Anna Kournikova‘s all about that top-shelf life — blame it on the Goose — during a recent trip to the grocery store.
The former tennis superstar was leaving Costco Wednesday in Miami, and she loaded up with groceries and TONS of booze. How big a haul are we talking here? She ...
Anna Kournikova Straight Outta Costco With Lotsa Booze!!!
Thursday, December 13, 2018
Anna Kournikova Straight Outta Costco With Lotsa Booze!!!
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Kim Kardashian to Tristan Thompson: I Will Straight Up Kill You!
Giving birth is meant to be a blessed adventure.
For Khloe Kardashian, however, it was far closer to an awkward adventure.
That"s what happens when your long-term boyfriend is caught cheating on you mere days before your due date.
This, of course, was the unfortunate situation in which Khloe found herself back in April – and, making things even more uncomfortable, E! cameras were rolling on Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 15 at the time.
On this Sunday"s new episode of the reality series, we"ll see Kim"s siblings and mother arrive in Cleveland just in time to watch her give birth.
It"s actually one of the few examples of a truly unscripted few moments on the show.
In this sneak peek, Kim Kardashian, Kris Jenner and Kourtney Kardashian encounter Tristan Thompson for the first time since his wild cheating scandal broke.
And things are… sort of calm?
Kind of chill?
Khloe Tweeted during the previous installment that she really wanted a peaceful birth for her daughter, which is why she invited Tristan along and why she waited to explode at him until after True arrived.
In the video featured here, Kim is the one who has to control her emotions, joking behind Thompson"s back at one point that she wants to murder him by slitting his throat.
LOL, right?
"Are you going to say hi to each other or no?" Khloe asks her sister and boyfriend after Kim has been in the room for multiple minutes and the two haven"t said a word to each other.
The reluctant stars then hug.
"The vibe in the room is calm, I thought there would be way more tension," Kim later says confessional, adding:
"As much as I want to go off, I just don"t think it"s the time. So I"m gonna keep it cute, I don"t have to have a lot of interaction, I just have to be there for her."
For her part, Kris tries to diffuse the tension by dancing all around in excitement over becomign a grandmother once again.
Oh, and Kylie FaceTimes in to see Khloe"s belly.
"I"m really excited to have everyone there, but oh my god, I"m getting that much closer to actually having to give birth, which is still just, phew," Khloe adds in her own confessional.
Check out the clip now!
Thursday, November 1, 2018
David Eason Threatens to Straight Up Kill Chelsea Houska"s Dad
David Eason is constantly on the attack these days.
First, according to a 911 call from Jenelle Evans, Eason attacked his own wife.
Then, he went after those who don"t believe in the concept of slavery by draping himself in a confederate flag.
From there, it was on to Kailyn Lowry.
Now, apparently intent on becoming the most hated and angry man on the Internet, the former MTV star has set his sights on… Chelsea Houska"s father, Randy?
Scroll down to see just what Eason ranted and raved about in his latest Instagram diatribe…
1. This is Randy Houska

