Showing posts with label Houska's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Houska's. Show all posts

Thursday, November 1, 2018

David Eason Threatens to Straight Up Kill Chelsea Houska"s Dad

David Eason is constantly on the attack these days.

First, according to a 911 call from Jenelle Evans, Eason attacked his own wife.

Then, he went after those who don"t believe in the concept of slavery by draping himself in a confederate flag.

From there, it was on to Kailyn Lowry.

Now, apparently intent on becoming the most hated and angry man on the Internet, the former MTV star has set his sights on… Chelsea Houska"s father, Randy?


Scroll down to see just what Eason ranted and raved about in his latest Instagram diatribe…

1. This is Randy Houska

Randy houska

He’s pretty close to his daughter, Chelsea, who wrote as a caption to the photo featured here: “I don’t know how I got so lucky, but I have some pretty great men in my life. Thank you both for being the best dads out there. I am grateful for the two of you every day.”

2. This is David Eason

David eason unhinged

He’s not very close to anyone, except maybe his wife, and that may be because he assaulted her and broke her collar bone and she’s scared of him.

3. So… How Did Their Paths Meets Online?

Go ahead and hate us

A few days ago, following her alleged assault at the hands of her husband, Jenelle released a video in which she defended her husband and told everyone to calm down. It appeared at the time as if she were missing a few teeth.

4. Here. See for Yourself.

Jenelle evans releases video statement denies being abused

Click PLAY above to watch Jenelle’s self-proclaimed “confession” and look closely at her lower row of teeth.

5. Evans Became Aware of This Rumor and Subsequent Said on Snapchat:

Jenelle and david eason

“Supposedly I got my teeth knocked out, right? Wrong! If you’re dying to know, I have a retainer. Why do I have a retainer on my teeth? Because I’m realigning my jaw. Instead of going the plastic surgery route, like most people do, I’m not.”

6. Enter Randy

Jenelle evans post op

The guy works as a dentist and he actually replied to Jenelle’s claim, Tweeting: “Jaws are ‘re-aligned’ after they have been ‘un-aligned."”

View Slideshow

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Cole DeBoer: Should He Adopt Chelsea Houska"s Daughter?

Chelsea Houska is undoubtedly one of the most beloved moms in the entire Teen Mom franchise, if not the most beloved.

When the franchise features people like Jenelle Evans and Farrah Abraham, it’s not that difficult to be a favorite, but still.

Chelsea gets a lot of love because she has her life together, and because she’s adorable, with adorable family to match.

She’s never been arrested, she’s not rude and hateful on a regular basis, she’s never neglected her kids.

She’s a good mother, and it’s even more notable since her oldest child’s father is arguably the worst person in Teen Mom history.

Chelsea dated Adam Lind off an on for a good long while when she was younger, and they had little Aubree together, but he was never really a present father.

Since then, Adam has been getting sketchier and sketchier, and last year he failed a court-appointed drug test with a substantial amount of meth in his system.

He was also arrested multiple times for domestic assault, and there have been warrants out for his arrest thanks to his failure to pay child support for both of his children.

It’s a whole lot of bad stuff, basically, and so Chelsea has obtained sole custody of Aubree.

She’s also had Aubree’s last name changed from Lind to Lind-DeBoer, at the request of Aubree herself.

And speaking of her new last name, let’s talk about where it came from: Cole DeBoer, Chelsea’s husband, father of little Watson, and Aubree’s adoring stepfather.

Cole is amazing, right? He’s sweet and very attractive and best of all, he treats Aubree like his very own.

He constantly steps up for her like her real father never does, and he did it again last night.

Because, believe it or not, Adam skipped Aubree’s father-daughter dance. For the third year in a row.

The first time was in 2016 — Aubree was expecting Adam, but he didn’t show up, so Cole took her by himself. Adam later said he couldn’t come because he was training for a bodybuilding competition.

The second time was last year, and there was no mention of Adam at all, Aubree and Cole just went and had a nice time together.

And this year, again, for the third year in a row, Cole and Aubree dressed up and headed out for a lovely little evening.

He shared this adorable photo of her — it looks like he took her to dinner, too — and he captioned it “Look at my STUNNING little sweetie. I am so so lucky to have her as my dancing partner!!! Father daughter dance time!!!”

It’s so cute it hurts, right?

And if that one hurts, this next one will probably destroy you.

