Mike Huckabee Defends Duggar Family in EPIC Tirade!

Long before the Josh Duggar sex scandals made headlines, the 19 Kids and Counting clan was friendly with a number of influential conservative politicians, among them, former Arkansas governor and current presidential hopeful, Mike Huckabee.

While most politicians (particularly those with their eyes on a national election) distanced themselves from the Duggars following the revelation that Josh had molested four of his sisters, Huckabee stood by the family"s side.

When it was reported that Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar has helped hide Josh"s crimes from the authorities, Huckabee passed up the opportunity to condemn such actions, and instead argued that the media was "trying to destroy" the Duggars.

Huckabee had probably hoped that the media attention surrounding the Duggars would have died down by now, but somehow the family seems to be embroiled in a new scandal every week.

Equally surprising is the fact that – despite polling in the single-digits since day one of his campaign – the 60-year-old Republican is currently stumping in Iowa alongside candidates who actually have a chance.

We"d the Huckster is wasting his time, but as long as he keeps providing us with hilariously interactions like the one below, we hope he keeps soldiering on.

The footage – shot during a campaign stop in Clinton, Iowa – shows a woman calling Huckabee out for his politically disastrous support of the Duggars.

"When the Duggars came out and the son had molested their child you more or less said that you felt sorry for their parents," she says. "Their parents let it continue for over two years."

Huckabee tries on his best Trump impersonation and flips out on the woman, eventually cutting her off entirely.

Just before the woman reveals that she"s a victim of child molestation herself, Huckabee shouts at her, "You don"t know that family and I do!" and sounds very much like a man who"s desperate to justify a seriously ill-advised stance.


Mike huckabee defends duggar family in epic tirade