2. This is David Eason

3. So… How Did Their Paths Meets Online?

4. Here. See for Yourself.

5. Evans Became Aware of This Rumor and Subsequent Said on Snapchat:

6. Enter Randy

Sunday, October 21, 2018
Paula Abdul Falls Off Stage During "Straight Up" Tour
Paula Abdul took a tumble Saturday night during her show … but she was a true trooper. Paula went down during her concert at Hard Rock Live in Biloxi, Mississippi. Watch the video, as she saunters from the back of the stage to the front … then…
Thursday, October 11, 2018
"Creed II" Soundtrack Will Be Straight Fire, Says Mike WiLL Made-It
Did you know super producer Mike WiLL Made-It is the guy doing the “Creed II” soundtrack? It’s true … and Mike tells TMZ Sports it’s gonna blow your mind. FYI, Mike is one of the heaviest hitter in hip-hop — he just won a Grammy for the…
Thursday, September 6, 2018
David Eason: I Need a Gun So They Don"t Force My Straight White Ass Into a Concentration Camp!
It’s been almost seven months since David Eason was fired from Teen Mom 2 for hurling bigoted slurs at fans on social media.
But Jenelle Evans’ husband has made a point of not backing away from his controversial stances.
In fact — because 2018 is nightmarish hellscape in which every idiot with an opinion feels that they need to cram it down your throat on a daily basis until you run screaming for the “block” button — he’s been more outspoken than ever in recent weeks.
You see, David is one of those well-heeled straight, Christian white guys who has somehow convinced himself he’s an oppressed minority.
In David’s mind, the whole world is out to get him, and the barbarians are forever at his gates, which is why he needs to be armed to the teeth in order to defend himself.
And he’s been expressing that view in increasingly offensive fashion lately with the help of the preferred weapon of internet jackasses everywhere — memes.

As The Ashley’s Reality Roundup points out, David posted the above meme earlier this week, and predictably, the reaction from fans has been one of mingled confusion and outrage.
“Why gun control? Because armed people will NOT willingly load themselves into railroad boxcars,” reads the caption.
So … does David really think he’s at risk of being sent off to a concentration camp?
Interestingly, that post comes on the heels of another one in which Eason boasts of his pride in being a straight white redneck.

“For the people who get offended when you call them what they identify themselves as… I’m also proud to be a white man, a southerner and a redneck! #pride,” Eason captioned the above image.
As far as we can tell, David is the kind of guy who will tell you that he and the rest of the MAGA crowd are tired of winning in one breath, and then argue that he needs an AR-15 to protect himself from his many oppressors in the next.
He’s that very modern sort of dipsh-t who will complain about identity politics while proudly affixing himself with labels that he thinks will make his opinions matter more.
Clearly, political matters are very much at the forefront of David’s mind these days.
But since he and his wife have had CPS called to their house 20 times in the past year, maybe he should focus a bit more energy on getting his own house in order.
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
David Eason: I"m Proud to Be a Straight, White Redneck!
This not exactly just in:
David Eason is not a fan of the LGBT community.
This may be the least shocking sentence ever written on The Hollywood Gossip, considering Eason’s penchant for slamming homosexuals and transgenders pretty much any chance he gets.
Back in February, for example, he scoffed at the notion that anyone within the aforementioned community is “normal” and said their parents ought to teach them “better morals.”
He also said he would tell his kids to avoid gay people because if you “lay down with dogs you get up with fleas.”
The guy is a real charmer.
You’ve got yourself quite a catch there, Jenelle Evans.
About three days after Eason made the above remarks, he was finally fired by MTV.
But this development did not shut David up. It didn’t make him see any light or arrive at any life-altering realizations.
And it certainly didn’t make him any more tolerant.
Eason has continued to attack pretty much anyone different than he is, with the latest case in point coming in the form of an offensive meme.
It features a bride and a groom and the words: Straight Pride. It’s natural, it’s worked for thousands of years and you can make babies.
This is, of course, an extremely dumb and pointless message.
Go ahead and be proud of your sexual orientation, straight people. Go ahead and make babies. No one is stopping you and no one is judging you for it.
Along with the image and its caption, Eason wrote:
For the people who get offended when you call them what they identify themselves as… I’m also proud to be a white man, a southerner and a redneck! #pride.