In the second photo Cole shared, he’s giving Aubree some flowers while she’s posing in front of a sign that reads “I love you Daddy!”

“I love this perfect girl so much!” he captioned this one.

It’s clear that he does — and to many people, it’s clear that he deserves to be her real father in every way, including legally.

“Adopt her!!!!” one person commeneted on Cole’s Instagram. “She loves you so much and you’re the best daddy ever!!!!!”

Another person suggested her adopt her because her ‘dads’ a low life, she’s so much better off with you as her father.”

So many people had so many kind words to say — one told him that he’s “amazing for showing that little girl what a daddy is supposed to be.”

“Cole you are by far the best Father that sweet little girl will ever know!” someone gushed. “You should try and adopt her Coley Dad!!”

Yet another person wrote “Plese adopt her! Adam should be smart enough to let you take over completely from here. You already have in every other way.”

These kinds of comments are very common in basically any story about Adam or Cole — Adam is the worst, Cole is the best, so Cole should adopt Aubree.

Could that be a possibility? Maybe, if Adam keeps getting worse.

But despite his many, many flaws, Aubree does seem to love her father, so it could be hard for her to cut ties with him like that.

Do you think Cole should adopt Aubree?


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Adam Lind: Warrant Issued For the Arrest of Chelsea Houska"s Ex!

Adam Lind is in deep trouble, even by Adam Lind standards.

Lind was arrested for domestic assault back in November, and that brush with the law seems to have set Chelsea Houska’s first baby daddy into a downward spiral that will likely have him serving hard time in the near future.

Shortly after that first incident, Lind was arrested again, this time for violating a restraining order against a second ex.

Needless to say, none of this did him any favors in his two simultaneous custody battles, particularly after it was revealed that Lind tested positive for meth just minutes before a scheduled visit with his youngest daughter.

For obvious reasons, Chelsea Houska was awarded sole custody of her daughter Aubree, a move she’s no doubt very happy about in the wake of recent developments in the life of Outlaw Lind.

According to Radar Online, a warrant has been issued for Lind’s arrest in response to his deadbeat ways:

“He has a warrant out for his arrest for being behind on child support,” a spokesperson for the Minnehaha County Sheriff’s Office in tells Radar. 

“The warrant is for $ 2,025.”

Houska obviously makes much more money than Lind, who’s earninds probably hover near the zero range, so not surprisingly, the payments are owed to his second baby mama, Taylor Halbur:

“He owes her over $ 16,000 in child support,” a source tells Radar.

“Petitioner Lind was ordered to pay child support for Paislee Lind $ 500 per month,” the sheriff’s office spokesman confirms.

One insider adds that Lind has not only failed to pay child support, he’s also made no effort to spend time with his daughters.

“He hasn’t seen Paislee since August,” the source claims.

“He doesn’t call or check in. She doesn’t even see his family.”

It’s not illegal to be an absentee father, but it is strange that Lind has been battling both of his exes for custody and visitation rights, even though he seems to have little interest in being involved in his daughters’ lives.

“He has the potential to be a good dad when there aren’t obstacles in his way,” the source says in Lind’s defense.

“At the end of the day all that matters though is his actions and his effort and it’s just not there. He only works on his cars and sleeps a lot.”

We’ll believe that bit about his potential when we see it.

In the meantime, expect Lind to be taken into custody sometime very soon.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of just how big of a bullet Chelsea dodged.


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Jenelle Evans SLAMS Chelsea Houska"s Dad: Cram It, You Fat F-ck!

Jenelle Evans has never been a particularly even-tempered young woman, and at this point, there’s nothing surprising about the instability she demonstrates on just about every single episode of Teen Mom 2.

But we do sometimes find ourselves caught off guard when she tears into someone on social media, and we’re reminded that no part of the Jenelle we see on camera is fake.

She’s really like this, folks.

Last month, Jenelle attacked David Eason’s sister in a bonkers Facebook rant that reminded us that no one is off limits when it comes to the wrath of the Carolina Hurricane.

Most reality stars observe strict Mafia rules and refuse to go after their co-star’s friends and family.

Not Jenelle, who went on a foul-mouthed tirade against the father of her fellow TM2 cast member Chelsea Houska during last night’s episode.

In fairness to Jenelle (and we’re not thrilled about defending the eternally-enraged Ms. Evans), she wasn’t the one who started this particular war of words.

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, then you’re probably familiar with Randy Houska.