Ah, okay.
So THIS is Eason’s argument, huh?
He’s simply aghast over why he’s received flak, and even been fired from a job, simply because he calls people “whay they identify themselves as?”
Is that what he was doing in this rant earlier this year?
Thankfully, many of Eason’s own followers called him out for his idiocy in response to this meme.
“This is so ignorant David. You have the right to say what you want but this is not necessary you know what your [sic] doing by posting crap like this,” one commenter calmly wrote.
Another replied:
“Freedom of speech is one thing, spreading and inciting hatred is another.”
Well, just to be clear:
Eason is perfectly allowed to express his opinions. No one is violating his freedom of speech.
But there are consequences for expressing those opinions, not the least of which is getting fired from a high-paying job in which you bring your employer shame and criticism.
Eason’s freedom of speech would only be violated if he were imprisoned solely for his beliefs.
Here’s the ultimate irony, however:
Evans herself has basically admitted her husband is intolerant of gay people!
She said as much on the Teen Mom 2 reunion special that aired on Monday night.
“He doesn’t hate those people,” she said of the LGBT community. “He just doesn’t want his kids to grow up and be that way.”
And what if his kids came out as gay?
“He’ll still love them and adore them, but he just wouldn’t agree with their lifestyle,” Jenelle said in defense of Eason, concluding on this special:
“It’s the way he was raised. … [But] he doesn’t run around the house saying, ‘I hate gay people."”
Oh, he doesn’t?!? We take it all back then!
Why did we ever think Eason thought less of gay people?!? Our bad, guys.
For more on Jenelle standing up for her awful, terrible, close-minded husband, click through the slideshow below:
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Van Lathan Slams Josh Denny"s N-Word Usage After "Straight White Male" Controversy
Comedian and Food Network host Josh Denny has come under fire for his recent comment that “‘Straight White Male’ has become this century’s N-Word,” and his convo with TMZ’s Van Lathan only added fuel … when Denny used the racial slur multiple…
Sunday, May 13, 2018
Kendall Jenner is Straight Up Flashing Us in This Dress
Expect Kendall Jenner to announce her pregnancy soon.
We don’t say this due to the ongoing rumors surrounding the 22-year old model.
We say it because Kendall is apparently very jealous of her siblings and doing all she can to emulate them these days.
And you know what Kardashian-Jenner siblings keep doing these days, right?
Popping out babies!
We’re kidding about the pregnancy announcement on tap, of course, but not about Kendall recent penchant for Kim and Kylie-like nudity.
Last week, Kendall stripped down to absolutely nothing, sitting on the bathroom floor for a selfie that involved a wine glass, a towel on her head… and nothing at all covering her body.
It was as if Kendall was scrolling through her sister’s Instagram page and decided to see what the reaction would be if she went ahead and got naked.
Fast forward to Friday at the Cannes Film Festival and Kendall walking the red carpetin a green dress that might as well not have been a dress at all.
It might as well have not had any material on top, considering the way Jenner’s nipples were on full display for all to see.
And we mean FULL DISPLAY:
Kendall donned this intriguing ensemble, which was designed by Alexandre Vauthier, for the the Secret Chopard party.
She then shared a picture of the extremely revealing number and wrote as a simple caption “oops.”
Oops, Kendall? Really?
Are you trying to say that you accidentially forgot to wear a bra? Or that you didn’t realize this sheer top was completely see-through?
Come on now. When you make a bold fashion statement, go ahead and own it.
This dress (and these nipples) stand out especially because Kendall is not typically the member of her family to create such waves on social media.
She’s usually content to walk runways across the globe and to continue establishing herself as a legitimate and successful model.
She doesn’t flaunt her romance. She doesn’t make sex tapes. And she’s yet to have a single baby out of wedlock.
“It’s obviously a bit weird that your little sister is having a baby before you,” Jenner says in the latest issue of Elle. “I didn’t expect it to happen like this. But it’s beautiful.”
The star goes on to say that Kylie giving birth to a daughter has at least made these sisters “closer” than ever before.
Are there any kids in Kendall’s future?
But she’s 22 years old! She’d barely be out of college, if she went to college, and she has plenty of time to settle down and make a family if she so desires.
For now, however, Jenner seems very content to travel the world and to carve out an impressive career as someone who wears fancy and expensive clothes for a living.
It’s a pretty great gig, we’d have to imagine.
And every now and then, when she’s sick of wearing these clothes, she can just show a bit (okay, a lot) of nipple and get attention for a different reason.
Kendall Jenner know what she’s doing, folks.
As for those recent gay rumors? Click below to hear what she has to say in response:
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Rosie O"Donnell Says Paul Ryan"s Going Straight to Hell After Retiring
Rosie O’Donnell has some parting words for retiring House Speaker Paul Ryan … have fun with the Devil, pal. We got the comedian Wednesday in NYC, and asked if she had any thoughts on Ryan’s announcement this week that he won’t seek re-election…
Thursday, January 11, 2018
Ex-Dolphins Coach Says He Used Cocaine "8-9 Straight Days" Before Snorting Video
The Miami Dolphins assistant coach caught blowing lines is coming clean on his addiction — admitting he was hooked on coke before his snorting video … and vowing to stay sober. In an interview with, Chris Foerster says he was introduced…
Monday, January 8, 2018
Rapper Kevin Gates Hopes to Scare Teens Straight After Prison Release
Rapper Kevin Gates has one hell of a story to tell … which is exactly what he plans on doing after he’s released from prison. The rapper’s attorney, Herschel Rush, tells TMZ … Kevin’s plans after he’s released from an Illinois penitentiary…
Friday, November 10, 2017
Alexis Ren Is Straight Fire In Micro-Bikini Photo Shoot
It may be November … but it’s 74 degrees in Honolulu — so Alexis Ren decided to put on her tiniest bikini and hit the beach. The “Queen of Instagram” (she’s got more than 11 MILLION followers) was climbing all over some volcanic rocks ……
Saturday, September 30, 2017
Lin-Manuel Miranda Slams Trump for Attacking San Juan Mayor, "You"re Going Straight to Hell"
“Hamilton” creator Lin-Manuel Miranda blasted Donald Trump for his Twitter attack on San Juan’s mayor … bluntly telling the Prez he’s got a clear path to hell waiting for him. Miranda’s comments come in response to Trump saying San Juan’s mayor…
Monday, September 18, 2017
Browns Star Joe Thomas Celebrates 10,000 Straight NFL Snaps With Bourbon!!
Cleveland Browns legend Joe Thomas threw a Fitz after his 10,000th NFL snap — and it was delicious. The 32-year-old tackle threw a 1-man whiskey celebration after his record-breaking game on Sunday — with a glass of Old Fitzgerald…
Monday, August 28, 2017
"Straight Outta Compton" Star Jason Mitchell Threatens to "Smack the F*** Outta" Passenger
“Straight Outta Compton” star Jason Mitchell’s insane meltdown was ignited by an eavesdropping passenger — who was in the first class seat … Jason wanted so badly. TMZ obtained new video of the crazy scene which shows Mitchell actually sitting…
Sunday, August 27, 2017
"Straight Outta Compton" Star Jason Mitchell Handcuffed After Tirade on Delta Flight
The guy who played Eazy-E in “Straight Outta Compton” had a complete meltdown Sunday on a Delta flight … because the airline double booked his seat. TMZ obtained video of Jason Mitchell going insane after he realized someone was already…
Thursday, August 24, 2017
"Straight Outta Compton" Actor R. Marcos Taylor Arrested For Terrorist Threats
“Straight Outta Compton” actor R. Marcos Taylor — who played Suge Knight in the flick – allegedly went on a rampage at a New Jersey bank, threatening to kill employees and lunging at police. Cops say they were called to a TD Bank…
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
"Straight Outta Compton" Star R. Marcos Taylor Charged with Assault
R. Marcos Taylor may have taken his Suge Knight role a little too seriously — he’s been charged with multiple counts of assault for punching 2 people … but he says THEY came at him. The incident went down back on August 9 when…
"Straight Outta Compton" Star R. Marcos Taylor Charged with Assault
R. Marcos Taylor may have taken his Suge Knight role a little too seriously — he’s been charged with multiple counts of assault for punching 2 people … but he says THEY came at him. The incident went down back on August 9 when…