Widely regarded as the among the most stable and supportive of the Teen Mom dads, Chelsea’s dad is often quick to rush to his daughter’s defense on Twitter.

Unfortunately, sometimes he offers his two cents on the other cast members, and … well, this time he was put in his place.

“It is good to scream at each other in front of the kids, it teaches them great things,” Randy tweeted during last night’s episode of Teen Mom 2.

“Hey fat f-ck, I am so sick of you commenting on my life. go tend to your own family. you don’t know a f**king thing i’ve been through,” Jenelle fired back, showcasing her usual wit and grace.

She later added:

“I don’t give two s**ts anymore. not any other parent comments about me negatively except randy. nothing positive, ever.”

In a rare conciliatory gesture, Jenelle later deleted the tweets, but in a recent interview with Radar Online, she stated that she stands by her remarks.

“I wish he would stop,” she told the site.

“He doesn’t know me or what I have to deal with when it comes to my mom. Yes, of course my mom brings out the worst in me so we are bound to argue sometimes, but it’s gotten better and everything is a lot more calmer on my end.”

She then proceeded to really go off on the poor guy, even referencing a storyline that last night’s episode that Chelsea says was fabricated in post production.

“He should be more focused on Aubree being ignored, since all they show is me yelling and if that’s true and that’s all we do 24/7…then I guess MTV is true about Aubree being ignored since Watson has been born,” Jenelle told radar.

We suppose in her own way, she was making a point about MTV’s editing practices.

But this is Jenelle we’re talking about, so she couldn’t resist going in for the kill:

“I’m not as bad as a person Randy thinks, but if he wants to spend his time checking Twitter daily like it’s his job, then so be it. He’s just now another creepy Teen Mom troll in my book,” she said.

“Maybe that’s why Aubree is ignored…his attention is dedicated to Twitter, not his family.”

Dammit, Jenelle, you almost came off looking sane in this one.

So close.


Thursday, January 26, 2017

Jenelle Evans: Is She Jealous of Chelsea Houska"s Baby?!

So this is a pitiful little story.

But it’s a story about Jenelle Evans … was there really any chance that it wouldn’t be a pitiful story?

To recap, Jenelle had a baby, little Ensley Jolie Eason, on Tuesday. Sweet, right? Good for her.

But then Chelsea Houska, the best, most likable, most stable Teen Mom of them all, gave birth to her son, Watson Cole DeBoer, on Wednesday.

Do you see where this is going yet?

Poor Jenelle didn’t even get one full day where all the attention was on her, which must have really hurt.

It must have hurt worse once you consider that having a baby is one of the only things that would inspire people to say anything nice about this girl — not many would rip her apart right at that moment.

And fans were quick to point out this unfortunate turn of events.

One of her followers pointed out to Jenelle that “She stole your thunder” — and it’s true. Chelsea stole that thunder, and she stole it hard.

Another stated that “Chelsea is family goals & Jenelle is the family you want to forever avoid being.”

Cold. But accurate.

One person told Jenelle early yesterday that “Hahaha both pictures you posted don’t have as many likes as ONE of Chelsea’s pics. You’re probably so pissed.”

So is it true? Is Jenelle actually upset that Chelsea had her baby so soon after she had hers?

Would she really be so petty as to be upset over some dumb social media nonsense during such a special time in her life?

According to Jenelle, she’s totally cool with Chelsea.

“I really don’t understand why everyone would think we would be so mad at each other for having our babies born so close,” she tweeted last night.

She added an “lmao,” so you know she’s real chill about it.

She also said “I’m actually happy for her and glad she got the little boy she always wanted.”

How nice! And how unexpected, too, considering that Jenelle has never really gotten along with Chelsea precisely because of jealousy.

The two Teen Mom stars announced their pregnancy around the same time, and while everyone was so happy for Chelsea, people were concerned that Jenelle was having a third baby with a third man.

Ol’ Bitter Bessie here tweeted “Funny someone else comes out with news they are pregnant and the world is overjoyed,” then deleted her Twitter account altogether.

And then, a few months before that, Jenelle got upset because Chelsea dared to start her own website. Jenelle had created hers months before, see, and it was a very original idea that Chelsea obviously stole.

“Monkey see monkey do…unreal,” she tweeted at the time. “So over this show.”

It’s all pretty embarrassing, but we’re glad to see that this new baby may have knocked some delusions out of Jenelle’s head.


Friday, April 15, 2016

Adam Lind: Bad Dad SLAMMED By Chelsea Houska"s Father!

If Adam Lind is trying to earn the title of “most deplorable Teen Mom baby daddy,” he’s doing a hell of a job.

If he’s trying to present himself as a competent parent, responsible adult, or decent human being, however, he’s really messing it up.

On last week’s episode of Teen Mom 2, Lind brought a sex offender along when he hung out with his daughters.

The week prior, Chelsea Houska lost it when Lind posted an inappropriate photo of their daughter on Instagram.

Before the season even started, graphic sexual photos of Lind surfaced online and immediately went viral.

Needless to say, the guy hasn’t exactly been crushing it in the dad department lately, and one person who’s clearly sick of Lind’s antics is Chelsea’s dad, Randy Houska.

Several fans have noticed that the South Dakota dentist has been bringing his passive aggressive A-game to Twitter during this seasons episodes of TM2.

“Removing toxic people from your life is a lesson best learned early,it will make the rest of your life far more satisfying #truth #weedemout,” Houska tweeted this week.

When a fan asked if Chelsea was aware that Lind was bringing his sex offender buddy around the kids, Randy ominously replied, “We are on it.”

We never wish harm on anyone here at THG, but if Randy wanted to deliver the ass-kicking that Adam so richly deserves, we’re pretty sure no court in the land would convict him. Just sayin’.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online at TV Fanatic for more of Lind’s low-lights.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Adam Lind Reveals Chelsea Houska"s Teen Mom Salary, And It"s Infuriating

If there’s one thing we can teach future generations, it’s that abstinence is for those who don’t like money.

This is the message MTV is now sending out.  Before, it was “Don’t get pregnant because your life will change in a bad way.”

Now it’s, “If you get knocked up, you have a shot at being on Teen Mom and the endorsement deals will provide you with a very comfortable living!”

This is what I gather from Adam Lind’s Instagram comments (he’s the stand-up gentleman who fathered Chelsea Houska’s daughter, Aubree).  

Lind posted that Houska earned $ 250,000 last year and that her contract will be renewed and bumped up to “$ 300,000 plus for new seasons.”

I don’t know if this guy has any idea what he’s talking about, but if it’s true, then what are the rest of us doing with our lives?

According to OK!, Lind also claimed that he was “done” with Teen Mom 2 and will only be “milking it out for a free trip to nyc one last time so Stasia has the opportunity to see nyc for free :) Lol andddd I’m out.”

Lind was also pissed that his daughter had a $ 50,000 savings account that only she has access to, insinuating that MTV deposits money earned from the show, which is probably true…and smart.

 Houska’s dad, Randy confirmed that yes, that savings account is a college fund set up for his granddaughter.

“Hard to address this much stupid,” Randy tweeted.  “Aub’s money is in an account that only can be used for her. For college.”

Lind also claimed he wouldn’t sign future contracts allowing Aubree to be filmed, and that Houska is “trying for more child support” because she “feels $ 495 a month is necessary.”

Lind also took a hit at Houska, her fiance, Cole DeBoer and Randy, asking what on earth they will do when “their fame runs out.”

To which Randy responded, “Whatever will I have? Same dental practice I have had for 27 yrs. Chelsea/Cole will have stable jobs, house , cars.”

Point: Randy.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Chelsea Houska"s Ex: She"s Not A Loser, But She Still Sucks!!!

Adam Lind lost our respect a long, long time ago.

Now here he is, defending himself against fans of Teen Mom 2‘s Chelsea Houska, who is newly engaged to Cole DeBoer and loving life.

“She’s not a loser … she just needs to learn to communicate better with me … Great Mom!” Lind said during an Instagram Q&A, according to The Stir.

Just is stuck in her own lil world of ‘perfection,’ … She needs to come off her high horse and speak with me about things with our child.”

Lind continued his rant alongside a shrtless photo showing off all them tattoos.

“I get I f–ked up pretty bad … But for f–k’s sake it was 5+ years ago … Get over it and move on with life ya know Lol … No hate here everyone calm the f–k down :).”

“That’s right Lol … [Remember] how she made a hugeeee f—in’ deal about me not having a license Lol … (I do have one now)… But she never complained at 2 a.m, when is drive over there to ….

“Yup… …. Smh..but hey it’s all in the past everyone needs to let the shit go and move on…”

Alright, Adam.  Go nigh nigh.